##################### # $Id$ ##################### #-------------------# #-------------------# #/echo/ # uncomment to output homogenization part [SX] type isostrain Ngrains 1 [Grain_Cluster] type RGC ngrains 8 clustersize 2 2 2 # product of these numbers must be equal to ngrains(!) clusterorientation 0.0 0.0 0.0 # orientation of cluster in terms of 313 Euler-angles in degree (random if not present) # clusterorientation 0.0 26.57 0.0 # [012] # clusterorientation 0.0 45.00 0.0 # [011] # clusterorientation 0.0 26.57 24.10 # [112] # clusterorientation 0.0 45.00 19.47 # [122] # clusterorientation 0.0 45.00 35.26 # [111] grainsize 4.0e-6 4.0e-6 2.0e-6 # in [m] overproportionality 2.0e+0 # typical range between 0.001 to 1000 scalingparameter 1.0e+1 # typical range between 0.001 to 1000 (output) constitutivework (output) magnitudemismatch (output) penaltyenergy (output) volumediscrepancy (output) averagerelaxrate (output) maximumrelaxrate [Taylor2] type isostrain Ngrains 2 #-------------------# #-------------------# #/echo/ # uncomment to output microstructure part [Aluminum_j2] crystallite 2 (constituent) phase 1 texture 2 fraction 1.0 [Aluminum_pheno_Poly] /elementhomogeneous/ # put this flag to set ips identical in one element (something like reduced integration) crystallite 2 (constituent) phase 2 texture 2 fraction 1.0 [Aluminum_nonlocal_001] crystallite 2 (constituent) phase 3 texture 3 fraction 1.0 [DP_Steel] /elementhomogeneous/ crystallite 2 (constituent) phase 4 texture 1 fraction 0.82 (constituent) phase 5 texture 1 fraction 0.18 #-------------------# #-------------------# #/echo/ # uncomment to output crystallite part [none] [aLittleSomething] (output) f (output) p [all] (output) phase (output) texture (output) volume (output) orientation # quaternion (output) eulerangles # orientation as Bunge triple (output) grainrotation # deviation from initial orientation as axis (1-3) and angle in degree (4) in crystal reference coordinates (output) grainrotationx # deviation from initial orientation as angle in degrees around sample reference x axis (output) grainrotationy # deviation from initial orientation as angle in degrees around sample reference y axis (output) grainrotationz # deviation from initial orientation as angle in degrees around sample reference z axis (output) f # deformation gradient tensor; synonyms: "defgrad" (output) fe # elastic deformation gradient tensor (output) fp # plastic deformation gradient tensor (output) e # total strain as Green-Lagrange tensor (output) ee # elastic strain as Green-Lagrange tensor (output) p # first Piola-Kichhoff stress tensor; synonyms: "firstpiola", "1stpiola" (output) s # second Piola-Kichhoff stress tensor; synonyms: "tstar", "secondpiola", "2ndpiola" (output) lp # plastic velocity gradient tensor (output) elasmatrix # elastic stiffness matrix #-------------------# #-------------------# #/echo/ # uncomment to output phase part [Aluminium_elastic_only] elasticity hooke plasticity none lattice_structure fcc c11 106.75e9 c12 60.41e9 c44 28.34e9 [Aluminum_J2isotropic] elasticity hooke plasticity j2 (output) flowstress (output) strainrate c11 110.9e9 c12 58.34e9 taylorfactor 3 tau0 31e6 gdot0 0.001 n 20 h0 75e6 tausat 63e6 #---- if tausat == 0.0 --------!!!VALUES HERE ARE NOT FOR ALUMINUM!!! tausat_SinhFitA 2.4175e-7 tausat_SinhFitB 5.9804e-8 tausat_SinhFitC 1.0 tausat_SinhFitD 3.9 # h0_slope #---------------------------# a 2.25 atol_resistance 1 [Aluminum_phenopowerlaw] # slip only elasticity hooke plasticity phenopowerlaw (output) resistance_slip (output) shearrate_slip (output) resolvedstress_slip (output) totalshear (output) resistance_twin (output) shearrate_twin (output) resolvedstress_twin (output) totalvolfrac lattice_structure fcc Nslip 12 0 0 0 # per family Ntwin 0 0 