# -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import h5py import re import numpy as np import os # ------------------------------------------------------------------ class DADF5(): """Read and write to DADF5 files""" # ------------------------------------------------------------------ def __init__(self, filename, mode = 'r', ): if mode not in ['a','r']: print('Invalid file access mode') with h5py.File(filename,mode): pass with h5py.File(filename,'r') as f: if f.attrs['DADF5-major'] != 0 or f.attrs['DADF5-minor'] != 1: raise TypeError('Unsupported DADF5 version {} '.format(f.attrs['DADF5-version'])) self.structured = 'grid' in f['mapping'].attrs.keys() if self.structured: self.grid = f['mapping'].attrs['grid'] self.size = f['mapping'].attrs['size'] r=re.compile('inc[0-9]+') self.increments = [{'inc': int(u[3:]), 'time': round(f[u].attrs['time/s'],12), } for u in f.keys() if r.match(u)] self.constituents = np.unique(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent']['Name']).tolist() # ToDo: I am not to happy with the name self.constituents = [c.decode() for c in self.constituents] self.materialpoints = np.unique(f['mapping/cellResults/materialpoint']['Name']).tolist() # ToDo: I am not to happy with the name self.materialpoints = [m.decode() for m in self.materialpoints] self.Nconstitutents = np.shape(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'])[1] self.Nmaterialpoints= np.shape(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'])[0] self.active= {'increments' :self.increments, 'constituents' :self.constituents, 'materialpoints':self.materialpoints} self.filename = filename self.mode = mode def get_dataset_location(self,label): path = [] with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: for i in self.active['increments']: group_inc = 'inc{:05}'.format(i['inc']) for c in self.active['constituents']: group_constituent = group_inc+'/constituent/'+c for t in f[group_constituent].keys(): try: f[group_constituent+'/'+t+'/'+label] path.append(group_constituent+'/'+t+'/'+label) except: pass return path def read_dataset(self,path,c): with h5py.File(self.filename,'r') as f: shape = (self.Nmaterialpoints,) + np.shape(f[path])[1:] dataset = np.full(shape,np.nan) label = path.split('/')[2] p = np.where(f['mapping/cellResults/constituent'][:,c]['Name'] == str.encode(label)) for s in p: dataset[s,:] = f[path][s,:] return dataset