# $Id$ # possible options are # IMKL base installation directory of Intel Math Kernel Library # ACML base installation directory of AMD Core Math Library # LAPACK base installation directory of (system) LAPACK Library # MSC base installation directory of MSC.Marc/Mentat # FFTW base installation directory of Fastest Fourier Transform in the West library # A relative path (like ./fftw/ in this example) starts from $DAMASK_ROOT/lib/ # Do NOT add any trailing /lib/ to the end # of the base installation path---this will be done automatically # Out of IMKL, ACML, LAPACK the first defined value is used to access BLAS functionality #IMKL /opt/intel/composerxe/mkl #ACML /opt/acml4.4.0 LAPACK /usr FFTW ./fftw MSC /msc