from queue import Queue import re import h5py import numpy as np from . import util # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class DADF5(): """ Read and write to DADF5 files. DADF5 files contain DAMASK results. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, filename, mode = 'r', ): """ Opens an existing DADF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str name of the DADF5 file to be openend. mode : str, optional filemode for opening, either 'r' or 'a'. """ if mode not in ['a','r']: print('Invalid file access mode') else: with h5py.File(filename,mode): pass with h5py.File(filename,'r') as f: if f.attrs['DADF5-major'] != 0 or f.attrs['DADF5-minor'] != 2: raise TypeError('Unsupported DADF5 version {} '.format(f.attrs['DADF5-version'])) self.structured = 'grid' in f['geometry'].attrs.keys() if self.structured: self.grid = f['geometry'].attrs['grid'] self.size = f['geometry'].attrs['size'] r=re.compile('inc[0-9]+') self.increments = [{'inc': int(u[3:]), 'time': round(f[u].attrs['time/s'],12), } for u in f.keys() if r.match(u)] self.constituents = np.unique(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent']['Name']).tolist() # ToDo: I am not to happy with the name self.constituents = [c.decode() for c in self.constituents] self.materialpoints = np.unique(f['mapping/cellResults/materialpoint']['Name']).tolist() # ToDo: I am not to happy with the name self.materialpoints = [m.decode() for m in self.materialpoints] self.Nconstituents = [i for i in range(np.shape(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'])[1])] self.Nmaterialpoints = np.shape(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'])[0] self.c_output_types = [] for c in self.constituents: for o in f['inc{:05}/constituent/{}'.format(self.increments[0]['inc'],c)].keys(): self.c_output_types.append(o) self.c_output_types = list(set(self.c_output_types)) # make unique self.m_output_types = [] for m in self.materialpoints: for o in f['inc{:05}/materialpoint/{}'.format(self.increments[0]['inc'],m)].keys(): self.m_output_types.append(o) self.m_output_types = list(set(self.m_output_types)) # make unique {'increments': self.increments, 'constituents': self.constituents, 'materialpoints': self.materialpoints, 'constituent': self.Nconstituents, 'c_output_types': self.c_output_types, 'm_output_types': self.m_output_types} self.filename = filename self.mode = mode def get_candidates(self,l): groups = [] if type(l) is not list: print('mist') with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: for g in self.get_active_groups(): if set(l).issubset(f[g].keys()): groups.append(g) return groups def get_active_groups(self): groups = [] for i,x in enumerate(['increments']): group_inc = 'inc{:05}'.format(['increments'][i]['inc']) for c in['constituents']: group_constituent = group_inc+'/constituent/'+c for t in['c_output_types']: group_output_types = group_constituent+'/'+t groups.append(group_output_types) for m in['materialpoints']: group_materialpoint = group_inc+'/materialpoint/'+m for t in['m_output_types']: group_output_types = group_materialpoint+'/'+t groups.append(group_output_types) return groups def list_data(self): """Shows information on all datasets in the file.""" with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: group_inc = 'inc{:05}'.format(['increments'][0]['inc']) for c in['constituents']: print('\n'+c) group_constituent = group_inc+'/constituent/'+c for t in['c_output_types']: print(' {}'.format(t)) group_output_types = group_constituent+'/'+t try: for x in f[group_output_types].keys(): print(' {} ({})'.format(x,f[group_output_types+'/'+x].attrs['Description'].decode())) except KeyError: pass for m in['materialpoints']: group_materialpoint = group_inc+'/materialpoint/'+m for t in['m_output_types']: print(' {}'.format(t)) group_output_types = group_materialpoint+'/'+t try: for x in f[group_output_types].keys(): print(' {} ({})'.format(x,f[group_output_types+'/'+x].attrs['Description'].decode())) except KeyError: pass def get_dataset_location(self,label): """Returns the location of all active datasets with given label.""" path = [] with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: for i in['increments']: group_inc = 'inc{:05}'.format(i['inc']) for c in['constituents']: group_constituent = group_inc+'/constituent/'+c for t in['c_output_types']: try: f[group_constituent+'/'+t+'/'+label] path.append(group_constituent+'/'+t+'/'+label) except KeyError as e: print('unable to locate constituents dataset: '+ str(e)) for m in['materialpoints']: group_materialpoint = group_inc+'/materialpoint/'+m