#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import os,sys,string import damask import re from optparse import OptionParser scriptID = '$Id$' scriptName = scriptID.split()[1] def all_same(items,a): return all(x == a for x in items) def func(seq): for x in seq: try: yield float(x) except ValueError: yield x #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parser = OptionParser(option_class=damask.extendableOption, usage='%prog options [file[s]]', description = """ Recognize bounding surfaces and append them as physical sufaces in the geo file. """, version = scriptID) parser.add_option('-n','--numvol', dest = 'N', \ type='int',\ metavar='int',\ help='number of physical volumes' ) parser.add_option('-f','--faces', dest = 'surfaces', \ action = 'extend', \ type = 'string', \ metavar = '', \ help = 'surfaces to tag (x, y, and/or z)') parser.add_option('-s','--size', dest = 'size', \ type='float',\ metavar='float',\ help='mesh size' ) (options, filename) = parser.parse_args() parser.set_defaults(size = 0.1) my_geofile = filename[0] numVol = options.N PointCount = 0 LineCount = 0 LineLoopCount = 0 point = [] line = [] lineloop = [] f = open(my_geofile,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for eachline in lines: if eachline.startswith('Point', 0, 5): PointCount += 1 r = re.compile('{(.*?)}') m = r.search(eachline) if m: a = m.group(1) point.append(list(func(a.split(",")))) elif eachline.startswith('Line (', 0, 6): LineCount += 1 r = re.compile('{(.*?)}') m = r.search(eachline) if m: a = m.group(1) line.append(list(func(a.split(",")))) elif eachline.startswith('Line Loop', 0, 9): LineLoopCount += 1 r = re.compile('{(.*?)}') m = r.search(eachline) if m: a = m.group(1) lineloop.append(list(func(a.split(",")))) x_coord = []; y_coord = []; z_coord = [] xp = []; xm = [] yp = []; ym = [] zp = []; zm = [] xmin = min([x[0] for x in point]); xmax = max([x[0] for x in point]) ymin = min([x[1] for x in point]); ymax = max([x[1] for x in point]) zmin = min([x[2] for x in point]); zmax = max([x[2] for x in point]) for i,l in enumerate(lineloop): for lines in l: for pts in line[int(abs(lines)-1)]: x_coord.append(point[int(pts)-1][0]) y_coord.append(point[int(pts)-1][1]) z_coord.append(point[int(pts)-1][2]) if all_same(x_coord,xmax) and any([surface == 'x' for surface in options.surfaces]): xp.append(int(i+1)) elif all_same(x_coord,xmin) and any([surface == 'x' for surface in options.surfaces]): xm.append(int(i+1)) elif all_same(y_coord,ymax) and any([surface == 'y' for surface in options.surfaces]): yp.append(int(i+1)) elif all_same(y_coord,ymin) and any([surface == 'y' for surface in options.surfaces]): ym.append(int(i+1)) elif all_same(z_coord,zmax) and any([surface == 'z' for surface in options.surfaces]): zp.append(int(i+1)) elif all_same(z_coord,zmin) and any([surface == 'z' for surface in options.surfaces]): zm.append(int(i+1)) x_coord = [] y_coord = [] z_coord = [] with open(my_geofile,'a') as f: f.write('Delete Physicals; \n') if any([surface == 'x' for surface in options.surfaces]): f.write('%s%s%s\n' %('Physical Surface(1) = {',','.join(map(str, xp)),'};')) f.write('%s%s%s\n' %('Physical Surface(2) = {',','.join(map(str, xm)),'};')) if any([surface == 'y' for surface in options.surfaces]): f.write('%s%s%s\n' %('Physical Surface(3) = {',','.join(map(str, yp)),'};')) f.write('%s%s%s\n' %('Physical Surface(4) = {',','.join(map(str, ym)),'};')) if any([surface == 'z' for surface in options.surfaces]): f.write('%s%s%s\n' %('Physical Surface(5) = {',','.join(map(str, zp)),'};')) f.write('%s%s%s\n' %('Physical Surface(6) = {',','.join(map(str, zm)),'};')) for i in range(numVol): f.write('%s%d%s%d%s\n' %('Physical Volume (', i+1,') = {',i+1,'};')) f.write('Field[1] = Box;\n') f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].VIn = ', options.size,';')) f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].VOut = ',options.size,';')) f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].XMin = ',xmin,';')) f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].XMax = ',xmax,';')) f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].YMin = ',ymin,';')) f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].YMax = ',ymax,';')) f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].ZMin = ',zmin,';')) f.write('%s%f%s\n' %('Field[1].ZMax = ',zmax,';')) f.write('Background Field = 1;\n') f.close()