0 0 # per family c11 106.75e9 c12 60.41e9 c44 28.34e9 gdot0_slip 0.001 n_slip 20 tau0_slip 31e6 # per family tausat_slip 63e6 # per family a_slip 2.25 gdot0_twin 0.001 n_twin 20 tau0_twin 31e6 # per family s_pr 0 # push-up factor for slip saturation due to twinning twin_b 0 twin_c 0 twin_d 0 twin_e 0 h0_slipslip 75e6 #h0_sliptwin 0 no effect h0_twinslip 0 h0_twintwin 0 interaction_slipslip 1 1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 interaction_sliptwin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 interaction_twinslip 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 interaction_twintwin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 atol_resistance 1 [Aluminum_nonlocal] elasticity hooke plasticity nonlocal /nonlocal/ (output) rho (output) rho_edge (output) rho_screw (output) rho_sgl (output) rho_sgl_edge (output) rho_sgl_edge_pos (output) rho_sgl_edge_neg (output) rho_sgl_screw (output) rho_sgl_screw_pos (output) rho_sgl_screw_neg (output) rho_sgl_mobile (output) rho_sgl_edge_mobile (output) rho_sgl_edge_pos_mobile (output) rho_sgl_edge_neg_mobile (output) rho_sgl_screw_mobile (output) rho_sgl_screw_pos_mobile (output) rho_sgl_screw_neg_mobile (output) rho_sgl_immobile (output) rho_sgl_edge_immobile (output) rho_sgl_edge_pos_immobile (output) rho_sgl_edge_neg_immobile (output) rho_sgl_screw_immobile (output) rho_sgl_screw_pos_immobile (output) rho_sgl_screw_neg_immobile (output) rho_dip (output) rho_dip_edge (output) rho_dip_screw (output) excess_rho (output) excess_rho_edge (output) excess_rho_screw (output) rho_forest (output) delta (output) delta_sgl (output) delta_dip (output) shearrate (output) resolvedstress (output) resolvedstress_back (output) resolvedstress_external (output) resistance (output) rho_dot (output) rho_dot_sgl (output) rho_dot_dip (output) rho_dot_gen (output) rho_dot_gen_edge (output) rho_dot_gen_screw (output) rho_dot_sgl2dip (output) rho_dot_sgl2dip_edge (output) rho_dot_sgl2dip_screw (output) rho_dot_ann_ath (output) rho_dot_ann_the (output) rho_dot_ann_the_edge (output) rho_dot_ann_the_screw (output) rho_dot_edgejogs (output) rho_dot_flux (output) rho_dot_flux_edge (output) rho_dot_flux_screw (output) velocity_edge_pos (output) velocity_edge_neg (output) velocity_screw_pos (output) velocity_screw_neg (output) fluxDensity_edge_pos_x (output) fluxDensity_edge_pos_y (output) fluxDensity_edge_pos_z (output) fluxDensity_edge_neg_x (output) fluxDensity_edge_neg_y (output) fluxDensity_edge_neg_z (output) fluxDensity_screw_pos_x (output) fluxDensity_screw_pos_y (output) fluxDensity_screw_pos_z (output) fluxDensity_screw_neg_x (output) fluxDensity_screw_neg_y (output) fluxDensity_screw_neg_z (output) maximumDipoleHeight_edge (output) maximumDipoleHeight_screw (output) accumulatedshear (output) dislocationstress (output) boundarylayer lattice_structure fcc Nslip 12 # number of slip systems c11 106.75e9 # elastic constants c12 60.41e9 c44 28.34e9 burgers 2.86e-10 # Burgers vector in m rhoSglEdgePos0 0.25e10 # Initial positive edge single dislocation density in m/m**3 (per slip family) rhoSglEdgeNeg0 0.25e10 # Initial negative edge single dislocation density in m/m**3 (per slip family) rhoSglScrewPos0 0.25e10 # Initial positive screw single dislocation density in m/m**3 (per slip family) rhoSglScrewNeg0 0.25e10 # Initial negative screw single dislocation density in m/m**3 (per slip family) rhoDipEdge0 1e8 # Initial edge dipole dislocation density in m/m**3 (per slip family) rhoDipScrew0 1e8 # Initial screw dipole dislocation density in m/m**3 (per slip family) rhoSglScatter 0 # standard deviation of scatter in initial single dislocation density #rhoSglRandom 1e12 # randomly distributed total dislocation density (sum over all slip systems and types) in m/m**3 #rhoSglRandomBinning 