!* $Id$ !******************************************************************** ! Material subroutine for Abaqus ! ! written by P. Eisenlohr, ! F. Roters, ! K. Janssens ! ! MPI fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf ! PSI, Switzerland ! ! REMARK: change compile command to include ! "-free -heap-arrays 500000000" in "abaqus_v6.env" ! !******************************************************************** include "prec.f90" ! uses nothing else MODULE mpie_interface character(len=64), parameter :: FEsolver = 'Abaqus' character(len=4), parameter :: InputFileExtension = '.inp' character(len=4), parameter :: LogFileExtension = '.log' CONTAINS !-------------------- subroutine mpie_interface_init() !-------------------- write(6,*) write(6,*) '<<<+- mpie_cpfem_abaqus init -+>>>' write(6,*) '$Id$' write(6,*) return end subroutine !-------------------- function getSolverWorkingDirectoryName() !-------------------- use prec implicit none character(1024) getSolverWorkingDirectoryName integer(pInt) LENOUTDIR getSolverWorkingDirectoryName='' CALL GETOUTDIR( getSolverWorkingDirectoryName, LENOUTDIR ) getSolverWorkingDirectoryName=trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName)//'/' ! write(6,*) 'getSolverWorkingDirectoryName', getSolverWorkingDirectoryName end function !-------------------- function getModelName() !-------------------- character(1024) getModelName getModelName = getSolverJobName() end function !-------------------- function getSolverJobName() !-------------------- use prec implicit none character(1024) getSolverJobName, JOBNAME integer(pInt) LENJOBNAME getSolverJobName='' CALL GETJOBNAME(getSolverJobName , LENJOBNAME ) ! write(6,*) 'getSolverJobName', getSolverJobName end function END MODULE include "IO.f90" ! uses prec include "numerics.f90" ! uses prec, IO include "math.f90" ! uses prec, numerics include "debug.f90" ! uses prec, numerics include "FEsolving.f90" ! uses prec, IO include "mesh.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, FEsolving include "material.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, mesh include "lattice.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, material include "constitutive_phenopowerlaw.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, latt ice, material, debug include "constitutive_titanmod.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug include "constitutive_j2.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, latt ice, material, debug include "constitutive_dislotwin.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, latt ice, material, debug include "constitutive_nonlocal.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, latt ice, material, debug include "constitutive.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, lattice, mesh, debug include "crystallite.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics include "homogenization_isostrain.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, include "homogenization_RGC.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics, mesh: added <<<updated 31.07.2009>>> include "homogenization.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics include "CPFEM.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics, debug, FEsolving, mesh, lattice, constitutive, crystallite subroutine UMAT(STRESS,STATEV,DDSDDE,SSE,SPD,SCD,& RPL,DDSDDT,DRPLDE,DRPLDT,STRAN,DSTRAN,& TIME,DTIME,TEMP,DTEMP,PREDEF,DPRED,CMNAME,NDI,NSHR,NTENS,& NSTATV,PROPS,NPROPS,COORDS,DROT,PNEWDT,CELENT,& DFGRD0,DFGRD1,NOEL,NPT,KSLAY,KSPT,KSTEP,KINC) use prec, only: pReal, & pInt use FEsolving, only: cycleCounter, & theInc, & cutBack, & calcMode, & lastMode, & theTime, & theDelta, & lastIncConverged, & outdatedByNewInc, & outdatedFFN1, & terminallyIll, & symmetricSolver use math, only: invnrmMandel use debug, only: debug_info, & debug_reset, & verboseDebugger use mesh, only: mesh_FEasCP use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_general,CPFEM_init_done, CPFEM_initAll use homogenization, only: materialpoint_sizeResults, materialpoint_results implicit none CHARACTER*80 CMNAME integer(pInt) ndi, nshr, ntens, nstatv, nprops, noel, npt,& kslay, kspt, kstep, kinc real(pReal) STRESS(NTENS),STATEV(NSTATV),& DDSDDE(NTENS,NTENS),DDSDDT(NTENS),DRPLDE(NTENS),& STRAN(NTENS),DSTRAN(NTENS),TIME(2),PREDEF(1),DPRED(1),& PROPS(NPROPS),COORDS(3),DROT(3,3),& DFGRD0(3,3),DFGRD1(3,3) real(pReal) SSE, SPD, SCD, RPL, DRPLDT, DTIME, TEMP,& DTEMP, PNEWDT, CELENT real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: pstress ! not used, but needed for call of cpfem_general real(pReal), dimension (3,3,3,3) :: dPdF ! not used, but needed for call of cpfem_general ! local variables real(pReal), dimension(6) :: stress_h real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: ddsdde_h integer(pInt) computationMode, i, cp_en if (verboseDebugger .and. noel == 1 .and. npt == 1) then !