! Copyright 2011-13 Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
! This file is part of DAMASK,
! the Düsseldorf Advanced MAterial Simulation Kit.
! DAMASK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! DAMASK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with DAMASK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
! $Id$
!> @author Franz Roters, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Christoph Kords, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
!> @brief  input/output functions, partly depending on chosen solver
module IO   
 use prec, only: &
   pInt, &
 implicit none
 character(len=5), parameter, public :: &
   IO_EOF = '#EOF#'                                                                                 !< end of file string
 public :: &
   IO_init, &
   IO_read, &
   IO_checkAndRewind, &
   IO_open_file_stat, &
   IO_open_jobFile_stat, &
   IO_open_file, &
   IO_open_jobFile, &
   IO_write_jobFile, &
   IO_write_jobRealFile, &
   IO_write_jobIntFile, &
   IO_read_realFile, &
   IO_read_intFile, &
   IO_hybridIA, &
   IO_isBlank, &
   IO_getTag, &
   IO_countSections, &
   IO_countTagInPart, &
   IO_spotTagInPart, &
   IO_globalTagInPart, &
   IO_stringPos, &
   IO_stringValue, &
   IO_fixedStringValue ,&
   IO_floatValue, &
   IO_fixedNoEFloatValue, &
   IO_intValue, &
   IO_fixedIntValue, &
   IO_lc, &
   IO_skipChunks, &
   IO_extractValue, &
   IO_countDataLines, &
   IO_countContinuousIntValues, &
   IO_continuousIntValues, &
   IO_error, &
   IO_warning, &
   IO_intOut, &
#ifndef Spectral
 public :: &
   IO_open_inputFile, &
#ifdef Abaqus  
 public :: &
 private :: &
   IO_fixedFloatValue, &
   IO_lcInplace ,&
   IO_verifyFloatValue, &
   IO_verifyIntValue, &
#ifdef Abaqus 
 private :: &

 external :: &


!> @brief only outputs revision number
subroutine IO_init
 use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env                                                                  ! to get compiler_version and compiler_options (at least for gfortran 4.6 at the moment)

 write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+-  IO init  -+>>>'
 write(6,'(a)')   ' $Id$'
 write(6,'(a15,a)')   ' Current time: ',IO_timeStamp()
#include "compilation_info.f90"

end subroutine IO_init

!> @brief recursively reads a line from a text file.
!!        Recursion is triggered by "{path/to/inputfile}" in a line
recursive function IO_read(myUnit) result(line)
 implicit none
 integer(pInt), intent(in)    :: myUnit                                                             !< file unit

 integer(pInt), dimension(10) :: unitOn = 0_pInt                                                    ! save the stack of recursive file units
 integer(pInt)                :: stack = 1_pInt                                                     ! current stack position
 character(len=8192), dimension(10) :: pathOn = ''
 character(len=512)           :: path,input
 integer(pInt)                :: myStat
 logical                      :: inUse
 character(len=65536)         :: line

 character(len=*), parameter  :: SEP = achar(47)//achar(92)                                         ! forward and backward slash ("/", "\")

 unitOn(1) = myUnit

 read(unitOn(stack),'(a65536)',END=100) line
 input = IO_getTag(line,'{','}')

! --- normal case ---
 if (input == '') return                                                                            ! regular line

! --- recursion case ---
 if (stack >= 10_pInt) call IO_error(104_pInt,ext_msg=input)                                        ! recursion limit reached

 inquire(UNIT=unitOn(stack),NAME=path)                                                              ! path of current file
 stack = stack+1_pInt
 unitOn(stack) = unitOn(stack-1_pInt)+1_pInt                                                        ! assume next file unit to be free to use
 pathOn(stack) = path(1:scan(path,SEP,.true.))//input                                               ! glue include to current file's dir

   if (.not. inUse) exit
   unitOn(stack) = unitOn(stack)+1_pInt                                                             ! test next fileunit

 open(unitOn(stack),status='old',iostat=myStat,file=pathOn(stack))                                  ! open included file
 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)

 line = IO_read(myUnit)
! --- end of file case ---
100 if (stack > 1_pInt) then                                                                        ! can go back to former file
   stack = stack-1_pInt
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
 else                                                                                               ! top-most file reached
   line = IO_EOF
end function IO_read

!> @brief checks if unit is opened for reading, if true rewinds. Otherwise stops with
!!        error message
subroutine IO_checkAndRewind(myUnit)
 implicit none
 integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myUnit                                                                !< file unit
 logical                   :: fileOpened
 character(len=15)         :: fileRead

 inquire(unit=myUnit, opened=fileOpened, read = fileRead) 
 if (fileOpened .neqv. .true. .or. trim(fileRead)/='YES') call IO_error(102_pInt)

end subroutine IO_checkAndRewind

!> @brief   opens existing file for reading to given unit. Path to file is relative to working 
!!          directory
!> @details like IO_open_file_stat, but error is handled via call to IO_error and not via return
!!          value
subroutine IO_open_file(myUnit,relPath)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in) :: relPath                                                          !< relative path from working directory

 integer(pInt)                  :: myStat
 character(len=1024)            :: path
 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//relPath
 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_open_file

!> @brief   opens existing file for reading to given unit. Path to file is relative to working 
!!          directory
!> @details Like IO_open_file, but error is handled via return value and not via call to IO_error
logical function IO_open_file_stat(myUnit,relPath)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in) :: relPath                                                          !< relative path from working directory

 integer(pInt)                  :: myStat
 character(len=1024)            :: path
 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//relPath
 IO_open_file_stat = (myStat == 0_pInt)
end function IO_open_file_stat

!> @brief   opens existing file for reading to given unit. File is named after solver job name 
!!          plus given extension and located in current working directory 
!> @details like IO_open_jobFile_stat, but error is handled via call to IO_error and not via return
!!          value
subroutine IO_open_jobFile(myUnit,ext)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
   getSolverWorkingDirectoryName, &

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in) :: ext                                                              !< extension of file

 integer(pInt)                  :: myStat
 character(len=1024)            :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//ext
 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_open_jobFile

!> @brief   opens existing file for reading to given unit. File is named after solver job name 
!!          plus given extension and located in current working directory 
!> @details Like IO_open_jobFile, but error is handled via return value and not via call to 
!!          IO_error
logical function IO_open_jobFile_stat(myUnit,ext)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
   getSolverWorkingDirectoryName, &

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in) :: ext                                                              !< extension of file

 integer(pInt)                  :: myStat
 character(len=1024)            :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//ext
 IO_open_jobFile_stat = (myStat == 0_pInt)

end function IO_open_JobFile_stat

#ifndef Spectral
!> @brief opens FEM input file for reading located in current working directory to given unit
subroutine IO_open_inputFile(myUnit,modelName)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
   getSolverJobName, &

