import os import sys import shutil import logging import logging.config from import Iterable from optparse import OptionParser from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import damask class Test: """ General class for testing. Is sub-classed by the individual tests. """ variants = [] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """New test.""" defaults = {'description': '', 'keep': False, 'accept': False, 'updateRequest': False, 'show': False, 'select': None, } for arg in defaults.keys(): setattr(self,arg,kwargs.get(arg) if kwargs.get(arg) else defaults[arg]) fh = logging.FileHandler('test.log') # create file handler which logs even debug messages fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: \n%(message)s')) ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) # create console handler with a higher log level ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) logger.setLevel(0)'\n'.join(['+'*40, '-'*40, '| '+self.description, '-'*40, ])) self.dirBase = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.modules[self.__class__.__module__].__file__)) self.parser = OptionParser(description = f'{self.description} (Test class version: {damask.version})', usage = './ [options]') self.parser.add_option("-k", "--keep", action = "store_true", dest = "keep", help = "keep current results, just run postprocessing") self.parser.add_option("--ok", "--accept", action = "store_true", dest = "accept", help = "calculate results but always consider test as successful") self.parser.add_option("-l", "--list", action = "store_true", dest = "show", help = "show all test variants without actual calculation") self.parser.add_option("-s", "--select", dest = "select", help = "run test(s) of given name only") self.parser.set_defaults(keep = self.keep, accept = self.accept, update = self.updateRequest, show =, select =, ) def variantName(self,variant): """Generate name of (numerical) variant.""" return str(variant) def execute(self): """Run all variants and report first failure.""" if not self.options.keep: if not self.feasible(): return -1 self.clean() self.prepareAll() for variant,object in enumerate(self.variants): name = self.variantName(variant) if logging.critical(f'{variant+1}: {name}') elif is not None \ and not (name in or str(variant+1) in pass else: try: if not self.options.keep: self.prepare(variant) self.postprocess(variant) if self.options.update: if self.update(variant) != 0: logging.critical(f'update for "{name}" failed.') elif not (self.options.accept or # no update, do comparison return variant+1 # return culprit except Exception as e: logging.critical(f'exception during variant execution: "{e}"') return variant+1 # return culprit return 0 def feasible(self): """Check whether test is possible or not (e.g. no license available).""" return True def clean(self): """Delete directory tree containing current results.""" try: shutil.rmtree(self.dirCurrent()) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning(f'removal of directory "{self.dirCurrent()}" not possible...') try: os.mkdir(self.dirCurrent()) return True except FileExistsError: logging.critical(f'creation of directory "{self.dirCurrent()}" failed.') return False def prepareAll(self): """Do all necessary preparations for the whole test.""" return True def prepare(self,variant): """Do all necessary preparations for the run of each test variant.""" return True def run(self,variant): """Execute the requested test variant.""" return True def postprocess(self,variant): """Perform post-processing of generated results for this test variant.""" return True def compare(self,variant): """Compare reference to current results.""" return True def update(self,variant): """Update reference with current results.""" logging.critical('update not supported.') return 1 def dirReference(self): """Directory containing reference results of the test.""" return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'reference/')) def dirCurrent(self): """Directory containing current results of the test.""" return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'current/')) def dirProof(self): """Directory containing human readable proof of correctness for the test.""" return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'proof/')) def fileInRoot(self,dir,file): """Path to a file in the root directory of