1 # binning size of randomly distributed dislocations (number of dislocations per ip volume) minimumDipoleHeightEdge 2e-9 # minimum distance for stable edge dipoles in m (per slip family) minimumDipoleHeightScrew 2e-9 # minimum distance for stable screw dipoles in m (per slip family) lambda0 80 # prefactor for mean free path edgeMultiplication 0.1 # factor to which edges contribute to multiplication atomicVolume 1.7e-29 # atomic volume in m**3 selfdiffusionPrefactor 1e-4 # prefactor for self-diffusion coefficient in m**2/s selfdiffusionEnergy 2.3e-19 # activation enthalpy for seld-diffusion in J solidSolutionEnergy 2e-19 # activation energy of solid solution particles in J solidSolutionConcentration 1e-5 # concentration of solid solution in parts per b^3 solidSolutionSize 2 # size of solid solution obstacles in multiples of burgers vector length peierlsStressEdge 1e5 # Peierls stress for edges in Pa (per slip family) peierlsStressScrew 1e5 # Peierls stress for screws in Pa (per slip family) doublekinkWidth 10 # width of double kinks in multiples of burgers vector length b viscosity 1e-4 # viscosity for dislocation glide in Pa s p 1 # exponent for thermal barrier profile q 1 # exponent for thermal barrier profile attackFrequency 50e9 # attack frequency in Hz maximumVelocity 3600 # maximum allowed velocity surfaceTransmissivity 1.0 # transmissivity of free surfaces for dislocation flux grainboundaryTransmissivity 0.0 # transmissivity of grain boundaries for dislocation flux (grain bundaries are identified as interfaces with different textures on both sides); if not set or set to negative number, the subroutine automatically determines the transmissivity at the grain boundary interaction_SlipSlip 0 0 0.625 0.07 0.137 0.122 # Dislocation interaction coefficient linetension 0.8 # constant indicating the effect of the line tension on the hardening coefficients (0 to 1) edgejog 1.0 # fraction of annihilated screw dipoles that forms edge jogs (0 to 1) shortRangeStressCorrection 0 # switch for use of short range correction stress cutoffRadius 1e-3 # cutoff radius for dislocation stress in m CFLfactor 2.0 # safety factor for CFL flux check (numerical parameter) significantRho 1e6 # minimum dislocation density considered relevant in m/m**3 #significantN 0.1 # minimum dislocation number per ip considered relevant absoluteToleranceRho 1e4 # absolute tolerance for dislocation density in m/m**3 deadZone 0 # switch for the modification of the shearrate in presence of dead dislocations randomMultiplication 0 # switch for probabilistic extension of multiplication rate [BCC_Ferrite] elasticity hooke plasticity phenopowerlaw lattice_structure bcc Nslip 12 0 0 0 # per family Ntwin 0 0 0 0 # per family c11 233.3e9 c12 135.5e9 c44 118.0e9 gdot0_slip 0.001 n_slip 20 tau0_slip 88.0e6 0 0 0 # per family tausat_slip 205.0e6 0 0 0 # per family gdot0_twin 0.001 n_twin 20 tau0_twin 31.0e6 0 0 0 # per family s_pr 0 # push-up factor for slip saturation due to twinning twin_b 0 twin_c 0 twin_d 0 twin_e 0 h0_slipslip 495.0e6 h0_sliptwin 0 h0_twinslip 0 h0_twintwin 0 interaction_slipslip 1 1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 interaction_sliptwin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 interaction_twinslip 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 interaction_twintwin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a_slip 1.0 atol_resistance 1 [BCC_Martensite] plasticity phenopowerlaw lattice_structure bcc Nslip 12 0 0 0 # per family Ntwin 0 0 0 0 # per family c11 417.4e9 c12 242.4e9 c44 211.1e9 gdot0_slip 0.001 n_slip 20 tau0_slip 575.00e6 0 0 0 # 460.0e6 # per family tausat_slip 1280.0e6 0 0 0 # 1020.0e6 # per family gdot0_twin 0.001 n_twin 20 tau0_twin 31.0e6 0 0 0 # per family s_pr 0 # push-up factor