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in) :: modelName                                                        !< model name, in case of restart not solver job name

 integer(pInt)                  :: myStat
 character(len=1024)            :: path
#ifdef Abaqus
 integer(pInt)                  :: fileType
 fileType = 1_pInt                                                                                  ! assume .pes
 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension(fileType)        ! attempt .pes, if it exists: it should be used
 if(myStat /= 0_pInt) then                                                                          ! if .pes does not work / exist; use conventional extension, i.e.".inp"
    fileType = 2_pInt
    path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension(fileType)
 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)                                         ! ensure that any file opened works
 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension(fileType)//'_assembly'
 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
    if (.not.abaqus_assembleInputFile(myUnit,myUnit+1_pInt)) call IO_error(103_pInt)                ! strip comments and concatenate any "include"s
#ifdef Marc4DAMASK
   path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(modelName)//inputFileExtension
   if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)

end subroutine IO_open_inputFile

!> @brief opens existing FEM log file for reading to given unit. File is named after solver job 
!!        name and located in current working directory 
subroutine IO_open_logFile(myUnit)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
   getSolverWorkingDirectoryName, &
   getSolverJobName, &

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file unit

 integer(pInt)                  :: myStat
 character(len=1024)            :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//LogFileExtension
 if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)

end subroutine IO_open_logFile

!> @brief opens FEM log file for writing to given unit. File is named after solver job name and 
!!        located in current working directory 
subroutine IO_write_jobFile(myUnit,ext)
 use DAMASK_interface,  only: &
   getSolverWorkingDirectoryName, &
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in) :: ext                                                              !< extension of file

 integer(pInt)                  :: myStat
 character(len=1024)            :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//ext
 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_write_jobFile

!> @brief opens binary file containing array of pReal numbers to given unit for writing. File is 
!!        named after solver job name plus given extension and located in current working directory
subroutine IO_write_jobRealFile(myUnit,ext,recMultiplier)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: & 
   getSolverWorkingDirectoryName, &
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in)           :: myUnit                                                 !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in)           :: ext                                                    !< extension of file
 integer(pInt),      intent(in), optional :: recMultiplier                                          !< record length (multiple of pReal Numbers, if not given set to one)

 integer(pInt)                            :: myStat
 character(len=1024)                      :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//ext
 if (present(recMultiplier)) then
   open(myUnit,status='replace',form='unformatted',access='direct', &
   open(myUnit,status='replace',form='unformatted',access='direct', &

 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_write_jobRealFile

!> @brief opens binary file containing array of pInt numbers to given unit for writing. File is 
!!        named after solver job name plus given extension and located in current working directory
subroutine IO_write_jobIntFile(myUnit,ext,recMultiplier)
 use DAMASK_interface,  only: &
   getSolverWorkingDirectoryName, &
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in)           :: myUnit                                                 !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in)           :: ext                                                    !< extension of file
 integer(pInt),      intent(in), optional :: recMultiplier                                          !< record length (multiple of pReal Numbers, if not given set to one)

 integer(pInt)                            :: myStat
 character(len=1024)                      :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(getSolverJobName())//'.'//ext
 if (present(recMultiplier)) then
   open(myUnit,status='replace',form='unformatted',access='direct', &
   open(myUnit,status='replace',form='unformatted',access='direct', &

 if (myStat /= 0_pInt) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_write_jobIntFile

!> @brief opens binary file containing array of pReal numbers to given unit for reading. File is 
!!        located in current working directory
subroutine IO_read_realFile(myUnit,ext,modelName,recMultiplier)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in)           :: myUnit                                                 !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in)           :: ext, &                                                 !< extension of file       
                                             modelName                                              !< model name, in case of restart not solver job name
 integer(pInt),      intent(in), optional :: recMultiplier                                          !< record length (multiple of pReal Numbers, if not given set to one)

 integer(pInt)                            :: myStat
 character(len=1024)                      :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(modelName)//'.'//ext
 if (present(recMultiplier)) then
   open(myUnit,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct', & 
   open(myUnit,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct', &
 if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_read_realFile

!> @brief opens binary file containing array of pInt numbers to given unit for reading. File is 
!!        located in current working directory
subroutine IO_read_intFile(myUnit,ext,modelName,recMultiplier)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in)           :: myUnit                                                 !< file unit
 character(len=*),   intent(in)           :: ext, &                                                 !< extension of file       
                                             modelName                                              !< model name, in case of restart not solver job name
 integer(pInt),      intent(in), optional :: recMultiplier                                          !< record length (multiple of pReal Numbers, if not given set to one)

 integer(pInt)                            :: myStat
 character(len=1024)                      :: path

 path = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(modelName)//'.'//ext
 if (present(recMultiplier)) then
   open(myUnit,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct', & 
   open(myUnit,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct', &
 if (myStat /= 0) call IO_error(100_pInt,ext_msg=path)
end subroutine IO_read_intFile

#ifdef Abaqus
!> @brief check if the input file for Abaqus contains part info
logical function IO_abaqus_hasNoPart(myUnit)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),    intent(in)                :: myUnit

 integer(pInt),    parameter                 :: MAXNCHUNKS = 1_pInt
 integer(pInt),    dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: myPos
 character(len=65536)                        :: line
 IO_abaqus_hasNoPart = .true.
610 FORMAT(A65536)
   read(myUnit,610,END=620) line
   myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
   if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,1_pInt)) == '*part' ) then
     IO_abaqus_hasNoPart = .false.
620 end function IO_abaqus_hasNoPart

!> @brief hybrid IA sampling of ODFfile
function IO_hybridIA(Nast,ODFfileName)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),                 intent(in)   :: Nast                                              !< number of samples?
 real(pReal), dimension(3,Nast)              :: IO_hybridIA
 character(len=*),              intent(in)   :: ODFfileName                                       !< name of ODF file including total path
! math module is not available
 real(pReal),      parameter  :: PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510_pReal
 real(pReal),      parameter  :: INRAD = PI/180.0_pReal
 character(len=*), parameter  :: fileFormat = '(A80)'

 integer(pInt) :: i,j,bin,NnonZero,Nset,Nreps,reps,phi1,Phi,phi2
 integer(pInt), dimension(7)                :: myPos
 integer(pInt), dimension(3)                :: steps
 integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable   :: binSet
 real(pReal) :: center,sum_dV_V,prob,dg_0,C,lowerC,upperC,rnd
 real(pReal), dimension(3)                  :: limits, &

 real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dV_V
 character(len=80) :: line
! parse header of ODF file 
 call IO_open_file(999_pInt,ODFfileName)
 IO_hybridIA = -1.0_pReal                                                                           ! initialize return value for case of error

! limits in phi1, Phi, phi2
 read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
 myPos = IO_stringPos(line,3_pInt)
 if (myPos(1) == 3) then                                                                            ! found 3 chunks
   do i = 1_pInt, 3_pInt
     limits(i) = IO_floatValue(line,myPos,i)*INRAD
 else                                                                                               ! wrong line format

