#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import os, sys, math, string, re, time import damask from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, Option # ----------------------------- class MyOption(Option): # ----------------------------- # used for definition of new option parser action 'extend', which enables to take multiple option arguments # taken from online tutorial http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",) STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",) TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser): if action == "extend": lvalue = value.split(",") values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue) else: Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser) # ----------------------------- def ParseOutputFormat(filename,homogID,crystID,phaseID): # # parse .output* files in order to get a list of outputs # ----------------------------- myID = { 'Homogenization': homogID, 'Crystallite': crystID, 'Constitutive': phaseID, } format = {} for what in ['Homogenization','Crystallite','Constitutive']: content = [] format[what] = {'outputs':{},'specials':{'brothers':[]}} for prefix in ['']+map(str,range(1,17)): if os.path.exists(prefix+filename+'.output'+what): try: file = open(prefix+filename+'.output'+what) content = file.readlines() file.close() break except: pass if content == []: continue # nothing found... tag = '' tagID = 0 for line in content: if re.match("\s*$",line) or re.match("#",line): # skip blank lines and comments continue m = re.match("\[(.+)\]",line) # look for block indicator if m: # next section tag = m.group(1) tagID += 1 format[what]['specials']['brothers'].append(tag) if tag == myID[what] or (myID[what].isdigit() and tagID == int(myID[what])): format[what]['specials']['_id'] = tagID format[what]['outputs'] = [] tag = myID[what] else: # data from section if tag == myID[what]: (output,length) = line.split() output.lower() if length.isdigit(): length = int(length) if re.match("\((.+)\)",output): # special data, e.g. (Ngrains) format[what]['specials'][output] = length elif length > 0: format[what]['outputs'].append([output,length]) if not '_id' in format[what]['specials']: print "\nsection '%s' not found in <%s>"%(myID[what], what) print '\n'.join(map(lambda x:' [%s]'%x, format[what]['specials']['brothers'])) return format # ----------------------------- def ParsePostfile(p,filename, outputFormat, legacyFormat): # # parse postfile in order to get position and labels of outputs # needs "outputFormat" for mapping of output names to postfile output indices # ----------------------------- startVar = {True: 'GrainCount', False:'HomogenizationCount'} # --- build statistics stat = { \ 'IndexOfLabel': {}, \ 'Title': p.title(), \ 'Extrapolation': p.extrapolate, \ 'NumberOfIncrements': p.increments() - 1, \ 'NumberOfNodes': p.nodes(), \ 'NumberOfNodalScalars': p.node_scalars(), \ 'LabelOfNodalScalar': [None]*p.node_scalars() , \ 'NumberOfElements': p.elements(), \ 'NumberOfElementalScalars': p.element_scalars(), \ 'LabelOfElementalScalar': [None]*p.element_scalars() , \ 'NumberOfElementalTensors': p.element_tensors(), \ 'LabelOfElementalTensor': [None]*p.element_tensors(), \ } # --- find labels for labelIndex in range(stat['NumberOfNodalScalars']): label = p.node_scalar_label(labelIndex) stat['IndexOfLabel'][label] = labelIndex stat['LabelOfNodalScalar'][labelIndex] = label for labelIndex in range(stat['NumberOfElementalScalars']): label = p.element_scalar_label(labelIndex) stat['IndexOfLabel'][label] = labelIndex stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][labelIndex] = label for labelIndex in range(stat['NumberOfElementalTensors']): label = p.element_tensor_label(labelIndex) stat['IndexOfLabel'][label] = labelIndex stat['LabelOfElementalTensor'][labelIndex] = label if 'User Defined Variable 1' in stat['IndexOfLabel']: # output format without dedicated names? stat['IndexOfLabel'][startVar[legacyFormat]] = stat['IndexOfLabel']['User Defined Variable 1'] # adjust first named entry if startVar[legacyFormat] in stat['IndexOfLabel']: # does the result file contain relevant user defined output at all? startIndex = stat['IndexOfLabel'][startVar[legacyFormat]] stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex] = startVar[legacyFormat] # We now have to find a mapping for each output label as defined in the .output* files to the output position in the post file # Since we know where the user defined outputs start ("startIndex"), we can simply assign increasing indices to the labels # given in the .output* file offset = 1 if legacyFormat: stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex + offset] = startVar[not legacyFormat] # add HomogenizationCount as second offset += 1 for (name,N) in outputFormat['Homogenization']['outputs']: for i in range(N): label = {False: '%s'%( name), True:'%i_%s'%(i+1,name)}[N > 