for slip saturation due to twinning twin_b 0 twin_c 0 twin_d 0 twin_e 0 h0_slipslip 53500.0e6 # 35000.0e6 h0_sliptwin 0 h0_twinslip 0 h0_twintwin 0 interaction_slipslip 1 1 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 interaction_sliptwin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 interaction_twinslip 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 interaction_twintwin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a_slip 2.0 atol_resistance 1 [TWIP steel FeMnC] elasticity hooke plasticity dislotwin #(output) edge_density #(output) dipole_density #(output) shear_rate_slip #(output) mfp_slip #(output) resolved_stress_slip #(output) threshold_stress_slip #(output) twin_fraction #(output) shear_rate_twin #(output) mfp_twin #(output) resolved_stress_twin #(output) threshold_stress_twin #(output) shear_rate_shearband #(output) resolved_stress_shearband #(output) schmid_factor_shearband #(output) sb_eigenvalues #(output) sb_eigenvectors ### Material parameters ### lattice_structure fcc C11 175.0e9 # From Music et al. Applied Physics Letters 91, 191904 (2007) C12 115.0e9 C44 135.0e9 grainsize 2.0e-5 # Average grain size [m] SolidSolutionStrength 1.5e8 # Strength due to elements in solid solution ### Dislocation glide parameters ### Nslip 12 0 0 0 slipburgers 2.56e-10 0 0 0 # Burgers vector of slip system [m] rhoedge0 1.0e12 0 0 0 # Initial dislocation density [m/m**3] rhoedgedip0 1.0 0 0 0 # Initial dislocation density [m/m**3] Qedge 3.7e-19 0 0 0 # Activation energy for dislocation glide [J] v0 1.0e-4 0 0 0 # Initial glide velocity [m/s] CLambdaSlip 10.0 0 0 0 # Adj. parameter controlling dislocation mean free path D0 4.0e-5 # Vacancy diffusion prefactor [m**2/s] Qsd 4.5e-19 # Activation energy for climb [J] pexponent 1.0 # p-exponent in glide velocity qexponent 1.0 # q-exponent in glide velocity Catomicvolume 1.0 # Adj. parameter controlling the atomic volume [in b] Cedgedipmindistance 1.0 # Adj. parameter controlling the minimum dipole distance [in b] atol_rho 1.0e-200 interactionSlipSlip 0.122 0.122 0.625 0.07 0.137 0.122 # Interaction coefficients (Kubin et al. 2008) ### Shearband parameters ### shearbandresistance 180e6 shearbandvelocity 1e-4 QedgePerSbSystem 3.7e-19 # Activation energy for shear banding [J] ### Twinning parameters ### Ntwin 12 twinburgers 1.47e-10 # Burgers vector of twin system [m] twinsize 5.0e-8 # Twin stack mean thickness [m] L0 442.0 # Length of twin nuclei in Burgers vectors maxtwinfraction 1.0 # Maximum admissible twin volume fraction Ndot0 0.0 # Number of potential sources per volume per time [1/m**3.s] rexponent 10.0 # r-exponent in twin formation probability Cmfptwin 1.0 # Adj. parameter controlling twin mean free path Cthresholdtwin 1.0 # Adj. parameter controlling twin threshold stress interactionSlipTwin 0.0 1.0 # Dislocation-Twin interaction coefficients interactionTwinTwin 0.0 1.0 # Twin-Twin interaction coefficients SFE_0K -0.0396 # stacking fault energy at zero K; TWIP steel: -0.0526; Cu: -0.0396 dSFE_dT 0.0002 # temperature dependance of stacking fault energy #-------------------# #-------------------# #/echo/ # uncomment to output texture part [Rolling] hybridIA DP_EBSD.linearODF symmetry orthotropic # or monoclinic [random] [001] (gauss) phi1 0.000 Phi 0.000 phi2 0.000 scatter 0.000 fraction 1.000 [101] (gauss) phi1 0.000 Phi 45.000 phi2 90.000 scatter 0.000 fraction 1.000 [111] (gauss) phi1 0.000 Phi 54.7356 phi2 45.000 scatter 0.000 fraction 1.000 [123] (gauss) phi1 209.805 Phi 29.206 phi2 63.435 scatter 0.000 fraction 1.000 [fiber example] # fiber axis in spherical coordinates: alpha crystal system, beta sample system (fiber) alpha1 123 alpha2 123 beta1 12 beta2 45 scatter 15 fraction 0.333 [random single crystals] (random) scatter 0.000 fraction 1.000