#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import threading,time,os,subprocess,shlex,string import numpy as np from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup from shutil import copy2 from re import split import damask scriptID = string.replace('$Id: yieldSurface.py 3942 2015-02-25 17:24:33Z MPIE\hm.zhang $','\n','\\n') scriptName = scriptID.split()[1][:-3] def list_split(option, opt, value, parser): setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value.split(',')) def execute(cmd,streamIn=None,wd='./'): ''' executes a command in given directory and returns stdout and stderr for optional stdin ''' initialPath=os.getcwd() os.chdir(wd) process = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd),stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr = subprocess.PIPE,stdin=subprocess.PIPE) if streamIn != None: out,error = process.communicate(streamIn.read()) else: out,error = process.communicate() os.chdir(initialPath) return out,error #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class myThread (threading.Thread): #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' Runner class ''' def __init__(self, threadID): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.threadID = threadID def run(self): s.acquire() conv=isFinished() s.release() while conv: doSim(4.,self.name) s.acquire() conv=isFinished() s.release() def doSim(delay,thread): # s.acquire() and s.release() are couple # global dirCurrent s.acquire() delta_angle = offsetPhi() if len(str(delta_angle)) > 5: file_angle = str(delta_angle)[:5] else: file_angle = str(delta_angle) dire = dirCurrent+'/'+file_angle if not os.path.isdir(dire): os.mkdir(dire,0755) for file in [options.geometry+'.geom',options.load+'.load','numerics.config']: copy2(dirCurrent+'/'+file, dire) newMatConfig = newMaterialConfig(dirCurrent,delta_angle) os.chdir(dire) if not os.path.isfile('%s_%s.spectralOut'%(options.geometry,options.load)): print('starting uniaxial tension in direction of angle %s from %s'%(file_angle,thread)) s.release() execute('DAMASK_spectral -g %s -l %s'%(options.geometry,options.load)) else: s.release() s.acquire() if not os.path.isfile('./%s/%s_%s.txt'%('Rvalues',options.geometry,options.load)): print('starting post processing for angle %s from %s'%(file_angle,thread)) s.release() execute('postResults --cr f,p -d %s %s_%s.spectralOut'%('Rvalues',options.geometry,options.load)) execute('addCauchy ./%s/%s_%s.txt'%('Rvalues',options.geometry,options.load)) execute('addStrainTensors -l -v ./%s/%s_%s.txt'%('Rvalues',options.geometry,options.load)) print('post processing for angle %s from %s is finished'%(file_angle,thread)) else: s.release() os.chdir(dirCurrent) def isFinished(): global N_simulations if N_simulations < options.number: return True else: return False def offsetPhi(): global N_simulations #, N_tensile N_simulations+=1 return np.linspace(0,90,options.number)[N_simulations-1] def newMaterialConfig(dire,angle): filename = '/material.config' if len(str(angle)) > 5: file_angle = str(angle)[:5] else: file_angle = str(angle) f = open(dire+'/'+file_angle+filename,'w') data = open(dire+filename, 'r').readlines() for line in data: if '(gauss)' in line: linesplit = split(r'[;,\s,\t]\s*',line) index = linesplit.index('phi1') phi = float(linesplit[index+1]) - angle if phi > 360. : phi = phi-360.0 elif phi < 0.0: phi = phi+360.0 index2 = line.index(linesplit[index+1]) line2 = line[:index2]+str(phi)+line[index2+len(str(float(linesplit[index+1]))):] else: line2 = line f.write(line2) f.close() return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN # -------------------------------------------------------------------- parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """ Calculate the deformation anisotropic coefficients (r values) and strength anisotropic coefficients (normalized yield stress) """, version=string.replace(scriptID,'\n','\\n') ) parser.add_option('-l','--load' , dest='load', type='string', help='name of the load file [%default]', metavar='string') parser.add_option('-g','--geometry', dest='geometry', type='string', help='name of the geometry file [%default]', metavar='string') parser.add_option('-s', '--strain', dest='strain', type='string', action='callback', callback=list_split, help='the threshold strains, using comma to seperate multiple strains [%default]', metavar='string') parser.add_option('-t','--threads', dest='threads', type='int', help='number of parallel executions [%default]', metavar='int') parser.add_option('-n','--number', dest='number', type='int', help='Number of uni-axial tensile tests [%default]', metavar='int') parser.set_defaults(geometry = '20grains16x16x16') parser.set_defaults(load = 'tensionX') parser.set_defaults(threads = 1) parser.set_defaults(number = 7) parser.set_defaults(strain = ('0.0025','0.025')) options = parser.parse_args()[0] if not os.path.isfile(options.geometry+'.geom'): parser.error('geometry file %s.geom not found'%options.geometry) if not os.path.isfile('material.config'): parser.error('material.config file not found') thresStrain = [float(i) for i in options.strain] if not os.path.isfile(options.load+'.load'): maxstrain = max(thresStrain) f11 = str(1.2*maxstrain + 1.0) if maxstrain < 0.05: maxincs = '60'; maxtime = '30' else: maxincs = str(int(maxstrain*3000)); maxtime = str(maxstrain*600) f=open('tensionX.load','w') uniaxial_load = 'f ' +f11+ ' 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * ' + \ 'stress ' +'* * * * 0 * * * 0 ' + \ 'time '+ maxtime + ' incs ' + maxincs + ' freq 3' f.write(uniaxial_load) f.close() N_simulations=0 s=threading.Semaphore(1) threads=[] dirCurrent = os.getcwd() for i in range(options.threads): threads.append(myThread(i)) threads[i].start() for i in range(options.threads): threads[i].join() anisotropy = {} for i,delta_angle in enumerate(np.linspace(0,90,options.number)): if len(str(delta_angle)) > 5: file_angle = str(delta_angle)[:5] else: file_angle = str(delta_angle) refFile = dirCurrent+'/'+file_angle+'/Rvalues/%s_%s.txt'%(options.geometry,options.load) if not os.path.isfile(refFile): print('post processing file is not found for the angle %s'%file_angle) else: File = open(refFile) table = damask.ASCIItable(File) table.head_read() if not set(['1_ln(V)','5_ln(V)','9_ln(V)','1_Cauchy']).issubset(set(table.labels)): print 'data missing in direction %s'%str(delta_angle) table.data_readArray(['%i_Cauchy'%(i+1) for i in xrange(9)]+['%i_ln(V)'%(i+1) for i in xrange(9)]) line, lines = 0, np.shape(table.data)[0] aniso_thres = {} for threshold in thresStrain: while line < lines: if abs(table.data[line,9])>= threshold: # 1_ln(V), e_xx upper,lower = abs(table.data[line,9]),abs(table.data[line-1,9]) # values for linear interpolation interplate = lambda x_d, x_u : x_d * (upper-threshold)/(upper-lower) + x_u * (threshold-lower)/(upper-lower) e_yy = interplate (table.data[line-1,13], table.data[line,13]) e_zz = interplate (table.data[line-1,17], table.data[line,17]) s_xx = interplate (table.data[line-1,0 ], table.data[line,0 ]) aniso_thres[str(threshold)] = [e_yy/e_zz, s_xx] break else: line+=1 anisotropy[file_angle] = aniso_thres f = open('./anisotropy.txt','w') f.write('4 header \n') f.write('#the first row mean the threshold strain e_xx \n#the first column means loading directions \n') f.write('#none means the data is unavailable\n# \n') title = ['*R values (Lankford coefficients) \n', '# \n*Normalized yield stress \n'] for i in xrange(2): f.write(title[i]) f.write(' '*10+len(thresStrain)*'%-12.4f'%tuple(thresStrain)+'\n') for j,delta_angle in enumerate(np.linspace(0,90,options.number)): if len(str(delta_angle)) > 5: file_angle = str(delta_angle)[:5] else: file_angle = str(delta_angle) if file_angle in anisotropy.keys(): aniso_dic_ang = anisotropy[file_angle] aniso_list_ang_strain = []; writeformat = '' for threshold in thresStrain: if str(threshold) in aniso_dic_ang.keys(): if i == 1: # extract the normalized stress aniso = aniso_dic_ang[str(threshold)][i]/anisotropy['0.0'][str(threshold)][i] else: # extract r value aniso = aniso_dic_ang[str(threshold)][i] aniso_list_ang_strain.append(aniso) writeformat = writeformat+'%-12.6f' else: aniso_list_ang_strain.append('none') writeformat = writeformat+'%-12s' f.write('%-10s'%file_angle + writeformat%(tuple(aniso_list_ang_strain))+'\n') f.close()