#        DAMASK Abaqus Environment File
#       ------------------------------------
# originally taken from Abaqus ver. 6.11.1
# Linux (Opteron/EM64T) Settings:
# Compile and Link command for user subroutines.
# Compile_cpp and link_exe for Abaqus make utility.
import os, re, glob, driverUtils
from damask import version as DAMASKVERSION

# Use the version in $PATH
fortCmd = "ifort"

# -free                        to use free-format FORTRAN 90 syntax
# -O <0-3>                     optimization level
# -fpp                         use FORTRAN preprocessor on source code
# -openmp                      build with openMP support
# -w90 -w95                    suppress messages about use of non-standard Fortran (previous version of abaqus_v6.env only)
# -WB                          turn a compile-time bounds check into a warning (previous version of abaqus_v6.env only)
# -mP2OPT_hpo_vec_divbyzero=F  inofficial compiler switch, proposed by abaqus but highly dubios (previous version of abaqus_v6.env only)
# -ftz                         flush underflow to zero
# -diag-disable 5268           disable warnings about line length > 132 (only comments there anyway)
# -implicitnone                assume no implicit types (e.g. i for integer)
# -assume byterecl             count record length in bytes
# -real-size 64 -DFLOAT=8      assume size of real to be 8 bytes, matches our definition of pReal
# -integer-size 32 -DINT=4     assume size of integer to be 4 bytes, matches our definition of pInt

compile_fortran = (fortCmd + " -c -fPIC -auto -shared-intel " + 
                   "-I%I -I../lib -free -O1 -fpp " +
                   "-ftz -diag-disable 5268 " +
                   "-implicitnone -assume byterecl -stand f08 -standard-semantics " +
                   "-real-size 64 -integer-size 32 -DFLOAT=8 -DINT=4 " +

# Abaqus/CAE will generate an input file without parts and assemblies.
# Both the Abaqus/Explicit packager and analysis are run in double precision.
# The user will not be asked whether old job files of the same name should be deleted.

# You can compile DAMASK into a library to be used with abaqus
# it saves you from compiling the subroutine for each job
# in this case you do not have to specify a usersubroutine file
# however if you still do, the compiled version will override that in the library
# Procedure:
# 1. create a library directory, e.g. abqlib, in your prefered location
# 2. build the library replacing your_prefered_location/abqlib with the correct path to the directory created in 1.:
#    abaqus make -l DAMASK_abaqus_std.f -dir your_prefered_location/abqlib
#    abaqus make -l DAMASK_abaqus_exp.f -dir your_prefered_location/abqlib
# 3. uncomment the next line after replacing your_prefered_location/abqlib with the correct path to the directory created in 1.
# usub_lib_dir='your_prefered_location/abqlib'

# Remove the temporary names from the namespace
del fortCmd