from queue import Queue import re import glob import h5py import numpy as np from . import util # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class DADF5(): """ Read and write to DADF5 files. DADF5 files contain DAMASK results. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self,filename): """ Opens an existing DADF5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str name of the DADF5 file to be openend. """ with h5py.File(filename,'r') as f: if f.attrs['DADF5-major'] != 0 or f.attrs['DADF5-minor'] != 2: raise TypeError('Unsupported DADF5 version {} '.format(f.attrs['DADF5-version'])) self.structured = 'grid' in f['geometry'].attrs.keys() if self.structured: self.grid = f['geometry'].attrs['grid'] self.size = f['geometry'].attrs['size'] r=re.compile('inc[0-9]+') self.increments = [i for i in f.keys() if r.match(i)] self.times = [round(f[i].attrs['time/s'],12) for i in self.increments] self.Nmaterialpoints, self.Nconstituents = np.shape(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent']) self.materialpoints = [m.decode() for m in np.unique(f['mapping/cellResults/materialpoint']['Name'])] self.constituents = [c.decode() for c in np.unique(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'] ['Name'])] self.con_physics = [] for c in self.constituents: self.con_physics += f['/'.join([self.increments[0],'constituent',c])].keys() self.con_physics = list(set(self.con_physics)) # make unique self.mat_physics = [] for m in self.materialpoints: self.mat_physics += f['/'.join([self.increments[0],'materialpoint',m])].keys() self.mat_physics = list(set(self.mat_physics)) # make unique self.visible= {'increments': self.increments, 'constituents': self.constituents, 'materialpoints': self.materialpoints, 'constituent': range(self.Nconstituents), # ToDo: stupid naming 'con_physics': self.con_physics, 'mat_physics': self.mat_physics} self.filename = filename def __manage_visible(self,datasets,what,action): """Manages the visibility of the groups.""" # allow True/False and string arguments if datasets is True: datasets = ['*'] elif datasets is False: datasets = [] choice = [datasets] if isinstance(datasets,str) else datasets valid = [e for e_ in [glob.fnmatch.filter(getattr(self,what) ,s) for s in choice] for e in e_] existing = set(self.visible[what]) if action == 'set': self.visible[what] = valid elif action == 'add': self.visible[what] = list(existing.union(valid)) elif action == 'del': self.visible[what] = list(existing.difference_update(valid)) def __time_to_inc(self,start,end): selected = [] for i,time in enumerate(self.times): if start <= time < end: selected.append(self.increments[i]) return selected def set_by_time(self,start,end): self.__manage_visible(self.__time_to_inc(start,end),'increments','set') def add_by_time(self,start,end): self.__manage_visible(self.__time_to_inc(start,end),'increments','add') def del_by_time(self,start,end): self.__manage_visible(self.__time_to_inc(start,end),'increments','del') def iter_visible(self,what): """Iterates over visible items by setting each one visible.""" datasets = self.visible[what] last_datasets = datasets.copy() for dataset in datasets: if last_datasets != self.visible[what]: self.__manage_visible(datasets,what,'set') raise Exception self.__manage_visible(dataset,what,'set') last_datasets = self.visible[what] yield dataset self.__manage_visible(datasets,what,'set') def set_visible(self,what,datasets): self.__manage_visible(datasets,what,'set') def add_visible(self,what,datasets): self.__manage_visible(datasets,what,'add') def del_visible(self,what,datasets): self.__manage_visible(datasets,what,'del') def groups_with_datasets(self,datasets): """ Get groups that contain all requested datasets. Only groups within inc?????/constituent/*_*/* inc?????