! --------------------------- MODULE constitutive ! --------------------------- ! *** constitutive equations *** use prec, only: pRe,pIn implicit none ! *************************** ! *** Material parameters *** ! *************************** real(pRe), allocatable :: Cslip_66(:,:,:),Cslip_3333(:,:,:,:,:) real(pRe), allocatable :: s0_slip(:),gdot0_slip(:) real(pRe), allocatable :: h0(:),w0(:),s_sat(:),q0(:),n_slip(:) real(pRe), allocatable :: hardening_matrix(:,:,:) character*80, allocatable :: TCfile(:), ODFfile(:) real(pRe), parameter :: latent=1.4_pRe integer(pIn), parameter :: Nslip(3) integer(pIn) Nmats real(pRe) sn(3,48,3),sd(3,48,3) real(pRe) Sslip(3,48,3,3),Sslip_v(3,48,6) ! *** Vectors n and d for each fcc slip systems *** ! MISSING needs to be generalized to fcc and bcc (and hcp?) ! 1: fcc, 2: bcc, 3: hcp ! the respective crystal structure has to be defined ! via material parameter 'crystal_structure' in [material] data sd( 1,:)/ 0, 1,-1/ ; data sn( 1,:)/ 1, 1, 1/ data sd( 2,:)/-1, 0, 1/ ; data sn( 2,:)/ 1, 1, 1/ data sd( 3,:)/ 1,-1, 0/ ; data sn( 3,:)/ 1, 1, 1/ data sd( 4,:)/ 0,-1,-1/ ; data sn( 4,:)/-1,-1, 1/ data sd( 5,:)/ 1, 0, 1/ ; data sn( 5,:)/-1,-1, 1/ data sd( 6,:)/-1, 1, 0/ ; data sn( 6,:)/-1,-1, 1/ data sd( 7,:)/ 0,-1, 1/ ; data sn( 7,:)/ 1,-1,-1/ data sd( 8,:)/-1, 0,-1/ ; data sn( 8,:)/ 1,-1,-1/ data sd( 9,:)/ 1, 1, 0/ ; data sn( 9,:)/ 1,-1,-1/ data sd(10,:)/ 0, 1, 1/ ; data sn(10,:)/-1, 1,-1/ data sd(11,:)/ 1, 0,-1/ ; data sn(11,:)/-1, 1,-1/ data sd(12,:)/-1,-1, 0/ ; data sn(12,:)/-1, 1,-1/ contains ! ************************************** ! *** module Init *** ! ************************************** subroutine constitutive_init() call constitutive_calc_SchmidM() call constitutive_calc_hardeningM() call constitutive_parse_materialDat() end subroutine ! ************************************** ! *** Calculation of Schmid matrices *** ! ************************************** subroutine constitutive_calc_SchmidM() use prec, only: pRe,pIn implicit none integer(pIn) i,j,k,l real(pRe) invNorm do j=1,3 ! iterate over crystal system do i=1,Nslip(j) ! iterate over slip systems do k=1,3 do l=1,3 Sslip(j,i,k,l)=sd(j,i,k)*sn(j,i,l) enddo enddo invNorm = dsqrt(1.0_pRe/ & (sn(j,i,1)**2+sn(j,1,2)**2+sn(j,i,3)**2)/ & (sd(j,i,1)**2+sd(j,1,2)**2+sd(j,i,3)**2)) Sslip(j,i,:,:) = Sslip(j,i,:,:)*invNorm Sslip_v(j,i,1)=Sslip(j,i,1,1) Sslip_v(j,i,2)=Sslip(j,i,2,2) Sslip_v(j,i,3)=Sslip(j,i,3,3) Sslip_v(j,i,4)=Sslip(j,i,1,2)+Sslip(j,i,2,1) Sslip_v(j,i,5)=Sslip(j,i,2,3)+Sslip(j,i,3,2) Sslip_v(j,i,6)=Sslip(j,i,1,3)+Sslip(j,i,3,1) enddo enddo end subroutine ! **************************************** ! *** Hardening matrix (see Kalidindi) *** ! **************************************** subroutine constitutive_calc_hardeningM() use prec, only: pRe,pIn implicit none integer(pIn) i,j,k,l ! MISSING iteration over crystal systems ! PE does not understand the j,k looping hardening_matrix=latent do i=1,10,3 do j=1,3 do k=1,3 hardening_matrix(i-1+j,i-1+k)=1.0_ZdRe enddo enddo enddo ! **************************************** ! *** Reading 'material.mpie' *** ! **************************************** subroutine constitutive_parse_materialDat() use prec, only: pRe,pIn implicit none character*80 line integer(pIn) i,j,k,l,positions(4) ! MISSING: needs to be 2 pass ! first pass to count Nmats and allocate ! 2nd pass to read actual parameters write(6,*) '## constitutive_parse_materialDat ##' write(6,*) constitutive_Nmats = 1 open(200,FILE='material.mpie',ACTION='READ',STATUS='OLD',ERR=100) read(200,610,ERR=200,END=200) line IF( line(1:1).ne.'[' )THEN WRITE(6,*) 'Problem with mat file: no mat. in 1st line' ELSE WRITE(6,*) 'Reading mat. data' DO WHILE( .true. ) READ(200,610,END=220) line IF( line(1:1).eq.'