#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, math, re, threading, time, string, msc_tools from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, Option, SUPPRESS_HELP # ----------------------- FUNCTIONS ---------------------------- def outMentat(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) py_send(cmd) else: py_send(cmd) return def outStdout(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) print cmd else: print cmd return def output(cmds,locals,dest): for cmd in cmds: if isinstance(cmd,list): output(cmd,locals,dest) else: {\ 'Mentat': outMentat,\ 'Stdout': outStdout,\ }[dest](str(cmd),locals) return #-------------------- def init(): #-------------------- return ["*new_model yes", "*reset", "*select_clear", "*set_element_class hex8", "*set_nodes off", "*elements_solid", "*show_view 4", "*reset_view", "*view_perspective", "*redraw", ] #-------------------- def mesh(r,d): #-------------------- return [ "*add_nodes", "%f %f %f"%(0.0,0.0,0.0), "%f %f %f"%(0.0,0.0,d[2]), "%f %f %f"%(0.0,d[1],d[2]), "%f %f %f"%(0.0,d[1],0.0), "%f %f %f"%(-d[0],0.0,0.0), "%f %f %f"%(-d[0],0.0,d[2]), "%f %f %f"%(-d[0],d[1],d[2]), "%f %f %f"%(-d[0],d[1],0.0), "*add_elements", range(1,9), "*sub_divisions", "%i %i %i"%(r[2],r[1],r[0]), "*subdivide_elements", "all_existing", "*set_sweep_tolerance", "%f"%(float(min(d))/max(r)/2.0), "*sweep_all", "*renumber_all", "*set_move_scale_factor x -1", "*move_elements", "all_existing", "*flip_elements", "all_existing", "*fill_view", ] #-------------------- def material(): #-------------------- cmds = [\ "*new_mater standard", "*mater_option general:state:solid", "*mater_option structural:type:hypo_elast", "*mater_name", "hypela2", "*add_mater_elements", "all_existing", "*geometry_type mech_three_solid", # "*geometry_option red_integ_capacity:on", # see below: reduced integration with one IP gave trouble being always OUTDATED... "*add_geometry_elements", "all_existing", ] return cmds #-------------------- def geometry(): #-------------------- cmds = [\ "*geometry_type mech_three_solid", # "*geometry_option red_integ_capacity:on", "*add_geometry_elements", "all_existing", "*element_type 7", # we are NOT using reduced integration (type 117) but opt for /elementhomogeneous/ in the respective phase description (material.config) "all_existing", ] return cmds #-------------------- def initial_conditions(homogenization,grains): #-------------------- elements = [] element = 0 for id in grains: element += 1 if len(elements) < id: for i in range(id-len(elements)): elements.append([]) elements[id-1].append(element) cmds = [\ "*new_icond", "*icond_name _temperature", "*icond_type state_variable", "*icond_param_value state_var_id 1", "*icond_dof_value var 300", "*add_icond_elements", "all_existing", "*new_icond", "*icond_name _homogenization", "*icond_type state_variable", "*icond_param_value state_var_id 2", "*icond_dof_value var %i"%homogenization, "*add_icond_elements", "all_existing", ] for grain,elementList in enumerate(elements): cmds.append([\ "*new_icond", "*icond_name microstructure_%i"%(grain+1), "*icond_type state_variable", "*icond_param_value state_var_id 3", "*icond_dof_value var %i"%(grain+1), "*add_icond_elements", elementList, "#", ]) return cmds #-------------------- def parse_geomFile(content,homog): #-------------------- (skip,key) = content[0].split()[:2] if key[:4].lower() == 'head': skip = int(skip)+1 else: skip = 0 res = [0,0,0] dim = [0.0,0.0,0.0] homog = 0 for line in content[:skip]: data = line.split() if data[0].lower() == 'resolution': res = map(int,data[2:8:2]) if data[0].lower() == 'dimension': dim = map(float,data[2:8:2]) if data[0].lower() == 'homogenization': homog = int(data[1]) grains = [] for line in content[skip:]: grains.append(int(line.split()[0])) return (res,dim,homog,grains) #-------------------- def parse_spectralFile(content,homog): #-------------------- coords = [{},{},{}] maxBox = [-1.0e20,-1.0e20,-1.0e20] minBox = [ 1.0e20, 1.0e20, 1.0e20] dim = [0.0,0.0,0.0] res = [0,0,0] grains = [] for line in content: data = line.split()[3:7] grains.append(int(data[3])) for i in range(3): maxBox[i] = max(maxBox[i],float(data[i])) minBox[i] = min(minBox[i],float(data[i])) coords[i][data[i]] = True for i in range(3): res[i] = len(coords[i]) dim[i] = (maxBox[i]-minBox[i])*res[i]/(res[i]-1.0) return (res,dim,homog,grains) # ----------------------- MAIN ------------------------------- parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] spectral.datafile', description = """ Generate FE hexahedral mesh from spectral description file. Acceptable formats are geom: header plus list of grain numbers or spectral: phi1,Phi,phi2,x,y,z,id,phase. """ + string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') ) parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int",\ dest="port",\ help="Mentat connection port") parser.add_option("-g", "--geom", action="store_const", const="geom",\ dest="filetype",\ help="file has 'geom' format") parser.add_option("-s", "--spectral", action="store_const", const="spectral",\ dest="filetype",\ help="file has 'spectral' format") parser.add_option("--homogenization", type="int",\ dest="homogenization",\ help="homogenization index from material.config (only required for spectral file type)") parser.set_defaults(filetype = 'geom') parser.set_defaults(homogenization = 1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() sys.path.append(msc_tools.MSC_TOOLS().library_paths()) try: from py_mentat import * except: print('no valid Mentat release found') if options.port != None: sys.exit(-1) if not os.path.isfile(args[0]): parser.error("cannot open %s"%args[0]) file = open(args[0]) content = file.readlines() file.close() if options.filetype not in ['spectral','geom']: options.filetype = os.path.splitext(args[0])[1][1:] print '\nparsing %s...'%options.filetype, sys.stdout.flush() (res,dim,homog,grains) = {\ 'geom': parse_geomFile, 'spectral': parse_spectralFile, }[options.filetype](content,options.homogenization) print '%i grains in %s with resolution %s and homogenization %i\n'%(len(list(set(grains))),str(dim),str(res),homog) cmds = [\ init(), mesh(res,dim), material(), geometry(), initial_conditions(homog,grains), '*identify_sets', '*redraw', ] outputLocals = {} if (options.port != None): py_connect('',options.port) output(cmds,outputLocals,'Mentat') py_disconnect() else: output(cmds,outputLocals,'Stdout')