1] stat['IndexOfLabel'][label] = startIndex + offset stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex + offset] = label offset += 1 if not legacyFormat: stat['IndexOfLabel'][startVar[not legacyFormat]] = startIndex + offset stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex + offset] = startVar[not legacyFormat] # add GrainCount offset += 1 if '(ngrains)' in outputFormat['Homogenization']['specials']: for grain in range(outputFormat['Homogenization']['specials']['(ngrains)']): stat['IndexOfLabel']['%i_CrystalliteCount'%(grain+1)] = startIndex + offset # report crystallite count stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex + offset] = '%i_CrystalliteCount'%(grain+1) # add GrainCount offset += 1 for (name,N) in outputFormat['Crystallite']['outputs']: # add crystallite outputs for i in range(N): label = {False: '%i_%s'%(grain+1, name), True:'%i_%i_%s'%(grain+1,i+1,name)}[N > 1] stat['IndexOfLabel'][label] = startIndex + offset stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex + offset] = label offset += 1 stat['IndexOfLabel']['%i_ConstitutiveCount'%(grain+1)] = startIndex + offset # report constitutive count stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex + offset] = '%i_ConstitutiveCount'%(grain+1) # add GrainCount offset += 1 for (name,N) in outputFormat['Constitutive']['outputs']: # add constitutive outputs for i in range(N): label = {False: '%i_%s'%(grain+1, name), True:'%i_%i_%s'%(grain+1,i+1,name)}[N > 1] stat['IndexOfLabel'][label] = startIndex + offset try: stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][startIndex + offset] = label except IndexError: print 'trying to assign %s at position %i+%i'%(label,startIndex,offset) sys.exit(1) offset += 1 return stat # ----------------------------- def GetIncrementLocations(p,Nincrements,options): # # get mapping between positions in postfile and increment number # ----------------------------- incAtPosition = {} positionOfInc = {} for position in range(Nincrements): p.moveto(position+1) incAtPosition[position] = p.increment # remember "real" increment at this position positionOfInc[p.increment] = position # remember position of "real" increment if not options.range: options.getIncrements = False locations = range(Nincrements) # process all positions else: options.range = list(options.range) # convert to list if options.getIncrements: locations = [positionOfInc[x] for x in range(options.range[0],options.range[1]+1,options.range[2]) if x in positionOfInc] else: locations = range( max(0,options.range[0]), min(Nincrements,options.range[1]+1), options.range[2] ) increments = [incAtPosition[x] for x in locations] # build list of increments to process return [increments,locations] # ----------------------------- def SummarizePostfile(stat,where=sys.stdout): # ----------------------------- where.write('\n\n') where.write('title:\t%s'%stat['Title'] + '\n\n') where.write('extraplation:\t%s'%stat['Extrapolation'] + '\n\n') where.write('increments:\t%i'%(stat['NumberOfIncrements']) + '\n\n') where.write('nodes:\t%i'%stat['NumberOfNodes'] + '\n\n') where.write('elements:\t%i'%stat['NumberOfElements'] + '\n\n') where.write('nodal scalars:\t%i'%stat['NumberOfNodalScalars'] + '\n\n ' + '\n '.join(stat['LabelOfNodalScalar']) + '\n\n') where.write('elemental scalars:\t%i'%stat['NumberOfElementalScalars'] + '\n\n ' + '\n '.join(stat['LabelOfElementalScalar']) + '\n\n') where.write('elemental tensors:\t%i'%stat['NumberOfElementalTensors'] + '\n\n ' + '\n '.join(stat['LabelOfElementalTensor']) + '\n\n') return True # ----------------------------- def SummarizeOutputfile(format,where=sys.stdout): # ----------------------------- where.write('\nUser Defined Outputs') for what in format.keys(): where.write('\n\n %s:'%what) for output in format[what]['outputs']: where.write('\n %s'%output) return True # ----------------------------- def writeHeader(myfile,stat,geomtype): # ----------------------------- myfile.write('2\theader\n') myfile.write(string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n')+ '\t' + ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) + '\n') if geomtype == 'nodebased': myfile.write('node') for i in range(stat['NumberOfNodalScalars']): myfile.write('\t%s'%''.join(stat['LabelOfNodalScalar'][i].split())) elif geomtype == 'ipbased': myfile.write('elem\tip') for i in range(stat['NumberOfElementalScalars']): myfile.write('\t%s'%''.join(stat['LabelOfElementalScalar'][i].split())) myfile.write('\n') return True # ----------------------------- # MAIN FUNCTION STARTS HERE # ----------------------------- # --- input parsing parser = OptionParser(option_class=MyOption, usage='%prog [options] resultfile', description = """ Extract data from a .t16 (MSC.Marc) results file. """ + string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') ) parser.add_option('-i','--info', action='store_true', dest='info', \ help='list contents of resultfile [%default]') parser.add_option('-l','--legacy', action='store_true', dest='legacy', \ help='legacy user result block (starts with GrainCount) [%default]') parser.add_option('-d','--dir', dest='dir', \ help='name of subdirectory to hold output [%default]') parser.add_option('-r','--range', dest='range', type='int', nargs=3, \ help='range of positions (or increments) to output (start, end, step) [all]') parser.add_option('--increments', action='store_true', dest='getIncrements', \ help='switch to increment range [%default]') parser.add_option('-t','--type', dest='type', type='choice', choices=['ipbased','nodebased'], \ help='processed geometry type [ipbased and nodebased]') group_material = OptionGroup(parser,'Material identifier') group_material.add_option('--homogenization', dest='homog', \ help='homogenization identifier (as string or integer [%default])', metavar='<ID>') group_material.add_option('--crystallite', dest='cryst', \ help='crystallite identifier (as string or integer [%default])', metavar='<ID>') group_material.add_option('--phase', dest='phase', \ help='phase identifier (as string or integer [%default])', metavar='<ID>') parser.add_option_group(group_material) parser.set_defaults(info = False) parser.set_defaults(legacy = False) parser.set_defaults(dir = 'vtk') parser.set_defaults(getIncrements= False) parser.set_defaults(homog = '1') parser.set_defaults(cryst = '1') parser.set_defaults(phase = '1') (options, files) = parser.parse_args() # --- sanity checks if files == []: parser.print_help() parser.error('no file specified...') filename = os.path.splitext(files[0])[0] if not os.path.exists(filename+'.t16'): parser.print_help() parser.error('invalid file "%s" specified...'%filename+'.t16') sys.path.append(damask.solver.Marc().libraryPath('../../')) try: from py_post import * except: print('error: no valid Mentat release found') sys.exit(-1) if not options.type : options.type = ['nodebased', 'ipbased'] else: options.type = [options.type] # --- initialize mesh data if damask.core.mesh.mesh_init_postprocessing(filename+'.mesh'): print('error: init not successful') sys.exit(-1) # --- check if ip data available for all elements; if not, then .t19 file is required p = post_open(filename+'.t16') asciiFile = False p.moveto(1) for e in range(p.elements()): if not damask.core.mesh.mesh_get_nodeAtIP(str(p.element(e).type),1): if os.path.exists(filename+'.t19'): p.close() p = post_open(filename+'.t19') asciiFile = True break # --- parse *.output and *.t16 file outputFormat = ParseOutputFormat(filename,options.homog,options.cryst,options.phase) p.moveto(1) p.extrapolation('translate') stat = ParsePostfile(p,filename,outputFormat,options.legacy) # --- output info if options.info: print '\n\nMentat release %s'%damask.solver.Marc().version('../../') SummarizePostfile(stat) SummarizeOutputfile(outputFormat) sys.exit(0) # --- create output dir dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),options.dir)) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname,0755) # --- get positions [increments,locations] = GetIncrementLocations(p,stat['NumberOfIncrements'],options) # --- loop over positions time_start = time.time() for incCount,position in enumerate(locations): # walk through locations p.moveto(position+1) # wind to correct position time_delta = (float(len(locations)) / float(incCount+1) - 1.0) * (time.time() - time_start) sys.stdout.write("\r(%02i:%02i:%02i) processing increment %i of %i..."%(time_delta//3600,time_delta%3600//60,time_delta%60,incCount+1,len(locations))) sys.stdout.flush() # --- write header outFilename = {} for geomtype in options.type: outFilename[geomtype] = eval('"'+eval("'%%s_%%s_inc%%0%ii.txt'%(math.log10(max(increments+[1]))+1)")+'"%(dirname + os.sep + os.path.split(filename)[1],geomtype,increments[incCount])') with open(outFilename[geomtype],'w') as myfile: writeHeader(myfile,stat,geomtype) # --- write node based data if geomtype == 'nodebased': for n in range(stat['NumberOfNodes']): myfile.write(str(n)) for l in range(stat['NumberOfNodalScalars']): myfile.write('\t'+str(p.node_scalar(n,l))) myfile.write('\n') # --- write ip based data elif geomtype == 'ipbased': for e in range(stat['NumberOfElements']): if asciiFile: print 'ascii postfile not yet supported' sys.exit(-1) else: ipData = [[]] for l in range(stat['NumberOfElementalScalars']): data = p.element_scalar(e,l) for i in range(len(data)): # at least as many nodes as ips node = damask.core.mesh.mesh_get_nodeAtIP(str(p.element(e).type),i+1) # fortran indexing starts at 1 if not node: break # no more ips while i >= len(ipData): ipData.append([]) ipData[i].extend([data[node-1].value]) # python indexing starts at 0 for i in range(len(ipData)): myfile.write('\t'.join(map(str,[e,i]+ipData[i]))+'\n') p.close() sys.stdout.write("\n") # --------------------------- DONE --------------------------------