--- stages: - prepare - python - compile - fortran - statistics - finalize ################################################################################################### default: before_script: - ${LOCAL_HOME}/bin/queue ${CI_JOB_ID} - source env/DAMASK.sh - export PATH=${TESTROOT}/bin:${PATH} - echo Job start:" $(date)" after_script: - echo Job end:" $(date)" ################################################################################################### variables: # =============================================================================================== # GitLab Settings # =============================================================================================== GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: normal # =============================================================================================== # Shortcut names # =============================================================================================== TESTROOT: "$LOCAL_HOME/GitLabCI_Pipeline_$CI_PIPELINE_ID" # =============================================================================================== # Names of module files to load # =============================================================================================== # ++++++++++++ Compiler +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMPILER_GNU: "Compiler/GNU/10" COMPILER_INTELLLVM: "Compiler/oneAPI/2022.0.1 Libraries/IMKL/2022.0.1" COMPILER_INTEL: "Compiler/Intel/2022.0.1 Libraries/IMKL/2022.0.1" # ++++++++++++ MPI ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MPI_GNU: "MPI/GNU/10/OpenMPI/4.1.2" MPI_INTELLLVM: "MPI/oneAPI/2022.0.1/IntelMPI/2021.5.0" MPI_INTEL: "MPI/Intel/2022.0.1/IntelMPI/2021.5.0" # ++++++++++++ PETSc ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PETSC_GNU: "Libraries/PETSc/3.16.4/GNU-10-OpenMPI-4.1.2" PETSC_INTELLLVM: "Libraries/PETSc/3.16.3/oneAPI-2022.0.1-IntelMPI-2021.5.0" PETSC_INTEL: "Libraries/PETSc/3.16.5/Intel-2022.0.1-IntelMPI-2021.5.0" # ++++++++++++ MSC Marc +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MSC: "FEM/MSC/2023.1" IntelMarc: "Compiler/Intel/19.1.2 Libraries/IMKL/2020" HDF5Marc: "HDF5/1.12.2/Intel-19.1.2" ################################################################################################### create_testroot: stage: prepare before_script: - ${LOCAL_HOME}/bin/queue ${CI_JOB_ID} - echo Job start:" $(date)" script: - mkdir -p ${TESTROOT} ################################################################################################### setuptools: stage: python script: - sed -i 's/-[[:digit:]]*-.*//' VERSION - cd python - python3 -m build --wheel --no-isolation pytest: stage: python script: - cd python - pytest --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/python -v --cov - coverage report --fail-under=90 --show-missing mypy: stage: python script: - cd python - mypy damask ################################################################################################### unittest_GNU_DEBUG: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_GNU} ${MPI_GNU} ${PETSC_GNU} - TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) - cmake -B ${TMPDIR} -DDAMASK_SOLVER=test -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${TMPDIR} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DBUILDCMD_POST=-coverage - cmake --build ${TMPDIR} --target install - cd ${TMPDIR} - ./bin/DAMASK_test - find -name \*.gcda | xargs gcov unittest_GNU_RELEASE: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_GNU} ${MPI_GNU} ${PETSC_GNU} - TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) - cmake -B ${TMPDIR} -DDAMASK_SOLVER=test -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${TMPDIR} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -DBUILDCMD_POST=-coverage - cmake --build ${TMPDIR} --target install - cd ${TMPDIR} - ./bin/DAMASK_test - find -name \*.gcda | xargs gcov unittest_GNU_PERFORMANCE: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_GNU} ${MPI_GNU} ${PETSC_GNU} - TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d) - cmake -B ${TMPDIR} -DDAMASK_SOLVER=test -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${TMPDIR} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=PERFORMANCE -DBUILDCMD_POST=-coverage - cmake --build ${TMPDIR} --target install - cd ${TMPDIR} - ./bin/DAMASK_test - find -name \*.gcda | xargs gcov grid_GNU: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_GNU} ${MPI_GNU} ${PETSC_GNU} - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and grid' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_grid_GNU mesh_GNU: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_GNU} ${MPI_GNU} ${PETSC_GNU} - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and mesh' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_mesh_GNU grid_GNU-64bit: stage: compile script: - module load Compiler/GNU/10 Libraries/PETSc/3.16.4/64bit - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and grid' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_grid_GNU-64bit mesh_GNU-64bit: stage: compile script: - module load Compiler/GNU/10 Libraries/PETSc/3.16.4/64bit - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and