!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @author Franz Roters, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @author Philip Eisenlohr, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @author Christoph Kords, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @brief Reading in and interpretating the debugging settings for the various modules !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module debug use prec, only: & pInt, & pReal implicit none private integer(pInt), parameter, public :: & debug_LEVELSELECTIVE = 2_pInt**0_pInt, & debug_LEVELBASIC = 2_pInt**1_pInt, & debug_LEVELEXTENSIVE = 2_pInt**2_pInt integer(pInt), parameter, private :: & debug_MAXGENERAL = debug_LEVELEXTENSIVE ! must be set to the last bitcode used by (potentially) all debug types integer(pInt), parameter, public :: & debug_SPECTRALRESTART = debug_MAXGENERAL*2_pInt**1_pInt, & debug_SPECTRALFFTW = debug_MAXGENERAL*2_pInt**2_pInt, & debug_SPECTRALDIVERGENCE = debug_MAXGENERAL*2_pInt**3_pInt, & debug_SPECTRALROTATION = debug_MAXGENERAL*2_pInt**4_pInt, & debug_SPECTRALPETSC = debug_MAXGENERAL*2_pInt**5_pInt integer(pInt), parameter, public :: & debug_DEBUG = 1_pInt, & debug_MATH = 2_pInt, & debug_FESOLVING = 3_pInt, & debug_MESH = 4_pInt, & !< stores debug level for mesh part of DAMASK bitwise coded debug_MATERIAL = 5_pInt, & !< stores debug level for material part of DAMASK bitwise coded debug_LATTICE = 6_pInt, & !< stores debug level for lattice part of DAMASK bitwise coded debug_CONSTITUTIVE = 7_pInt, & !< stores debug level for constitutive part of DAMASK bitwise coded debug_CRYSTALLITE = 8_pInt, & debug_HOMOGENIZATION = 9_pInt, & debug_CPFEM = 10_pInt, & debug_SPECTRAL = 11_pInt, & debug_MARC = 12_pInt, & debug_ABAQUS = 13_pInt integer(pInt), parameter, private :: & debug_MAXNTYPE = debug_ABAQUS !< must be set to the maximum defined debug type integer(pInt),protected, dimension(debug_maxNtype+2_pInt), public :: & ! specific ones, and 2 for "all" and "other" debug_level = 0_pInt integer(pInt), protected, public :: & debug_e = 1_pInt, & debug_i = 1_pInt, & debug_g = 1_pInt integer(pInt), dimension(2), public :: & debug_stressMaxLocation = 0_pInt, & debug_stressMinLocation = 0_pInt, & debug_jacobianMaxLocation = 0_pInt, & debug_jacobianMinLocation = 0_pInt real(pReal), public :: & debug_stressMax = -huge(1.0_pReal), & debug_stressMin = huge(1.0_pReal), & debug_jacobianMax = -huge(1.0_pReal), & debug_jacobianMin = huge(1.0_pReal) #ifdef PETSc character(len=1024), parameter, public :: & PETSCDEBUG = ' -snes_view -snes_monitor ' #endif public :: debug_init, & debug_reset, & debug_info contains !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief reads in parameters from debug.config and allocates arrays !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine debug_init use prec, only: & pStringLen use IO, only: & IO_read_ASCII, & IO_error, & IO_isBlank, & IO_stringPos, & IO_stringValue, & IO_lc, & IO_floatValue, & IO_intValue implicit none character(len=pStringLen), dimension(:), allocatable :: fileContent integer :: i, what, j integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chunkPos character(len=pStringLen) :: tag, line logical :: fexist write(6,'(/,a)') ' <<<+- debug init -+>>>' #ifdef DEBUG write(6,'(a)') achar(27)//'[31m <<<+- DEBUG version -+>>>'//achar(27)//'[0m' #endif inquire(file='debug.config', exist=fexist) fileExists: if (fexist) then fileContent = IO_read_ASCII('debug.config') do j=1, size(fileContent) line = fileContent(j) if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines chunkPos = IO_stringPos(line) tag = IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,1_pInt)) ! extract key select case(tag) case ('element','e','el') debug_e = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,2_pInt) case ('integrationpoint','i','ip') debug_i = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,2_pInt) case ('grain','g','gr') debug_g = IO_intValue(line,chunkPos,2_pInt) end select what = 0_pInt select case(tag) case ('debug') what = debug_DEBUG case ('math') what = debug_MATH case ('fesolving', 'fe') what = debug_FESOLVING case ('mesh') what = debug_MESH case ('material') what = debug_MATERIAL case ('lattice') what = debug_LATTICE case ('constitutive') what = debug_CONSTITUTIVE case ('crystallite') what = debug_CRYSTALLITE case ('homogenization') what = debug_HOMOGENIZATION case ('cpfem') what = debug_CPFEM case ('spectral') what = debug_SPECTRAL case ('marc') what = debug_MARC case ('abaqus') what = debug_ABAQUS case ('all') what = debug_MAXNTYPE + 1_pInt case ('other') what = debug_MAXNTYPE + 2_pInt end select if (what /= 0) then do i = 2_pInt, chunkPos(1) select