# Intel Compiler
  if (OPENMP)
    set (OPENMP_FLAGS "-qopenmp -parallel")
  endif ()

    set (OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS    "-O0 -no-ip")
    set (OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS    "-O2")
    set (OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS    "-ipo -O3 -no-prec-div -fp-model fast=2 -xHost")
    # -fast = -ipo, -O3, -no-prec-div, -static, -fp-model fast=2, and -xHost"
  endif ()

  # -assume std_mod_proc_name (included in -standard-semantics) causes problems if other modules
  # (PETSc, HDF5) are not compiled with this option (https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-fortran-compiler-for-linux-and-mac-os-x/topic/62172)
  set (STANDARD_CHECK "-stand f15 -standard-semantics -assume nostd_mod_proc_name")
  set (LINKER_FLAGS   "${LINKER_FLAGS} -shared-intel")
  # Link against shared Intel libraries instead of static ones

# Fine tuning compilation options
  # preprocessor

  # flush underflow to zero, automatically set if -O[1,2,3]

  set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS} -diag-disable")
  # disables warnings ...
  #   ... the text exceeds right hand column allowed on the line (we have only comments there)

  # enables warnings ...
  set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS} declarations")
  #   ... any undeclared names (alternative name: -implicitnone)
  set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS},general")
  #   ... warning messages and informational messages are issued by the compiler
  #   ... questionable programming practices
  set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS},interfaces")
  #   ... checks the interfaces of all SUBROUTINEs called and FUNCTIONs invoked in your compilation against an external set of interface blocks
  set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS},ignore_loc")
  #   ... %LOC is stripped from an actual argument
  set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS},alignments")
  #   ... data that is not naturally aligned
  #   ... declared variables that are never used

  # Additional options
  #  -warn:                    enables warnings, where
  #     truncated_source:        Determines whether warnings occur when source exceeds the maximum column width in fixed-format files.
  #                               (too many warnings because we have comments beyond character 132)
  #     uncalled:                Determines whether warnings occur when a statement function is never called
  #     all:
  #  -name as_is: case sensitive Fortran!

# Runtime debugging
  # Generate symbolic debugging information in the object file

  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -traceback")
  # Generate extra information in the object file to provide source file traceback information when a severe error occurs at run time

  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -gen-interfaces")
  # Generate an interface block for each routine. http://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2012/01/05/doctor-fortran-gets-explicit-again/

  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -fp-stack-check")
  # Generate extra code after every function call to ensure that the floating-point (FP) stack is in the expected state

  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -fp-model strict")
  # Trap uninitalized variables

  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -check" )
  # Checks at runtime ...
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} bounds")
  #   ... if an array index is too small (<1) or too large!
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS},format")
  #   ... for the data type of an item being formatted for output.
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS},output_conversion")
  #   ... for the fit of data items within a designated format descriptor field.
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS},pointers")
  #   ... for certain disassociated or uninitialized pointers or unallocated allocatable objects.
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS},uninit")
  #   ... for uninitialized variables.
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -ftrapuv")
  #   ... initializes stack local variables to an unusual value to aid error detection
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -fpe-all=0")
  #   ... capture all floating-point exceptions, sets -ftz automatically

  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -warn")
  # enables warnings ...
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} errors")
  #   ... warnings are changed to errors
  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS},stderrors")
  #   ... warnings about Fortran standard violations are changed to errors

  set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -debug-parameters all")
  # generate debug information for parameters

  # Additional options
  # -heap-arrays:            Should not be done for OpenMP, but set "ulimit -s unlimited" on shell. Probably it helps also to unlimit other limits
  # -check:                  Checks at runtime, where
  #    arg_temp_created:       will cause a lot of warnings because we create a bunch of temporary arrays (performance?)
  #    stack:

#  precision settings
  set (PRECISION_FLAGS "${PRECISION_FLAGS} -real-size 64")
  # set precision for standard real to 32 | 64 | 128 (= 4 | 8 | 16 bytes, type pReal is always 8 bytes)