DAMASK.""" return str(Path(os.environ['DAMASK_ROOT'])/dir/file) def fileInReference(self,file): """Path to a file in the refrence directory for the test.""" return os.path.join(self.dirReference(),file) def fileInCurrent(self,file): """Path to a file in the current results directory for the test.""" return os.path.join(self.dirCurrent(),file) def fileInProof(self,file): """Path to a file in the proof directory for the test.""" return os.path.join(self.dirProof(),file) def copy(self, mapA, mapB, A = [], B = []): """ Copy list of files from (mapped) source to target. mapA/B is one of self.fileInX. """ if not B or len(B) == 0: B = A for source,target in zip(list(map(mapA,A)),list(map(mapB,B))): try: shutil.copy2(source,target) except FileNotFoundError: logging.critical(f'error copying {source} to {target}') raise FileNotFoundError def copy_Reference2Current(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]): if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles): try: shutil.copy2(self.fileInReference(f),self.fileInCurrent(targetfiles[i])) except FileNotFoundError: logging.critical(f'Reference2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"') raise FileNotFoundError def copy_Base2Current(self,sourceDir,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]): source = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'../../..',sourceDir)) if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles): try: shutil.copy2(os.path.join(source,f),self.fileInCurrent(targetfiles[i])) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error(os.path.join(source,f)) logging.critical(f'Base2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"') raise FileNotFoundError def copy_Current2Reference(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]): if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles): try: shutil.copy2(self.fileInCurrent(f),self.fileInReference(targetfiles[i])) except FileNotFoundError: logging.critical(f'Current2Reference: Unable to copy file "{f}"') raise FileNotFoundError def copy_Proof2Current(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]): if len(targetfiles) == 0: targetfiles = sourcefiles for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles): try: shutil.copy2(self.fileInProof(f),self.fileInCurrent(targetfiles[i])) except FileNotFoundError: logging.critical(f'Proof2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"') raise FileNotFoundError def copy_Current2Current(self,sourcefiles=[],targetfiles=[]): for i,f in enumerate(sourcefiles): try: shutil.copy2(self.fileInReference(f),self.fileInCurrent(targetfiles[i])) except FileNotFoundError: logging.critical(f'Current2Current: Unable to copy file "{f}"') raise FileNotFoundError def execute_inCurrentDir(self,cmd,env=None): out,error = damask.util.execute(cmd,self.dirCurrent()) logging.debug(out) return out,error def compare_Table(self,headings0,file0, headings1,file1, normHeadings='',normType=None, absoluteTolerance=False,perLine=False,skipLines=[]): import numpy as np'\n '.join(['comparing ASCII Tables',file0,file1])) if normHeadings == '': normHeadings = headings0 # check if comparison is possible and determine length of columns if len(headings0) == len(headings1) == len(normHeadings): dataLength = len(headings0) length = [1 for i in range(dataLength)] shape = [[] for i in range(dataLength)] data = [[] for i in range(dataLength)] maxError = [0.0 for i in range(dataLength)] absTol = [absoluteTolerance for i in range(dataLength)] column = [[1 for i in range(dataLength)] for j in range(2)] norm = [[] for i in range(dataLength)] normLength = [1 for i in range(dataLength)] normShape = [[] for i in range(dataLength)] normColumn = [1 for i in range(dataLength)] for i in range(dataLength): if headings0[i]['shape'] != headings1[i]['shape']: raise Exception(f"shape mismatch between {headings0[i]['label']} and {headings1[i]['label']}") shape[i] = headings0[i]['shape'] for j in range(np.shape(shape[i])[0]): length[i] *= shape[i][j] normShape[i] = normHeadings[i]['shape'] for j in range(np.shape(normShape[i])[0]): normLength[i] *= normShape[i][j] else: raise Exception(f'trying to compare {len(headings0)} with {len(headings1)} normed by {len(normHeadings)} data sets') table0 = damask.ASCIItable(name=file0,readonly=True) table0.head_read() table1 = damask.ASCIItable(name=file1,readonly=True) table1.head_read() for