% This file was created with JabRef 2.4.2. % Encoding: Cp1252 @ARTICLE{Ahn2006, author = {D.C. Ahn and P. Sofronis and R. Minich}, title = {On the micromechanics of void growth by prismatic-dislocation loop emission}, journal = {Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids}, year = {2006}, volume = {54}, pages = {735 - 755}, number = {4}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.jmps.2005.10.011}, issn = {0022-5096}, keywords = {Void growth}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.26}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXB-4HTBMD1-2/2/5390a456c470a8def2420f78bcdcc7ac} } @ARTICLE{Akhtar1975, author = {Akhtar, A.}, title = {Basal slip and twinning in alpha-titanium single crystals}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1975}, volume = {6}, pages = {1105--1113}, number = {4}, month = apr, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02645537} } @ARTICLE{Akhtar1975a, author = {Akhtar, A. and Teghtsoonian, E.}, title = {Prismatic slip in alpha-titanium single crystals}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1975}, volume = {6}, pages = {2201--2208}, number = {12}, month = dec, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02818644} } @ARTICLE{Asgari1997, author = {Asgari, Sirous and El-Danaf, Ehab and Kalidindi, Surya and Doherty, Roger}, title = {Strain hardening regimes and microstructural evolution during large strain compression of low stacking fault energy fcc alloys that form deformation twins}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1997}, volume = {28}, pages = {1781--1795}, number = {9}, month = sep, abstract = {Abstract Constant true strain rate simple compression tests were conducted on annealed, polycrystalline samples of α-brass and MP35N, and the evolution of the true stress (σ)-true strain (ε) response was documented. From these data, the strain hardening rate was numerically computed, normalized with shear modulus (G), and plotted against both (σ − σ 0)/G (σ0 being the initial yield strength of the alloy) and ε. Such normalized plots for α-brass and MP35N were found to be almost identical to each other, and revealed four distinct stages of strain hardening: stage A, with a steadily decreasing strain hardening rate up to a true strain of about −0.08; stage B, with an almost constant strain hardening rate up to a true strain of about −0.2; stage C, with a steadily decreasing strain hardening rate up to a true strain of about −0.55; and a final stage D, again with an almost constant strain hardening rate. Optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed on deformed samples. The results suggested that stage A corresponded to stage III strain hardening (dynamic recovery) of higher stacking fault energy (SFE) fcc metals such as copper. The onset of stage B correlated with the first observation of deformation twins in the microstructure. Further straining in stage B was found to produce clusters of parallel twins in an increasing number of grains. Stage C correlated with the development of severe inhomogeneity of deformation within most grains, and with the development of significant misorientation between the twin/matrix interface and the {111} plane in the matrix of the grain, i.e., the matrix/twin interface lost coherency with continued deformation. Stage D correlated with extensive formation of secondary twins that resulted in twin intersections in many grains. Early in stage D, some strain localization in the form of shear bands was observed. Although formation of these shear bands had no detectable effect on the macroscopic strain hardening rate, it did correlated with a marked change in texture evolution. Based on these experimental observations, we have developed and presented a physical description of the microstructural phenomena responsible for the various strain hardening stages observed in low SFE fcc alloys.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-997-0109-3} } @ARTICLE{Battaini2007, author = {Battaini, M. and Pereloma, E.V. and Davies, C.H.J.}, title = {Orientation Effect on Mechanical Properties of Commercially Pure Titanium at Room Temperature}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {2007}, volume = {38}, pages = {276--285}, number = {2}, month = feb, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.26}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-006-9040-2} } @ARTICLE{Beevers1969, author = {Beevers, C. J. and Halliday, M. D.}, title = {The role of twinning in the fatigue behaviour of alpha-titanium}, journal = {Czechoslovak Journal of Physics}, year = {1969}, volume = {19}, pages = {343--346}, number = {3}, month = mar, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01712874} } @ARTICLE{Berfield2007, author = {Berfield, T. and Patel, J. and Shimmin, R. and Braun, P. and Lambros, J. and Sottos, N.}, title = {Micro- and Nanoscale Deformation Measurement of Surface and Internal Planes via Digital Image Correlation}, journal = {Experimental Mechanics}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, pages = {51--62}, number = {1}, month = feb, abstract = {Abstract The digital image correlation (DIC) technique is successfully applied across multiple length scales through the generation of a suitable speckle pattern at each size scale. For microscale measurements, a random speckle pattern of paint is created with a fine point airbrush. Nanoscale displacement resolution is achieved with a speckle pattern formed by solution deposition of fluorescent silica nanoparticles. When excited, the particles fluoresce and form a speckle pattern that can be imaged with an optical microscope. Displacements are measured on the surface and on an interior plane of transparent polymer samples with the different speckle patterns. Rigid body translation calibrations and uniaxial tension experiments establish a surface displacement resolution of 1 μm over a 56 mm scale field of view for the airbrushed samples and 17 nm over a 100100 μm scale field of view for samples with the fluorescent nanoparticle speckle. To demonstrate the capabilities of the method, we characterize the internal deformation fields generated around silica microspheres embedded in an elastomer under tensile loading. The DIC technique enables measurement of complex deformation fields with nanoscale precision over relatively large areas, making it of particular relevance to materials that possess multiple length scales.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11340-006-0531-2} } @ARTICLE{Beyerlein2008, author = {I.J. Beyerlein and C.N. Tom�}, title = {A dislocation-based constitutive law for pure Zr including temperature effects}, journal = {International Journal of Plasticity}, year = {2008}, volume = {24}, pages = {867 - 895}, number = {5}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2007.07.017}, issn = {0749-6419}, keywords = {A. Dislocations}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TWX-4PFDDMC-1/2/2e4d625f58cc8d631f6240ab9c34edaf} } @ARTICLE{Biallas2007, author = {G. Biallas and H.J. Maier}, title = {In-situ fatigue in an environmental scanning electron microscope - Potential and current limitations}, journal = {International Journal of Fatigue}, year = {2007}, volume = {29}, pages = {1413 - 1425}, number = {8}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2006.11.008}, issn = {0142-1123}, keywords = {In situ fatigue}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V35-4MSY8H6-1/2/ac32b32e9a08bcbf0c6d6ca03252225b} } @ARTICLE{Biget1989, author = {Biget, M. P. and Saada, G.