! deltas in phi1, Phi, phi2 
 read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
 myPos = IO_stringPos(line,3_pInt)
 if (myPos(1) == 3) then                                                                            ! found 3 chunks
   do i = 1_pInt, 3_pInt
     deltas(i) = IO_floatValue(line,myPos,i)*INRAD
 else                                                                                               ! wrong line format
 steps = nint(limits/deltas,pInt)

! box boundary/center at origin? 
 read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line
 if (index(IO_lc(line),'bound')>0) then
   center = 0.5_pReal
   center = 0.0_pReal
 read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line                                                              ! skip blank line

 sum_dV_V = 0.0_pReal
 dV_V = 0.0_pReal
 dg_0 = deltas(1)*deltas(3)*2.0_pReal*sin(deltas(2)/2.0_pReal)
 NnonZero = 0_pInt
 do phi1=1_pInt,steps(1); do Phi=1_pInt,steps(2); do phi2=1_pInt,steps(3)
   read(999,fmt=*,end=100) prob
   if (prob > 0.0_pReal) then
      NnonZero = NnonZero+1_pInt
      sum_dV_V = sum_dV_V+prob
      prob = 0.0_pReal
    dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1) = prob*dg_0*sin((Phi-1.0_pReal+center)*deltas(2))
 enddo; enddo; enddo  

 dV_V = dV_V/sum_dV_V                                                                               ! normalize to 1
! now fix bounds
 Nset = max(Nast,NnonZero)                                                                          ! if less than non-zero voxel count requested, sample at least that much
 lowerC = 0.0_pReal
 upperC = real(Nset, pReal)
 do while (hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,upperC) < Nset)
   lowerC = upperC
   upperC = upperC*2.0_pReal

! binary search for best C
   C = (upperC+lowerC)/2.0_pReal
   Nreps = hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C)
   if (abs(upperC-lowerC) < upperC*1.0e-14_pReal) then
     C = upperC
     Nreps = hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C)
   elseif (Nreps < Nset) then
     lowerC = C
   elseif (Nreps > Nset) then
     upperC = C

 bin = 0_pInt                                                                                       ! bin counter
 i = 1_pInt                                                                                         ! set counter
 do phi1=1_pInt,steps(1); do Phi=1_pInt,steps(2) ;do phi2=1_pInt,steps(3)
   reps = nint(C*dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1), pInt)
   binSet(i:i+reps-1) = bin
   bin = bin+1_pInt                                                                                 ! advance bin
   i = i+reps                                                                                       ! advance set
 enddo; enddo; enddo

 do i=1_pInt,Nast
   if (i < Nast) then
     call random_number(rnd)
     j = nint(rnd*(Nreps-i)+i+0.5_pReal,pInt)
     j = i
   bin = binSet(j)
   IO_hybridIA(1,i) = deltas(1)*(real(mod(bin/(steps(3)*steps(2)),steps(1)),pReal)+center)          ! phi1
   IO_hybridIA(2,i) = deltas(2)*(real(mod(bin/ steps(3)          ,steps(2)),pReal)+center)          ! Phi
   IO_hybridIA(3,i) = deltas(3)*(real(mod(bin                    ,steps(3)),pReal)+center)          ! phi2
   binSet(j) = binSet(i)

100 close(999)

end function IO_hybridIA

!> @brief identifies strings without content
logical pure function IO_isBlank(string)

 implicit none
 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string                                                               !< string to check for content

 character(len=*),  parameter :: blankChar = achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13)              ! whitespaces
 character(len=*),  parameter :: comment = achar(35)                                                ! comment id '#'

 integer :: posNonBlank, posComment                                                                 ! no pInt
 posNonBlank = verify(string,blankChar)
 posComment  = scan(string,comment)
 IO_isBlank = posNonBlank == 0 .or. posNonBlank == posComment
end function IO_isBlank

!> @brief get tagged content of string
pure function IO_getTag(string,openChar,closeChar)

 implicit none
 character(len=*), intent(in)  :: string                                                            !< string to check for tag
 character(len=len_trim(string)) :: IO_getTag
 character(len=*), intent(in)  :: openChar, &                                                       !< indicates beginning of tag 
                                  closeChar                                                         !< indicates end of tag

 character(len=*), parameter   :: SEP=achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13)                     ! whitespaces

 integer :: left,right                                                                              ! no pInt

 IO_getTag = ''
 left = scan(string,openChar)
 right = scan(string,closeChar)
 if (left == verify(string,SEP) .and. right > left) &                                                 ! openChar is first and closeChar occurs
   IO_getTag = string(left+1:right-1)

end function IO_getTag

!> @brief count number of [sections] in <part> for given file handle
integer(pInt) function IO_countSections(myUnit,part)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),      intent(in) :: myUnit                                                           !< file handle 
 character(len=*),   intent(in) :: part                                                             !< part name in which sections are counted

 character(len=65536)           :: line

 line = ''
 IO_countSections = 0_pInt

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= part)                              ! search for part
   line = IO_read(myUnit)

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle                                                                      ! skip empty lines
   if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit                                                          ! stop at next part
   if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') &                                                             ! found [section] identifier
     IO_countSections = IO_countSections + 1_pInt

end function IO_countSections

!> @brief returns array of tag counts within <part> for at most N [sections]
function IO_countTagInPart(myUnit,part,tag,Nsections)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),   intent(in)                :: Nsections                                            !< maximum number of sections in which tag is searched for
 integer(pInt),   dimension(Nsections)      :: IO_countTagInPart
 integer(pInt),   intent(in)                :: myUnit                                               !< file handle 
 character(len=*),intent(in)                :: part, &                                              !< part in which tag is searched for
                                               tag                                                  !< tag to search for

 integer(pInt),   parameter                 :: MAXNCHUNKS = 1_pInt

 integer(pInt),   dimension(Nsections)      :: counter
 integer(pInt),   dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: positions
 integer(pInt)                              :: section
 character(len=65536)                       :: line
 line = ''
 counter = 0_pInt
 section = 0_pInt

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= part)                              ! search for part
   line = IO_read(myUnit)

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle                                                                      ! skip empty lines
   if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit                                                          ! stop at next part
   if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') section = section + 1_pInt                                    ! found [section] identifier
   if (section > 0) then
     positions = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
     if (tag == trim(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1_pInt)))) &                               ! match
       counter(section) = counter(section) + 1_pInt

 IO_countTagInPart = counter

end function IO_countTagInPart

!> @brief returns array of tag presence within <part> for at most N [sections]
function IO_spotTagInPart(myUnit,part,tag,Nsections)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),   intent(in)                :: Nsections                                            !< maximum number of sections in which tag is searched for
 logical,         dimension(Nsections)      :: IO_spotTagInPart
 integer(pInt),   intent(in)                :: myUnit                                               !< file handle 
 character(len=*),intent(in)                :: part, &                                              !< part in which tag is searched for
                                               tag                                                  !< tag to search for

 integer(pInt), parameter      :: MAXNCHUNKS = 1_pInt

 integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: positions
 integer(pInt)                            :: section
 character(len=65536)                     :: line