/materialpoint/*_*/* are considered as they contain the data. Single strings will be treated as list with one entry. Wild card matching is allowed, but the number of arguments need to fit. Parameters ---------- datasets : iterable or str or boolean Examples -------- datasets = False matches no group datasets = True matches all groups datasets = ['F','P'] matches a group with ['F','P','sigma'] datasets = ['*','P'] matches a group with ['F','P'] datasets = ['*'] does not match a group with ['F','P','sigma'] datasets = ['*','*'] does not match a group with ['F','P','sigma'] datasets = ['*','*','*'] matches a group with ['F','P','sigma'] """ if datasets is False: return [] sets = [datasets] if isinstance(datasets,str) else datasets groups = [] with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: for i in self.iter_visible('increments'): for o,p in zip(['constituents','materialpoints'],['con_physics','mat_physics']): for oo in self.iter_visible(o): for pp in self.iter_visible(p): group = '/'.join([i,o[:-1],oo,pp]) # o[:-1]: plural/singular issue if sets is True: groups.append(group) else: match = [e for e_ in [glob.fnmatch.filter(f[group].keys(),s) for s in sets] for e in e_] if len(set(match)) == len(sets) : groups.append(group) return groups def list_data(self): """Gives information on all active datasets in the file.""" message = '' with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: for i in self.iter_visible('increments'): message+='\n{}\n'.format(i) for o,p in zip(['constituents','materialpoints'],['con_physics','mat_physics']): for oo in self.iter_visible(o): message+=' {}\n'.format(oo) for pp in self.iter_visible(p): message+=' {}\n'.format(pp) group = '/'.join([i,o[:-1],oo,pp]) # o[:-1]: plural/singular issue for d in f[group].keys(): try: message+=' {} ({})\n'.format(d,f['/'.join([group,d])].attrs['Description'].decode()) except KeyError: pass return message def get_dataset_location(self,label): """Returns the location of all active datasets with given label.""" path = [] with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: for i in self.iter_visible('increments'): for o,p in zip(['constituents','materialpoints'],['con_physics','mat_physics']): for oo in self.iter_visible(o): for pp in self.iter_visible(p): k = '/'.join([i,o[:-1],oo,pp,label]) try: f[k] path.append(k) except KeyError as e: print('unable to locate constituents dataset: '+ str(e)) return path def read_dataset(self,path,c): """ Dataset for all points/cells. If more than one path is given, the dataset is composed of the individual contributions """ with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: shape = (self.Nmaterialpoints,) + np.shape(f[path[0]])[1:] if len(shape) == 1: shape = shape +(1,) dataset = np.full(shape,np.nan) for pa in path: label = pa.split('/')[2] p = np.where(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][:,c]['Name'] == str.encode(label))[0] if len(p)>0: u = (f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][p,c]['Position']) a = np.array(f[pa]) if len(a.shape) == 1: a=a.reshape([a.shape[0],1]) dataset[p,:] = a[u,:] p = np.where(f['mapping/cellResults/materialpoint']['Name'] == str.encode(label))[0] if len(p)>0: u = (f['mapping/cellResults/materialpoint'][p.tolist()]['Position']) a = np.array(f[pa]) if len(a.shape) == 1: a=a.reshape([a.shape[0],1]) dataset[p,:] = a[u,:] return dataset def add_Cauchy(self,P='P',F='F'): """ Adds Cauchy stress calculated from 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress and deformation gradient. Resulting tensor is symmetrized as the Cauchy stress should be symmetric. """ def Cauchy(F,P): sigma = np.einsum('i,ijk,ilk->ijl',1.0/np.linalg.det(F['data']),P['data'],F['data']) sigma = (sigma + np.einsum('ikj',sigma))*0.5 # enforce symmetry return { 'data' : sigma, 'label' : 'sigma', 'meta' : { 'Unit' : P['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : 'Cauchy stress calculated from {} ({}) '.format(P['label'],P['meta']['Description'])+\ 'and deformation gradient {} ({})'.format(F['label'],F['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':F,'arg':'F'}, {'label':P,'arg':'P'} ] self.