#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, string, damask from colorsys import * from optparse import OptionParser sys.path.append(damask.solver.Marc().libraryPath('../../')) try: from py_mentat import * except: print('warning: no valid Mentat release found') # ----------------------------- def readConfig(configFile,ownPath): config = {} configDir = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(ownPath))[0] filename = os.path.join(configDir,configFile) if os.path.isfile(filename): file = open(filename) content = file.readlines() file.close() for line in content: item = line.split() config[item[0]] = {} config[item[0]]['lower'] = map(float,item[1].split(',')) config[item[0]]['upper'] = map(float,item[2].split(',')) config[item[0]]['symmetric'] = len(item) > 3 return config # ----------------------------- def outMentat(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) py_send(cmd) else: py_send(cmd) return # ----------------------------- def outStdout(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) print cmd else: print cmd return # ----------------------------- def output(cmds,locals,dest): for cmd in cmds: if isinstance(cmd,list): output(cmd,locals,dest) else: {\ 'Mentat': outMentat,\ 'Stdout': outStdout,\ }[dest](cmd,locals) return # ----------------------------- def interpolate(val0, val1, x): return val0 + (val1 - val0) * x # ----------------------------- def syminterpolate(comp, val0, val1, x): if comp == "hue": return interpolate(val0, val1, x) if comp == "lightness": val_middle = max(0.9, val0, val1) elif comp == "saturation": val_middle = min(0.1, val0, val1) if x < 0.5: return interpolate(val0, val_middle, 2*x) else: return interpolate(val_middle, val1, 2*x-1) # ----------------------------- def colorMap(colors,baseIdx=32): cmds = [ "*color %i %f %f %f"%(idx+baseIdx,color[0],color[1],color[2]) for idx,color in enumerate(colors) ] return cmds # ----------------------------- # MAIN FUNCTION STARTS HERE # ----------------------------- parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] configured scheme | (lower_h,l,s upper_h,l,s)", description = """ Changes the color map in mentat. Interpolates colors between "lower_hls" and "upper_hls". For symmetric scales use option "-s". Example colors: - Non-symmetric scales: 0.167,0.9,0.1 0.167,0.1,0.9 - Symmetric scales: 0,0.2,0.9 0.333,0.2,0.9 """ + string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') ) parser.add_option("-s","--symmetric", action = "store_true", dest = "symmetric", \ help = "symmetric legend [%default]") parser.add_option("-i","--inverse", action = "store_true", dest = "inverse", \ help = "invert legend [%default]") parser.add_option( "--palette", action = "store_true", dest = "palette", \ help = "output plain rgb palette integer values (0-255) [%default]") parser.add_option( "--palettef", action = "store_true", dest = "palettef", \ help = "output plain rgb palette float values (0.0-1.0) [%default]") parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type = "int",\ dest = "port",\ help = "Mentat connection port [%default]") parser.add_option("-b", "--baseindex", type = "int",\ dest = "baseIdx",\ help = "base index of colormap [%default]") parser.add_option("-n", "--colorcount", type = "int",\ dest = "colorcount",\ help = "number of colors [%default]") parser.add_option("-c", "--config", type='string', \ dest = "config",\ help = "configuration file [%default]") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",\ dest = "verbose",\ help = "write Mentat command stream also to stdout [%default]") parser.set_defaults(port = 40007) parser.set_defaults(baseIdx = 32) parser.set_defaults(colorcount = 32) parser.set_defaults(config = 'colorMap.config') parser.set_defaults(symmetric = False) parser.set_defaults(inverse = False) parser.set_defaults(palette = False) parser.set_defaults(verbose = False) msg = [] (options, colors) = parser.parse_args() config = readConfig(options.config,sys.argv[0]) if len(colors) == 0: hlsColor_range = (options.symmetric and [[0,0.2,0.9],[0.333,0.2,0.9]]) or \ [[0.167,0.9,0.1],[0.167,0.1,0.9]] elif len(colors) == 2: hlsColor_range = [map(float, colors[i].split(',')) for i in range(2)] elif colors[0] in config: options.symmetric = config[colors[0]]['symmetric'] hlsColor_range = [config[colors[0]]['lower'],\ config[colors[0]]['upper']] else: msg.append('two color tuples required') if msg == []: hlsColors_limits = [[0.0,0.0,0.0],[1.0,1.0,1.0]] if options.inverse: hlsColor_range = [hlsColor_range[1],hlsColor_range[0]] for i in range(2): for j in range(min(3,len(hlsColor_range[i]))): if hlsColor_range[i][j] < hlsColors_limits[0][j] or hlsColor_range[i][j] > hlsColors_limits[1][j]: msg.append('%s of %s color exceeds limit'%(['hue','lightness','saturation'][j],limit)) if msg != []: parser.error('\n'+'\n'.join(msg)+'\n') ### interpolate hls values if options.symmetric: hlsColors = [ [ syminterpolate(comp, hlsColor_range[0][j], hlsColor_range[1][j], float(idx)/(options.colorcount-1)) for j,comp in enumerate(["hue","lightness","saturation"]) ] for idx in range(options.colorcount) ] else: hlsColors = [ [ interpolate(hlsColor_range[0][j], hlsColor_range[1][j], float(idx)/(options.colorcount-1)) for j,comp in enumerate(["hue","lightness","saturation"]) ] for idx in range(options.colorcount) ] ### convert to rgb values rgbColors = [ hls_to_rgb(hlsColor[0], hlsColor[1], hlsColor[2]) for hlsColor in hlsColors ] if options.palette: for rgb in rgbColors: print '\t'.join(map(lambda x: str(int(255*x)),rgb)) sys.exit(0) if options.palettef: for rgb in rgbColors: print '\t'.join(map(str,rgb)) sys.exit(0) ### connect to mentat and change colorMap outputLocals = {} print 'waiting to connect...' py_connect('',options.port) print 'connected...' cmds = colorMap(rgbColors,options.baseIdx) output(cmds,outputLocals,'Mentat') py_disconnect() if options.verbose: output(cmds,outputLocals,'Stdout')