! Copyright 2011 Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH ! ! This file is part of DAMASK, ! the Düsseldorf Advanced MAterial Simulation Kit. ! ! DAMASK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! DAMASK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with DAMASK. If not, see . ! !############################################################## !* $Id$ !******************************************************************** MODULE DAMASK_interface use prec, only: pInt, pReal implicit none character(len=64), parameter :: FEsolver = 'Spectral' character(len=5), parameter :: InputFileExtension = '.geom' character(len=4), parameter :: LogFileExtension = '.log' !until now, we don't have a log file. But IO.f90 requires it logical :: restart_Write_Interface, restart_Read_Interface character(len=1024) :: geometryParameter,loadcaseParameter integer(pInt) :: restartParameter CONTAINS !******************************************************************** ! initialize interface module ! !******************************************************************** subroutine DAMASK_interface_init() implicit none character(len=1024) commandLine integer(pInt):: i, start, length start = 0_pInt length= 0_pInt restart_Write_Interface =.true. restart_Read_Interface = .false. call get_command(commandLine) do i=1,len(commandLine) ! remove capitals if(640) then ! if '--geom' is found, use that (contains '-g') start = index(commandLine,'--geom',.true.) + 7_pInt endif if (index(commandLine,'--geometry',.true.)>0) then ! again, now searching for --geometry' start = index(commandLine,'--geometry',.true.) + 11_pInt endif if(start==3_pInt) stop 'No Geometry specified, terminating DAMASK'! Could not find valid keyword. Functions from IO.f90 are not available length = index(commandLine(start:len(commandLine)),' ',.false.) call get_command(commandLine) ! may contain capitals geometryParameter = '' ! should be empty geometryParameter(1:length)=commandLine(start:start+length) call get_command(commandLine) do i=1,len(commandLine) ! remove capitals if(640) then ! if '--load' is found, use that (contains '-l') start = index(commandLine,'--load',.true.) + 7_pInt endif if (index(commandLine,'--loadcase',.true.)>0) then ! again, now searching for --loadcase' start = index(commandLine,'--loadcase',.true.) + 11_pInt endif if(start==3_pInt) stop 'No Loadcase specified, terminating DAMASK'! Could not find valid keyword functions from IO.f90 are not available length = index(commandLine(start:len(commandLine)),' ',.false.) call get_command(commandLine) ! may contain capitals loadcaseParameter = '' ! should be empty loadcaseParameter(1:length)=commandLine(start:start+length) do i=1,len(commandLine) ! remove capitals if(640) then ! if '--restart' is found, use that (contains '-r') start = index(commandLine,'--restart',.true.) + 10_pInt endif length = index(commandLine(start:len(commandLine)),' ',.false.) if(start/=3_pInt) then read(commandLine(start:start+length),'(I)') restartParameter if (restartParameter>0) then restart_Read_Interface = .true. else restart_Write_Interface =.false. endif endif !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) write(6,*) write(6,*) '<<<+- DAMASK_spectral_interface init -+>>>' write(6,*) '$Id$' write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Geometry Parameter: ', trim(geometryParameter) write(6,*) 'Loadcase Parameter: ', trim(loadcaseParameter) write(6,*) 'Restart Write: ', restart_Write_Interface if (restart_Read_Interface) then write(6,*) 'Restart Read: ', restartParameter else write(6,'(a,I5)') 'Restart Read at Step: ', restart_Read_Interface endif write(6,*) !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) endsubroutine DAMASK_interface_init !******************************************************************** ! extract working directory from loadcase file ! possibly based on current working dir !******************************************************************** function getSolverWorkingDirectoryName() use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(len=1024) cwd,getSolverWorkingDirectoryName character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47) //achar(92) !forwardslash, backwardslash if (scan(geometryParameter,pathSep) == 1) then ! absolute path given as command line argument getSolverWorkingDirectoryName = geometryParameter(1:scan(geometryParameter,pathSep,back=.true.)) else call getcwd(cwd) getSolverWorkingDirectoryName = trim(cwd)//'/'//geometryParameter(1:scan(geometryParameter,pathSep,back=.true.)) endif getSolverWorkingDirectoryName = rectifyPath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName) endfunction getSolverWorkingDirectoryName !******************************************************************** ! basename of geometry file from command line arguments ! !