__add_generic_pointwise(Cauchy,requested) def add_Mises(self,x): """Adds the equivalent Mises stress or strain of a tensor.""" def Mises(x): if x['meta']['Unit'] == b'Pa': #ToDo: Should we use this? Then add_Cauchy and add_strain_tensors also should perform sanity checks factor = 3.0/2.0 t = 'stress' elif x['meta']['Unit'] == b'1': factor = 2.0/3.0 t = 'strain' else: print(x['meta']['Unit']) raise ValueError d = x['data'] dev = d - np.einsum('ijk,i->ijk',np.broadcast_to(np.eye(3),[d.shape[0],3,3]),np.trace(d,axis1=1,axis2=2)/3.0) #dev_sym = (dev + np.einsum('ikj',dev))*0.5 # ToDo: this is not needed (only if the input is not symmetric, but then the whole concept breaks down) return { 'data' : np.sqrt(np.einsum('ijk->i',dev**2)*factor), 'label' : '{}_vM'.format(x['label']), 'meta' : { 'Unit' : x['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : 'Mises equivalent {} of {} ({})'.format(t,x['label'],x['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':x,'arg':'x'}] self.__add_generic_pointwise(Mises,requested) def add_norm(self,x,ord=None): """ Adds norm of vector or tensor. See numpy.linalg.norm manual for details. """ def norm(x,ord): o = ord if len(x['data'].shape) == 2: axis = 1 t = 'vector' if o is None: o = 2 elif len(x['data'].shape) == 3: axis = (1,2) t = 'tensor' if o is None: o = 'fro' else: raise ValueError return { 'data' : np.linalg.norm(x['data'],ord=o,axis=axis,keepdims=True), 'label' : '|{}|_{}'.format(x['label'],o), 'meta' : { 'Unit' : x['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : '{}-Norm of {} {} ({})'.format(ord,t,x['label'],x['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':x,'arg':'x'}] self.__add_generic_pointwise(norm,requested,{'ord':ord}) def add_absolute(self,x): """Adds absolute value.""" def absolute(x): return { 'data' : np.abs(x['data']), 'label' : '|{}|'.format(x['label']), 'meta' : { 'Unit' : x['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : 'Absolute value of {} ({})'.format(x['label'],x['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':x,'arg':'x'}] self.__add_generic_pointwise(absolute,requested) def add_determinant(self,x): """Adds the determinant component of a tensor.""" def determinant(x): return { 'data' : np.linalg.det(x['data']), 'label' : 'det({})'.format(x['label']), 'meta' : { 'Unit' : x['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : 'Determinant of tensor {} ({})'.format(x['label'],x['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':x,'arg':'x'}] self.__add_generic_pointwise(determinant,requested) def add_spherical(self,x): """Adds the spherical component of a tensor.""" def spherical(x): if not np.all(np.array(x['data'].shape[1:]) == np.array([3,3])): raise ValueError return { 'data' : np.trace(x['data'],axis1=1,axis2=2)/3.0, 'label' : 'sph({})'.format(x['label']), 'meta' : { 'Unit' : x['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : 'Spherical component of tensor {} ({})'.format(x['label'],x['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':x,'arg':'x'}] self.__add_generic_pointwise(spherical,requested) def add_deviator(self,x): """Adds the deviator of a tensor.""" def deviator(x): d = x['data'] if not np.all(np.array(d.shape[1:]) == np.array([3,3])): raise ValueError return { 'data' : d - np.einsum('ijk,i->ijk',np.broadcast_to(np.eye(3),[d.shape[0],3,3]),np.trace(d,axis1=1,axis2=2)/3.0), 'label' : 'dev({})'.format(x['label']), 'meta' : { 'Unit' : x['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : 'Deviator of tensor {} ({})'.format(x['label'],x['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':x,'arg':'x'}] self.__add_generic_pointwise(deviator,requested) def add_calculation(self,formula,label,unit='n/a',description=None,vectorized=True): """ General formula. Works currently only for vectorized expressions """ if vectorized is not True: raise NotImplementedError def calculation(**kwargs): formula = kwargs['formula'] for d in re.findall(r'#(.