}, title = {Low-temperature plasticity of high-purity α-titanium single crystals}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine A}, year = {1989}, volume = {59}, pages = {747--757}, number = {4}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, timestamp = {2009.04.23}, url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/01418618908209818} } @ARTICLE{Cai2008, author = {Shengqiang Cai and Ziran Li and Yuanming Xia}, title = {Evolution equations of deformation twins in metals--Evolution of deformation twins in pure titanium}, journal = {Physica B: Condensed Matter}, year = {2008}, volume = {403}, pages = {1660 - 1665}, number = {10-11}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2007.09.091}, issn = {0921-4526}, keywords = {Gibbs free energy}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TVH-4PT7X4N-1/2/8208076d98499b7efcf88b3df2d87d7b} } @ARTICLE{Capolungo2009, author = {L. Capolungo and I.J. Beyerlein and G.C. Kaschner and C.N. Tom�}, title = {On the interaction between slip dislocations and twins in HCP Zr}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A}, year = {2009}, volume = {513-514}, pages = {42 - 51}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2009.01.035}, issn = {0921-5093}, keywords = {Zirconium}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-4VF56W9-1/2/96559a17e0128c846012b89d57e96762} } @ARTICLE{Capolungo2009a, author = {L. Capolungo and I.J. Beyerlein and C.N. Tom�}, title = {Slip-assisted twin growth in hexagonal close-packed metals}, journal = {Scripta Materialia}, year = {2009}, volume = {60}, pages = {32 - 35}, number = {1}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2008.08.044}, issn = {1359-6462}, keywords = {Twinning}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.24}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TY2-4TG9J13-1/2/b8a6d947d7ec88bacf253bd3b717146d} } @ARTICLE{Capolungo2008, author = {L. Capolungo and I. J. Beyerlein}, title = {Nucleation and stability of twins in hcp metals}, journal = {Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics)}, year = {2008}, volume = {78}, pages = {024117}, number = {2}, eid = {024117}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.78.024117}, keywords = {dislocation nucleation; magnesium; nucleation; twin boundaries; twinning; zirconium}, numpages = {19}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {APS}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v78/e024117} } @ARTICLE{Cho2002, author = {J. R. Cho and D. Dye and K. T. Conlon and M. R. Daymond and R. C. 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T.}, title = {Influence of Strain Rate and Temperature on the Structure. Property Behavior of High-Purity Titanium}, journal = {Le Journal de Physique IV}, year = {1997}, volume = {07}, pages = {C3-423-C3-428}, number = C3, month = {aug}, doi = {10.1051/jp4:1997373}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.17}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jp4:1997373} } @ARTICLE{Grujicic2001, author = {Grujicic, M. and Batchu, S.}, title = {A crystal plasticity materials constitutive model for polysynthetically-twinned γ-TiAl + α2-Ti3Al single crystals}, journal = {Journal of Materials Science}, year = {2001}, volume = {36}, pages = {2851--2863}, number = {12}, month = jun, abstract = {Deformation behavior of polysynthetically-twinned lamellar γ-TiAl + α2-Ti3Al single crystals has been analyzed using a three-dimensional, isothermal, rate-dependent, large-strain, crystal-plasticity based materials constitutive model. Within the model it is assumed that plastic deformation parallel to the γ-TiAl/α2-Ti3Al lamellar boundaries is controlled by the softer γ-TiAl phase while deformation which contains a component normal to these boundaries is dominated by the harder α2-Ti3Al phase. The parameters appearing in the crystal-plasticity materials constitutive relations are assessed using the available experimental information pertaining to the active slip systems, their deformation resistances and hardening and rate behavior of the two constitutive phases both in their single-crystalline and in polysynthetically-twinned lamellar forms. The constitutive relations are implemented in a Vectorized User Material Subroutine (VUMAT) of the commercial finite element program Abaqus/Explicit within which the material state is integrated during loading using an explicit Euler-forward formulation. The results obtained suggest that the adopted crystal-plasticity model and the parameters assessed in the present work account quite well for the observed room-temperature deformation behavior of polysynthetically-twinned lamellar γ-TiAl + α2-Ti3Al single crystals.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.09}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1017942117952} } @ARTICLE{Haicheng1994, author = {Gu Haicheng and Guo Huifang and Chang Shufen and Campbell Laird}, title = {Orientation dependence of cyclic deformation in high purity titanium single crystals}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A}, year = {1994}, volume = {188}, pages = {23 - 36}, number = {1-2}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0921-5093(94)90352-2}, issn = {0921-5093}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.23}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-48FKKVP-3/2/e3627502c857c5240f3ab05bfaec89ed} } @ARTICLE{Hu1993, author = {Hu, Xiaoyu and Wei, Chao and Margolin, Harold and Nourbakhsh, Said}, title = {The stresses in a face-centered cubic single crystal under uniaxial tension}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1993}, volume = {24}, pages = {875--881}, number = {4}, month = apr, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.06}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02656508} } @ARTICLE{Huez1998, author = {Huez, J. and Helbert, A. and Feaugas, X. and Guillot, I. and Clavel, M.}, title = {Damage process in commercially pure}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1998}, volume = {29}, pages = {1615--1628}, number = {6}, month = jun, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.26}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-998-0085-2} } @ARTICLE{Hultgren1999, author = {Hultgren, Carl and Ankem, Sreeramaurthy and Greene, Charles}, title = {Time-dependent twinning during ambient temperature compression creep of alpha Ti-0.4Mn alloy}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1999}, volume = {30}, pages = {1675--1679}, number = {6}, month = jun, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.27}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-999-0106-9} } @ARTICLE{Kalidindi1998, author = {Surya R. 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Ma}, title = {Zonal dislocations mediating twinning in magnesium}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = {2009}, volume = {57}, pages = {1734 - 1743}, number = {6}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2008.12.016}, issn = {1359-6454}, keywords = {Magnesium}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.02}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW8-4VDY40S-2/2/6d536cdd6e9b59eebf68bc5e14b2c684} } @ARTICLE{Li2008, author = {Li, N. and Sutton, M. and Li, X. and Schreier, H.}, title = {Full-field Thermal Deformation Measurements in a Scanning Electron Microscope by 2D Digital Image Correlation}, journal = {Experimental Mechanics}, year = {2008}, volume = {48}, pages = {635--646}, number = {5}, month = oct, abstract = {Abstract Using recently developed methods for application of a nano-scale random pattern having high contrast during SEM imaging, baseline full-field thermal deformation experiments have been performed successfully in an FEI Quanta SEM using 2D-DIC methods. Employing a specially redesigned commercial heating plate and control system, with modified specimen attachment procedures to minimize unwanted image motions, recently developed distortion correction procedures were shown to be effective in removing both drift and spatial distortion fields under thermal heating. 2D-DIC results from heating experiments up to 125°C on an aluminum specimen indicate that (a) the fully corrected displacement components have nearly random variability and a standard deviation of 0.02 pixels (≈25 nm at 200× and ≈0.5 nm at 10,000×) in each displacement component and (b) the unbiased measured strain fields have a standard deviation ≈150 × 10−6 and a mean value that is in good agreement with independent measurements, confirming that the SEM-DIC based method can be used for both micro-scale and nano-scale thermal strain measurements.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11340-007-9107-z} } @ARTICLE{Love2001, author = {Love, J. Christopher and Wolfe, Daniel B. and Jacobs, Heiko O. and Whitesides, George M.