#!/usr/bin/env python import os,re,sys,math,numpy,string,damask from scipy import ndimage from optparse import OptionParser, Option # ----------------------------- class extendableOption(Option): # ----------------------------- # used for definition of new option parser action 'extend', which enables to take multiple option arguments # taken from online tutorial http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",) STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",) TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser): if action == "extend": lvalue = value.split(",") values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue) else: Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser) def periodic_3Dpad(array, rimdim=(1,1,1)): rimdim = numpy.array(rimdim,'i') size = numpy.array(array.shape,'i') padded = numpy.empty(size+2*rimdim,array.dtype) padded[rimdim[0]:rimdim[0]+size[0], rimdim[1]:rimdim[1]+size[1], rimdim[2]:rimdim[2]+size[2]] = array p = numpy.zeros(3,'i') for side in xrange(3): for p[(side+2)%3] in xrange(padded.shape[(side+2)%3]): for p[(side+1)%3] in xrange(padded.shape[(side+1)%3]): for p[side%3] in xrange(rimdim[side%3]): spot = (p-rimdim)%size padded[p[0],p[1],p[2]] = array[spot[0],spot[1],spot[2]] for p[side%3] in xrange(rimdim[side%3]+size[side%3],size[side%3]+2*rimdim[side%3]): spot = (p-rimdim)%size padded[p[0],p[1],p[2]] = array[spot[0],spot[1],spot[2]] return padded # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN # -------------------------------------------------------------------- features = [ \ {'aliens': 1, 'names': ['boundary','biplane'],}, {'aliens': 2, 'names': ['tripleline',],}, {'aliens': 3, 'names': ['quadruplepoint',],} ] neighborhoods = { 'neumann':numpy.array([ [-1, 0, 0], [ 1, 0, 0], [ 0,-1, 0], [ 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 0,-1], [ 0, 0, 1], ]), 'moore':numpy.array([ [-1,-1,-1], [ 0,-1,-1], [ 1,-1,-1], [-1, 0,-1], [ 0, 0,-1], [ 1, 0,-1], [-1, 1,-1], [ 0, 1,-1], [ 1, 1,-1], [-1,-1, 0], [ 0,-1, 0], [ 1,-1, 0], [-1, 0, 0], # [ 1, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [ 0, 1, 0], [ 1, 1, 0], [-1,-1, 1], [ 0,-1, 1], [ 1,-1, 1], [-1, 0, 1], [ 0, 0, 1], [ 1, 0, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [ 0, 1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1], ]) } parser = OptionParser(option_class=extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """ Add column(s) containing Euclidean distance to grain structural features: boundaries, triple lines, and quadruple points. """ + string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') ) parser.add_option('-i','--identifier', dest='id', action='store', type='string', \ help='heading of column containing grain identifier [%default]', \ metavar='<label>') parser.add_option('-t','--type', dest='type', action='extend', type='string', \ help='feature type (%s)'%(', '.join(map(lambda x:', '.join(x['names']),features)))) parser.add_option('-n','--neighborhood', dest='neigborhood', action='store', type='string', \ help='type of neighborhood (%s)'%(', '.join(neighborhoods.keys())), \ metavar='<int>') parser.set_defaults(type = []) parser.set_defaults(id = 'texture') parser.set_defaults(neighborhood = 'neumann') (options,filenames) = parser.parse_args() options.neighborhood = options.neighborhood.lower() if options.neighborhood not in neighborhoods: parser.error('unknown neighborhood %s!'%options.neighborhood) feature_list = [] for i,feature in enumerate(features): for name in feature['names']: for type in options.type: if name.startswith(type): feature_list.append(i) # remember valid features break # ------------------------------------------ setup file handles --------------------------------------- files = [] if filenames == []: files.append({'name':'STDIN', 'input':sys.stdin, 'output':sys.stdout, 'croak':sys.stderr}) else: for name in filenames: if os.path.exists(name): files.append({'name':name, 'input':open(name), 'output':open(name+'_tmp','w'), 'croak':sys.stderr}) # ------------------------------------------ loop over input files --------------------------------------- for file in files: if file['name'] != 'STDIN': file['croak'].write(file['name']+'\n') table = damask.ASCIItable(file['input'],file['output'],False) # make unbuffered ASCII_table table.head_read() # read ASCII header info table.info_append(string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') + \ '\t' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:])) # ------------------------------------------ assemble header --------------------------------------- if options.id not in table.labels: file['croak'].write('column %s not found...\n'%options.id) continue for feature in feature_list: table.labels_append('ED_%s(%s)'%(features[feature]['names'][0],options.id)) # extend ASCII header with new labels table.head_write() # ------------------------------------------ process data --------------------------------------- structure = table.data_asArray(['ip.x','ip.y','ip.z',options.id]) grid = [{},{},{}] for i in xrange(len(structure)): for j in xrange(3): grid[j][str(structure[i,j])] = True resolution = numpy.array(map(len,grid),'i') unitlength = 0.0 for i,r in enumerate(resolution): if r > 1: unitlength = max(unitlength,(max(map(float,grid[i].keys()))-min(map(float,grid[i].keys())))/(r-1.0)) neighborhood = neighborhoods[options.neighborhood] convoluted = numpy.empty([len(neighborhood)]+list(resolution+2),'i') microstructure = periodic_3Dpad(numpy.array(structure[:,3].reshape(resolution),'i')) for i,p in enumerate(neighborhood): stencil = numpy.zeros((3,3,3),'i') stencil[1,1,1] = -1 stencil[p[0]+1, p[1]+1, p[2]+1] = 1 convoluted[i,:,:,:] = ndimage.convolve(microstructure,stencil) distance = numpy.ones((len(feature_list),resolution[0],resolution[1],resolution[2]),'d') convoluted = numpy.sort(convoluted,axis=0) uniques = numpy.zeros(resolution) check = numpy.empty(resolution) check[:,:,:] = numpy.nan for i in xrange(len(neighborhood)): uniques += numpy.where(convoluted[i,1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] == check,0,1) check = convoluted[i,1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] for i,feature_id in enumerate(feature_list): distance[i,:,:,:] = numpy.where(uniques > features[feature_id]['aliens'],0.0,1.0) for i in xrange(len(feature_list)): distance[i,:,:,:] = ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(distance[i,:,:,:])*[unitlength]*3 distance.shape = (len(feature_list),resolution.prod()) table.data_rewind() l = 0 while table.data_read(): for i in xrange(len(feature_list)): table.data_append(distance[i,l]) # add all distance fields table.data_write() # output processed line l += 1 # ------------------------------------------ output result --------------------------------------- table.output_flush() # just in case of buffered ASCII table if file['name'] != 'STDIN': file['input'].close() # close input ASCII table file['output'].close() # close output ASCII table os.rename(file['name']+'_tmp',file['name']) # overwrite old one with tmp new