#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*-

import os,sys,string,math
import numpy as np
from optparse import OptionParser
import damask

scriptID   = string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n')
scriptName = os.path.splitext(scriptID.split()[1])[0]

#                                MAIN
identifiers = {
        'grid':    ['a','b','c'],
        'size':    ['x','y','z'],
        'origin':  ['x','y','z'],
mappings = {
        'grid':            lambda x: int(x),
        'size':            lambda x: float(x),
        'origin':          lambda x: float(x),
        'homogenization':  lambda x: int(x),
        'microstructures': lambda x: int(x),

parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """
compress geometry files with ranges "a to b" and/or multiples "n of x".

""", version = scriptID)

(options, filenames) = parser.parse_args()

# ------------------------------------------ setup file handles -----------------------------------

files = []
if filenames == []:
  for name in filenames:
    if os.path.exists(name):

# ------------------------------------------ loop over input files --------------------------------
for file in files:
  file['croak'].write('\033[1m' + scriptName + '\033[0m: ' + (file['name'] if file['name'] != 'STDIN' else '') + '\n')

  if file['name'] != 'STDIN':
    file['input'] = open(file['name'])
    file['output'] = open(file['name']+'_tmp','w')

  table = damask.ASCIItable(file['input'],file['output'],labels = False,buffered = False)           # make unbuffered ASCII_table
  table.head_read()                                                                                 # read ASCII header info

#--- interpret header -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  info = {
          'grid':    np.zeros(3,'i'),
          'size':    np.zeros(3,'d'),
          'origin':  np.zeros(3,'d'),
          'homogenization':  0,
          'microstructures': 0,
  extra_header = []

  for header in table.info:
    headitems = map(str.lower,header.split())
    if len(headitems) == 0: continue
    if headitems[0] in mappings.keys():
      if headitems[0] in identifiers.keys():
        for i in xrange(len(identifiers[headitems[0]])):
          info[headitems[0]][i] = \
        info[headitems[0]] = mappings[headitems[0]](headitems[1])

  file['croak'].write('grid     a b c:  %s\n'%(' x '.join(map(str,info['grid']))) + \
                      'size     x y z:  %s\n'%(' x '.join(map(str,info['size']))) + \
                      'origin   x y z:  %s\n'%(' : '.join(map(str,info['origin']))) + \
                      'homogenization:  %i\n'%info['homogenization'] + \
                      'microstructures: %i\n'%info['microstructures'])

  if np.any(info['grid'] < 1):
    file['croak'].write('invalid grid a b c.\n')
  if np.any(info['size'] <= 0.0):
    file['croak'].write('invalid size x y z.\n')

#--- write header ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    scriptID + ' ' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]),
    "grid\ta %i\tb %i\tc %i"%(info['grid'][0],info['grid'][1],info['grid'][2],),
    "size\tx %e\ty %e\tz %e"%(info['size'][0],info['size'][1],info['size'][2],),
    "origin\tx %e\ty %e\tz %e"%(info['origin'][0],info['origin'][1],info['origin'][2],),
# --- write packed microstructure information -----------------------------------------------------
  type = ''
  former = -1
  start = -1
  reps = 0

  outputAlive = True
  while outputAlive and table.data_read():                                                          # read next data line of ASCII table
    items = table.data
    if len(items) > 2:
      if   items[1].lower() == 'of': items = [int(items[2])]*int(items[0])
      elif items[1].lower() == 'to': items = xrange(int(items[0]),1+int(items[2]))
      else:                          items = map(int,items)
    else:                            items = map(int,items)

    for current in items:
      if current == former+1 and start+reps == former+1:   
        type = 'to'
        reps += 1
      elif current == former and start == former:
        type = 'of'
        reps += 1
        if   type == '':
          table.data = []
        elif type == '.':
          table.data = [str(former)]
        elif type == 'to':
          table.data = ['%i to %i'%(former-reps+1,former)]
        elif type == 'of':
          table.data = ['%i of %i'%(reps,former)]

        outputAlive = table.data_write(delimiter = ' ')                                             # output processed line
        type = '.'
        start = current
        reps = 1

      former = current

  table.data = {
                   '.' : [str(former)],
                   'to': ['%i to %i'%(former-reps+1,former)],
                   'of': ['%i of %i'%(reps,former)],
  outputAlive = table.data_write(delimiter = ' ')                                                   # output processed line

# ------------------------------------------ output result ---------------------------------------  
  outputAlive and table.output_flush()                                                              # just in case of buffered ASCII table

#--- output finalization --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  if file['name'] != 'STDIN':
    table.input_close()                                                                             # close input ASCII table
    table.output_close()                                                                            # close input ASCII table
    os.rename(file['name']+'_tmp',file['name'])                                                     # overwrite old one with tmp new