}, title = {Microscope Projection Photolithography for Rapid Prototyping of Masters with Micron-Scale Features for Use in Soft Lithography}, journal = {Langmuir}, year = {2001}, volume = {17}, pages = {6005-6012}, number = {19}, doi = {10.1021/la010655t}, eprint = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/la010655t}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.09}, url = {http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/la010655t} } @ARTICLE{Lu2005, author = {Lu, Gang and Kaxiras, Efthimios}, title = {Hydrogen Embrittlement of Aluminum: The Crucial Role of Vacancies}, journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2005}, volume = {94}, pages = {155501--}, number = {15}, month = apr, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {American Physical Society}, refid = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.155501}, timestamp = {2009.05.20}, url = {http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v94/e155501} } @ARTICLE{Lubarda2004, author = {V. A. Lubarda and M. S. Schneider and D. H. Kalantar and B. A. Remington and M. A. Meyers}, title = {Void growth by dislocation emission}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = {2004}, volume = {52}, pages = {1397 - 1408}, number = {6}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2003.11.022}, issn = {1359-6454}, keywords = {Voids}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.26}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW8-4B8K8R7-4/2/3f5b9aeddae77894d75f14fe8cd0cb46} } @ARTICLE{Lynch2009, author = {S.P. Lynch}, title = {Comments on } # A # unified # model # of # environment-assisted # cracking, journal = {Scripta Materialia}, year = {2009}, volume = {61}, pages = {331 - 334}, number = {3}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2009.02.031}, issn = {1359-6462}, keywords = {Liquid-metal embrittlement}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TY2-4VNH488-C/2/5c8d9cb463e7be2080ca2cb8ea20adac} } @ARTICLE{Lynch2007, author = {S.P. Lynch}, title = {Progression markings, striations, and crack-arrest markings on fracture surfaces}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A}, year = {2007}, volume = {468-470}, pages = {74 - 80}, note = {The McEvily Symposium: Fatigue and Fracture of Traditional and Advanced Materials, TMS 2006}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2006.09.083}, issn = {0921-5093}, keywords = {Fractography}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.06}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-4M9H3SM-6/2/64673c73023c0f8d688ff2b425c60c81} } @ARTICLE{Matsunaga2009, author = {Tetsuya Matsunaga and Kohei Takahashi and Tatsuya Kameyama and Eiichi Sato}, title = {Relaxation mechanisms at grain boundaries for ambient-temperature creep of h.c.p. metals}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A}, year = {2009}, volume = {510-511}, pages = {356 - 358}, note = {11th International Conference of Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, CREEP 2008}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2008.06.055}, issn = {0921-5093}, keywords = {Ambient-temperature creep}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.27}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-4V76251-1F/2/39d115978086373d4b1488039556104f} } @ARTICLE{McHargue1953, author = {C.J McHargue and J.P Hammond}, title = {Deformation mechanisms in titanium at elevated temperatures}, journal = {Acta Metallurgica}, year = {1953}, volume = {1}, pages = {700 - 701, 703-705}, number = {6}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0001-6160(53)90028-5}, issn = {0001-6160}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B7598-48KNTHY-2R/2/66321d3f4813c79a684cc9f116956d58} } @ARTICLE{Mendelson1970, author = {S. Mendelson}, title = {Dislocation Dissociations in hcp Metals}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, year = {1970}, volume = {41}, pages = {1893-1910}, number = {5}, doi = {10.1063/1.1659139}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2009.04.17}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?JAP/41/1893/1} } @ARTICLE{Minonishi1985, author = {Y. Minonishi and S. Morozumi and H. Yoshinaga}, title = {Accommodation around {101} twins in titanium}, journal = {Scripta Metallurgica}, year = {1985}, volume = {19}, pages = {1241 - 1245}, number = {10}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0036-9748(85)90246-7}, issn = {0036-9748}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B759T-48N5N1J-7Y/2/888ba516ef4fcd5ef922d1ef539c238b} } @ARTICLE{Minonishi1982, author = {Y. Minonishi and S. Morozumi and H. Yoshinaga}, title = {{112} <23> slip in titanium}, journal = {Scripta Metallurgica}, year = {1982}, volume = {16}, pages = {427 - 430}, number = {4}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0036-9748(82)90166-1}, issn = {0036-9748}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B759T-48JCSWN-362/2/b33203f2ef53d4755d7cb1eafbfd6637} } @ARTICLE{Morris1995, author = {Morris, J. R. and Ye, Y. Y. and Ho, K. M. and Chan, C. T. and Yoo, M. H.}, title = {Structures and energies of compression twin boundaries in <i>hcp</i> Ti and Zr}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine A}, year = {1995}, volume = {72}, pages = {751--763}, number = {3}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, timestamp = {2009.04.17}, url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/01418619508243798} } @ARTICLE{Moskalenko1998, author = {V. A. Moskalenko and A. R. Smirnov}, title = {Temperature effect on formation of reorientation bands in [alpha]-Ti}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering A}, year = {1998}, volume = {246}, pages = {282 - 288}, number = {1-2}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0921-5093(97)00713-2}, issn = {0921-5093}, keywords = {Ti}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-3TJBBWH-11/2/018d9d8a90570743f40c4eb3e89ae206} } @ARTICLE{Moskalenko2002, author = {V. A. Moskalenko and A. R. Smirnov and V. N. Kovaleva and V. D. Natsik}, title = {Staged work hardening of polycrystalline titanium at low temperatures and its relation to substructure evolution}, journal = {Low Temperature Physics}, year = {2002}, volume = {28}, pages = {935-941}, number = {12}, doi = {10.1063/1.1531398}, keywords = {titanium; work hardening; plastic deformation; dislocation structure; tensile strength; electron microscopy; optical microscopy; twinning; crystal microstructure}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {AIP}, timestamp = {2009.04.22}, url = {http://link.aip.org/link/?LTP/28/935/1} } @ARTICLE{Mullins1981, author = {Mullins, S. and Patchett, B.}, title = {Deformation microstructures in titanium sheet metal}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1981}, volume = {12}, pages = {853--863}, number = {5}, month = may, abstract = {Abstract A metallographic study has been made of the microstructures produced by room temperature deformation of 0.6mm thick commercially pure titanium sheet metal in uniaxial, plane strain and biaxial tension. Deformation twinning becomes increasingly important as the deformation mode changes from uniaxial through plane strain to equibiaxial tension, and is more significant for strain transverse to the rolling direction than for strain in the longitudinal direction. In uniaxial tension, 1122 twins are dominant in longitudinal straining, while 1012 twins dominate in transverse straining. In plane strain and equibiaxial straining, 1012 twinning is suppressed and largely replaced by 1122 twinning. The observed changes in twin occurrence and type are attributed to the interaction of the imposed stress system and the crystallographic texture of the rolled sheet, which alters the distribution of the grain basal-plane poles with respect to the operative stress axes. In uniaxial tension parallel to the longitudinal direction, twins favored by ‘c’ axis compression are produced, while in the transverse direction twins favored by ‘c’ axis tension appear. In plane strain and biaxial tension the dominant stress is through-thickness compression, which produces twins favored by ‘c’ axis compression in nearly all cases. The alterations in twin orientation and numbers are associated with changes in stress-strain behavior. As twin volume fraction increases and twins are aligned more closely to the principal stress axis, the instantaneous work-hardening rate tends to stabilize at a nearly constant value over a large strain range.