#!/bin/bash # sets up an environment for DAMASK # usage: source damask_env.sh # It would be nice to set the variables # depending on the location of the script # /!\ CAREFUL WITH HARDLINKS # but the ideas below don't work with sourcing this snippet. # scriptloc = `dirname $0` scriptloc=`dirname $(readlink -f $0)` #echo I am here: $scriptloc #export DAMASK_ROOT=$scriptloc #export DAMASK_BIN=$scriptloc/bin # Until the above works, we assume DAMASK # lives at the top of the user's home dir # strip the username from "MPIE\" me=`echo $USER |cut -d'\\' -f 2` #echo user: $me #export DAMASK_ROOT=`echo /nethome/$me/DAMASK` #export DAMASK_BIN=`echo /nethome/$me/DAMASK/bin` export DAMASK_ROOT=~/DAMASK export DAMASK_BIN=~/DAMASK/bin echo DAMASK_ROOT = $DAMASK_ROOT echo DAMASK_BIN = $DAMASK_BIN # set more variables depending on the above ones export PATH=${PATH}:${DAMASK_BIN} export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${DAMASK_ROOT}/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DAMASK_ROOT}/lib/fftw/lib:lib/acml4.4.0/ifort64_mp/lib:lib/acml4.4.0/ifort64/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}