!############################################################## MODULE IO !############################################################## CONTAINS !--------------------------- ! function IO_open_file(unit,relPath) ! function IO_open_inputFile(unit) ! function IO_hybridIA(Nast,ODFfileName) ! private function hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C) ! function IO_stringPos(line,maxN) ! function IO_stringValue(line,positions,pos) ! function IO_floatValue(line,positions,pos) ! function IO_intValue(line,positions,pos) ! function IO_fixedStringValue(line,ends,pos) ! function IO_fixedFloatValue(line,ends,pos) ! function IO_fixedFloatNoEValue(line,ends,pos) ! function IO_fixedIntValue(line,ends,pos) ! function IO_continousTntValues(unit,maxN) ! function IO_lc(line) ! subroutine IO_lcInplace(line) ! subroutine IO_error(ID) !--------------------------- !******************************************************************** ! open existing file to given unit ! path to file is relative to working directory !******************************************************************** logical FUNCTION IO_open_file(unit,relPath) use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! /, \ character(len=*) relPath integer(pInt) unit character(256) path inquire(6, name=path) ! determine outputfile open(unit,status='old',err=100,file=path(1:scan(path,pathSep,back=.true.))//relPath) IO_open_file = .true. return 100 IO_open_file = .false. return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! open FEM inputfile to given unit !******************************************************************** logical FUNCTION IO_open_inputFile(unit) use prec, only: pReal, pInt implicit none character(256) outName integer(pInt) unit, extPos character(3) ext inquire(6, name=outName) ! determine outputfileName extPos = len_trim(outName)-2 if(outName(extPos:extPos+2)=='out') then ext='dat' ! MARC else ext='inp' ! ABAQUS end if open(unit,status='old',err=100,file=outName(1:extPos-1)//ext) IO_open_inputFile = .true. return 100 IO_open_inputFile = .false. return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! hybrid IA repetition counter !******************************************************************** FUNCTION hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C) use prec, only: pReal, pInt implicit none integer(pInt), intent(in), dimension(3) :: steps integer(pInt) hybridIA_reps, phi1,Phi,phi2 real(pReal), intent(in), dimension(steps(3),steps(2),steps(1)) :: dV_V real(pReal), intent(in) :: C hybridIA_reps = 0_pInt do phi1=1,steps(1) do Phi =1,steps(2) do phi2=1,steps(3) hybridIA_reps = hybridIA_reps+nint(C*dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1), pInt) end do end do end do return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! hybrid IA sampling of ODFfile !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_hybridIA(Nast,ODFfileName) use prec, only: pReal, pInt use math, only: inRad implicit none character(len=*) ODFfileName character(len=80) line character(len=*), parameter :: fileFormat = '(A80)' integer(pInt) i,j,bin,Nast,NnonZero,Nset,Nreps,reps,phi1,Phi,phi2 integer(pInt), dimension(7) :: pos integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: steps integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: binSet real(pReal) center,sum_dV_V,prob,dg_0,C,lowerC,upperC,rnd real(pReal), dimension(3) :: limits,deltas real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: dV_V real(pReal), dimension(3,Nast) :: IO_hybridIA if (.not. IO_open_file(999,ODFfileName)) goto 100 !--- parse header of ODF file --- !--- limits in phi1, Phi, phi2 --- read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line pos = IO_stringPos(line,3) if (pos(1).ne.3) goto 100 do i=1,3 limits(i) = IO_intValue(line,pos,i)*inRad end do !--- deltas in phi1, Phi, phi2 --- read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line pos = IO_stringPos(line,3) if (pos(1).ne.3) goto 100 do i=1,3 deltas(i) = IO_intValue(line,pos,i)*inRad end do steps = nint(limits/deltas,pInt) allocate(dV_V(steps(3),steps(2),steps(1))) !--- box boundary/center at origin? --- read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line if (index(IO_lc(line),'bound')>0) then center = 0.5_pReal else center = 0.0_pReal end if !