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02648350} } @ARTICLE{Munroe1997, author = {Norman Munroe and Xiaoli Tan and Haicheng Gu}, title = {Orientation dependence of slip and twinning in HCP metals}, journal = {Scripta Materialia}, year = {1997}, volume = {36}, pages = {1383 - 1386}, number = {12}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S1359-6462(97)00048-1}, issn = {1359-6462}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TY2-3X2B4HD-6P/2/025a748a25f377371bd212b4a224e2d6} } @ARTICLE{Naka1983, author = {Naka, S. and Lasalmonie, A.}, title = {Cross-slip on the first order pyramidal plane (10 1) of a-type dislocations [1 10] in the plastic deformation of α-titanium single crystals}, journal = {Journal of Materials Science}, year = {1983}, volume = {18}, pages = {2613--2617}, number = {9}, month = sep, abstract = {The nature of the cross-slip plane was determined by electron microscopy observations of α-titanium single crystal specimens, oriented for single prismatic slip (10}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00547577} } @ARTICLE{Naka1982, author = {S. Naka and A. Lasalmonie}, title = {Prismatic slip in the plastic deformation of [alpha]-Ti single crystals below 700 K}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering}, year = {1982}, volume = {56}, pages = {19 - 24}, number = {1}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0025-5416(82)90178-1}, issn = {0025-5416}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B759M-48FMBBG-TC/2/6880ebb60dec693c2e0bda33ee94a139} } @ARTICLE{Naka1988, author = {Naka, S. and Lasalmonie, A. and Costa, P. and Kubin, L. P.}, title = {The low-temperature plastic deformation of alpha�-titanium and the core structure of a-type screw dislocations}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine A}, year = {1988}, volume = {57}, pages = {717--740}, number = {5}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, timestamp = {2009.03.02}, url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/01418618808209916} } @ARTICLE{Newman2009, author = {John A. Newman and Stephen W. Smith and Robert S. Piascik}, title = {Kmax effects on the near-threshold fatigue crack growth of powder-metallurgy aluminum alloys}, journal = {International Journal of Fatigue}, year = {2009}, volume = {31}, pages = {1237 - 1245}, number = {8-9}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2009.01.002}, issn = {0142-1123}, keywords = {Fatigue crack growth}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V35-4VD9X5H-1/2/02fcc42b39b99f90f0b0ba3a25b49605} } @ARTICLE{Numakura1986, author = {H. Numakura and Y. Minonishi and M. Koiwa}, title = { slip in titanium polycrystals at room temperature}, journal = {Scripta Metallurgica}, year = {1986}, volume = {20}, pages = {1581 - 1586}, number = {11}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0036-9748(86)90399-6}, issn = {0036-9748}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B759T-48JCNSN-1YV/2/a3866fca2d50ef8c06f1088c78931e39} } @ARTICLE{Odegard1974, author = {Odegard, Ben and Thompson, Anthony}, title = {Low temperature creep of Ti-6 Al-4 V}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B}, year = {1974}, volume = {5}, pages = {1207--1213}, number = {5}, month = may, abstract = {Abstract Creep tests were conducted at 295 K on Ti-6 Al-4 V in the solution treated and aged (4 h at 815 K) condition, and in the as-welded condition. Some aged specimens were tested after pre-straining. Creep stresses ranged from 40 to 90 pct of the aged material yield strength. Results showed that creep was of the primary or transient kind in all cases, and was much greater in welded than in aged material. In general, pre-strains reduced creep, although a strain larger than 10-3 was needed to do this at the highest creep stress. Activation areas A* were between 10 and 20 b2, and thus were similar to tensile results on titanium and its alloys. The microstructural rationale applied to Ti-5 Al-2.5 Sn in earlier work, based on the character of dislocation sources, proved successful in understanding the effects of prestrain in this work.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.27}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02644335} } @ARTICLE{Oh2009, author = {Oh, Sang Ho and Legros, Marc and Kiener, Daniel and Dehm, Gerhard}, title = {In situ observation of dislocation nucleation and escape in a submicrometre aluminium single crystal}, journal = {Nat Mater}, year = {2009}, volume = {8}, pages = {95--100}, number = {2}, month = feb, comment = {10.1038/nmat2370}, issn = {1476-1122}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {Nature Publishing Group}, timestamp = {2009.01.28}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmat2370} } @ARTICLE{PARTRIDGE1964, author = {PARTRIDGE, P. G.}, title = {Distribution of Twins around a Microhardness Indenter in Close-packed Hexagonal Metals}, journal = {Nature}, year = {1964}, volume = {203}, pages = {634--635}, number = {4945}, month = aug, comment = {10.1038/203634a0}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/203634a0} } @ARTICLE{Pochettino1992, author = {A.A. Pochettino and N. Gannio and C.Vial Edwards and R. Penelle}, title = {Texture and pyramidal slip in Ti, Zr and their alloys}, journal = {Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia}, year = {1992}, volume = {27}, pages = {1859 - 1863}, number = {12}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0956-716X(92)90033-B}, issn = {0956-716X}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TY3-48F4Y9W-DK/2/3aa6de3d1a288fe10992b4225b6ca3e9} } @ARTICLE{Ramesh2002, author = {Ramesh, K.}, title = {Effects of high rates of loading on the deformation behavior and failure mechanisms of hexagonal close-packed metals and alloys}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {2002}, volume = {33}, pages = {927--935}, number = {3}, month = mar, abstract = {Abstract A substantial amount of work has been performed on the effect of high rates of loading on the deformation and failure of fcc and bcc metals. In contrast, the influence of high strain rates and temperature on the flow stress of hcp metals has received relatively little attention, and the modes of dynamic failure of these materials are poorly characterized. The low symmetry of these materials and the development of twinning lead to a particularly rich set of potential mechanisms for deformation and failure at high rates. This article reviews results of high-strain-rate deformation and dynamic failure studies on hcp metals, with a focus on titanium, Ti-6Al-4V, and hafnium. Strain rates as high as 105}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-002-0162-x} } @ARTICLE{Rao1979, author = {Y.Krishna Mohan Rao and V.Kutumba Rao and P.Rama Rao}, title = {Fracture mechanism maps for titanium}, journal = {Scripta Metallurgica}, year = {1979}, volume = {13}, pages = {851 - 856}, number = {9}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0036-9748(79)90173-X}, issn = {0036-9748}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B759T-48JCMPY-1JC/2/7c54e81f2fd43c5999f9ac47b882cff0} } @ARTICLE{Salem2003, author = {Ayman A. Salem and Surya R. Kalidindi and Roger D. Doherty}, title = {Strain hardening of titanium: role of deformation twinning}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = {2003}, volume = {51}, pages = {4225 - 4237}, number = {14}, abstract = {The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of deformation twinning in the strain-hardening behavior of high purity, polycrystalline [alpha]-titanium in a number of different deformation modes. Constant strain rate tests were conducted on this material in simple compression, plane-strain compression and simple shear, and the true stress ([sigma])-true strain ([var epsilon]) responses were documented. From the measured data, the strain hardening rates were numerically computed, normalized by the shear modulus (G), and plotted against both normalized stress and [var epsilon]. These normalized strain hardening plots exhibited three distinct stages of strain hardening that were similar to those observed in previous studies on low stacking fault energy fcc metals (e.g. 70/30 brass) in which deformation twinning has been known to play an important role. Optical microscopy and Orientation imaging microscopy were conducted on samples deformed to different strain levels in the various deformation paths. It was found that the onset of deformation twinning correlated with a sudden increase in strain hardening rate in compression tests. The falling strain hardening rate correlated with saturation in the twin volume fraction. In shear testing a much lower rate of strain hardening was found, at all strains, and this correlated with a lower density of deformation twinning.