#!/usr/bin/env python # Makes postprocessing routines acessible from everywhere. import os,sys,glob,string from damask import Environment from optparse import OptionParser, Option # ----------------------------- class extendableOption(Option): # ----------------------------- # used for definition of new option parser action 'extend', which enables to take multiple option arguments # taken from online tutorial http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",) STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",) TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser): if action == "extend": lvalue = value.split(",") values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue) else: Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser) ######################################################## # MAIN ######################################################## parser = OptionParser(option_class=extendableOption, usage='%prog options', description = """ Sets up the pre and post processing tools of DAMASK """ + string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') ) compilers = ['intel','ifort','intel32','gfortran','gnu95'] parser.add_option('--F90', '--f90', dest='compiler', type='string', \ help='name of F90 compiler') (options,filenames) = parser.parse_args() if options.compiler not in compilers: parser.error('compiler switch "--F90" has to be one out of: %s'%(', '.join(compilers))) f2py_compiler = { 'gfortran': 'gnu95 --f90flags="-fno-range-check -xf95-cpp-input -std=f2008"', 'gnu95': 'gnu95 --f90flags="-fno-range-check -xf95-cpp-input -std=f2008"', 'intel32': 'intel --f90flags="-fpp -stand f03 -diag-disable 5268"', 'intel': 'intelem --f90flags="-fpp -stand f03 -diag-disable 5268"', 'ifort': 'intelem --f90flags="-fpp -stand f03 -diag-disable 5268"', }[options.compiler] compiler = { 'gfortran': 'gfortran', 'gnu95': 'gfortran', 'intel32': 'ifort', 'intel': 'ifort', 'ifort': 'ifort', }[options.compiler] damaskEnv = Environment() baseDir = damaskEnv.relPath('processing/') codeDir = damaskEnv.relPath('code/') if 'ikml' in damaskEnv.pathInfo and damaskEnv.pathInfo['ikml'] != '': lib_lapack = '' # TODO!! elif 'acml' in damaskEnv.pathInfo and damaskEnv.pathInfo['acml'] != '': lib_lapack = '-L%s/%s64/lib -lacml'%(os.path.join(damaskEnv.pathInfo['acml']),compiler) # can we use linker flag? elif 'lapack' in damaskEnv.pathInfo and damaskEnv.pathInfo['lapack'] != '': lib_lapack = '-L%s -llapack'%(damaskEnv.pathInfo['lapack']) # see http://cens.ioc.ee/pipermail/f2py-users/2003-December/000621.html #define ToDo list bin_link = { \ 'pre' : [ 'marc_addUserOutput.py', 'mentat_pbcOnBoxMesh.py', 'mentat_spectralBox.py', 'patchFromReconstructedBoundaries.py', 'spectral_geomCheck.py', 'spectral_geomScale.py', 'spectral_geomCrop.py', 'spectral_minimalSurface.py', 'spectral_vicinityOffset.py', 'spectral_ang2geom.py', 'spectral_randomSeeding.py', 'voronoi_tessellation.exe', 'OIMang_hex2cub', ], 'post' : [ '3Dvisualize.py', 'addCauchy.py', 'addCalculation.py', 'addDeterminant.py', 'addDivergence.py', 'addCurl.py', 'addMises.py', 'addNorm.py', 'addStrainTensors.py', 'addCompatibilityMismatch.py', 'averageDown.py', 'deleteColumn.py', 'deleteInfo.py', 'filterTable.py', 'mentat_colorMap.py', 'postResults.py', 'spectral_iterationCount.py', 'spectral_parseLog.py', 'tagLabel.py', ], } compile = { \ 'pre' : [ 'voronoi_tessellation.f90', ], 'post' : [ ], } execute = { \ 'postMath' : [ 'make tidy', # The following command is used to compile math.f90 and make the functions defined in DAMASK_math.pyf # available for python in the module DAMASK_math.so # It uses the fortran wrapper f2py that is included in the numpy package to construct the # module postprocessingMath.so out of the fortran code postprocessingMath.f90 # for the generation of the pyf file: # f2py -m DAMASK -h DAMASK.pyf --overwrite-signature ../../code/math.f90 \ 'f2py %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'damask.core.pyf')) +\ ' -c --fcompiler=%s'%(f2py_compiler) +\ ' %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'prec.f90'))+\ ' %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'DAMASK_python_interface.f90'))+\ ' %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'IO.f90'))+\ ' %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'numerics.f90'))+\ ' %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'debug.f90'))+\ ' %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'math.f90'))+\ ' %s'%(os.path.join(codeDir,'DAMASK_python.f90'))+\ ' -L%s/lib -lfftw3'%(damaskEnv.pathInfo['fftw'])+\ ' %s'%lib_lapack, 'mv %s `readlink -f %s`' %(os.path.join(codeDir,'core.so'),os.path.join(damaskEnv.relPath('lib/damask'),'core.so')), ] } for dir in compile: for file in compile[dir]: src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(baseDir,dir,file)) if os.path.isfile(src): try: os.system('rm %s.exe'%(os.path.splitext(src)[0])) print 'removing %s.exe '%(os.path.splitext(src)[0]) except: pass print 'compiling ',src,'using',compiler os.system('%s -O2 -o %s.exe %s'%(compiler,os.path.splitext(src)[0],src)) os.chdir(codeDir) # needed for compilation with gfortran and f2py for tasks in execute: for cmd in execute[tasks]: try: print 'executing...:',cmd os.system(cmd) except: print 'failed..!' pass os.chdir(damaskEnv.relPath('processing/setup/')) modules = glob.glob('*.mod') for module in modules: print 'removing', module os.remove(module) for dir in bin_link: for file in bin_link[dir]: src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(baseDir,dir,file)) if (file == ''): sym_link = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(damaskEnv.binDir(),dir)) else: sym_link = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(damaskEnv.binDir(),os.path.splitext(file)[0])) print sym_link,'-->',src if os.path.lexists(sym_link): os.remove(sym_link) os.symlink(src,sym_link)