 IO_spotTagInPart = .false.                                                                         ! assume to nowhere spot tag
 section = 0_pInt
 line =''

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= part)                              ! search for part
   line = IO_read(myUnit)

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle                                                                      ! skip empty lines
   if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit                                                          ! stop at next part
   if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') section = section + 1_pInt                                    ! found [section] identifier
   if (section > 0_pInt) then
     positions = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)                                          
     if (tag == trim(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1_pInt)))) &                               ! matsch                                                                    ! match
       IO_spotTagInPart(section) = .true.

 end function IO_spotTagInPart

!> @brief return logical whether tag is present within <part> before any [sections]
logical function IO_globalTagInPart(myUnit,part,tag)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),   intent(in)                :: myUnit                                               !< file handle 
 character(len=*),intent(in)                :: part, &                                              !< part in which tag is searched for
                                               tag                                                  !< tag to search for

 integer(pInt), parameter      :: MAXNCHUNKS = 1_pInt

 integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: positions
 integer(pInt)                            :: section
 character(len=65536)                     :: line

 IO_globalTagInPart = .false.                                                                       ! assume to nowhere spot tag
 section = 0_pInt
 line =''

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= part)                              ! search for part
   line = IO_read(myUnit)

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle                                                                      ! skip empty lines
   if (IO_getTag(line,'<','>') /= '') exit                                                          ! stop at next part
   if (IO_getTag(line,'[',']') /= '') section = section + 1_pInt                                    ! found [section] identifier
   if (section == 0_pInt) then
     positions = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
     if (tag == trim(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,positions,1_pInt)))) &                               ! match
       IO_globalTagInPart = .true.

end function IO_globalTagInPart

!> @brief locates at most N space-separated parts in string and returns array containing number of 
!! parts in string and the left/right positions of at most N to be used by IO_xxxVal
!! IMPORTANT: first element contains number of chunks!
pure function IO_stringPos(string,N)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),                           intent(in) :: N                                           !< maximum number of parts
 integer(pInt), dimension(1_pInt+N*2_pInt)           :: IO_stringPos
 character(len=*),                        intent(in) :: string                                      !< string in which parts are searched for
 character(len=*), parameter  :: SEP=achar(44)//achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13)           ! comma and whitespaces
 integer                      :: left, right                                                        ! no pInt (verify and scan return default integer)

 IO_stringPos = -1_pInt
 IO_stringPos(1) = 0_pInt
 right = 0
 do while (verify(string(right+1:),SEP)>0)
   left  = right + verify(string(right+1:),SEP)
   right = left + scan(string(left:),SEP) - 2
   if ( string(left:left) == '#' ) then
   if ( IO_stringPos(1)<N ) then
     IO_stringPos(1_pInt+IO_stringPos(1)*2_pInt+1_pInt) = int(left, pInt)
     IO_stringPos(1_pInt+IO_stringPos(1)*2_pInt+2_pInt) = int(right, pInt)
   IO_stringPos(1) = IO_stringPos(1)+1_pInt

end function IO_stringPos

!> @brief reads string value at myPos from string
function IO_stringValue(string,positions,myPos,silent)
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),   dimension(:),                intent(in) :: positions                            !< positions of tags in string
 integer(pInt),                                intent(in) :: myPos                                !< position of desired sub string
 character(len=1+positions(myPos*2+1)-positions(myPos*2)) :: IO_stringValue
 character(len=*),                             intent(in) :: string                               !< raw input with known positions
 logical,                             optional,intent(in) :: silent                               !< switch to trigger verbosity
 character(len=16), parameter                             :: MYNAME = 'IO_stringValue: '

 logical                                                  :: warn
 if (.not. present(silent)) then
   warn = .false.
   warn = silent
 IO_stringValue = ''
 if (myPos > positions(1) .or. myPos < 1_pInt) then                                               ! trying to access non-present value
   if (warn) call IO_warning(201,el=myPos,ext_msg=MYNAME//trim(string))
   IO_stringValue = string(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1))

end function IO_stringValue

!> @brief reads string value at myPos from fixed format string
pure function IO_fixedStringValue (string,ends,myPos)
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),                  intent(in) :: myPos                                              !< position of desired sub string
 integer(pInt),   dimension(:),  intent(in) :: ends                                               !< positions of ends in string
 character(len=ends(myPos+1)-ends(myPos))   :: IO_fixedStringValue 
 character(len=*),               intent(in) :: string                                             !< raw input with known ends

 IO_fixedStringValue = string(ends(myPos)+1:ends(myPos+1))

end function IO_fixedStringValue

!> @brief reads float value at myPos from string
real(pReal) function IO_floatValue (string,positions,myPos)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),   dimension(:),                intent(in) :: positions                            !< positions of tags in string
 integer(pInt),                                intent(in) :: myPos                                !< position of desired sub string
 character(len=*),                             intent(in) :: string                               !< raw input with known positions
 character(len=15),              parameter  :: MYNAME = 'IO_floatValue: '
 character(len=17),              parameter  :: VALIDCHARACTERS = '0123456789eEdD.+-'

 IO_floatValue = 0.0_pReal

 if (myPos > positions(1) .or. myPos < 1_pInt) then                                               ! trying to access non-present value
   call IO_warning(201,el=myPos,ext_msg=MYNAME//trim(string))
   IO_floatValue = IO_verifyFloatValue(string(positions(myPos*2):positions(myPos*2+1)),&

end function IO_floatValue

!> @brief reads float value at myPos from fixed format string
real(pReal) function IO_fixedFloatValue (string,ends,myPos)
 implicit none
 character(len=*),               intent(in) :: string                                             !< raw input with known ends
 integer(pInt),                  intent(in) :: myPos                                              !< position of desired sub string
 integer(pInt),   dimension(:),  intent(in) :: ends                                               !< positions of ends in string
 character(len=20),              parameter  :: MYNAME = 'IO_fixedFloatValue: '
 character(len=17),              parameter  :: VALIDCHARACTERS = '0123456789eEdD.+-'