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) write(6,*) 'el',noel,'ip',npt write(6,*) 'got kinc as',kinc write(6,*) 'got dStran',dstran call flush(6) !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) endif if (.not. CPFEM_init_done) call CPFEM_initAll(temp,noel,npt) cp_en = mesh_FEasCP('elem',noel) if (time(2) > theTime .or. kinc /= theInc) then ! reached convergence terminallyIll = .false. cycleCounter = -1 ! first calc step increments this to cycle = 0 if (kinc == 0) then ! >> start of analysis << lastIncConverged = .false. ! no Jacobian backup outdatedByNewInc = .false. ! no aging of state lastMode = .false. ! pretend last step was collection calcMode = .false. ! pretend last step was collection !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) write (6,'(i6,x,i2,x,a)') noel,npt,'<< UMAT >> start of analysis..!'; call flush(6) !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) else if (kinc - theInc > 1) then ! >> restart of broken analysis << lastIncConverged = .false. ! no Jacobian backup outdatedByNewInc = .false. ! no aging of state lastMode = .true. ! pretend last step was calculation calcMode = .true. ! pretend last step was calculation !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) write (6,'(i6,x,i2,x,a)') noel,npt,'<< UMAT >> restart of analysis..!'; call flush(6) !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) else ! >> just the next inc << lastIncConverged = .true. ! request Jacobian backup outdatedByNewInc = .true. ! request aging of state lastMode = .true. ! assure last step was calculation calcMode = .true. ! assure last step was calculation !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) write (6,'(i6,x,i2,x,a)') noel,npt,'<< UMAT >> new increment..!'; call flush(6) !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) endif else if ( dtime < theDelta ) then ! >> cutBack << cutBack = .true. terminallyIll = .false. cycleCounter = -1 ! first calc step increments this to cycle = 0 calcMode = .true. ! pretend last step was calculation !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) write(6,'(i6,x,i2,x,a)') noel,npt,'<< UMAT >> cutback detected..!'; call flush(6) !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) endif ! convergence treatment end calcMode(npt,cp_en) = .not. calcMode(npt,cp_en) ! ping pong (calc <--> collect) if ( calcMode(npt,cp_en) ) then ! now calc if ( lastMode /= calcMode(npt,cp_en) ) then ! first after ping pong call debug_reset() ! resets debugging outdatedFFN1 = .false. cycleCounter = cycleCounter + 1 endif if ( outdatedByNewInc ) then outdatedByNewInc = .false. computationMode = 1 ! calc and age results else computationMode = 2 ! plain calc endif else ! now collect if ( lastMode /= calcMode(npt,cp_en) .and. & .not. terminallyIll) then call debug_info() ! first after ping pong reports debugging endif if ( lastIncConverged ) then lastIncConverged = .false. computationMode = 4 ! collect and backup Jacobian after convergence elseif ( cutBack ) then cutBack = .false. computationMode = 5 ! collect and restore Jacobian after cutback else computationMode = 3 ! plain collect endif endif theTime = time(2) ! record current starting time theDelta = dtime ! record current time increment theInc = kinc ! record current increment number lastMode = calcMode(npt,cp_en) ! record calculationMode if ( verboseDebugger ) then !$OMP CRITICAL (write2out) write(6,'(a16,x,i2,x,a,i5,a,i5,x,i5,a)') 'computationMode',computationMode,'(',cp_en,':',noel,npt,')'; call flush(6) !$OMP END CRITICAL (write2out) endif call CPFEM_general(computationMode,dfgrd0,dfgrd1,temp,dtime,noel,npt,stress_h,ddsdde_h, pstress, dPdF) ! Mandel: 11, 22, 33, SQRT(2)*12, SQRT(2)*23, SQRT(2)*13 ! straight: 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 13 ! ABAQUS explicit: 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 13 ! ABAQUS implicit: 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23 ! ABAQUS implicit: 11, 22, 33, 12 forall(i=1:ntens) ddsdde(1:ntens,i) = invnrmMandel(i)*ddsdde_h(1:ntens,i)*invnrmMandel(1:ntens) stress(1:ntens) = stress_h(1:ntens)*invnrmMandel(1:ntens) if(symmetricSolver) ddsdde(1:ntens,1:ntens) = 0.5_pReal*(ddsdde(1:ntens,1:ntens) + transpose(ddsdde(1:ntens,1:ntens))) if(ntens == 6) then stress_h = stress stress(5) = stress_h(6) stress(6) = stress_h(5) ddsdde_h = ddsdde ddsdde(:,5) = ddsdde_h(:,6) ddsdde(:,6) = ddsdde_h(:,5) ddsdde_h = ddsdde ddsdde(5,:) = ddsdde_h(6,:) ddsdde(6,:) = ddsdde_h(5,:) end if statev = materialpoint_results(1:min(nstatv,materialpoint_sizeResults),npt,mesh_FEasCP('elem', noel)) if ( terminallyIll ) pnewdt = 0.5_pReal ! force cutback directly ? return end subroutine !******************************************************************** ! This subroutine replaces the corresponding Marc subroutine !******************************************************************** subroutine quit(mpie_error) use prec, only: pReal, & pInt implicit none integer(pInt) mpie_error call xit end subroutine