for t in['m_output_types']: try: f[group_materialpoint+'/'+t+'/'+label] path.append(group_materialpoint+'/'+t+'/'+label) except KeyError as e: print('unable to locate materialpoints dataset: '+ str(e)) return path def read_dataset(self,path,c): """ Dataset for all points/cells. If more than one path is given, the dataset is composed of the individual contributions """ with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: shape = (self.Nmaterialpoints,) + np.shape(f[path[0]])[1:] if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape +(1,) dataset = np.full(shape,np.nan) for pa in path: label = pa.split('/')[2] try: p = np.where(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][:,c]['Name'] == str.encode(label))[0] u = (f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][p,c]['Position']) a = np.array(f[pa]) if len(a.shape) == 1: a=a.reshape([a.shape[0],1]) dataset[p,:] = a[u,:] except KeyError as e: print('unable to read constituent: '+ str(e)) try: p = np.where(f['mapping/cellResults/materialpoint']['Name'] == str.encode(label))[0] u = (f['mapping/cellResults/materialpoint'][p.tolist()]['Position']) a = np.array(f[pa]) if len(a.shape) == 1: a=a.reshape([a.shape[0],1]) dataset[p,:] = a[u,:] except KeyError as e: print('unable to read materialpoint: '+ str(e)) return dataset def add_Cauchy(self,P='P',F='F'): """ Adds Cauchy stress calculated from 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress and deformation gradient. Todo ---- The einsum formula is completely untested! """ def Cauchy(F,P): return np.einsum('i,ijk,ilk->ijl',1.0/np.linalg.det(F),F,P) args = [{'label':F,'shape':[3,3],'unit':'-'}, {'label':P,'shape':[3,3],'unit':'Pa'} ] result = {'label':'sigma', 'unit':'Pa', 'Description': 'Cauchy stress calculated from 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress and deformation gradient'} self.add_generic_pointwise_vectorized(Cauchy,args,result) def add_Mises_stress(self,stress='sigma'): """Adds equivalent von Mises stress.""" def Mises_stress(stress): dev = stress - np.trace(stress)/3.0*np.eye(3) symdev = 0.5*(dev+dev.T) return np.sqrt(np.sum(symdev*symdev.T)*3.0/2.0) args = [{'label':stress,'shape':[3,3],'unit':'Pa'}] result = {'label':'Mises({})'.format(stress), 'unit':'Pa', 'Description': 'Equivalent Mises stress'} self.add_generic_pointwise(Mises_stress,args,result) def add_norm(self,x,ord=None): """ Adds norm of vector or tensor or magnitude of a scalar. Todo ---- The output unit should be the input unit. The ord parameter should be taken into account. The whole thing should be vectorized. This requires to parse optional arguments to func. """ args = [{'label':x,'shape':None,'unit':None}] result = {'label':'norm_{}({})'.format(str(ord),x), 'unit':'n/a', 'Description': 'Norm of vector or tensor or magnitude of a scalar. See numpy.linalg.norm manual for details'} self.add_generic_pointwise(np.linalg.norm,args,result) def add_determinant(self,a): """Adds the determinant of a tensor.""" # ToDo: The output unit should be the input unit args = [{'label':a,'shape':[3,3],'unit':None}] result = {'label':'det({})'.format(a), 'unit':'n/a', 'Description': 'Determinant of a tensor'} self.add_generic_pointwise_vectorized(np.linalg.det,args,result) def add_spherical(self,a): """Adds the spherical component of a tensor.""" def spherical(m): return (m[0,0]+m[1,1]+m[2,2])/3.0 # ToDo: The output unit should be the input unit args = [{'label':a,'shape':[3,3],'unit':None}] result = {'label':'sph({})'.format(a), 'unit':'n/a', 'Description': 'Spherical component of a tensor'} self.add_generic_pointwise(spherical,args,result) def add_deviator(self,a): """Adds the deviator of a tensor.""" def deviator(m): return m - np.eye(3)*(m[0,0]+m[1,1]+m[2,2])/3.0 # ToDo: The output unit should be the input unit args = [{'label':a,'shape':[3,3],'unit':'Pa'}] result = {'label':'dev({})'.format(a), 'unit':'n/a', 'Description': 'Deviatoric component of a tensor'} self.add_generic_pointwise(deviator,args,result) def add_strain_tensors(self,defgrad='F'): """Adds a strain definition.""" def strain(defgrad): (U,S,Vh) = np.linalg.svd(defgrad) # singular value decomposition R_inv =,Vh).T # inverse rotation of polar decomposition U =,defgrad) # F = RU U = np.where(abs(U) < 1e-12, 0, U) # kill nasty noisy data (D,V) = np.linalg.eig(U) # eigen decomposition (of symmetric matrix) neg = np.where(D < 0.0) # find negative eigenvalues ... D[neg] *= -1. # ... flip value ... V[:,neg] *= -1. # ... and vector for i,eigval in enumerate(D): if[:,i],V[:,(i+1)%3]) != 0.0: # check each vector for orthogonality