--- stages: - prepare - python - compile - setup - fortran - performance - deploy - backup - update_master - distclean - clean ################################################################################################### before_script: - if [ $(awk "/$CI_PIPELINE_ID/{print NR}" $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue)x == 'x' ]; then echo $CI_PIPELINE_ID >> $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue; fi - while [ $(awk "/$CI_PIPELINE_ID/{print NR}" $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue) != 1 ]; do sleep 5m; echo -e "Currently queued pipelines:\n$(cat $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue)\n"; done - source $DAMASKROOT/env/DAMASK.sh - cd $DAMASKROOT/PRIVATE/testing - echo Job start:" $(date)" ################################################################################################### after_script: - echo Job end:" $(date)" ################################################################################################### variables: # =============================================================================================== # GitLab Settings # =============================================================================================== GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: none # =============================================================================================== # Shortcut names # =============================================================================================== DAMASKROOT: "$LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI_Pipeline_$CI_PIPELINE_ID/DAMASK" TESTROOT: "$LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI_Pipeline_$CI_PIPELINE_ID/tests" # =============================================================================================== # Names of module files to load # =============================================================================================== # ++++++++++++ Compiler +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IntelCompiler: "Compiler/Intel/19.1.2 Libraries/IMKL/2020" GNUCompiler: "Compiler/GNU/10" # ++++++++++++ MPI ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MPI_Intel: "MPI/Intel/19.1.2/IntelMPI/2019" MPI_GNU: "MPI/GNU/10/OpenMPI/4.1.1" # ++++++++++++ PETSc ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PETSc_Intel: "Libraries/PETSc/3.16.0/Intel-19.1.2-IntelMPI-2019" PETSc_GNU: "Libraries/PETSc/3.16.0/GNU-10-OpenMPI-4.1.1" # ++++++++++++ MSC Marc +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MSC: "FEM/MSC/2021.2" IntelMarc: "Compiler/Intel/19.1.2 Libraries/IMKL/2020" HDF5Marc: "HDF5/1.12.1/Intel-19.1.2" ################################################################################################### checkout: stage: prepare before_script: - echo $CI_PIPELINE_ID >> $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue - while [ $(awk "/$CI_PIPELINE_ID/{print NR}" $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue) != 1 ]; do sleep 5m; echo -e "Currently queued pipelines:\n$(cat $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue)\n"; done script: - mkdir -p $DAMASKROOT - mkdir -p $TESTROOT - cd $DAMASKROOT - git clone -q git@git.damask.mpie.de:damask/DAMASK.git . - git checkout $CI_COMMIT_SHA - git submodule update --init - source env/DAMASK.sh except: - master - release ################################################################################################### pytest: stage: python script: - cd $DAMASKROOT/python - COLUMNS=256 pytest --basetemp=${TESTROOT}/python -v --cov --cov-report=term - coverage report --fail-under=90 except: - master - release mypy: stage: python script: - cd $DAMASKROOT/python - mypy damask/tensor.py damask/mechanics.py damask/seeds.py except: - master - release ################################################################################################### compile_grid_Intel: stage: compile script: - module load $IntelCompiler $MPI_Intel $PETSc_Intel - cd pytest - COLUMNS=256 pytest -k 'compile and grid' --basetemp=${TESTROOT}/compile_grid_Intel except: - master - release compile_mesh_Intel: stage: compile script: - module load $IntelCompiler $MPI_Intel $PETSc_Intel - cd pytest - COLUMNS=256 pytest -k 'compile and mesh' --basetemp=${TESTROOT}/compile_mesh_Intel except: - master - release compile_grid_GNU: stage: compile script: - module load $GNUCompiler $MPI_GNU $PETSc_GNU - cd pytest - COLUMNS=256 pytest -k 'compile and grid' --basetemp=${TESTROOT}/compile_grid_GNU except: - master - release compile_mesh_GNU: stage: compile script: - module load $GNUCompiler $MPI_GNU $PETSc_GNU - cd pytest - COLUMNS=256 pytest -k 'compile and mesh' --basetemp=${TESTROOT}/compile_mesh_GNU except: - master - release compile_Marc: stage: compile script: - module load $IntelMarc $HDF5Marc $MSC - cd pytest - COLUMNS=256 pytest -k 'compile and Marc' --basetemp=${TESTROOT}/compile_Marc except: - master - release ################################################################################################### setup_grid: stage: setup script: - module load $IntelCompiler $MPI_Intel $PETSc_Intel - BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d) - cd ${BUILD_DIR} - cmake -DDAMASK_SOLVER=GRID -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${DAMASKROOT} ${DAMASKROOT} - make -j2 all install except: - master - release setup_mesh: stage: setup script: - module load $IntelCompiler $MPI_Intel $PETSc_Intel - BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d) - cd ${BUILD_DIR} - cmake -DDAMASK_SOLVER=MESH -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${DAMASKROOT} ${DAMASKROOT} - make -j2 all install except: - master - release ################################################################################################### core: stage: fortran script: - module load $IntelCompiler $MPI_Intel $PETSc_Intel - cd pytest - COLUMNS=256 pytest -k 'not compile' --basetemp=${TESTROOT}/fortran -v except: - master - release # Needs closer look # Phenopowerlaw_singleSlip: # stage: fortran # script: Phenopowerlaw_singleSlip/test.py # except: # - master # - release ################################################################################################### SpectralRuntime: stage: performance script: - module load $IntelCompiler $MPI_Intel $PETSc_Intel - cd $DAMASKROOT - make clean grid OPTIMIZATION=AGGRESSIVE - cd $LOCAL_HOME/performance # location of old results - git checkout . # undo any changes (i.e. run time data from non-development branch) - cd $DAMASKROOT/PRIVATE/testing - ./runtime.py --results ${LOCAL_HOME}/performance --damask_root ${DAMASKROOT} --tag ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} except: - master - release ################################################################################################### source_distribution: stage: deploy script: - cd $(mktemp -d) - $DAMASKROOT/PRIVATE/releasing/tar.xz/create.sh $DAMASKROOT $CI_COMMIT_SHA except: - master - release ################################################################################################## backup_runtime_measurement: stage: backup script: - cd $LOCAL_HOME/performance # location of new runtime results - git commit -am"${CI_PIPELINE_ID}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA}" - git push only: - development ################################################################################################## merge_into_master: stage: update_master script: - cd $DAMASKROOT - export TESTEDREV=$(git describe) # might be detached from development branch - echo $TESTEDREV > python/damask/VERSION - git add python/damask/VERSION - > git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "[skip ci] updated version information after successful test of $TESTEDREV" - export UPDATEDREV=$(git describe) # tested state + 1 commit - git checkout master - git merge $UPDATEDREV -s recursive -X ours # conflicts occur only for inconsistent state - git push origin master # master is now tested version and has updated VERSION file - git checkout development - git pull - git merge master -s recursive -X ours -m "[skip ci] Merge branch 'master' into development" # only possible conflict is in VERSION file - git push origin development # development is unchanged (as master is based on it) but has updated VERSION file only: - development ################################################################################################### remove_data: stage: distclean before_script: - echo "Removing data and lock of pipeline $CI_PIPELINE_ID" script: - rm -rf $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI_Pipeline_$CI_PIPELINE_ID - sed -i "/$CI_PIPELINE_ID/d" $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue # in case pipeline was manually (web GUI) restarted and releaseLock was performed already except: - master - release ################################################################################################### remove_lock: stage: clean before_script: - echo "Removing lock of pipeline $CI_PIPELINE_ID" when: always script: sed -i "/$CI_PIPELINE_ID/d" $LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI.queue except: - master - release