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S1359-6454(03)00239-8}, issn = {1359-6454}, keywords = {Titanium}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW8-48VTB43-2/2/950c31f7658f3f4c0f4d9c8d67e54da4} } @ARTICLE{Salem2006, author = {Salem, A. and Kalidindi, S. and Doherty, R. and Semiatin, S.}, title = {Strain hardening due to deformation twinning in alpha�-titanium: Mechanisms}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {2006}, volume = {37}, pages = {259--268}, number = {1}, month = jan, abstract = {Abstract Novel experiments were conducted to elucidate the effect of deformation twinning on the mechanical response of high-purity α-titanium deformed at room temperature. Orientation-imaging microscopy (OIM), microhardness, and nanohardness evaluations were employed in conjunction with optical microscopy and quasi-static compression testing to obtain insight into the deformation mechanisms. Hardness measurements revealed that the newly formed deformation twins were harder than the matrix. This observation is perhaps the first experimental evidence for the Basinski mechanism for hardening associated with twinning, arising from the transition of glissile dislocations to a sessile configuration upon the lattice reorientation by twinning shear. This work also provided direct evidence for two competing effects of deformation twinning on the overall stress-strain response: (1) hardening via both a reduction of the effective slip length (Hall-Petch effect) and an increase in the hardness of twinned regions (Basinski mechanism) and (2) softening due to the lattice reorientation of the twinned regions.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-006-0171-2} } @ARTICLE{Salem2005, author = {A.A. Salem and S.R. Kalidindi and S.L. Semiatin}, title = {Strain hardening due to deformation twinning in [alpha]-titanium: Constitutive relations and crystal-plasticity modeling}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = {2005}, volume = {53}, pages = {3495 - 3502}, number = {12}, abstract = {The mechanisms governing twin-induced strain hardening of high-purity [alpha]-titanium at room temperature were incorporated into constitutive laws to describe the evolution of both twin and slip resistance due to deformation twinning. The proposed equations were incorporated in a Taylor-type crystal plasticity model to predict mechanical behavior and texture evolution for different deformation paths. Model predictions for the overall stress-strain response and texture evolution compared well with the experimental results. Specifically, the model captured the three stages of strain hardening for uniaxial-compression and plane-strain-compression testing of [alpha]-titanium. In addition, predicted texture evolution due to the reorientation of twinned area showed excellent agreement with the observations. These findings proved the necessity of incorporating twinning and its associated hardening mechanisms in realistic constitutive descriptions to account for anisotropic strain-hardening behavior and texture evolution in materials that deform by both slip and twinning.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2005.04.014}, issn = {1359-6454}, keywords = {Texture}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW8-4G94J1C-2/2/9745b826d50791e36598ba02e5b0d4e1} } @ARTICLE{Santhanam1970, author = {A. T. Santhanam and R. E. Reed-Hill}, title = {Work hardening peaks in [alpha]-titanium}, journal = {Scripta Metallurgica}, year = {1970}, volume = {4}, pages = {529 - 531}, number = {7}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0036-9748(70)90010-4}, issn = {0036-9748}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.12}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B759T-48J027T-DJ/2/ca4f3b94f041545b1151e6f45505ffec} } @ARTICLE{Schroeter2003, author = {Brian M. Schroeter and David L. McDowell}, title = {Measurement of deformation fields in polycrystalline OFHC copper}, journal = {International Journal of Plasticity}, year = {2003}, volume = {19}, pages = {1355 - 1376}, number = {9}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0749-6419(02)00040-2}, issn = {0749-6419}, keywords = {Polycrystalline materials}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.09}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TWX-46YXJ7T-6/2/b748033823db97fbbe1b560258cbdb1b} } @ARTICLE{Scrivens2007, author = {Scrivens, W. and Luo, Y. and Sutton, M. and Collette, S. and Myrick, M. and Miney, P. and Colavita, P. and Reynolds, A. and Li, X.}, title = {Development of Patterns for Digital Image Correlation Measurements at Reduced Length Scales}, journal = {Experimental Mechanics}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, pages = {63--77}, number = {1}, month = feb, abstract = {Abstract Methods for patterning metal thin films at the microscale and nanoscale by applying the patterns to metallic and polymeric materials for use in shape and deformation measurements in a scanning electron microsope (SEM) or other high magnification imaging system are described. In one approach, thin films of metallic materials (e.g., Au, Ag, Cu, and Cr) are applied to a variety of substrates. The coated samples are then placed into a reaction vessel, where the specimens are heated and exposed to a nitrogen atmosphere saturated with selected volatile chemicals. This process results in nano-scale remodeling of the metallic films, thereby affording high contrast random patterns with different morphologies. In a second approach, thin films of metallic materials, including gold and silver, also have been applied using a simplified UV photolithographic method requiring a minimum amount of laboratory preparation. Using selected substrates, both methods have been used successfully to transfer patterns onto polymeric and metallic materials ranging from 50–500 nanometers with chemical vapor rearrangement and 2 to 20 microns with UV photolithography, providing a pattern that can be used with digital image correlation to quantify both the surface profile and also surface deformations at reduced length scales.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11340-006-5869-y} } @ARTICLE{Semiatin1985, author = {Semiatin, S. and Ghosh, A. and Jonas, J.}, title = {A simplified numerical analysis of the sheet tensile test}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1985}, volume = {16}, pages = {2291--2298}, number = {12}, month = dec, abstract = {Abstract A simplified numerical analysis of the tensile test for sheet metal specimens is presented with particular emphasis on the relationship between plastic flow parameters and tensile ductility. This analysis is based on a one-dimensional, “long wavelength�? approximation in which the stress state is assumed to be uniaxial throughout the deformation. To account for the influence of necking and triaxiality on the flow behavior, however, an extended Bridgman correction for sheet specimens deformed under conditions of plane stress is employed. The governing equilibrium equation and boundary conditions are discretized to obtain computer solutions. Engineering stress-strain curves and strain distributions in deformed tensile specimens are compared to results from a more complex formulation previously published in the technical literature and show good agreement with it.