--- skip blank line --- read(999,fmt=fileFormat,end=100) line sum_dV_V = 0.0_pReal dV_V = 0.0_pReal dg_0 = deltas(1)*deltas(3)*2.0_pReal*sin(deltas(2)/2.0_pReal) NnonZero = 0_pInt do phi1=1,steps(1) do Phi=1,steps(2) do phi2=1,steps(3) read(999,fmt=*,end=100) prob if (prob > 0.0_pReal) then NnonZero = NnonZero+1 sum_dV_V = sum_dV_V+prob else prob = 0.0_pReal end if dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1) = prob*dg_0*sin((Phi-1.0_pReal+center)*deltas(2)) end do end do end do dV_V = dV_V/sum_dV_V ! normalize to 1 !--- now fix bounds --- Nset = max(Nast,NnonZero) lowerC = 0.0_pReal upperC = real(Nset, pReal) do while (hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,upperC) < Nset) lowerC = upperC upperC = upperC*2.0_pReal end do !--- binary search for best C --- do C = (upperC+lowerC)/2.0_pReal Nreps = hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C) if (abs(upperC-lowerC) < upperC*1.0e-14_pReal) then C = upperC Nreps = hybridIA_reps(dV_V,steps,C) exit elseif (Nreps < Nset) then lowerC = C elseif (Nreps > Nset) then upperC = C else exit end if end do allocate(binSet(Nreps)) bin = 0 ! bin counter i = 1 ! set counter do phi1=1,steps(1) do Phi=1,steps(2) do phi2=1,steps(3) reps = nint(C*dV_V(phi2,Phi,phi1), pInt) binSet(i:i+reps-1) = bin bin = bin+1 ! advance bin i = i+reps ! advance set end do end do end do do i=1,Nast if (i < Nast) then call random_number(rnd) j = nint(rnd*(Nast-i)+i+0.5_pReal,pInt) else j = i end if bin = binSet(j) IO_hybridIA(1,i) = deltas(1)*(mod(bin/(steps(3)*steps(2)),steps(1))+center) ! phi1 IO_hybridIA(2,i) = deltas(2)*(mod(bin/ steps(3) ,steps(2))+center) ! Phi IO_hybridIA(3,i) = deltas(3)*(mod(bin ,steps(3))+center) ! phi2 binSet(j) = binSet(i) end do close(999) return ! on error 100 IO_hybridIA = -1 close(999) return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! locate at most N space-separated parts in line ! return array containing number of parts found and ! their left/right positions to be used by IO_xxxVal !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_stringPos (line,N) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line character(len=*), parameter :: sep=achar(32)//achar(9)//achar(10)//achar(13) ! whitespaces integer(pInt) N, part integer(pInt) IO_stringPos(1+N*2) IO_stringPos = -1 IO_stringPos(1) = 0 part = 1 do while ((N<1 .or. part<=N) .and. verify(line(IO_stringPos(part*2-1)+1:),sep)>0) IO_stringPos(part*2) = IO_stringPos(part*2-1)+verify(line(IO_stringPos(part*2-1)+1:),sep) IO_stringPos(part*2+1) = IO_stringPos(part*2)+scan(line(IO_stringPos(part*2):),sep)-2 part = part+1 end do IO_stringPos(1) = part-1 return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! read string value at pos from line !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_stringValue (line,positions,pos) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line integer(pInt) positions(*),pos character(len=1+positions(pos*2+1)-positions(pos*2)) IO_stringValue if (positions(1) < pos) then IO_stringValue = '' else IO_stringValue = line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1)) endif return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! read string value at pos from fixed format line !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_fixedStringValue (line,ends,pos) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line integer(pInt) ends(*),pos character(len=ends(pos+1)-ends(pos)) IO_fixedStringValue IO_fixedStringValue = line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1)) return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! read float value at pos from line !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_floatValue (line,positions,pos) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line real(pReal) IO_floatValue integer(pInt) positions(*),pos if (positions(1) >= pos) then read(UNIT=line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_floatValue return endif 100 IO_floatValue = huge(1.0_pReal) return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! read float value at pos from fixed format line !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_fixedFloatValue (line,ends,pos) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line real(pReal) IO_fixedFloatValue integer(pInt) ends(*),pos read(UNIT=line(ends(pos-1)+1:ends(pos)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_fixedFloatValue return 100 IO_fixedFloatValue = huge(1.0_pReal) return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! read float x.y+z value at pos from format line line !