#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- import math, convert_colormodels def rad_dif(Msh1,Msh2,white): HSL1 = convert_colormodels.RGB2HSL(convert_colormodels.XYZ2RGB(convert_colormodels.CIELab2XYZ(convert_colormodels.Msh2CIELab(Msh1),white))) HSL2 = convert_colormodels.RGB2HSL(convert_colormodels.XYZ2RGB(convert_colormodels.CIELab2XYZ(convert_colormodels.Msh2CIELab(Msh2),white))) return abs(HSL1[0]*math.pi/180.0-HSL2[0]*math.pi/180.0) def adjust_hue(Msh_sat,M_unsat): if Msh_sat[0] >= M_unsat: return Msh_sat[2] else: hSpin = Msh_sat[1]*math.sqrt((M_unsat)**2.0-(Msh_sat[0])**2)/(Msh_sat[0]*math.sin(Msh_sat[1])) if Msh_sat[2] > - math.pi/3.0: return Msh_sat[2] + hSpin else: return Msh_sat[2] - hSpin def interpolate_color(RGB1,RGB2,white,interp): Msh1 = convert_colormodels.CIELab2Msh(convert_colormodels.XYZ2CIELab(convert_colormodels.RGB2XYZ(RGB1),white)) Msh2 = convert_colormodels.CIELab2Msh(convert_colormodels.XYZ2CIELab(convert_colormodels.RGB2XYZ(RGB2),white)) Msh_mid = [0.0,0.0,0.0] if ((Msh1[1] > 0.05 and Msh2[1] > 0.05) and rad_dif(Msh1,Msh2,white) > math.pi/3.0): Msh_mid[0] = max(Msh1[0],Msh2[0],88.0) if interp < 0.5: Msh2[0] = Msh_mid[0] Msh2[1] = 0.0 Msh2[2] = 0.0 interp = 2.0*interp else: Msh1[0] = Msh_mid[0] Msh1[1] = 0.0 Msh1[2] = 0.0 interp = 2.0*interp - 1.0 if (Msh1[1] < 0.05) and (Msh2[1] > 0.05): Msh1[2] = adjust_hue(Msh2,Msh1[0]) elif (Msh2[1] < 0.05) and (Msh1[1] > 0.05): Msh2[2] = adjust_hue(Msh1,Msh2[0]) for i in range(3): Msh_mid[i] = (1.0-interp)*Msh1[i] + interp* Msh2[i] return convert_colormodels.XYZ2RGB(convert_colormodels.CIELab2XYZ(convert_colormodels.Msh2CIELab(Msh_mid),white)) test1 = [0.231372549,0.298039216,0.752941176] test2 = [0.705882353,0.015686275,0.149019608] #test1 = [0.0,1.0,24.0/255.0] #test1 = [0.5,0.5,0.5] #test2 = [0.0,151.0/255.0,21.0/255.0] x=0.950456 y=1.0 z=1.088754 white = [x, y, z] test = test1 iteration = 33 delta = 1.0/float(iteration-1) f = -delta for i in range(iteration): f = f + delta test = test + interpolate_color(test1,test2,white,f) test = test + test2 for i in range(iteration): print i print test[3*i+3]*255.0 print test[3*i+1+3]*255.0 print test[3*i+2+3]*255.0, '\n'