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.10}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02670429} } @ARTICLE{Song1995, author = {S. G. Song and G. T. Gray}, title = {Structural interpretation of the nucleation and growth of deformation twins in Zr and Ti--I. Application of the coincidence site lattice (CSL) theory to twinning problems in h.c.p. structures}, journal = {Acta Metallurgica et Materialia}, year = {1995}, volume = {43}, pages = {2325 - 2337}, number = {6}, abstract = {A step-wise nucleation and growth mechanism based on the coincidence site lattice (CSL) theory is proposed for deformation twinning in h.c.p. structures. Lattice transformation during twinning is accomplished by a coordinated movement of a large number of atoms between two lattice match planes from the matrix to twin positions rather than a layer by layer movement through twinning dislocations as proposed for twinning dislocation theories. The sidewise propagation and thickening of a twin lamella proceeds in a step-wise manner with lattice match planes being the coherent boundaries between the matrix and twins. This model predicts that twinning in h.c.p. lattices can occur at a high velocity close to the sound speed, which is impossible according to twinning dislocation theories. The proposed mechanism is also consistent with other observations such as lack of critical-resolved-shear-stress for twinning, emissary dislocations, and insensitivity to temperature. Dislocation reactions may be involved in twinning although they are, at high stresses, not required.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0956-7151(94)00433-1}, issn = {0956-7151}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B7599-49FY37T-9M/2/74a19901a871a83da911616d5f2993da} } @ARTICLE{Song1995a, author = {S. G. Song and G. T. Gray}, title = {Structural interpretation of the nucleation and growth of deformation twins in Zr and Ti--II. Tem study of twin morphology and defect reactions during twinning}, journal = {Acta Metallurgica et Materialia}, year = {1995}, volume = {43}, pages = {2339 - 2350}, number = {6}, abstract = {A TEM study of mechanical twinning in Ti and Zr was performed. A large number of [0001]-dislocations which are rarely seen in the matrix, and a new type of stacking fault were found within deformation twins in both materials. Matrix dislocations were observed to actively interact with the tips of twin embryos and step ledges of growing twin lamellae. Twin embryos bounded by straight coherent and inclined semi-coherent boundaries were observed. These results as well as the morphological variation of twin lamellae during deformation do not agree with twinning dislocation theories but support a step-wise nucleation and growth mechanism proposed for deformation twinning in h.c.p. structures. Extended discussions are provided to address unanswered questions in the literature concerning deformation twinning.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0956-7151(94)00434-X}, issn = {0956-7151}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B7599-49FY37T-9N/2/8d2f35458aeb7062e85e4b4456a953c7} } @ARTICLE{Stanford2008, author = {Stanford, N. and Carlson, U. and Barnett, M.R.}, title = {Deformation Twinning and the Hall–Petch Relation in Commercial Purity Ti}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {2008}, volume = {39}, pages = {934--944}, number = {4}, month = apr, abstract = {Abstract The effect of grain size and deformation temperature on the behavior of wire-drawn α-Ti during compression has been examined. At strains of 0.3, the flow stress exhibited a negative Hall–Petch slope. This is proposed to result from the prevalence of twinning during the compressive deformation. Electron backscattered diffraction revealed that $$ \{ 10\ifmmode\expandafter\bar\else\expandafter\=\fi{1}2\} $$ was the most prolific twin type across all the deformation temperatures and grain sizes examined. Of the twinning modes observed, $$ \{ 11\ifmmode\expandafter\bar\else\expandafter\=\fi{2}2\} $$ twinning was the most sensitive to the grain size and deformation temperature. The range of morphologies exhibited by deformation twins is also described.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.04}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-007-9442-9} } @ARTICLE{Stroh1954, author = {Stroh, A. N.}, title = {The Formation of Cracks as a Result of Plastic Flow}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences}, year = {1954}, volume = {223}, pages = {404--414}, number = {1154}, date = {May 6, 1954}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.18}, url = {http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/223/1154/404.abstract} } @ARTICLE{Sun2001, author = {Q. Y. Sun and X. P. Song and H. C. Gu}, title = {Cyclic deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at cryogenic temperature}, journal = {International Journal of Fatigue}, year = {2001}, volume = {23}, pages = {187 - 191}, number = {3}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/S0142-1123(00)00089-X}, issn = {0142-1123}, keywords = {Titanium}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V35-42992CH-1/2/4083b6ebaa36adb6aa78ccbfb126ae29} } @ARTICLE{Sutton2007, author = {Sutton, M. and Li, N. and Garcia, D. and Cornille, N. and Orteu, J. and McNeill, S. and Schreier, H. and Li, X. and Reynolds, A.}, title = {Scanning Electron Microscopy for Quantitative Small and Large Deformation Measurements Part II: Experimental Validation for Magnifications from 200 to 10,000}, journal = {Experimental Mechanics}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, pages = {789--804}, number = {6}, month = dec, abstract = {Abstract A combination of drift distortion removal and spatial distortion removal are performed to correct Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images at both �200 and �10,000 magnification. Using multiple, time-spaced images and in-plane rigid body motions to extract the relative displacement field throughout the imaging process, results from numerical simulations clearly demonstrate that the correction procedures successfully remove both drift and spatial distortions with errors on the order of �0.02 pixels. A series of 2D translation and tensile loading experiments are performed in an SEM for magnifications at �200 and �10,000, where both the drift and spatial distortion removal methods described above are applied to correct the digital images and improve the accuracy of measurements obtained using 2D-DIC. Results from translation and loading experiments indicate that (a) the fully corrected displacement components have nearly random variability with standard deviation of 0.02 pixels (≈25 nm at �200 and ≈0.5 nm at �10,000) in each displacement component and (b) the measured strain fields are unbiased and in excellent agreement with expected results, with a spatial resolution of 43 pixels (≈54 μm at �200 and ≈1.1 μm at �10,000) and a standard deviation on the order of 6 � 10−5 for each component.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11340-007-9041-0} } @ARTICLE{Sutton2007a, author = {Sutton, M. and Li, N. and Joy, D. and Reynolds, A. and Li, X.}, title = {Scanning Electron Microscopy for Quantitative Small and Large Deformation Measurements Part I: SEM Imaging at Magnifications from 200 to 10,000}, journal = {Experimental Mechanics}, year = {2007}, volume = {47}, pages = {775--787}, number = {6}, month = dec, abstract = {Abstract A series of baseline displacement measurements have been obtained using 2D Digital Image Correlation (2D-DIC) and images from Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM). Direct correlation of subsets from a reference image to subsets in a series of uncorrected images is used to identify the presence of non-stationary step-changes in the measured displacements. Using image time integration and recently developed approaches to correct residual drift and spatial distortions in recorded images, results clearly indicate that the corrected SEM images can be used to extract deformations with displacement accuracy of �0.02 pixels (1 nm at magnification of 10,000) and mean value strain measurements that are consistent with independent estimates and have point-to-point strain variability of �1.5 � 10−4.