mesh' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_mesh_GNU-64bit grid_IntelLLVM: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTELLLVM} ${MPI_INTELLLVM} ${PETSC_INTELLLVM} - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and grid' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_grid_IntelLLVM mesh_IntelLLVM: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTELLLVM} ${MPI_INTELLLVM} ${PETSC_INTELLLVM} - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and mesh' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_mesh_IntelLLVM grid_Intel: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTEL} ${MPI_INTEL} ${PETSC_INTEL} - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and grid' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_grid_Intel mesh_Intel: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTEL} ${MPI_INTEL} ${PETSC_INTEL} - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and mesh' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_mesh_Intel Marc_Intel: stage: compile script: - module load $IntelMarc $HDF5Marc $MSC - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'compile and Marc' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/compile_Marc setup_grid: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTEL} ${MPI_INTEL} ${PETSC_INTEL} - cd $(mktemp -d) - cmake -DDAMASK_SOLVER=GRID -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${TESTROOT} ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} - make -j2 all install setup_mesh: stage: compile script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTEL} ${MPI_INTEL} ${PETSC_INTEL} - cd $(mktemp -d) - cmake -DDAMASK_SOLVER=MESH -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${TESTROOT} ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} - make -j2 all install setup_Marc: stage: compile script: - module load $IntelMarc $HDF5Marc $MSC - cd $(mktemp -d) - cp ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/examples/Marc/* . - python3 -c "import damask;damask.solver.Marc().submit_job('r-value','texture',True,'h')" - mkdir -p ${TESTROOT}/src/Marc - mv ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/src/Marc/DAMASK_Marc.marc ${TESTROOT}/src/Marc ################################################################################################### open-source: stage: fortran script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTEL} ${MPI_INTEL} ${PETSC_INTEL} - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'not compile and not Marc' -m 'not cifail' --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/open-source -v Marc: stage: fortran script: - cd PRIVATE/testing/pytest - pytest -k 'not compile and Marc' -m 'not cifail' --damask-root=${TESTROOT} --basetemp ${TESTROOT}/Marc -v # Needs closer look # Phenopowerlaw_singleSlip: # stage: fortran # script: Phenopowerlaw_singleSlip/test.py ################################################################################################### grid_performance: stage: statistics before_script: - ${LOCAL_HOME}/bin/queue ${CI_JOB_ID} --blocking - source env/DAMASK.sh - echo Job start:" $(date)" script: - module load ${COMPILER_INTEL} ${MPI_INTEL} ${PETSC_INTEL} - cd $(mktemp -d) - cmake -DOPTIMIZATION=AGGRESSIVE -DDAMASK_SOLVER=GRID -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=./ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} - make -j2 all install - export PATH=${PWD}/bin:${PATH} - cd $(mktemp -d) - git clone -q git@git.damask.mpie.de:damask/statistics.git . - ./measure_performance.py --input_dir ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/examples/grid --tag ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} - > if [ ${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH} == development ]; then git add performance.txt git commit -m ${CI_PIPELINE_ID}_${CI_COMMIT_SHA} git push fi ################################################################################################### update_plots: stage: finalize script: - cd $(mktemp -d) - git clone -q git@git.damask.mpie.de:damask/statistics.git . - ./plot_commithistory.py --color green -n 5 -N 100 - ./plot_commithistory.py --color green -n 5 -N 1000 - ./plot_commithistory.py --color green -n 5 -N 10000 - scp -r ./commits_*.html damask.mpie.de:~/ - ssh damask.mpie.de "./update_statistics_commits.sh" - ./plot_performance.py --template=xgridoff - scp -r ./runtime.html ./memory.html damask.mpie.de:~/ - ssh damask.mpie.de "./update_statistics_performance.sh" only: - development update_revision: stage: finalize before_script: - ${LOCAL_HOME}/bin/queue ${CI_JOB_ID} - echo Job start:" $(date)" script: - cd $(mktemp -d) - git clone -q git@git.damask.mpie.de:damask/DAMASK.git . - git pull - export VERSION=$(git describe ${CI_COMMIT_SHA}) - echo ${VERSION:1} > VERSION - > git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit VERSION -m "[skip ci] updated version information after successful test of $VERSION" - if [ ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} == $(git rev-parse HEAD^) ]; then git push --atomic --no-verify origin HEAD:development HEAD:master; fi only: - development