type: kinehardening references: - J.A. Wollmershauser et al., International Journal of Fatigue 36(1):181-193, 2012, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2011.07.008 output: [xi, chi, chi_flip, gamma_flip, gamma, sgn(gamma)] N_sl: [12] xi_0: [0.070e+9] # τ_0,for xi_inf: [0.015e+9] # τ_1,for h_0_xi: [0.065e+9] # θ_0,for h_inf_xi: [0.045e+9] # θ_1,for chi_inf: [0.027e+9] # τ_1,bs h_0_chi: [55e+9] # θ_0,bs h_inf_chi: [1.3e+9] # θ_1,bs n: [20] # not mentioned in the reference dot_gamma_0: [1e-4] # not mentioned in the reference h_sl-sl: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]