i in range(dataLength): key0 = ('1_' if length[i]>1 else '') + headings0[i]['label'] key1 = ('1_' if length[i]>1 else '') + headings1[i]['label'] normKey = ('1_' if normLength[i]>1 else '') + normHeadings[i]['label'] if key0 not in table0.labels(raw = True): raise Exception(f'column "{key0}" not found in first table...') elif key1 not in table1.labels(raw = True): raise Exception(f'column "{key1}" not found in second table...') elif normKey not in table0.labels(raw = True): raise Exception(f'column "{normKey}" not found in first table...') else: column[0][i] = table0.label_index(key0) column[1][i] = table1.label_index(key1) normColumn[i] = table0.label_index(normKey) line0 = 0 while table0.data_read(): # read next data line of ASCII table if line0 not in skipLines: for i in range(dataLength): myData = np.array(list(map(float,[column[0][i]:\ column[0][i]+length[i]])),'d') normData = np.array(list(map(float,[normColumn[i]:\ normColumn[i]+normLength[i]])),'d') data[i] = np.append(data[i],np.reshape(myData,shape[i])) if normType == 'pInf': norm[i] = np.append(norm[i],np.max(np.abs(normData))) else: norm[i] = np.append(norm[i],np.linalg.norm(np.reshape(normData,normShape[i]),normType)) line0 += 1 for i in range(dataLength): if not perLine: norm[i] = [np.max(norm[i]) for j in range(line0-len(skipLines))] data[i] = np.reshape(data[i],[line0-len(skipLines),length[i]]) if any(norm[i]) == 0.0 or absTol[i]: norm[i] = [1.0 for j in range(line0-len(skipLines))] absTol[i] = True logging.warning(f'''{"At least one" if perLine else "Maximum"} norm of "{headings0[i]['label']}" in first table is 0.0, using absolute tolerance''') line1 = 0 while table1.data_read(): # read next data line of ASCII table if line1 not in skipLines: for i in range(dataLength): myData = np.array(list(map(float,[column[1][i]:\ column[1][i]+length[i]])),'d') maxError[i] = max(maxError[i],np.linalg.norm(np.reshape(myData-data[i][line1-len(skipLines),:],shape[i]))/ norm[i][line1-len(skipLines)]) line1 +=1 if (line0 != line1): raise Exception(f'found {line0} lines in first table but {line1} in second table')' ********') for i in range(dataLength):''' * maximum {'absolute' if absTol[i] else 'relative'} error {maxError[i]} between {headings0[i]['label']} and {headings1[i]['label']}''')' ********') return maxError def compare_TablesStatistically(self, files = [None,None], # list of file names columns = [None], # list of list of column labels (per file) meanTol = 1.0e-4, stdTol = 1.0e-6, preFilter = 1.0e-9): """ Calculate statistics of tables. threshold can be used to ignore small values (a negative number disables this feature) """ if not (isinstance(files, Iterable) and not isinstance(files, str)): # check whether list of files is requested files = [str(files)] tables = [damask.Table.load(filename) for filename in files] for table in tables: table._label_discrete() columns += [columns[0]]*(len(files)-len(columns)) # extend to same length as files columns = columns[:len(files)] # truncate to same length as files for i,column in enumerate(columns): if column is None: columns[i] = list(tables[i].data.columns) # if no column is given, read all'comparing ASCIItables statistically') for i in range(len(columns)): columns[i] = columns[0] if not columns[i] else \ ([columns[i]] if not (isinstance(columns[i], Iterable) and not isinstance(columns[i], str)) else \ columns[i] )[i]+':'+','.join(columns[i])) if len(files) < 2: return True # single table is always close to itself... data = [] for table,labels in zip(tables,columns): table._label_uniform() data.append(np.hstack(list(table.get(label) for label in labels))) for i in range(1,len(data)): delta = data[i]-data[i-1] normBy = (np.abs(data[i]) + np.abs(data[i-1]))*0.5 normedDelta = np.where(normBy>preFilter,delta/normBy,0.0) mean = np.amax(np.abs(np.mean(normedDelta,0))) std = np.amax(np.std(normedDelta,0))'mean: {mean:f}')'std: {std:f}') return (mean < meanTol) & (std < stdTol) def report_Success(self,culprit): ret = culprit if culprit == 0: count = len(self.variants) if is None else len( msg = ('Test passed.' if count == 1 else f'All {count} tests passed.') + '\a\a\a' elif culprit == -1: msg = 'Warning: could not start test...' ret = 0 else: msg = f'Test "{self.variantName(culprit-1)}" failed.' logging.critical('\n'.join(['*'*40,msg,'*'*40]) + '\n') return ret