### $Id$ ### [8Grains] type RGC Ngrains 8 clustersize 2 2 2 # product of these numbers must be equal to Ngrains(!) clusterorientation 0.0 0.0 0.0 # orientation of cluster in terms of zxz Euler-angles in degree (random if not present) # clusterorientation 0.0 26.57 0.0 # [012] # clusterorientation 0.0 45.00 0.0 # [011] # clusterorientation 0.0 26.57 24.10 # [112] # clusterorientation 0.0 45.00 19.47 # [122] # clusterorientation 0.0 45.00 35.26 # [111] grainsize 4.0e-6 4.0e-6 2.0e-6 # in [m] overproportionality 2.0e+0 # typical range between 0.001 to 1000 scalingparameter 1.0e+1 # typical range between 0.001 to 1000 (output) constitutivework (output) magnitudemismatch (output) penaltyenergy (output) volumediscrepancy (output) averagerelaxrate (output) maximumrelaxrate