[' )THEN constitutive_Nmats = constitutive_Nmats+1 ELSE positions = IO_stringPos(line,2) ! parse 2 parts SELECT CASE (IO_stringValue(line,positions,1)) CASE ('s0_slip') s0_slip(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('g0_slip') g0_slip(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('n_slip') n_slip(mat) = IO_intValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('h0') h0(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('w0') w0(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('tauc_sat') tauc_sat(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('C11') C11(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('C12') C12(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('C44') C44(mat) = IO_floatValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('TCfile') TCfile(mat) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('ODFfile') ODFfile(mat) = IO_stringValue(line,positions,2) CASE ('Ngrains') Ngrains(mat) = IO_intValue(line,positions,2) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(6,*) 'Unknown mat. parameter ',line END IF END DO END IF 220 continue close(200) ! ** Defintion of stiffness matrices ** ! MISSING: this needs to be iterated over the materials Cslip_66 = 0.0_pRe do i=1,3 do j=1,3 Cslip_66(i,j) = C12 enddo Cslip_66(i,i) = C11 Cslip_66(i+3,i+3) = C44 enddo Cslip_3333(:,:,:,:) = math_66to3333(Cslip_66(:,:)) ! *** Transformation to get the MARC order *** ! *** 11,22,33,12,23,13 *** ! MISSING this should be outsourced to FEM-spec temp=Cslip_66(4,:) Cslip_66(4,:)=Cslip_66(6,:) Cslip_66(6,:)=Cslip_66(5,:) Cslip_66(5,:)=temp temp=Cslip_66(:,4) Cslip_66(:,4)=2.0d0*Cslip_66(:,6) Cslip_66(:,6)=2.0d0*Cslip_66(:,5) Cslip_66(:,5)=2.0d0*temp ! *** Output to MARC output file *** write(6,*) 'Material data:' write(6,*) 'Slip parameter:(s0_slip,g0_slip,n_slip)' write(6,*) s0_slip,g0_slip,n_slip write(6,*) 'Slip hardening parameter:(h0,tauc_sat,w0)' write(6,*) h0,tauc_sat,w0 write(6,*) 'Elasticity matrix:' write(6,*) Cslip_66(1,:) write(6,*) Cslip_66(2,:) write(6,*) Cslip_66(3,:) write(6,*) Cslip_66(4,:)/2.0d0 write(6,*) Cslip_66(5,:)/2.0d0 write(6,*) Cslip_66(6,:)/2.0d0 write(6,*) call flush(6) ! END OF MISSING mat iterations return 100 call _error(110) 200 call _error(210) end subroutine READ_ORIENTATIONS !*********************************************************************** !*** This routine reads orientations from 'orientations.mpie' *** !*********************************************************************** use mpie use Zahlendarstellung, only: ZdRe,ZdIn implicit none ! *** Definition of variables *** integer(ZdIn) i,j ! *** Read 'orientations.mpie' file *** open(100,FILE='orientations.mpie',ACTION='READ',STATUS='OLD', & ERR=100) read(100,*,ERR=200,END=200) ! *** Read number of states, maximum of components over the states *** read(100,*,ERR=200,END=200) mpie_nmat,mpie_norimx ! *** Allocate memory for the arrays *** allocate(mpie_mat(mpie_nmat,2+7*mpie_norimx)) allocate(mpie_cko(mpie_nmat,4:35,3,0:35,2)) allocate(mpie_ckofile(mpie_nmat,80)) allocate(mpie_odfmax(mpie_nmat)) mpie_mat=0.0_ZdRe mpie_cko=0.0_ZdRe mpie_ckofile='' mpie_odfmax=0.0_ZdRe ! *** Read the different states *** do i=1,mpie_nmat read(100,*,ERR=200,END=200) ! *** Number of component and symmetry *** read(100,*,ERR=200,END=200) mpie_mat(i,1),mpie_mat(i,2) ! *** If symmetry = 2, use direct ODF sampling,i.e. read coefficience *** if (mpie_mat(i,2)==2_ZdIn) then read(100,'(80A)',ERR=200,END=201) mpie_ckofile(i,:) 201 call mpie_read_ckofile(mpie_cko(i,:,:,:,:), & mpie_ckofile(i,:)) call mpie_odf_max(mpie_cko(i,:,:,:,:),mpie_odfmax(i)) ! *** Set volume fraction to inverse of orientation number for each orientation *** do j=1,int(mpie_mat(i,1),ZdIn) mpie_mat(i,2+7*j)=1/mpie_mat(i,1) enddo else ! *** Read for every component: *** ! *** gauss: euler angles (phi1, PHI, phi2), dummy, scatter, volume fraction *** ! *** fiber: alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, scatter, volume fraction *** do