%% LyX 1.6.2 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/. %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[english]{scrartcl} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} \usepackage[letterpaper]{geometry} \geometry{verbose,tmargin=2cm,bmargin=2cm,lmargin=2cm,rmargin=1cm,headheight=2cm,headsep=1cm,footskip=0.5cm} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{babel} \begin{document} \title{Sorting Criterion for Slip and Twin system in HCP} \author{YunJo Ro} \maketitle This document attempts to show how we sort the order of the slip and twin system for Hex (or hcp) structure in lattice.f90. \section{Slip system } An intersection between slip and basal plane is used in order to sort the slip system as illustrated in Figures \ref{Fig:BasalPrismSlip} and \ref{Fig:Pyr<a><c+a>}. Numbers in Figures \ref{Fig:BasalPrismSlip} and \ref{Fig:Pyr<a><c+a>} indicate the sequence of each slip system in {}``lattice.f90''. In {}``lattice.f90'', No. 4 - 6 for basal and prism <a> slip do not include (Figure \ref{Fig:BasalPrismSlip}). In Figure \ref{Fig:Pyr<a><c+a>}, pyramidal slip <c+a> was used two criterions to sort the 12 slip systems; i) intersection between pyramidal slip plane and basal plnae, and ii) <a> direction. % \begin{figure}[tbph] \begin{centering} \includegraphics[clip,scale=0.18]{figures/slipSystemForHCP}\caption{Basal and prism <a> slip.} \label{Fig:BasalPrismSlip} \par\end{centering} \end{figure} % \begin{figure}[tbph] \centering{}\includegraphics[clip,scale=0.18]{figures/slipSystemForHCP-pyr}\caption{Pyramical <a> and <c+a> slip.} \label{Fig:Pyr<a><c+a>} \end{figure} \clearpage{} \section{Twin system} An intersection between twin and basal plane is used in order to sort the twin system as illustrated in Figures \ref{Fig:TwinType1} and \ref{Fig:TwinType2}. Numbers in Figures \ref{Fig:TwinType1} and \ref{Fig:TwinType2} indicate the sequence of each twin system in {}``lattice.f90''. % \begin{figure}[tbph] \centering{}\includegraphics[clip,scale=0.18]{figures/twinSystemForHCP-1}\caption{Tensile and compressive twin type 1} \label{Fig:TwinType1} \end{figure} % \begin{figure}[tbph] \centering{}\includegraphics[clip,scale=0.18]{figures/twinSystemForHCP-2}\caption{Tensile and compressive twin type 2} \label{Fig:TwinType2} \end{figure} \end{document}