# # DAMASK Abaqus Environment File # # $Id$ # ------------------------------------ # originally taken from Abaqus ver. 6.11.1 # # # Linux (Opteron/EM64T) Settings: # # Compile and Link command for user subroutines. # Compile_cpp and link_exe for Abaqus make utility. # import os, re, glob, driverUtils # Use the version in $PATH fortCmd = "ifort" # "-free" to use free-format FORTRAN 90 syntax # "-O3" maximum optimization level # "-fpp" use FORTRAN preprocessor on source code # "-openmp" build with openMP support #compile_fortran = (fortCmd + " -c -fPIC -auto" + # "-WB -I%I -free -O3 -fpp -openmp " + # "-implicitnone -assume byterecl " + # "-real-size 64 -integer-size 32 -DFLOAT=8 -DINT=4") compile_fortran = (fortCmd + " -c -fPIC -auto -mP2OPT_hpo_vec_divbyzero=F " + "-WB -I%I -free -O3 -fpp -openmp "+ "-implicitnone -assume byterecl " + "-real-size 64 -integer-size 32 -DFLOAT=8 -DINT=4") # Do not use parts in input file cae_no_parts_input_file=ON # You can compile DAMASK into a library to be used with abaqus # it saves you from compiling the subroutine for each job # in this case you do not have to specify a usersubroutine file # however if you still do, the compiled version will override that in the library # Procedure: # 1. create a library directory, e.g. abqlib, in your prefered location # 2. build the library replacing your_prefered_location/abqlib with the correct path to the directory created in 1.: # abaqus make -l DAMASK_abaqus_std.f -dir your_prefered_location/abqlib # abaqus make -l DAMASK_abaqus_exp.f -dir your_prefered_location/abqlib # 3. uncomment the next line after replacing your_prefered_location/abqlib with the correct path to the directory created in 1. # usub_lib_dir='your_prefered_location/abqlib' # Remove the temporary names from the namespace del fortCmd