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11340-007-9042-z} } @ARTICLE{Takahashi2009, author = {Yoshimasa Takahashi and Masaki Tanaka and Kenji Higashida and Hiroshi Noguchi}, title = {Hydrogen-induced slip localization around a quasi-brittle fatigue crack observed by high-voltage electron microscopy}, journal = {Scripta Materialia}, year = {2009}, volume = {61}, pages = {145 - 148}, number = {2}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2009.03.020}, issn = {1359-6462}, keywords = {TEM}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TY2-4VW558T-1/2/8155f0b3726238215bc70e8372a4fa06} } @ARTICLE{Tan1998, author = {Tan, X. and Gu, H. and Laird, C. and Munroe, N.}, title = {Cyclic deformation behavior of high-purity titanium single crystals: Part I. Orientation dependence of stress-strain response}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {1998}, volume = {29}, pages = {507--512}, number = {2}, month = feb, abstract = {Abstract Randomly oriented single crystals of high-purity titanium were prepared by strain annealing and were subjected to multiple-step fatigue testing under strain-controlled conditions, in order to determine their cyclic stress-strain curves (CSSCs). These were found to fall into three groups, depending on orientation and the extent of slip and twinning. For those crystals oriented for single prismatic slip, a plateau was observed in the CSSCs, persistent slip bands (PSBs) occurred, and the plateau stress was 38 MPa. In a second group, oriented for prismatic slip but for which cross-slip and twinning was favored, the plateau was suppressed and the flow stresses were higher. In a third group, connected with orientations on the borders of the unit triangle, extensive hardening occurred, the CSSCs were steep, and there were multiple cases of slip and twinning. The results are interpreted in terms of maps in the stereographic projection recording the Schmid factors for the various deformation modes.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.23}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-998-0131-0} } @ARTICLE{Tanaka1972, author = {T Tanaka and H Conrad}, title = {Deformation kinetics for {101[combining macron]0}<112[combining macron]0> slip in titanium single crystals below 0.4Tm}, journal = {Acta Metallurgica}, year = {1972}, volume = {20}, pages = {1019 - 1029}, number = {8}, abstract = {The deformation kinetics for {101[combining macron]0}<112[combining macron]0> slip in zone refined titanium single crystals of ~0.05 at.% Oeq total interstitial content were investigated in tension over the temperature range of 4.2-650�K. Using the thermally activated approach, values of the usual activation parameters were determined and found to be in good agreement with those reported previously for polycrystalline titanium with total interstitial contents ranging from 0.05 to 1 at.% Oeq. This agreement supports the earlier conclusion that the deformation kinetics in polycrystalline titanium are associated with slip on the first-order prism planes. Also, the present data support the earlier proposal that the rate controlling dislocation mechanism during the low temperature deformation of titanium is thermally activated overcoming of interstitial solute obstacles. Comparison of the single crystal results with those on polycrystals yielded a value of 5 for the Taylor factor relating resolved shear stress to the tensile stress in titanium polycrystals.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/0001-6160(72)90136-8}, issn = {0001-6160}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B7598-48KNY87-WK/2/941561542f234ab354d026145908eba2} } @ARTICLE{Tonda2002, author = {Tonda, Hideki and Ando, Shinji}, title = {Effect of temperature and shear direction on yield stress by 11}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {2002}, volume = {33}, pages = {831--836}, number = {3}, month = mar, abstract = {Abstract The yield shear stress τ}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-002-0152-z} } @ARTICLE{Tong2005, author = {Tong, Wei and Tao, Hong and Zhang, Nian and Jiang, Xiquan and Marya, Manuel and Hector, Louis and Gayden, Xiaohong}, title = {Deformation and fracture of miniature tensile bars with resistance-spot-weld microstructures}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {2005}, volume = {36}, pages = {2651--2669}, number = {10}, month = oct, abstract = {Abstract Plastic deformation of miniature tensile bars generated from dual-phase steel weld microstructures (i.e., fusion zone, heat-affected zone, and base material) was investigated up to final rupture failure. Uniaxial tensile true stress-strain curves beyond diffuse necking were obtained with a novel strain-mapping technique based on digital image correlation (DIC). Key microstructural features (including defects) in each of these three metallurgical zones were examined to explore the material influence on the plastic deformation and failure behavior. For weld fusion zones with minimal defects, diffuse necking was found to begin at 6 pct strain and continue up to 55 to 80 pct strain. The flow stresses of the weld fusion zones were at least twice those of the base material, and fracture strains exceeded 100 pct for both materials. The heat-affected zones exhibited a range of complex deformation behaviors, as expected from their microstructural variety. Only those fusion zones with substantial defects (e.g., shrinkage voids, cracks, and contaminants) failed prematurely by edge cracking, as signaled by their highly irregular strain maps.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-005-0263-4} } @ARTICLE{Ungar2008, author = {T. Ung�r and M.G. Glavicic and L. Balogh and K. Nyilas and A.A. Salem and G. Rib�rik and S.L. Semiatin}, title = {The use of X-ray diffraction to determine slip and twinning activity in commercial-purity (CP) titanium}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A}, year = {2008}, volume = {493}, pages = {79 - 85}, number = {1-2}, note = {Mechanical Behavior of Nanostructured Materials, a Symposium Held in Honor of Carl Koch at the TMS Annual Meeting 2007, Orlando, Florida}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2007.06.096}, issn = {0921-5093}, keywords = {Titanium}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-4RBYD2M-5/2/1dcd434111b67d44cb6d074cd4d9e544} } @ARTICLE{Wang2009, author = {L. Wang and S.R. Daniewicz and M.F. Horstemeyer and S. Sintay and A.D. Rollett}, title = {Three-dimensional finite element analysis using crystal plasticity for a parameter study of fatigue crack incubation in a 7075 aluminum alloy}, journal = {International Journal of Fatigue}, year = {2009}, volume = {31}, pages = {659 - 667}, number = {4}, abstract = {Three-dimensional finite element analysis of a bicrystal using a crystal plasticity constitutive theory was performed to compute the maximum plastic shear strain range in the matrix, at the particle/matrix interface, and at the bicrystal boundary. Using the finite element analysis results, a design of experiments (DOE) technique was employed to understand and quantify the effects of seven parameters on fatigue crack incubation: applied displacement, load ratio, particle modulus, the number of initially active slip systems, the relative crystallographic misorientation at the grain boundary, the particle aspect ratio, and the normalized particle size. The simulations clearly showed that the applied displacement is the most influential parameter. In most cases, particles were found to be more significant than bicrystal boundaries for incubation. The number of initially active slip systems, the particle aspect ratio, and the normalized particle size showed some influences on fatigue incubation. The particle modulus was the least influential parameter.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2008.03.022}, issn = {0142-1123}, keywords = {Crystal plasticity}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V35-4S4TNY3-1/2/19b9e03f31d80e2c188e041dade66004} } @ARTICLE{Williams1968, author = {Williams, J. C. and Blackburn, M. J.