#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id$ import os, sys import subprocess,shutil import damask class Test(): ''' General class for testing. Is sub-classed by the individual tests. ''' variants = [] def __init__(self): self.dirBase = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])) def execute(self,variants = [],update = []): ''' Run all variants and report first failure. ''' if len(variants) == 0: variants = xrange(len(self.variants)) # iterate over all variants self.clean() for variant in variants: try: self.prepare(variant) self.run(variant) self.postprocess(variant) if variant in update: self.update(variant) elif not self.compare(variant): return variant except: return 1 return -1 def clean(self): ''' Delete directory tree containing current results. ''' status = True try: shutil.rmtree(self.dirCurrent()) except: print('removal of directory "%s" failed...'%(self.dirCurrent())) status = status and False try: os.mkdir(self.dirCurrent()) except: print('creation of directory "%s" failed...'%(self.dirCurrent())) status = status and False return status def prepare(self,variant): ''' Do all necessary preparations for the run of each test variant ''' return True def run(self,variant): ''' Execute the requested test variant. ''' return True def postprocess(self,variant): ''' Perform post-processing of generated results for this test variant. ''' return True def compare(self,variant): ''' Compare reference to current results. ''' return True def update(self,variant): ''' Update reference with current results. ''' return True def dirReference(self): ''' ''' return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'reference/')) def dirCurrent(self): ''' ''' return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.dirBase,'current/')) def fileInReference(self,file): ''' ''' return os.path.join(self.dirReference(),file) def fileInCurrent(self,file): ''' ''' return os.path.join(self.dirCurrent(),file) def copy_Reference2Current(self,files=[]): for file in files: shutil.copy2(self.fileInReference(file),self.fileInCurrent(file)) def copy_Current2Current(self,files=[]): for file in files: shutil.copy2(self.fileInCurrent(file[0]),self.fileInCurrent(file[1]))