case(IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,chunkPos,i))) case('basic') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_LEVELBASIC) case('extensive') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_LEVELEXTENSIVE) case('selective') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_LEVELSELECTIVE) case('restart') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_SPECTRALRESTART) case('fft','fftw') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_SPECTRALFFTW) case('divergence') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_SPECTRALDIVERGENCE) case('rotation') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_SPECTRALROTATION) case('petsc') debug_level(what) = ior(debug_level(what), debug_SPECTRALPETSC) end select enddo endif enddo do i = 1_pInt, debug_maxNtype if (debug_level(i) == 0) & debug_level(i) = ior(debug_level(i), debug_level(debug_MAXNTYPE + 2_pInt)) ! fill undefined debug types with levels specified by "other" debug_level(i) = ior(debug_level(i), debug_level(debug_MAXNTYPE + 1_pInt)) ! fill all debug types with levels specified by "all" enddo if (iand(debug_level(debug_debug),debug_LEVELBASIC) /= 0) & write(6,'(a,/)') ' using values from config file' else fileExists if (iand(debug_level(debug_debug),debug_LEVELBASIC) /= 0) & write(6,'(a,/)') ' using standard values' endif fileExists !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! output switched on (debug level for debug must be extensive) if (iand(debug_level(debug_debug),debug_LEVELEXTENSIVE) /= 0) then do i = 1_pInt, debug_MAXNTYPE select case(i) case (debug_DEBUG) tag = ' Debug' case (debug_MATH) tag = ' Math' case (debug_FESOLVING) tag = ' FEsolving' case (debug_MESH) tag = ' Mesh' case (debug_MATERIAL) tag = ' Material' case (debug_LATTICE) tag = ' Lattice' case (debug_CONSTITUTIVE) tag = ' Constitutive' case (debug_CRYSTALLITE) tag = ' Crystallite' case (debug_HOMOGENIZATION) tag = ' Homogenizaiton' case (debug_CPFEM) tag = ' CPFEM' case (debug_SPECTRAL) tag = ' Spectral solver' case (debug_MARC) tag = ' MSC.MARC FEM solver' case (debug_ABAQUS) tag = ' ABAQUS FEM solver' end select if(debug_level(i) /= 0) then write(6,'(3a)') ' debug level for ', trim(tag), ':' if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_LEVELBASIC) /= 0) write(6,'(a)') ' basic' if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_LEVELEXTENSIVE) /= 0) write(6,'(a)') ' extensive' if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_LEVELSELECTIVE) /= 0) then write(6,'(a)') ' selective on:' write(6,'(a24,1x,i8)') ' element: ',debug_e write(6,'(a24,1x,i8)') ' ip: ',debug_i write(6,'(a24,1x,i8)') ' grain: ',debug_g endif if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_SPECTRALRESTART) /= 0) write(6,'(a)') ' restart' if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_SPECTRALFFTW) /= 0) write(6,'(a)') ' FFTW' if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_SPECTRALDIVERGENCE)/= 0) write(6,'(a)') ' divergence' if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_SPECTRALROTATION) /= 0) write(6,'(a)') ' rotation' if(iand(debug_level(i),debug_SPECTRALPETSC) /= 0) write(6,'(a)') ' PETSc' endif enddo endif end subroutine debug_init !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief resets all debug values !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine debug_reset implicit none debug_stressMaxLocation = 0_pInt debug_stressMinLocation = 0_pInt debug_jacobianMaxLocation = 0_pInt debug_jacobianMinLocation = 0_pInt debug_stressMax = -huge(1.0_pReal) debug_stressMin = huge(1.0_pReal) debug_jacobianMax = -huge(1.0_pReal) debug_jacobianMin = huge(1.0_pReal) end subroutine debug_reset !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief writes debug statements to standard out !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine debug_info implicit none !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) debugOutputCPFEM: if (iand(debug_level(debug_CPFEM),debug_LEVELBASIC) /= 0 & .and. any(debug_stressMinLocation /= 0_pInt) & .and. any(debug_stressMaxLocation /= 0_pInt) ) then write(6,'(2/,a,/)') ' Extreme values of returned stress and Jacobian' write(6,'(a39)') ' value el ip' write(6,'(a14,1x,e12.3,1x,i8,1x,i4)') ' stress min :', debug_stressMin, debug_stressMinLocation write(6,'(a14,1x,e12.3,1x,i8,1x,i4)') ' max :', debug_stressMax, debug_stressMaxLocation write(6,'(a14,1x,e12.3,1x,i8,1x,i4)') ' Jacobian min :', debug_jacobianMin, debug_jacobianMinLocation write(6,'(a14,1x,e12.3,1x,i8,1x,i4,/)') ' max :', debug_jacobianMax, debug_jacobianMaxLocation endif debugOutputCPFEM !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) end subroutine debug_info end module debug