}, title = {The identification of a Non-Basal slip vector in titanium and Titanium-Aluminum alloys}, journal = {Physica Status Solidi (b)}, year = {1968}, volume = {25}, pages = {K1-K3}, number = {1}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.02.12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pssb.19680250146} } @ARTICLE{Wu2007, author = {Xianping Wu and Surya R. Kalidindi and Carl Necker and Ayman A. Salem}, title = {Prediction of crystallographic texture evolution and anisotropic stress-strain curves during large plastic strains in high purity [alpha]-titanium using a Taylor-type crystal plasticity model}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = {2007}, volume = {55}, pages = {423 - 432}, number = {2}, abstract = {A new Taylor-type polycrystalline model has been developed to simulate the evolution of crystallographic texture and the anisotropic stress-strain response during large plastic deformation of high purity [alpha]-titanium at room temperature. Crystallographic slip, deformation twinning and slip inside twinned regions were all considered as contributing mechanisms for the plastic strain in the model. This was accomplished by treating the dominant twin systems in a given crystal as independent grains once the total twin volume fraction in that crystal reached a predetermined saturation value. The newly formed grains were allowed to independently undergo further slip and the concomitant lattice rotation, but further twinning was prohibited. New descriptions have been established for slip and twin hardening and the complex coupling between them. Good predictions were obtained for the overall anisotropic stress-strain response and texture evolution in three different monotonic deformation paths on annealed, initially textured samples of high purity [alpha]-titanium.}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2006.08.034}, issn = {1359-6454}, keywords = {Twinning}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW8-4M63RXJ-6/2/b13d16ac5a205e5218141b1a25b85a27} } @ARTICLE{Xiao2005, author = {Lin Xiao}, title = {Twinning behavior in the Ti-5�at.% Al single crystals during cyclic loading along [0�0�0�1]}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering A}, year = {2005}, volume = {394}, pages = {168 - 175}, number = {1-2}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2004.11.039}, issn = {0921-5093}, keywords = {Titanium single crystal}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.20}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-4F60NFD-3/2/4a198451bf43350ecccd7a9f36b12608} } @ARTICLE{Xiao2003, author = {Xiao, L. and Umakoshi, Y.}, title = {Cyclic deformation behaviour and saturation bundle structure in Ti–5 at.% Al single crystals deforming by single prism slip}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine}, year = {2003}, volume = {83}, pages = {3407--3426}, number = {30}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, timestamp = {2009.04.22}, url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/14786430310001603454} } @ARTICLE{Xiao2002, author = {Xiao, L. and Umakoshi, Y.}, title = {Cyclic deformation behaviour and dislocation structure of Ti-5 at.% Al single crystals oriented for double prism slip}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine A}, year = {2002}, volume = {82}, pages = {2379--2396}, number = {12}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, timestamp = {2009.04.22}, url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/01418610208240042} } @ARTICLE{Yoo2002, author = {Yoo, M. and Morris, J. and Ho, K. and Agnew, S.}, title = {Nonbasal deformation modes of HCP metals and alloys: Role of dislocation source and mobility}, journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A}, year = {2002}, volume = {33}, pages = {813--822}, number = {13}, month = mar, abstract = {Abstract A review is presented on the role of dislocation cores and planar faults in activating the nonbasal deformation modes, <c + a> pyramidal slip and deformation twinning, in hcp metals and alloys and in D019 intermetallic compounds. Material-specific mechanical behavior arises from a competition between alternate defect structures that determine the deformation modes. We emphasize the importance of accurate atomistic modeling of these defects, going beyond simple interatomic energy models. Recent results from both experiments and theory are summarized by discussing specific examples of Ti and Mg single crystals; Ti-, Zr-, and Mg-base alloys; and Ti3Al ordered alloys. Remaining key issues and directions for future research are also discussed.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11661-002-1013-5} } @ARTICLE{Yoo1991, author = {Yoo, M. H. and Lee, J. K.}, title = {Deformation twinning in h.c.p. metals and alloys}, journal = {Philosophical Magazine A}, year = {1991}, volume = {63}, pages = {987--1000}, number = {5}, issn = {0141-8610}, owner = {yj.ro}, publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}, timestamp = {2009.01.22}, url = {http://www.informaworld.com/10.1080/01418619108213931} } @ARTICLE{Zeng2009, author = {Zhipeng Zeng and Yanshu Zhang and Stefan Jonsson}, title = {Microstructure and texture evolution of commercial pure titanium deformed at elevated temperatures}, journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A}, year = {2009}, volume = {513-514}, pages = {83 - 90}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2009.01.065}, issn = {0921-5093}, keywords = {Commercial pure titanium}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.05.04}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TXD-4VJ4WS3-1/2/b0fdaa847bc30ee8800b21baf24a500d} } @ARTICLE{Zhang2007, author = {M. Zhang and J. Zhang and D.L. McDowell}, title = {Microstructure-based crystal plasticity modeling of cyclic deformation of Ti-6Al-4V}, journal = {International Journal of Plasticity}, year = {2007}, volume = {23}, pages = {1328 - 1348}, number = {8}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.ijplas.2006.11.009}, issn = {0749-6419}, keywords = {Crystal plasticity}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.18}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TWX-4MY0TTV-1/2/ec2eaa204c6c095020809303280674e3} } @ARTICLE{Zhang1997, author = {Zhang, Z. and Gu, H. and Tan, X.}, title = {Influence of low cycle fatigue on deformation twins in commercial purity titanium}, journal = {Journal of Materials Science Letters}, year = {1997}, volume = {17}, pages = {211--214}, number = {3}, month = feb, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.17}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1006532227698} } @ARTICLE{Zhou2008, author = {A.G. Zhou and S. Basu and M.W. Barsoum}, title = {Kinking nonlinear elasticity, damping and microyielding of hexagonal close-packed metals}, journal = {Acta Materialia}, year = {2008}, volume = {56}, pages = {60 - 67}, number = {1}, doi = {DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2007.08.050}, issn = {1359-6454}, keywords = {Compression test}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.04.17}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TW8-4R2H229-1/2/412f7e7fa0b2d6534d30cd704f3187db} } @ARTICLE{Aa�ob1975, author = {Šob, M. and Kratochvíl, J. and Kroupa, F.}, title = {Theory of strengthening of alpha titanium by interstitial solutes}, journal = {Czechoslovak Journal of Physics}, year = {1975}, volume = {25}, pages = {872--890}, number = {8}, month = aug, abstract = {It is assumed that the core structure of screw dislocations in the h.c.p. lattice of a-Ti can be described by a sessile splitting on the prism plane and on the first order pyramidal plane simultaneously and that slip can proceed after its transformation into a glissile configuration on the prism plane. The strengthening by interstitial solutes O, N, C is explained by their impeding role in these sessile-glissile transformations. A good agreement between the theoretical temperature dependences of the effective stress for different interstitial content and the experimental values can be reached if the effect of impurities on the stacking fault energies is also taken into account. The similarity between the role of screw dislocations in the low temperature deformation of h.c.p. metals with more slip systems operating and of b.c.c. metals is stressed.}, owner = {yj.ro}, timestamp = {2009.03.25}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01589305} }