 IO_fixedFloatValue = IO_verifyFloatValue(string(ends(myPos)+1_pInt:ends(myPos+1_pInt)),&

end function IO_fixedFloatValue

!> @brief reads float x.y+z value at myPos from format string
real(pReal) function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue (string,ends,myPos)

 implicit none
 character(len=*),               intent(in) :: string                                             !< raw input with known ends
 integer(pInt),                  intent(in) :: myPos                                              !< position of desired sub string
 integer(pInt),   dimension(:),  intent(in) :: ends                                               !< positions of ends in string
 character(len=22),              parameter  :: MYNAME = 'IO_fixedNoEFloatValue '
 character(len=13),              parameter  :: VALIDBASE = '0123456789.+-'
 character(len=12),              parameter  :: VALIDEXP  = '0123456789+-'
 real(pReal)   :: base
 integer(pInt) :: expon
 integer       :: pos_exp
 pos_exp = scan(string(ends(myPos)+1:ends(myPos+1)),'+-',back=.true.)
 if (pos_exp > 1) then
   base  = IO_verifyFloatValue(string(ends(myPos)+1_pInt:ends(myPos)+pos_exp-1_pInt),&
                               VALIDBASE,MYNAME//'(base): ')
   expon = IO_verifyIntValue(string(ends(myPos)+pos_exp:ends(myPos+1_pInt)),&
                             VALIDEXP,MYNAME//'(exp): ')
   base  = IO_verifyFloatValue(string(ends(myPos)+1_pInt:ends(myPos+1_pInt)),&
                               VALIDBASE,MYNAME//'(base): ')
   expon = 0_pInt
 IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = base*10.0_pReal**real(expon,pReal)

end function IO_fixedNoEFloatValue

!> @brief reads integer value at myPos from string
integer(pInt) function IO_intValue(string,ends,myPos)

 implicit none
 character(len=*),               intent(in) :: string                                             !< raw input with known ends
 integer(pInt),                  intent(in) :: myPos                                              !< position of desired sub string
 integer(pInt),   dimension(:),  intent(in) :: ends                                               !< positions of ends in string
 character(len=13),              parameter  :: MYNAME = 'IO_intValue: '
 character(len=12),              parameter  :: VALIDCHARACTERS = '0123456789+-'

 IO_intValue = 0_pInt

 if (myPos > ends(1) .or. myPos < 1_pInt) then                                               ! trying to access non-present value
   call IO_warning(201,el=myPos,ext_msg=MYNAME//trim(string))
   IO_intValue = IO_verifyIntValue(string(ends(myPos*2):ends(myPos*2+1)),&

end function IO_intValue

!> @brief reads integer value at myPos from fixed format string
integer(pInt) function IO_fixedIntValue(string,ends,myPos)
 implicit none
 character(len=*),               intent(in) :: string                                             !< raw input with known ends
 integer(pInt),                  intent(in) :: myPos                                              !< position of desired sub string
 integer(pInt),   dimension(:),  intent(in) :: ends                                               !< positions of ends in string
 character(len=20),              parameter  :: MYNAME = 'IO_fixedIntValue: '
 character(len=12),              parameter  :: VALIDCHARACTERS = '0123456789+-'

 IO_fixedIntValue = IO_verifyIntValue(string(ends(myPos)+1_pInt:ends(myPos+1_pInt)),&

end function IO_fixedIntValue

!> @brief changes characters in string to lower case
pure function IO_lc(string)

 implicit none
 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string                                                             !< string to convert
 character(len=len(string))   :: IO_lc

 character(26), parameter :: LOWER = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
 character(26), parameter :: UPPER = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 
 integer                      :: i,n                                                                ! no pInt (len returns default integer)

 IO_lc = string
 do i=1,len(string)
   n = index(UPPER,IO_lc(i:i))
   if (n/=0) IO_lc(i:i) = LOWER(n:n)

end function IO_lc

!> @brief changes character string to lower case in place
pure subroutine IO_lcInplace(string)

 implicit none
 character(len=*), intent(inout) :: string                                                         !< string to convert in place
 character(len=len(string))      :: IO_lc

 character(26), parameter :: LOWER = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
 character(26), parameter :: UPPER = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 

 integer                         :: i,n                                                            ! no pInt (len returns default integer)

 do i=1,len(string)
   n = index(UPPER,string(i:i))
   if (n/=0) then 
     IO_lc(i:i) = LOWER(n:n)
     IO_lc(i:i) = string(i:i)

end subroutine IO_lcInplace

!> @brief reads file to skip (at least) N chunks (may be over multiple lines)
subroutine IO_skipChunks(myUnit,N)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt), intent(in)                :: myUnit, &                                              !< file handle 
                                             N                                                      !< minimum number of chunks to skip 

 integer(pInt), parameter                 :: MAXNCHUNKS = 64_pInt
 integer(pInt)                            :: remainingChunks
 integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: myPos
 character(len=65536)                     :: line

 line = ''
 remainingChunks = N

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. remainingChunks > 0)
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
   remainingChunks = remainingChunks - myPos(1)
end subroutine IO_skipChunks

!> @brief extracts string value from key=value pair and check whether key matches
character(len=300) pure function IO_extractValue(pair,key)
 implicit none
 character(len=*), intent(in) :: pair, &                                                            !< key=value pair
                                 key                                                                !< key to be expected

 character(len=*), parameter  :: SEP = achar(61)                                                    ! '='

 integer                      :: myPos                                                              ! no pInt (scan returns default integer)

 IO_extractValue = ''

 myPos = scan(pair,SEP)
 if (myPos > 0 .and. pair(:myPos-1) == key(:myPos-1)) &                                             ! key matches expected key
   IO_extractValue = pair(myPos+1:)                                                                 ! extract value

end function IO_extractValue

!> @brief count lines containig data up to next *keyword
integer(pInt) function IO_countDataLines(myUnit)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt), intent(in)                :: myUnit                                                 !< file handle 
 integer(pInt), parameter                 :: MAXNCHUNKS = 1_pInt

 integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: myPos
 character(len=65536)                     :: line, &

 IO_countDataLines = 0_pInt
 line = ''

 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
   tmp = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,1_pInt))
   if (tmp(1:1) == '*' .and. tmp(2:2) /= '*') then                                                  ! found keyword
     if (tmp(2:2) /= '*') IO_countDataLines = IO_countDataLines + 1_pInt

end function IO_countDataLines

!> @brief count items in consecutive lines depending on lines
!> @details Marc:      ints concatenated by "c" as last char or range of values a "to" b
!> Abaqus:    triplet of start,stop,inc
!> Spectral:  ints concatenated range of a "to" b, multiple entries with a "of" b
integer(pInt) function IO_countContinuousIntValues(myUnit)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt), intent(in) :: myUnit
 integer(pInt), parameter :: MAXNCHUNKS = 8192_pInt
#ifdef Abaqus 
 integer(pInt)                            :: l,c
 integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: myPos
 character(len=65536)                     :: line

 IO_countContinuousIntValues = 0_pInt
 line = ''

