#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, string, glob, re import damask from optparse import OptionParser # ----------------------------- def writeHeader(myfile,stat,geomtype): # ----------------------------- myfile.write('2\theader\n') myfile.write(string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n')+ '\t' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) + '\n') if geomtype == 'nodebased': myfile.write('node') for i in range(stat['NumberOfNodalScalars']): myfile.write('\t%s'%''.join(stat['LabelOfNodalScalar'][i].split())) elif geomtype == 'ipbased': myfile.write('elem\tip') for i in range(stat['NumberOfElementalScalars']): myfile.write('\t%s'%''.join(stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][i].split())) myfile.write('\n') return True # ----------------------------- def findTag(filename,tag): # ----------------------------- with open(filename,'r') as myfile: mypattern = re.compile(str(tag)) for line in myfile: if mypattern.search(line): return True return False # ----------------------------- # MAIN FUNCTION STARTS HERE # ----------------------------- # --- input parsing parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] directory', description = """ Add data from an ASCII table to a VTK geometry file. """ + string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') ) parser.add_option('-s','--sub', action='store_true', dest='subdir', \ help='include files in subdirectories [%default]') parser.set_defaults(subdir = False) (options, dirname) = parser.parse_args() # --- sanity checks if dirname == []: parser.print_help() parser.error('no directory specified...') else: dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname[0]) # only use first argument if not os.path.isdir(dirname): parser.print_help() parser.error('invalid directory "%s" specified...'%dirname) # --- loop over "nodebased" and "ipbased" data files and # copy data to corresponding geometry files dataSetTag = {'nodebased':'POINT_DATA', 'ipbased':'CELL_DATA'} for geomtype in ['nodebased','ipbased']: for vtkfilename in glob.iglob(dirname+os.sep+'*'+geomtype+'*.vtk'): if not os.path.dirname(vtkfilename) == dirname and not options.subdir: continue # include files in subdir? datafilename = os.path.splitext(vtkfilename)[0] + '.txt' if not os.path.exists(datafilename): continue # no corresponding datafile found # --- read data from datafile with open(datafilename,'r') as datafile: # open datafile in read mode table = damask.ASCIItable(fileIn=datafile) # use ASCIItable class to read data file table.head_read() # read ASCII header info myData = [] while table.data_read(): # read line in datafile myData.append(table.data) myData = zip(*myData) # reorder data: first index now label, not node # --- append data to vtkfile with open(vtkfilename,'a') as vtkfile: # open vtkfile in append mode print vtkfilename if not findTag(vtkfilename,dataSetTag[geomtype]): # check if data set is already present... vtkfile.write(dataSetTag[geomtype] + ' %i'%len(myData[0])) # ... if not, write keyword for idx,label in enumerate(table.labels): # write data vtkfile.write('\nSCALARS '+label+' double 1\nLOOKUP_TABLE default\n') # all scalar data vtkfile.write('\n'.join(map(str,myData[idx]))) # --------------------------- DONE --------------------------------