
elasticity              hooke
plasticity              nonlocal
(output)                rho_sgl_mob_edg_pos
(output)                rho_sgl_imm_edg_pos
(output)                rho_sgl_mob_edg_neg
(output)                rho_sgl_imm_edg_neg
(output)                rho_sgl_mob_scr_pos
(output)                rho_sgl_imm_scr_pos
(output)                rho_sgl_mob_scr_neg
(output)                rho_sgl_imm_scr_neg
(output)                rho_dip_edg
(output)                rho_dip_scr
(output)                rho_forest
(output)                gamma
(output)                tau_pass
(output)                v_edg_pos
(output)                v_edg_neg
(output)                v_scr_pos
(output)                v_scr_neg

lattice_structure       fcc
Nslip                   12               # number of slip systems per family
c11                     246.5e9
c12                     147.3e9
c44                     124.7e9
burgers                 2.48e-10  0  0  0        # Burgers vector in m
rhoSglEdgePos0          6e10             # Initial positive edge single dislocation density in m/m**3
rhoSglEdgeNeg0          6e10             # Initial negative edge single dislocation density in m/m**3
rhoSglScrewPos0         6e10             # Initial positive screw single dislocation density in m/m**3
rhoSglScrewNeg0         6e10             # Initial negative screw single dislocation density in m/m**3
rhoDipEdge0             0             # Initial edge dipole dislocation density in m/m**3
rhoDipScrew0            0             # Initial screw dipole dislocation density in m/m**3
rhoSglScatter           0
minimumDipoleHeightEdge 2.6e-9  # 3.0e-9       # minimum distance for stable edge dipoles in m
minimumDipoleHeightScrew 12.0e-9  # 50e-9      # minimum distance for stable screw dipoles in m
lambda0                 45  # 33           # prefactor for mean free path 
edgeMultiplication      0.1
randomMultiplication    0
atomicVolume            1.2e-29
selfdiffusionPrefactor  1.9e-4    # Gottstein p.168  # prefactor for self-diffusion coefficient
selfdiffusionEnergy     5.1e-19 # Gottstein p.168  # activation energy self-diffusion
solidSolutionEnergy     1.8e-19                    # activation energy of solid solution particles in J
solidSolutionConcentration 5e-7   # 1e-7
solidSolutionSize       1.0
peierlsStressEdge       1e5                      # Peierls stress for edges in Pa (per slip family)
peierlsStressScrew      1e5                      # Peierls stress for screws in Pa (per slip family)
doublekinkWidth         10                       # width of double kinks in multiples of burgers vector length b
viscosity               1e-3                       # viscosity for dislocation glide in Pa s
p                       1                        # exponent for thermal barrier profile
q                       1                        # exponent for thermal barrier profile
attackFrequency         50e9                     # attack frequency in Hz
surfaceTransmissivity   1.0            # transmissivity of free surfaces for dislocation flux
grainBoundaryTransmissivity   0.0
aTol_rho                1e100          # absolute tolerance for dislocation density in m/m**3
aTol_shear              1e10           # absolute tolerance for dislocation density in m/m**3
significantRho          1e8            # dislocation density considered relevant in m/m**3
significantN            1
shortRangeStressCorrection 0
CFLfactor               1.1                      # safety factor for CFL flux check (numerical parameter)
r                       1
interaction_SlipSlip    0  0  0.625  0.07  0.137  0.122  # Dislocation interaction coefficient
linetension             0.8
edgejog                 0.01   # 0.2