[Tungsten] elasticity hooke plasticity disloucla (output) edge_density (output) dipole_density (output) shear_rate_slip (output) accumulated_shear_slip (output) mfp_slip (output) resolved_stress_slip (output) threshold_stress_slip (output) twin_fraction (output) shear_rate_twin (output) accumulated_shear_twin (output) mfp_twin (output) resolved_stress_twin (output) threshold_stress_twin ### Material parameters ### lattice_structure bcc C11 523.0e9 # From Marinica et al. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter(2013) C12 202.0e9 C44 161.0e9 grainsize 2.7e-5 # Average grain size [m] 2.0e-5 SolidSolutionStrength 0.0 # Strength due to elements in solid solution ### Dislocation glide parameters ### #per family Nslip 12 slipburgers 2.72e-10 # Burgers vector of slip system [m] rhoedge0 1.0e12 # Initial edge dislocation density [m/m**3] rhoedgedip0 1.0 # Initial edged dipole dislocation density [m/m**3] Qedge 2.61154e-19 # Activation energy for dislocation glide [J], 1.63 eV v0 1 # Initial glide velocity [m/s] p_slip 0.86 # p-exponent in glide velocity q_slip 1.69 # q-exponent in glide velocity tau_peierls 2.03e9 # peierls stress [Pa] #mobility law kink_height 2.567e-10 # kink height sqrt(6)/3*lattice_parameter [m] omega 9.1e11 # attemp frequency (from kMC paper) [s^(-1)] kink_width 29.95e-10 # kink pair width ~ 11 b (kMC paper) [m] dislolength 78e-10 # dislocation length (ideally lambda) [m] initial value 11b friction_coeff 8.3e-5 # friction coeff. B [Pa*s] #hardening dipoleformationfactor 0 # to have hardening due to dipole formation off CLambdaSlip 10.0 # Adj. parameter controlling dislocation mean free path D0 4.0e-5 # Vacancy diffusion prefactor [m**2/s] Qsd 4.5e-19 # Activation energy for climb [J] Catomicvolume 1.0 # Adj. parameter controlling the atomic volume [in b] Cedgedipmindistance 1.0 # Adj. parameter controlling the minimum dipole distance [in b] interaction_slipslip 0.009 0.009 0.72 0.05 0.09 0.06 nonschmid_coefficients 0.938 0.71 4.43 0.0 0.0 0.0