!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @brief provides wrappers to C routines !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module system_routines use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding implicit none public :: & signalterm_C, & signalusr1_C, & signalusr2_C, & isDirectory, & getCWD, & getHostName, & setCWD interface function isDirectory_C(path) bind(C) use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: & C_INT, & C_CHAR integer(C_INT) :: isDirectory_C character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024), intent(in) :: path ! C string is an array end function isDirectory_C subroutine getCurrentWorkDir_C(str, stat) bind(C) use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: & C_INT, & C_CHAR character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024), intent(out) :: str ! C string is an array integer(C_INT),intent(out) :: stat end subroutine getCurrentWorkDir_C subroutine getHostName_C(str, stat) bind(C) use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: & C_INT, & C_CHAR character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024), intent(out) :: str ! C string is an array integer(C_INT),intent(out) :: stat end subroutine getHostName_C function chdir_C(path) bind(C) use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: & C_INT, & C_CHAR integer(C_INT) :: chdir_C character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024), intent(in) :: path ! C string is an array end function chdir_C subroutine signalterm_C(handler) bind(C) use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: & C_FUNPTR type(C_FUNPTR), intent(in), value :: handler end subroutine signalterm_C subroutine signalusr1_C(handler) bind(C) use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: & C_FUNPTR type(C_FUNPTR), intent(in), value :: handler end subroutine signalusr1_C subroutine signalusr2_C(handler) bind(C) use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only: & C_FUNPTR type(C_FUNPTR), intent(in), value :: handler end subroutine signalusr2_C end interface contains !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief figures out if a given path is a directory (and not an ordinary file) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function isDirectory(path) character(len=*), intent(in) :: path character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024) :: strFixedLength ! C string as array integer :: i strFixedLength = repeat(C_NULL_CHAR,len(strFixedLength)) do i=1,len(path) ! copy array components strFixedLength(i)=path(i:i) enddo isDirectory=merge(.True.,.False.,isDirectory_C(strFixedLength) /= 0_C_INT) end function isDirectory !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets the current working directory !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getCWD() character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024) :: charArray ! C string is an array character(len=:), allocatable :: getCWD integer(C_INT) :: stat integer :: i call getCurrentWorkDir_C(charArray,stat) if (stat /= 0_C_INT) then getCWD = 'Error occured when getting currend working directory' else allocate(character(len=1024)::getCWD) arrayToString: do i=1,len(getCWD) if (charArray(i) /= C_NULL_CHAR) then getCWD(i:i)=charArray(i) else getCWD = getCWD(:i-1) exit endif enddo arrayToString endif end function getCWD !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets the current host name !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getHostName() character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024) :: charArray ! C string is an array character(len=:), allocatable :: getHostName integer(C_INT) :: stat integer :: i call getHostName_C(charArray,stat) if (stat /= 0_C_INT) then getHostName = 'Error occured when getting host name' else allocate(character(len=1024)::getHostName) arrayToString: do i=1,len(getHostName) if (charArray(i) /= C_NULL_CHAR) then getHostName(i:i)=charArray(i) else getHostName = getHostName(:i-1) exit endif enddo arrayToString endif end function getHostName !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief changes the current working directory !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function setCWD(path) character(len=*), intent(in) :: path character(kind=C_CHAR), dimension(1024) :: strFixedLength ! C string is an array integer :: i strFixedLength = repeat(C_NULL_CHAR,len(strFixedLength)) do i=1,len(path) ! copy array components strFixedLength(i)=path(i:i) enddo setCWD=merge(.True.,.False.,chdir_C(strFixedLength) /= 0_C_INT) end function setCWD end module system_routines