import math from io import StringIO import numpy as np class Geom(): """Geometry definition for grid solvers""" def __init__(self,size,microstructure,homogenization=1,comments=[]): """New geometry definition from array of microstructures and size""" if len(size) != 3 or any(np.array(size)<=0): raise ValueError('Invalid size {}'.format(*size)) else: self.size = np.array(size) if len(microstructure.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Invalid microstructure shape {}'.format(*microstructure.shape)) elif microstructure.dtype not in ['int','float']: raise TypeError('Invalid data type {} for microstructure'.format(microstructure.dtype)) else: self.microstructure = microstructure if not isinstance(homogenization,int) or homogenization < 1: raise TypeError('Invalid homogenization {}'.format(homogenization)) else: self.homogenization = homogenization if not isinstance(comments,list): self.comments = [str(comments)] else: self.comments = [str(comment) for comment in comments] def __repr__(self): """Basic information on geometry definition""" return 'grid a b c: {}\n'.format(' x '.join(map(str,self.get_grid()))) + \ 'size x y z: {}\n'.format(' x '.join(map(str,self.get_size()))) + \ 'homogenization: {}\n'.format(self.get_homogenization()) + \ '# microstructures: {}\n'.format(len(np.unique(self.microstructure))) + \ 'max microstructures: {}\n'.format(np.max(self.microstructure)) def add_comment(self,comment): if not isinstance(comment,list): self.comments += [str(comment)] else: self.comments += [str(c) for c in comment] def set_microstructure(self,microstructure): self.microstructure = microstructure def set_size(self,size): self.size = np.array(size) def get_microstructure(self): return self.microstructure def get_size(self): return self.size def get_grid(self): return np.array(self.microstructure.shape) def get_homogenization(self): return self.homogenization @classmethod def from_file(cls,fname): """Reads from *.geom file""" if isinstance(fname,str): f = open(fname) header_length,keyword = f.readline().split() if not keyword.startswith('head') or int(header_length) < 3: raise TypeError('Header length information missing or invalid') comments_old = [f.readline() for i in range(int(header_length))] else: header_length,keyword = f.readline().split() if not keyword.startswith('head') or int(header_length) < 3: raise TypeError('Header length information missing or invalid') comments_old = [fname.readline() for i in range(int(header_length))] comments = [] for i,line in enumerate(comments_old): if line.lower().strip().startswith('grid'): grid = np.array([int(line.split()[j]) for j in [2,4,6]]) # assume correct order (a,b,c) elif line.lower().strip().startswith('size'): size = np.array([float(line.split()[j]) for j in [2,4,6]]) # assume correct order (x,y,z) elif line.lower().strip().startswith('homogenization'): homogenization = int(line.split()[1]) else: comments.append(line.rstrip().strip()) if isinstance(fname,str): raw = f.readlines() f.close() else: raw = fname.readlines() microstructure = np.empty( # initialize as flat array i = 0 for line in raw: items = line.split() if len(items) == 3: if items[1].lower() == 'of': items = np.ones(int(items[0]))*float(items[2]) elif items[1].lower() == 'to': items = np.linspace(int(items[0]),int(items[2]), abs(int(items[2])-int(items[0]))+1,dtype=float) else: items = list(map(float,items)) else: items = list(map(float,items)) microstructure[i:i+len(items)] = items i += len(items) if i != raise TypeError('Invalid file: expected {} entries,found {}'.format(,i)) microstructure = microstructure.reshape(grid,order='F') if np.any(np.mod(microstructure.flatten(),1)!=0.0): pass else: microstructure = microstructure.astype('int') return cls(size,microstructure.reshape(grid),homogenization,comments) def to_file(self,fname): """Saves to file""" grid = self.get_grid() header = ['{} header'.format(len(self.comments)+3)] header += self.comments header.append('grid a {} b {} c {}'.format(*grid)) header.append('size x {} y {} z {}'.format(*self.get_size())) header.append('homogenization {}'.format(self.get_homogenization())) if self.microstructure.dtype == 'int': format_string='%{}i'.format(int(math.floor(math.log10(self.microstructure.max())+1))) else: format_string='%.18e' np.savetxt(fname, self.microstructure.reshape([grid[0],[1:])],order='F').T, header='\n'.join(header), fmt=format_string, comments='') def show(self): """Show raw content (as in file)""" f=StringIO() self.to_file(f) return ''.join(f.readlines())