program nantest ! This file: ! !====NAN.F90 illustrates what works and what doesn't when ! detecting a NaN. All but the Fortran 2003 IEEE_IS_NAN are not ! Standard Fortran. ! ! Platforms: Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000, AIX 4.3, Linux ! Compiler Notes: ! Compaq Visual Fortran 6.6C with default ! fpe settings (/fpe:3 /nocheck) and /OPTIMIZE:0 ! (ISNAN is an Elemental Intrinsic Function) ! Options /fpe:0 /traceback will cause this ! program to stop with error message, ! James Giles points out that in order to actually print ! minus zero from CVF, you have to compile with the ! /assume:minus0 option. ! ! AIX XLF90 without optimization. ! (ISNAN is part of a BOS Runtime C library; ! thus ISNAN must be declared LOGICAL.) ! ! Linux Intel IFORT, use: -O0 (no optimization) and ! -assume minus0 ! ! g95 supports ieee_is_nan elemental function. ! ! ! Author: hdkLESS at SPAM psu dot edu ! Date: March, 2002, January 2005, August 2006. ! ! References: ! ! ! ! logical :: ISNAN integer :: i integer, Dimension (6) :: Iy real, Dimension (6) :: y integer :: IPInf, IMinf, IMZero real :: PInf, MInf, MZero, DivNan Character (Len=10), Dimension(6) :: NType data NType/'+Infinity','-Infinity','-0', 'NaN','NaN','0/0'/ data IPInf/B'01111111100000000000000000000000'/ ! +Infinity data IMInf/B'11111111100000000000000000000000'/ ! -Infinity data IMZero/B'10000000000000000000000000000000'/ ! -0 data Iy(1)/B'01111111100000000000000000000000'/ ! +Infinity data Iy(2)/B'11111111100000000000000000000000'/ ! -Infinity data Iy(3)/B'10000000000000000000000000000000'/ ! -0 data Iy(4)/B'01111111100000100000000000000000'/ ! NaN data Iy(5)/B'11111111100100010001001010101010'/ ! NaN data Iy(6)/B'11111111110000000000000000000000'/ ! 0/0 PInf = transfer(IPinf,Pinf) Minf = transfer(IMinf,Minf) MZero = transfer(IMZero,MZero) Y = transfer(IY,Y) ! Some debug options for some compilers may flag the following ! zero/zero as an exception. If so, comment out the next two lines. DivNan=0 y(6)=DivNan/DivNan Do i=1,6 print *, 'Test#',i,' ->',NType(i) if (y(i).eq.PInf) print *, 'Y = Plus Infinity' if (y(i).eq.MInf) print *, 'Y = Minus Infinity' if (y(i).eq.Mzero) print *, 'Y = Minus Zero' print *, 'y(Test#)=',y(i) print *, 'Testing each of three NaN detection methods:' ! EQV -> true iff both A and B are True or iff both A and B are False. if( (y(i) > 0.0) .EQV. (y(i) <= 0.0)) then print *, '1) (y(Test#) > 0.0) .EQV. (y(Test#) <= 0.0)' end if if (y(i)/=y(i)) then print *, '2) (y(Test#)/=(y(Test#))' end if ! If ISNAN is available for a specific compiler, uncomment the ! following 3 lines. ! if (ISNAN(y(i))) then ! print *, '3) ISNAN(y(Test#))' ! end if ! if Fortran 2003 IEEE floating-point exception handling is available ! uncomment the following 4 lines ! use ieee_arithmetic ! if (ieee_is_nan(y(i))) then ! print *, '4) ieee_is_nan(y(Test#))' ! end if print *, ' ' End Do end program nantest