******************************************************************** function getSolverJobName() implicit none character(1024) :: getSolverJobName getSolverJobName = trim(getModelName())//'_'//trim(getLoadCase()) endfunction getSolverJobName !******************************************************************** ! basename of geometry file from command line arguments ! !******************************************************************** function getModelName() use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(1024) getModelName, cwd character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! forwardslash, backwardslash integer(pInt) :: posExt,posSep posExt = scan(geometryParameter,'.',back=.true.) posSep = scan(geometryParameter,pathSep,back=.true.) if (posExt <= posSep) posExt = len_trim(geometryParameter)+1 ! no extension present getModelName = geometryParameter(1:posExt-1) ! path to geometry file (excl. extension) if (scan(getModelName,pathSep) /= 1) then ! relative path given as command line argument call getcwd(cwd) getModelName = rectifyPath(trim(cwd)//'/'//getModelName) else getModelName = rectifyPath(getModelName) endif getModelName = makeRelativePath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName(),& getModelName) endfunction getModelName !******************************************************************** ! name of load case file exluding extension ! !******************************************************************** function getLoadCase() use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(1024) getLoadCase character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! forwardslash, backwardslash integer(pInt) posExt,posSep posExt = scan(loadcaseParameter,'.',back=.true.) posSep = scan(loadcaseParameter,pathSep,back=.true.) if (posExt <= posSep) posExt = len_trim(loadcaseParameter)+1 ! no extension present getLoadCase = loadcaseParameter(posSep+1:posExt-1) ! name of load case file exluding extension endfunction getLoadCase !******************************************************************** ! relative path of loadcase from command line arguments ! !******************************************************************** function getLoadcaseName() use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(len=1024) getLoadcaseName,cwd character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! forwardslash, backwardslash integer(pInt) posExt,posSep posExt = 0_pInt getLoadcaseName = loadcaseParameter posExt = scan(getLoadcaseName,'.',back=.true.) posSep = scan(getLoadcaseName,pathSep,back=.true.) if (posExt <= posSep) getLoadcaseName = trim(getLoadcaseName)//('.load') ! no extension present if (scan(getLoadcaseName,pathSep) /= 1) then ! relative path given as command line argument call getcwd(cwd) getLoadcaseName = rectifyPath(trim(cwd)//'/'//getLoadcaseName) else getLoadcaseName = rectifyPath(getLoadcaseName) endif getLoadcaseName = makeRelativePath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName(),& getLoadcaseName) endfunction getLoadcaseName !******************************************************************** ! remove ../ and ./ from path ! !******************************************************************** function rectifyPath(path) use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(len=*) path character(len=len_trim(path)) rectifyPath integer(pInt) i,j,k,l !remove ./ from path l = len_trim(path) rectifyPath = path do i = l,3,-1 if ( rectifyPath(i-1:i) == './' .and. rectifyPath(i-2:i-2) /= '.' ) & rectifyPath(i-1:l) = rectifyPath(i+1:l)//' ' enddo !remove ../ and corresponding directory from rectifyPath l = len_trim(rectifyPath) i = index(rectifyPath(i:l),'../') j = 0_pInt do while (i > j) j = scan(rectifyPath(:i-2),'/',back=.true.) rectifyPath(j+1:l) = rectifyPath(i+3:l)//repeat(' ',2+i-j) i = j+index(rectifyPath(j+1:l),'../') enddo if(len_trim(rectifyPath) == 0) rectifyPath = '/' endfunction rectifyPath !******************************************************************** ! relative path from absolute a to absolute b ! !******************************************************************** function makeRelativePath(a,b) use prec, only: pInt implicit none character (len=*) :: a,b character (len=1024) :: makeRelativePath integer(pInt) i,posLastCommonSlash,remainingSlashes posLastCommonSlash = 0 remainingSlashes = 0 do i = 1,min(1024,len_trim(a),len_trim(b)) if (a(i:i) /= b(i:i)) exit if (a(i:i) == '/') posLastCommonSlash = i enddo do i = posLastCommonSlash+1,len_trim(a) if (a(i:i) == '/') remainingSlashes = remainingSlashes + 1 enddo makeRelativePath = repeat('../',remainingSlashes)//b(posLastCommonSlash+1:len_trim(b)) endfunction makeRelativePath END MODULE