j=1,int(mpie_mat(i,1),ZdIn) read(100,*,ERR=200,END=200) mpie_mat(i,7*j-4), & mpie_mat(i,7*j-3),mpie_mat(i,7*j-2), & mpie_mat(i,7*j-1),mpie_mat(i,7*j), & mpie_mat(i,7*j+1),mpie_mat(i,7*j+2) enddo endif enddo close(100) ! *** Output to MARC output file *** write(6,*) 'MPIE Material Routine Ver. 0.1 by L. Hantcherli' write(6,*) write(6,*) 'Orientations data:' write(6,*) 'Number of materials: ', mpie_nmat write(6,*) 'Maximum number of components: ', mpie_norimx write(6,*) do i=1,mpie_nmat write(6,*) 'State', i if (mpie_mat(i,2)==2_ZdIn) then write(6,*) mpie_ckofile(i,:),mpie_mat(i,9),mpie_odfmax(i) else write(6,*) mpie_mat(i,:) endif write(6,*) enddo call flush(6) return 100 call _error(100) 200 call _error(200) end subroutine slip_rate (tau_slip,tauc_slip_new,gdot_slip, & dgdot_dtaucslip) C ******************************************************************** C Subroutine contains the constitutive equation for the slip C rate on each slip system C Input: tau_slip : shear stress on each slip system C tauc_slip_new : critical shear stress on each slip system C Output: gdot_slip : slip rate on each slip system C dgdot_dtaucslip: derivative of slip rate on each slip system C ******************************************************************** use mpie use Zahlendarstellung implicit none real(ZdRe) tau_slip(nslip),tauc_slip_new(nslip), & gdot_slip(nslip),dgdot_dtaucslip(nslip) integer(ZdIn) i do i=1,nslip gdot_slip(i)=g0_slip*(abs(tau_slip(i))/tauc_slip_new(i)) & **n_slip*sign(1.0_ZdRe,tau_slip(i)) dgdot_dtaucslip(i)=g0_slip*(abs(tau_slip(i))/tauc_slip_new(i)) & **(n_slip-1) *n_slip/tauc_slip_new(i) enddo return end subroutine hardening (tauc_slip_new,gdot_slip,dtauc_slip) C ********************************************************************* C Subroutine calculates the increment in critical shear stress due C to plastic deformation on each slip system C Input: tauc_slip_new :critical shear stress needed for slip on each C slip system C gdot_slip :slip rate on each slip system C Output: dtauc_slip :increment of hardening due to slip on each C slip system C Local : selfhr C ********************************************************************* use mpie use Zahlendarstellung implicit none real(ZdRe) tauc_slip_new(nslip),gdot_slip(nslip), & dtauc_slip(nslip) real(ZdRe) selfhr(nslip) integer(ZdIn) i do i=1,nslip selfhr(i)=h0*(1.0_ZdRe-tauc_slip_new(i)/ & tauc_sat)**w0 & *abs(gdot_slip(i)) enddo dtauc_slip=matmul(hardening_matrix,selfhr) return end subroutine plastic_vel_grad(dt,tau_slip,tauc_slip_new,Lp) C ************************************************************* C Subroutine calculates the plastic velocity gradient given the C slip rates C Input: dt : time step C tau_slip : shear stress on each slip system on each C slip system C tauc_slip_new : critical shear stress needed for slip on each C slip system C Output: Lp : plastic velocity gradient C gdot_slip : slip rate on each slip system C ************************************************************* use mpie use Zahlendarstellung implicit none real(ZdRe) dt,tau_slip(nslip),tauc_slip_new(nslip), & Lp(3,3),gdot_slip(nslip) integer(ZdIn) i Lp=0 do i=1,nslip gdot_slip(i)=g0_slip*(abs(tau_slip(i))/tauc_slip_new(i)) & **n_slip*sign(1.0_ZdRe,tau_slip(i)) Lp=Lp+gdot_slip(i)*Sslip(i,:,:) enddo return end function CPFEM_Cauchy(Estar_v,Fe,C66) C *************************************************************** C Subroutine calculates the cauchy from the elastic strain tensor C Input: Estar_v : elastic strain tensor (in vector form) C Fe : elastic deformation gradient C C66 : Stiffness Tensor C Output: cs : cauchy stress C Local: Tstar_v,Tstar,mm,det C *************************************************************** use math use prec implicit none real(pRe) Estar_v(6),Fe(3,3),C66(6,6),CPFEM_Cauchy(6) real(pRe) det,mm(3,3),Tstar(3,3) integer(pIn) i det = math_det(Fe) Tstar = math_6to33(matmul(C66,Estar_v)) mm=matmul(matmul(Fe,Tstar),transpose(Fe))/det CPFEM_Cauchy = math_33to6(mm) return end function end module