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\begin_layout Title
Sorting Criterion for Slip and Twin system in HCP

\begin_layout Author
YunJo Ro

\begin_layout Standard
This document attempts to show how we sort the order of the slip and twin
 system for Hex (or hcp) structure in lattice.f90.

\begin_layout Section
Slip system 

\begin_layout Standard
An intersection between slip and basal plane is used in order to sort the
 slip system as illustrated in Figures 
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 indicate the sequence of each slip system in 
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\begin_inset Quotes erd

\begin_inset Quotes eld

\begin_inset Quotes erd

, No.
 4 - 6 for basal and prism <a> slip do not include (Figure 
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
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reference "Fig:BasalPrismSlip"


 In Figure 
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "Fig:Pyr<a><c+a>"


, pyramidal slip <c+a> was used two criterions to sort the 12 slip systems;
 i) intersection between pyramidal slip plane and basal plnae, and ii) <a>

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Basal and prism <a> slip.


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Pyramical <a> and <c+a> slip.


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Twin system

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An intersection between twin and basal plane is used in order to sort the
 twin system as illustrated in Figures 
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 indicate the sequence of each twin system in 
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Tensile and compressive twin type 1


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Tensile and compressive twin type 2


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