V[:,(i+1)%3] = np.cross(V[:,(i+2)%3],V[:,i]) # correct next vector V[:,(i+1)%3] /= np.sqrt([:,(i+1)%3],V[:,(i+1)%3].conj())) # and renormalize (hyperphobic?) d = np.log(D) # operate on eigenvalues of U o r V return,,V.T)).real # build tensor back from eigenvalue/vector basis # ToDo: The output unit should be the input unit args = [{'label':defgrad,'shape':[3,3],'unit':None}] result = {'label':'strain({})'.format(defgrad), 'unit':'-', 'Description': 'strain (ln(V)) of a deformation gradient'} self.add_generic_pointwise(strain,args,result) def get_fitting(self,data): groups = [] if type(data) is not list: print('mist') with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: for g in self.get_candidates([l['label'] for l in data]): print(g) fits = True for d in data: # ToDo: check for unit if d['shape'] is not None: fits = fits and np.all(np.array(f[g+'/'+d['label']].shape[1:]) == np.array(d['shape'])) if fits: groups.append(g) return groups def add_generic_pointwise(self,func,args,result): """ General function to add pointwise data. function 'func' first needs to have data arguments before other arguments Works for functions that are pointwise defined. """ groups = self.get_fitting(args) def job(args): out = args['out'] datasets_in = args['dat'] func = args['fun'] for i in range(out.shape[0]): arg = tuple([d[i,] for d in datasets_in]) out[i,] = func(*arg) args['results'].put({'out':out,'group':args['group']}) Nthreads = 4 # ToDo: should be a parameter results = Queue(Nthreads+1) todo = [] for g in groups: with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: datasets_in = [f[g+'/'+u['label']][()] for u in args] # figure out dimension of results testArg = tuple([d[0,] for d in datasets_in]) # to call function with first point out = np.empty([datasets_in[0].shape[0]] + list(func(*testArg).shape)) # shape is Npoints x shape of the results for one point todo.append({'dat':datasets_in,'fun':func,'out':out,'group':g,'results':results}) # Instantiate a thread pool with worker threads pool = util.ThreadPool(Nthreads) missingResults = len(todo) # Add the jobs in bulk to the thread pool. Alternatively you could use # `pool.add_task` to add single jobs. The code will block here, which # makes it possible to cancel the thread pool with an exception when # the currently running batch of workers is finished, todo[:Nthreads+1]) i = 0 while missingResults > 0: r=results.get() # noqa print(r['group']) with h5py.File(self.filename,'r+') as f: dataset_out = f[r['group']].create_dataset(result['label'],data=r['out']) dataset_out.attrs['Unit'] = result['unit'] dataset_out.attrs['Description'] = result['Description'] dataset_out.attrs['Creator'] = ' v{}'.format('n/a') missingResults-=1 try: pool.add_task(job,todo[Nthreads+1+i]) except IndexError: pass i+=1 pool.wait_completion() def add_generic_pointwise_vectorized(self,func,args,result): """ General function to add pointwise data. function 'func' first needs to have data arguments before other arguments Works for vectorized functions. """ groups = self.get_fitting(args) def job(args): out = args['out'] datasets_in = args['dat'] func = args['fun'] out = func(*datasets_in) args['results'].put({'out':out,'group':args['group']}) Nthreads = 4 # ToDo: should be a parameter results = Queue(Nthreads+1) todo = [] for g in groups: with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: datasets_in = [f[g+'/'+u['label']][()] for u in args] # figure out dimension of results testArg = tuple([d[0:1,] for d in datasets_in]) # to call function with first point out = np.empty([datasets_in[0].shape[0]] + list(func(*testArg).shape[1:])) # shape is Npoints x shape of the results for one point todo.append({'dat':datasets_in,'fun':func,'out':out,'group':g,'results':results}) # Instantiate a thread pool with worker threads pool = util.ThreadPool(Nthreads) missingResults = len(todo) # Add the jobs in bulk to the thread pool. Alternatively you could use # `pool.add_task` to add single jobs. The code will block here, which # makes it possible to cancel the thread pool with an exception when # the currently running batch of workers is finished, todo[:Nthreads+1]) i = 0 while missingResults > 0: r=results.get() # noqa print(r['group']) with h5py.File(self.filename,'r+') as f: dataset_out = f[r['group']].create_dataset(result['label'],data=r['out']) dataset_out.attrs['Unit'] = result['unit'] dataset_out.attrs['Description'] = result['Description'] dataset_out.attrs['Creator'] = ' v{}'.format('n/a') missingResults-=1 try: pool.add_task(job,todo[Nthreads+1+i]) except IndexError: pass i+=1 pool.wait_completion()