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_fixedNoEFloatValue (line,ends,pos) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line real(pReal) IO_fixedNoEFloatValue,base integer(pInt) ends(*),pos,pos_exp,expon pos_exp = scan(line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1)),'+-',back=.true.) if (pos_exp > 1) then read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos)+pos_exp-1),ERR=100,FMT=*) base read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+pos_exp:ends(pos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) expon else read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) base expon = 0_pInt endif IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = base*10.0_pReal**expon return 100 IO_fixedNoEFloatValue = huge(1.0_pReal) return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! read int value at pos from line !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_intValue (line,positions,pos) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line integer(pInt) IO_intValue integer(pInt) positions(*),pos if (positions(1) >= pos) then read(UNIT=line(positions(pos*2):positions(pos*2+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_intValue return endif 100 IO_intValue = huge(1_pInt) return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! read int value at pos from fixed format line !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_fixedIntValue (line,ends,pos) use prec, only: pReal,pInt implicit none character(len=*) line integer(pInt) IO_fixedIntValue integer(pInt) ends(*),pos read(UNIT=line(ends(pos)+1:ends(pos+1)),ERR=100,FMT=*) IO_fixedIntValue return 100 IO_fixedIntValue = huge(1_pInt) return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! change character in line to lower case !******************************************************************** FUNCTION IO_lc (line) use prec, only: pInt implicit none character (len=*) line character (len=len(line)) IO_lc integer(pInt) i IO_lc = line do i=1,len(line) if(64 0) then ! a non-int, i.e. set name do i = 1,lookupMaxN ! loop over known set names if (IO_stringValue(line,pos,1) == lookupName(i)) then ! found matching name IO_continousIntValues = lookupMap(:,i) ! return resp. entity list exit endif enddo exit else if (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,2)) == 'to' ) then ! found range indicator do i = IO_intValue(line,pos,1),IO_intValue(line,pos,3) IO_continousIntValues(1) = IO_continousIntValues(1)+1 IO_continousIntValues(1+IO_continousIntValues(1)) = i enddo exit else do i = 1,pos(1)-1 ! interpret up to second to last value IO_continousIntValues(1) = IO_continousIntValues(1)+1 IO_continousIntValues(1+IO_continousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,pos,i) enddo if ( IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,pos,pos(1))) /= 'c' ) then ! line finished, read last value IO_continousIntValues(1) = IO_continousIntValues(1)+1 IO_continousIntValues(1+IO_continousIntValues(1)) = IO_intValue(line,pos,pos(1)) exit endif endif enddo 100 return END FUNCTION !******************************************************************** ! write error statements to standard out ! and terminate the Marc run with exit #9xxx ! in ABAQUS either time step is reduced or execution terminated !******************************************************************** SUBROUTINE IO_error(ID) use prec, only: pInt use debug implicit none integer(pInt) ID character(len=80) msg select case (ID) case (100) msg='Unable to open input file.' case (110) msg='No materials specified via State Variable 2.' case (120) msg='No textures specified via State Variable 3.' case (200) msg='Error reading from material+texture file' case (300) msg='This material can only be used with & &elements with three direct stress components' case (400) msg='Unknown alloy number specified' case (500) msg='Unknown lattice type specified' case (600) msg='Convergence not reached' case (650) msg='Polar decomposition failed' case (700) msg='Singular matrix in stress iteration' case default msg='Unknown error number' end select write(6,*) 'MPIE Material Routine Ver. 0.0 by the coding team' write(6,*) write(6,*) msg write(6,*) call debug_info() call flush(6) call quit(9000+ID) ! ABAQUS returns in some cases return END SUBROUTINE END MODULE IO