*?)#',formula): formula = re.sub('#{}#'.format(d),"kwargs['{}']['data']".format(d),formula) return { 'data' : eval(formula), 'label' : kwargs['label'], 'meta' : { 'Unit' : kwargs['unit'], 'Description' : '{}'.format(kwargs['description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':d,'arg':d} for d in re.findall(r'#(.*?)#',formula)] # datasets used in the formula pass_through = {'formula':formula,'label':label,'unit':unit,'description':description} self.__add_generic_pointwise(calculation,requested,pass_through) def add_strain_tensor(self,t,ord,defgrad='F'): #ToDo: Use t and ord """ Adds the a strain tensor. Albrecht Bertram: Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations An Introduction (3rd Edition, 2012), p. 102. """ def strain_tensor(defgrad,t,ord): operator = { 'V#ln': lambda V: np.log(V), 'U#ln': lambda U: np.log(U), 'V#Biot': lambda V: np.broadcast_to(np.ones(3),[V.shape[0],3]) - 1.0/V, 'U#Biot': lambda U: U - np.broadcast_to(np.ones(3),[U.shape[0],3]), 'V#Green':lambda V: np.broadcast_to(np.ones(3),[V.shape[0],3]) - 1.0/V**2, 'U#Biot': lambda U: U**2 - np.broadcast_to(np.ones(3),[U.shape[0],3]), } (U,S,Vh) = np.linalg.svd(defgrad['data']) # singular value decomposition R_inv = np.einsum('ikj',np.matmul(U,Vh)) # inverse rotation of polar decomposition U = np.matmul(R_inv,defgrad['data']) # F = RU (D,V) = np.linalg.eigh((U+np.einsum('ikj',U))*.5) # eigen decomposition (of symmetric(ed) matrix) neg = np.where(D < 0.0) # find negative eigenvalues ... D[neg[0],neg[1]] = D[neg[0],neg[1]]* -1 # ... flip value ... V[neg[0],:,neg[1]] = V[neg[0],:,neg[1]]* -1 # ... and vector d = operator['V#ln'](D) a = np.matmul(V,np.einsum('ij,ikj->ijk',d,V)) return { 'data' : a, 'label' : 'ln(V)({})'.format(defgrad['label']), 'meta' : { 'Unit' : defgrad['meta']['Unit'], 'Description' : 'Strain tensor ln(V){} ({})'.format(defgrad['label'],defgrad['meta']['Description']), 'Creator' : ' vXXXXX' } } requested = [{'label':defgrad,'arg':'defgrad'}] self.__add_generic_pointwise(strain_tensor,requested,{'t':t,'ord':ord}) def __add_generic_pointwise(self,func,datasets_requested,extra_args={}): """ General function to add pointwise data. Parameters ---------- func : function Function that calculates a new dataset from one or more datasets per HDF5 group. datasets_requested : list of dictionaries Details of the datasets to be used: label (in HDF5 file) and arg (argument to which the data is parsed in func). extra_args : dictionary, optional Any extra arguments parsed to func. """ def job(args): """Call function with input data + extra arguments, returns results + group.""" args['results'].put({**args['func'](**args['in']),'group':args['group']}) N_threads = 1 # ToDo: should be a parameter results = Queue(N_threads) pool = util.ThreadPool(N_threads) N_added = N_threads + 1 todo = [] # ToDo: It would be more memory efficient to read only from file when required, i.e. do to it in pool.add_task for group in self.groups_with_datasets([d['label'] for d in datasets_requested]): with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: datasets_in = {} for d in datasets_requested: loc = f[group+'/'+d['label']] data = loc[()] meta = {k:loc.attrs[k] for k in loc.attrs.keys()} datasets_in[d['arg']] = {'data': data, 'meta' : meta, 'label' : d['label']} todo.append({'in':{**datasets_in,**extra_args},'func':func,'group':group,'results':results}), todo[:N_added]) # initialize N_not_calculated = len(todo) while N_not_calculated > 0: result = results.get() with h5py.File(self.filename,'a') as f: # write to file dataset_out = f[result['group']].create_dataset(result['label'],data=result['data']) for k in result['meta'].keys(): dataset_out.attrs[k] = result['meta'][k] N_not_calculated-=1 if N_added < len(todo): # add more jobs pool.add_task(job,todo[N_added]) N_added +=1 pool.wait_completion()