#ifndef Abaqus
 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF)
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
   if (myPos(1) < 1_pInt) then                                                                      ! empty line
   elseif (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,2_pInt)) == 'to' ) then                                  ! found range indicator
     IO_countContinuousIntValues = 1_pInt + IO_intValue(line,myPos,3_pInt) &
                                          - IO_intValue(line,myPos,1_pInt)
     exit                                                                                           ! only one single range indicator allowed
   else if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,2_pInt)) == 'of' ) then                                 ! found multiple entries indicator
     IO_countContinuousIntValues = IO_intValue(line,myPos,1_pInt)
     exit                                                                                           ! only one single multiplier allowed
     IO_countContinuousIntValues = IO_countContinuousIntValues+myPos(1)-1_pInt                      ! add line's count when assuming 'c'
     if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,myPos(1))) /= 'c' ) then                                  ! line finished, read last value
       IO_countContinuousIntValues = IO_countContinuousIntValues+1_pInt
       exit                                                                                         ! data ended
 c = IO_countDataLines(myUnit)
 do l = 1_pInt,c
   backspace(myUnit)                                                                                ! ToDo: substitute by rewind?
 l = 1_pInt
 do while (trim(line) /= IO_EOF .and. l <= c)                                                     ! ToDo: is this correct
   l = l + 1_pInt
   line = IO_read(myUnit)
   myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
   IO_countContinuousIntValues = IO_countContinuousIntValues + 1_pInt + &                           ! assuming range generation

end function IO_countContinuousIntValues

!> @brief return integer list corrsponding to items in consecutive lines.
!! First integer in array is counter
!> @details Marc:      ints concatenated by "c" as last char, range of a "to" b, or named set
!! Abaqus:    triplet of start,stop,inc or named set
!! Spectral:  ints concatenated range of a "to" b, multiple entries with a "of" b
function IO_continuousIntValues(myUnit,maxN,lookupName,lookupMap,lookupMaxN)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),                     intent(in) :: maxN
 integer(pInt),     dimension(1+maxN)          :: IO_continuousIntValues
 integer(pInt),                     intent(in) :: myUnit, &
 integer(pInt),     dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: lookupMap
 character(len=64), dimension(:),   intent(in) :: lookupName
 integer(pInt), parameter :: MAXNCHUNKS = 8192_pInt
 integer(pInt) :: i
#ifdef Abaqus
 integer(pInt) :: j,l,c,first,last

 integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: myPos
 character(len=65536) line
 logical rangeGeneration

 IO_continuousIntValues = 0_pInt
 rangeGeneration = .false.

#ifndef Abaqus
   read(myUnit,'(A65536)',end=100) line
   myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
   if (myPos(1) < 1_pInt) then                                                                      ! empty line
   elseif (verify(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,1_pInt),'0123456789') > 0) then                         ! a non-int, i.e. set name
     do i = 1_pInt, lookupMaxN                                                                      ! loop over known set names
       if (IO_stringValue(line,myPos,1_pInt) == lookupName(i)) then                                 ! found matching name
         IO_continuousIntValues = lookupMap(:,i)                                                    ! return resp. entity list
   else if (myPos(1) > 2_pInt .and. IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,2_pInt)) == 'to' ) then         ! found range indicator
     do i = IO_intValue(line,myPos,1_pInt),IO_intValue(line,myPos,3_pInt)
       IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1_pInt
       IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = i
   else if (myPos(1) > 2_pInt .and. IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,2_pInt)) == 'of' ) then         ! found multiple entries indicator
     IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_intValue(line,myPos,1_pInt)
     IO_continuousIntValues(2:IO_continuousIntValues(1)+1) = IO_intValue(line,myPos,3_pInt)
     do i = 1_pInt,myPos(1)-1_pInt                                                                  ! interpret up to second to last value
       IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1_pInt
       IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,myPos,i)
     if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,myPos(1))) /= 'c' ) then                                  ! line finished, read last value
       IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1_pInt
       IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,myPos,myPos(1))
 c = IO_countDataLines(myUnit)
 do l = 1_pInt,c
! check if the element values in the elset are auto generated
 read(myUnit,'(A65536)',end=100) line
 myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
 do i = 1_pInt,myPos(1)
   if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,i)) == 'generate') rangeGeneration = .true.
 do l = 1_pInt,c
   read(myUnit,'(A65536)',end=100) line
   myPos = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)
   if (verify(IO_stringValue(line,myPos,1_pInt),'0123456789') > 0) then                             ! a non-int, i.e. set names follow on this line
     do i = 1_pInt,myPos(1)                                                                         ! loop over set names in line
       do j = 1_pInt,lookupMaxN                                                                     ! look thru known set names
         if (IO_stringValue(line,myPos,i) == lookupName(j)) then                                    ! found matching name
           first = 2_pInt + IO_continuousIntValues(1)                                               ! where to start appending data
           last  = first + lookupMap(1,j) - 1_pInt                                                  ! up to where to append data
           IO_continuousIntValues(first:last) = lookupMap(2:1+lookupMap(1,j),j)                     ! add resp. entity list
           IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + lookupMap(1,j)                   ! count them
   else if (rangeGeneration) then                                                                   ! range generation
     do i = IO_intValue(line,myPos,1_pInt),IO_intValue(line,myPos,2_pInt),max(1_pInt,IO_intValue(line,myPos,3_pInt))
       IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1_pInt
       IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = i
   else                                                                                             ! read individual elem nums
     do i = 1_pInt,myPos(1)
       IO_continuousIntValues(1) = IO_continuousIntValues(1) + 1_pInt
       IO_continuousIntValues(1+IO_continuousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,myPos,i)

100 end function IO_continuousIntValues

!> @brief returns format string for integer values without leading zeros
pure function IO_intOut(intToPrint)
  implicit none
  character(len=16) :: N_Digits
  character(len=34) :: IO_intOut
  integer(pInt), intent(in) :: intToPrint
  write(N_Digits, '(I16.16)') 1_pInt + int(log10(real(intToPrint)),pInt)
  IO_intOut = 'I'//trim(N_Digits)//'.'//trim(N_Digits)

end function IO_intOut

!> @brief returns time stamp
function IO_timeStamp()
  implicit none
  character(len=10) :: IO_timeStamp
  integer(pInt), dimension(8) :: values
  call DATE_AND_TIME(VALUES=values)
  write(IO_timeStamp,'(i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2)') values(5),':',values(6),':',values(7)

end function IO_timeStamp

!> @brief write error statements to standard out and terminate the Marc/spectral run with exit #9xxx
!> in ABAQUS either time step is reduced or execution terminated
subroutine IO_error(error_ID,el,ip,g,ext_msg)
 implicit none
 integer(pInt),              intent(in) :: error_ID
 integer(pInt),    optional, intent(in) :: el,ip,g
 character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
 character(len=1024)                    :: msg
 character(len=1024)                    :: formatString
 select case (error_ID)

! internal errors
 case (0_pInt)
   msg = 'internal check failed:'

! file handling errors
 case (100_pInt)
   msg = 'could not open file:'
 case (101_pInt)
   msg = 'write error for file:'
 case (102_pInt)
   msg = 'could not read file:'
 case (103_pInt)
   msg = 'could not assemble input files'
 case (104_pInt)
   msg = '{input} recursion limit reached'
! material error messages and related messages in mesh
 case (150_pInt)
   msg = 'index out of bounds'
 case (151_pInt)
   msg = 'microstructure has no constituents'
 case (153_pInt)
   msg = 'sum of phase fractions differs from 1'
 case (154_pInt)
   msg = 'homogenization index out of bounds'
 case (155_pInt)
   msg = 'microstructure index out of bounds'
 case (156_pInt)
   msg = 'reading from ODF file'
 case (157_pInt)
   msg = 'illegal texture transformation specified'
 case (160_pInt)
   msg = 'no entries in config part'
 case (170_pInt)
   msg = 'no homogenization specified via State Variable 2'
 case (180_pInt)
   msg = 'no microstructure specified via State Variable 3'
 case (190_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown element type:'

