#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import os,sys,string,re,vtk import numpy as np from optparse import OptionParser import damask scriptID = '$Id$' scriptName = os.path.splitext(scriptID.split()[1])[0] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN # -------------------------------------------------------------------- parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """ Create hexahedral voxels around points in an ASCIItable. """, version = scriptID) parser.add_option('-p', '--positions', dest = 'position', type = 'string', metavar = 'string', help = 'coordinate label [%default]') parser.add_option('-s', '--size', dest = 'size', type = 'float', nargs = 3, metavar = 'float float float', help = 'x,y,z size of voxel') parser.add_option('-o', '--origin', dest = 'origin', type = 'float', nargs = 3, metavar = 'float float float', help = 'x,y,z origin of coordinate system') parser.add_option('-g', '--geom', dest = 'geom', action='store_true', help = 'derive geometry from geom-file header information [%default]') parser.set_defaults(position = 'pos', origin = (0.0,0.0,0.0), geom = False, ) (options, filenames) = parser.parse_args() if options.size == None and not options.geom: parser.error('no size specified.') # --- loop over input files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if filenames == []: filenames = [None] for name in filenames: try: table = damask.ASCIItable(name = name, buffered = False, readonly = True) except: continue table.croak(damask.util.emph(scriptName)+(': '+name if name else '')) # --- interpret header ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- table.head_read() if options.geom: info,extra_header = table.head_getGeom() table.croak(['grid a b c: %s'%(' x '.join(map(str,info['grid']))), 'size x y z: %s'%(' x '.join(map(str,info['size']))), 'origin x y z: %s'%(' : '.join(map(str,info['origin']))), 'homogenization: %i'%info['homogenization'], 'microstructures: %i'%info['microstructures'], ]) else: info = {} info['size'] = np.ones(3) info['grid'] = info['size'] / options.size info['origin'] = options.origin errors = [] if table.label_dimension(options.position) != 3: errors.append('columns "{}" have dimension {}'.format(options.position, table.label_dimension(options.position))) if np.any(info['grid'] < 1): errors.append('invalid grid a b c.') if np.any(info['size'] <= 0.0): errors.append('invalid size x y z.') if errors != []: table.croak(errors) table.close(dismiss = True) continue # ------------------------------------------ process data --------------------------------------- table.data_readArray(options.position) table.data[:,0:3] *= info['size'] table.data[:,0:3] += info['origin'] hexPoints = np.array([[-1,-1,-1], [ 1,-1,-1], [ 1, 1,-1], [-1, 1,-1], [-1,-1, 1], [ 1,-1, 1], [ 1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], ]) halfDelta = 0.5*info['size']/info['grid'] Points = vtk.vtkPoints() Hex = vtk.vtkHexahedron() uGrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() for p in table.data: for i,h in enumerate(hexPoints): id = Points.InsertNextPoint(p+h*halfDelta) Hex.GetPointIds().SetId(i,id) uGrid.InsertNextCell(Hex.GetCellType(), Hex.GetPointIds()) uGrid.SetPoints(Points) # ------------------------------------------ output result --------------------------------------- if name: (dir,filename) = os.path.split(name) writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() writer.SetDataModeToBinary() writer.SetCompressorTypeToZLib() writer.SetFileName(os.path.join(dir,os.path.splitext(filename)[0]+'_{}'.format(options.position) \ +'.'+writer.GetDefaultFileExtension())) if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5: writer.SetInput(uGrid) else: writer.SetInputData(uGrid) writer.Write() else: writer = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGridWriter() writer.WriteToOutputStringOn() writer.SetFileTypeToASCII() writer.SetHeader('# powered by '+scriptID) if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5: writer.SetInput(uGrid) else: writer.SetInputData(uGrid) writer.Write() sys.stdout.write(writer.GetOutputString()[0:writer.GetOutputStringLength()]) table.close() # close input ASCII table