#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import os import sys import damask import numpy as np from optparse import OptionParser scriptName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__file__))[0] scriptID = ' '.join([scriptName, damask.version]) # ----- Helper functions ----- # def operator(stretch, strain, eigenvalues): # Albrecht Bertram: Elasticity and Plasticity of Large Deformations # An Introduction (3rd Edition, 2012), p. 102 return {'V#ln': np.log(eigenvalues), 'U#ln': np.log(eigenvalues), 'V#Biot': (np.ones(3, 'd') - 1.0/eigenvalues), 'U#Biot': (eigenvalues - np.ones(3, 'd')), 'V#Green': (np.ones(3, 'd') - 1.0/eigenvalues/eigenvalues)*0.5, 'U#Green': (eigenvalues*eigenvalues - np.ones(3, 'd'))*0.5, }[stretch+'#'+strain] def calcEPS(defgrads, stretchType, strainType): """Calculate specific type of strain tensor""" eps = np.zeros(defgrads.shape) # initialize container # TODO: # this loop can use some performance boost # (multi-threading?) for ri in range(defgrads.shape[0]): f = defgrads[ri, :].reshape(3, 3) U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(f) R = np.dot(U, Vh) # rotation of polar decomposition if stretchType == 'U': stretch = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(R), f) # F = RU elif stretchType == 'V': stretch = np.dot(f, np.linalg.inv(R)) # F = VR # kill nasty noisy data stretch = np.where(abs(stretch) < 1e-12, 0, stretch) (D, V) = np.linalg.eig(stretch) # flip principal component with negative Eigen values neg = np.where(D < 0.0) D[neg] *= -1. V[:, neg] *= -1. # check each vector for orthogonality # --> brutal force enforcing orthogonal base # and re-normalize for i, eigval in enumerate(D): if np.dot(V[:, i], V[:, (i+1) % 3]) != 0.0: V[:, (i+1) % 3] = np.cross(V[:, (i+2) % 3], V[:, i]) V[:, (i+1) % 3] /= np.sqrt(np.dot(V[:, (i+1) % 3], V[:, (i+1) % 3].conj())) # calculate requested version of strain tensor d = operator(stretchType, strainType, D) eps[ri] = (np.dot(V, np.dot(np.diag(d), V.T)).real).reshape(9) return eps # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN # -------------------------------------------------------------------- desp = "Add column(s) containing given strains based on given stretches" parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description=desp, version=scriptID) msg = 'material strains based on right Cauchy-Green deformation, i.e., C and U' parser.add_option('-u', '--right', dest='right', action='store_true', help=msg) msg = 'spatial strains based on left Cauchy--Green deformation, i.e., B and V' parser.add_option('-v', '--left', dest='left', action='store_true', help=msg) parser.add_option('-0', '--logarithmic', dest='logarithmic', action='store_true', help='calculate logarithmic strain tensor') parser.add_option('-1', '--biot', dest='biot', action='store_true', help='calculate biot strain tensor') parser.add_option('-2', '--green', dest='green', action='store_true', help='calculate green strain tensor') # NOTE: # It might be easier to just calculate one type of deformation gradient # at a time. msg = 'heading(s) of columns containing deformation tensor values' parser.add_option('-f', '--defgrad', dest='defgrad', action='extend', metavar='<string LIST>', help=msg) parser.set_defaults(right=False, left=False, logarithmic=False, biot=False, green=False, defgrad='f') (options, filenames) = parser.parse_args() stretches = [] strains = [] if options.right: stretches.append('U') if options.left: stretches.append('V') if options.logarithmic: strains.append('ln') if options.biot: strains.append('Biot') if options.green: strains.append('Green') if options.defgrad is None: parser.error('no data column specified.') # ----- Loop over input files ----- # for name in filenames: try: h5f = damask.H5Table(name, new_file=False) except: continue damask.util.report(scriptName, name) # extract defgrads from HDF5 storage F = h5f.get_data(options.defgrad) # allow calculate multiple types of strain within the # same cmd call for stretchType in stretches: for strainType in strains: # calculate strain tensor for this type eps = calcEPS(F, stretchType, strainType) # compose labels/headers for this strain tensor labelsStrain = strainType + stretchType # prepare log info cmd_log = scriptID + '\t' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) # write data to HDF5 file h5f.add_data(labelsStrain, eps, cmd_log=cmd_log)