! plasticity error messages
 case (200_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown elasticity specified:' 
 case (201_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown plasticity specified:' 
 case (205_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown lattice structure encountered'
 case (206_pInt)
   msg = 'hex lattice structure with invalid c/a ratio'

 case (210_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown material parameter:'
 case (211_pInt)
   msg = 'material parameter out of bounds:'
 case (212_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown plasticity output:'
 case (214_pInt)
   msg = 'stiffness parameter close to zero:'

 case (252_pInt)
   msg = 'nonlocal plasticity works only for direct CPFEM, i.e. one grain per integration point'

! numerics error messages 
 case (300_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown numerics parameter:'
 case (301_pInt)
   msg = 'numerics parameter out of bounds:'
! math errors
 case (400_pInt)
   msg = 'matrix inversion error'
 case (401_pInt)
   msg = 'math_check: quat -> axisAngle -> quat failed'
 case (402_pInt)
   msg = 'math_check: quat -> R -> quat failed'
 case (403_pInt)
   msg = 'math_check: quat -> euler -> quat failed'
 case (404_pInt)
   msg = 'math_check: R -> euler -> R failed'
 case (405_pInt)
   msg = 'I_TO_HALTON-error: an input base BASE is <= 1'
 case (406_pInt)
   msg = 'Prime-error: N must be between 0 and PRIME_MAX'
 case (407_pInt)
   msg = 'Dimension in nearest neighbor search wrong'
 case (408_pInt)
   msg = 'Polar decomposition error'
 case (409_pInt)
   msg = 'math_check: R*v == q*v failed'
 case (450_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown symmetry type specified'
 case (460_pInt)
   msg = 'kdtree2 error'

! homogenization errors
 case (500_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown homogenization specified'
! user errors
 case (600_pInt)
   msg = 'Ping-Pong not possible when using non-DAMASK elements'
 case (601_pInt)
   msg = 'Ping-Pong needed when using non-local plasticity'
 case (602_pInt)
   msg = 'invalid element/IP/component (grain) selected for debug'

! DAMASK_marc errors
 case (700_pInt)
   msg = 'invalid materialpoint result requested'

! errors related to spectral solver
 case (809_pInt)
   msg = 'initializing FFTW'
 case (831_pInt)
   msg = 'mask consistency violated in spectral loadcase'
 case (832_pInt)
   msg = 'ill-defined L (line party P) in spectral loadcase'
 case (834_pInt)
   msg = 'negative time increment in spectral loadcase'
 case (835_pInt)
   msg = 'non-positive increments in spectral loadcase'
 case (836_pInt)
   msg = 'non-positive result frequency in spectral loadcase'
 case (837_pInt)
   msg = 'incomplete loadcase'
 case (838_pInt)
   msg = 'mixed boundary conditions allow rotation'
 case (841_pInt)
   msg = 'missing header length info in spectral mesh'
 case (842_pInt)
   msg = 'homogenization in spectral mesh'
 case (843_pInt)
   msg = 'grid in spectral mesh'
 case (844_pInt)
   msg = 'size in spectral mesh'
 case (845_pInt)
   msg = 'incomplete information in spectral mesh header'
 case (846_pInt)
   msg = 'not a rotation defined for loadcase rotation'
 case (847_pInt)
   msg = 'update of gamma operator not possible when pre-calculated'
 case (850_pInt)
   msg = 'max number of cut back exceeded'
 case (880_pInt)
   msg = 'mismatch of microstructure count and a*b*c in geom file'
 case (890_pInt)
   msg = 'invalid input for regridding'
 case (891_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown solver type selected'
 case (892_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown filter type selected'
! error messages related to parsing of Abaqus input file
 case (900_pInt)
   msg = 'improper definition of nodes in input file (Nnodes < 2)'
 case (901_pInt)
   msg = 'no elements defined in input file (Nelems = 0)'
 case (902_pInt)
   msg = 'no element sets defined in input file (No *Elset exists)'
 case (903_pInt)
   msg = 'no materials defined in input file (Look into section assigments)'
 case (904_pInt)
   msg = 'no elements could be assigned for Elset: '
 case (905_pInt)
   msg = 'error in mesh_abaqus_map_materials'
 case (906_pInt)
   msg = 'error in mesh_abaqus_count_cpElements'
 case (907_pInt)
   msg = 'size of mesh_mapFEtoCPelem in mesh_abaqus_map_elements'
 case (908_pInt)
   msg = 'size of mesh_mapFEtoCPnode in mesh_abaqus_map_nodes'
 case (909_pInt)
   msg = 'size of mesh_node in mesh_abaqus_build_nodes not equal to mesh_Nnodes' 
! general error messages
 case (666_pInt)
   msg = 'memory leak detected'
 case default
   msg = 'unknown error number...'

 end select
 !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
 write(6,'(/,a)')      ' +--------------------------------------------------------+'
 write(6,'(a)')        ' +                         error                          +'
 write(6,'(a,i3,a)')   ' +                         ',error_ID,'                            +'
 write(6,'(a)')        ' +                                                        +'
 write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a2,a',max(1,len(trim(msg))),',',&
 write(6,formatString) '+ ', trim(msg),'+'
 if (present(ext_msg)) then
   write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a2,a',max(1,len(trim(ext_msg))),',',&
   write(6,formatString) '+ ', trim(ext_msg),'+'
 if (present(el)) then
   if (present(ip)) then
     if (present(g)) then
       write(6,'(a13,1x,i9,1x,a2,1x,i2,1x,a5,1x,i4,18x,a1)') ' + at element',el,'IP',ip,'grain',g,'+'
       write(6,'(a13,1x,i9,1x,a2,1x,i2,29x,a1)') ' + at element',el,'IP',ip,'+'
     write(6,'(a13,1x,i9,35x,a1)') ' + at element',el,'+'
 elseif (present(ip)) then                                                                          ! now having the meaning of "instance"
   write(6,'(a15,1x,i9,33x,a1)') ' + for instance',ip,'+'
 write(6,'(a)')      ' +--------------------------------------------------------+'
 call quit(9000_pInt+error_ID)
 !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)

end subroutine IO_error

!> @brief writes warning statement to standard out
subroutine IO_warning(warning_ID,el,ip,g,ext_msg)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt),              intent(in) :: warning_ID
 integer(pInt),    optional, intent(in) :: el,ip,g
 character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: ext_msg
 character(len=1024)                    :: msg
 character(len=1024)                    :: formatString

 select case (warning_ID)
 case (34_pInt)
   msg = 'invalid restart increment given'
 case (35_pInt)
   msg = 'could not get $DAMASK_NUM_THREADS'
 case (40_pInt)
   msg = 'found spectral solver parameter'
 case (41_pInt)
   msg = 'found PETSc solver parameter'
 case (42_pInt)
   msg = 'parameter has no effect'
 case (47_pInt)
   msg = 'no valid parameter for FFTW, using FFTW_PATIENT'
 case (50_pInt)
   msg = 'not all available slip system families are defined'
 case (51_pInt)
   msg = 'not all available twin system families are defined'
 case (52_pInt)
   msg = 'not all available parameters are defined'
 case (101_pInt)
   msg = 'crystallite debugging off'
 case (201_pInt)
   msg = 'position not found when parsing line'
 case (202_pInt)
   msg = 'invalid character in string chunk'
 case (203_pInt)
   msg = 'interpretation of string chunk failed'
 case (600_pInt)
   msg = 'crystallite responds elastically'
 case (601_pInt)
   msg = 'stiffness close to zero'
 case (650_pInt)
   msg = 'polar decomposition failed'
 case (700_pInt)
   msg = 'unknown crystal symmetry'
 case default
   msg = 'unknown warning number'
 end select
 !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
 write(6,'(/,a)')      ' +--------------------------------------------------------+'
 write(6,'(a)')        ' +                        warning                         +'
 write(6,'(a,i3,a)')   ' +                         ',warning_ID,'                            +'
 write(6,'(a)')        ' +                                                        +'
 write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a2,a',max(1,len(trim(msg))),',',&
 write(6,formatString) '+ ', trim(msg),'+'
 if (present(ext_msg)) then
   write(formatString,'(a,i6.6,a,i6.6,a)') '(1x,a2,a',max(1,len(trim(ext_msg))),',',&
   write(6,formatString) '+ ', trim(ext_msg),'+'
 if (present(el)) then
   if (present(ip)) then
     if (present(g)) then
       write(6,'(a13,1x,i9,1x,a2,1x,i2,1x,a5,1x,i4,18x,a1)') ' + at element',el,'IP',ip,'grain',g,'+'
       write(6,'(a13,1x,i9,1x,a2,1x,i2,29x,a1)') ' + at element',el,'IP',ip,'+'
     write(6,'(a13,1x,i9,35x,a1)') ' + at element',el,'+'
 write(6,'(a)')      ' +--------------------------------------------------------+'
 !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)

end subroutine IO_warning

! internal helper functions 

!> @brief returns verified integer value in given string
integer(pInt) function IO_verifyIntValue (string,validChars,myName)
 implicit none
 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string, &                                                            !< string for conversion to float value 
                                 validChars, &                                                        !< valid characters in string
                                 myName                                                               !< name of caller function (for debugging)
 integer(pInt)                :: readStatus, invalidWhere
 character(len=len(trim(adjustl(string)))) :: trimmed
 trimmed = trim(adjustl(string))
 IO_verifyIntValue = 0_pInt

 invalidWhere = verify(trimmed,validChars)
 if (invalidWhere == 0_pInt) then
   read(UNIT=trimmed,iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyIntValue                                       ! no offending chars found
   if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &                                                                        ! error during string to float conversion
     call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//trimmed//'"')
   call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=myName//'"'//trimmed//'"')                                             ! complain about offending characters
   read(UNIT=trimmed(1_pInt:invalidWhere-1_pInt),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyIntValue           ! interpret remaining string
   if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &                                                                        ! error during string to float conversion
     call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//trimmed(1_pInt:invalidWhere-1_pInt)//'"')
end function IO_verifyIntValue

!> @brief returns verified float value in given string
real(pReal) function IO_verifyFloatValue (string,validChars,myName)
 implicit none
 character(len=*), intent(in) :: string, &                                                            !< string for conversion to int value 
                                 validChars, &                                                        !< valid characters in string
                                 myName                                                               !< name of caller function (for debugging)

 integer(pInt)                :: readStatus, invalidWhere
 character(len=len(trim(adjustl(string)))) :: trimmed
 trimmed = trim(adjustl(string))
 IO_verifyFloatValue = 0.0_pReal

 invalidWhere = verify(trimmed,validChars)
 if (invalidWhere == 0_pInt) then
   read(UNIT=trimmed,iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyFloatValue                                     ! no offending chars found
   if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &                                                                        ! error during string to float conversion
     call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//trimmed//'"')
   call IO_warning(202,ext_msg=myName//'"'//trimmed//'"')                                             ! complain about offending characters
   read(UNIT=trimmed(1_pInt:invalidWhere-1_pInt),iostat=readStatus,FMT=*) IO_verifyFloatValue         ! interpret remaining string
   if (readStatus /= 0_pInt) &                                                                        ! error during string to float conversion
     call IO_warning(203,ext_msg=myName//'"'//trimmed(1_pInt:invalidWhere-1_pInt)//'"')
end function IO_verifyFloatValue

!> @brief counts hybrid IA repetitions
integer(pInt) pure function hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C)

 implicit none
 integer(pInt), intent(in), dimension(3)                          :: steps                          !< needs description
 real(pReal),   intent(in), dimension(steps(3),steps(2),steps(1)) :: dV_V                           !< needs description
 real(pReal),   intent(in)                                        :: C                              !< needs description
 integer(pInt) :: phi1,Phi,phi2
 hybridIA_reps = 0_pInt
 do phi1=1_pInt,steps(1)
   do Phi =1_pInt,steps(2)
     do phi2=1_pInt,steps(3)
       hybridIA_reps = hybridIA_reps+nint(C*dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1), pInt)
end function hybridIA_reps
#ifdef Abaqus 
!> @brief create a new input file for abaqus simulations by removing all comment lines and 
!> including "include"s
recursive function abaqus_assembleInputFile(unit1,unit2) result(createSuccess)
 use DAMASK_interface, only: &

 implicit none
 integer(pInt), intent(in)                :: unit1, &
 integer(pInt), parameter                 :: MAXNCHUNKS = 6_pInt

 integer(pInt), dimension(1+2*MAXNCHUNKS) :: positions
 character(len=65536)                     :: line,fname
 logical                                  :: createSuccess,fexist

   read(unit2,'(A65536)',END=220) line
   positions = IO_stringPos(line,MAXNCHUNKS)

   if (IO_lc(IO_StringValue(line,positions,1_pInt))=='*include') then
     fname = trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName())//trim(line(9+scan(line(9:),'='):))
     inquire(file=fname, exist=fexist)
     if (.not.(fexist)) then
       !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out)
         write(6,*)'ERROR: file does not exist error in abaqus_assembleInputFile'
         write(6,*)'filename: ', trim(fname)
       !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out)
       createSuccess = .false.
     if (abaqus_assembleInputFile(unit1,unit2+1_pInt)) then
   else if (line(1:2) /= '**' .OR. line(1:8)=='**damask') then
     write(unit1,'(A)') trim(line)
220 createSuccess = .true.
200 createSuccess =.false.

end function abaqus_assembleInputFile

end module IO