!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @brief Linked list !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module list use prec use IO implicit none private type, private :: tPartitionedString character(len=:), allocatable :: val integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pos end type tPartitionedString type, public :: tPartitionedStringList type(tPartitionedString) :: string type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: next => null() contains procedure :: add => add procedure :: show => show procedure :: free => free ! currently, a finalize is needed for all shapes of tPartitionedStringList. ! with Fortran 2015, we can define one recursive elemental function ! https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-visual-fortran-compiler-for-windows/topic/543326 final :: finalize, & finalizeArray procedure :: keyExists => keyExists procedure :: countKeys => countKeys procedure :: getFloat => getFloat procedure :: getInt => getInt procedure :: getString => getString procedure :: getFloats => getFloats procedure :: getInts => getInts procedure :: getStrings => getStrings end type tPartitionedStringList contains !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief add element !> @details Adds a string together with the start/end position of chunks in this string. The new !! element is added at the end of the list. Empty strings are not added. All strings are converted !! to lower case. The data is not stored in the new element but in the current. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine add(this,string) class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: string type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: new, temp if (IO_isBlank(string)) return allocate(new) temp => this do while (associated(temp%next)) temp => temp%next enddo temp%string%val = IO_lc (trim(string)) temp%string%pos = IO_stringPos(trim(string)) temp%next => new end subroutine add !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief prints all elements !> @details Strings are printed in order of insertion (FIFO) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine show(this) class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item item => this do while (associated(item%next)) write(6,'(a)') ' '//trim(item%string%val) item => item%next enddo end subroutine show !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief empties list and frees associated memory !> @details explicit interface to reset list. Triggers final statement (and following chain reaction) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine free(this) class(tPartitionedStringList), intent(inout) :: this if(associated(this%next)) deallocate(this%next) end subroutine free !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief empties list and frees associated memory !> @details called when variable goes out of scope. Triggers chain reaction for list !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine finalize(this) type(tPartitionedStringList), intent(inout) :: this if(associated(this%next)) deallocate(this%next) end subroutine finalize !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief cleans entire array of linke lists !> @details called when variable goes out of scope and deallocates the list at each array entry !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine finalizeArray(this) integer :: i type(tPartitionedStringList), intent(inout), dimension(:) :: this type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: temp ! bug in Gfortran? do i=1, size(this) if (associated(this(i)%next)) then temp => this(i)%next !deallocate(this(i)) !internal compiler error: in gfc_build_final_call, at fortran/trans.c:975 deallocate(temp) endif enddo end subroutine finalizeArray !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief reports wether a given key (string value at first position) exists in the list !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function keyExists(this,key) class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item keyExists = .false. item => this do while (associated(item%next) .and. .not. keyExists) keyExists = trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key) item => item%next enddo end function keyExists !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief count number of key appearances !> @details traverses list and counts each occurrence of specified key !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function countKeys(this,key) class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item countKeys = 0 item => this do while (associated(item%next)) if (trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key)) & countKeys = countKeys + 1 item => item%next enddo end function countKeys !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets float value of for a given key from a linked list !> @details gets the last value if the key occurs more than once. If key is not found exits with !! error unless default is given !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(pReal) function getFloat(this,key,defaultVal) class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key real(pReal), intent(in), optional :: defaultVal type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item logical :: found getFloat = huge(1.0) ! suppress warning about unitialized value found = present(defaultVal) if (found) getFloat = defaultVal item => this do while (associated(item%next)) if (trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key)) then found = .true. if (item%string%pos(1) < 2) call IO_error(143,ext_msg=key) getFloat = IO_FloatValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,2) endif item => item%next enddo if (.not. found) call IO_error(140,ext_msg=key) end function getFloat !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets integer value of for a given key from a linked list !> @details gets the last value if the key occurs more than once. If key is not found exits with !! error unless default is given !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function getInt(this,key,defaultVal) class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key integer, intent(in), optional :: defaultVal type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item logical :: found getInt = huge(1) ! suppress warning about unitialized value found = present(defaultVal) if (found) getInt = defaultVal item => this do while (associated(item%next)) if (trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key)) then found = .true. if (item%string%pos(1) < 2) call IO_error(143,ext_msg=key) getInt = IO_IntValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,2) endif item => item%next enddo if (.not. found) call IO_error(140,ext_msg=key) end function getInt !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets string value of for a given key from a linked list !> @details gets the last value if the key occurs more than once. If key is not found exits with !! error unless default is given. If raw is true, the the complete string is returned, otherwise !! the individual chunks are returned !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=pStringLen) function getString(this,key,defaultVal,raw) class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: defaultVal logical, intent(in), optional :: raw type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item logical :: found, & whole if (present(raw)) then whole = raw else whole = .false. endif found = present(defaultVal) if (found) then if (len_trim(defaultVal) > len(getString)) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='getString') getString = trim(defaultVal) endif item => this do while (associated(item%next)) if (trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key)) then found = .true. if (item%string%pos(1) < 2) call IO_error(143,ext_msg=key) if (whole) then getString = trim(item%string%val(item%string%pos(4):)) ! raw string starting a second chunk else getString = IO_StringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,2) endif endif item => item%next enddo if (.not. found) call IO_error(140,ext_msg=key) end function getString !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets array of float values of for a given key from a linked list !> @details for cumulative keys, "()", values from all occurrences are return. Otherwise only all !! values from the last occurrence. If key is not found exits with error unless default is given. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getFloats(this,key,defaultVal,requiredSize) real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: getFloats class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key real(pReal), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: defaultVal integer, intent(in), optional :: requiredSize type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item integer :: i logical :: found, & cumulative cumulative = (key(1:1) == '(' .and. key(len_trim(key):len_trim(key)) == ')') found = .false. allocate(getFloats(0)) item => this do while (associated(item%next)) if (trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key)) then found = .true. if (.not. cumulative) getFloats = [real(pReal)::] if (item%string%pos(1) < 2) call IO_error(143,ext_msg=key) do i = 2, item%string%pos(1) getFloats = [getFloats,IO_FloatValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,i)] enddo endif item => item%next enddo if (.not. found) then if (present(defaultVal)) then; getFloats = defaultVal; else; call IO_error(140,ext_msg=key); endif endif if (present(requiredSize)) then if(requiredSize /= size(getFloats)) call IO_error(146,ext_msg=key) endif end function getFloats !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets array of integer values of for a given key from a linked list !> @details for cumulative keys, "()", values from all occurrences are return. Otherwise only all !! values from the last occurrence. If key is not found exits with error unless default is given. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getInts(this,key,defaultVal,requiredSize) integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: getInts class(tPartitionedStringList), target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key integer, dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: defaultVal integer, intent(in), optional :: requiredSize type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item integer :: i logical :: found, & cumulative cumulative = (key(1:1) == '(' .and. key(len_trim(key):len_trim(key)) == ')') found = .false. allocate(getInts(0)) item => this do while (associated(item%next)) if (trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key)) then found = .true. if (.not. cumulative) getInts = [integer::] if (item%string%pos(1) < 2) call IO_error(143,ext_msg=key) do i = 2, item%string%pos(1) getInts = [getInts,IO_IntValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,i)] enddo endif item => item%next enddo if (.not. found) then if (present(defaultVal)) then; getInts = defaultVal; else; call IO_error(140,ext_msg=key); endif endif if (present(requiredSize)) then if(requiredSize /= size(getInts)) call IO_error(146,ext_msg=key) endif end function getInts !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief gets array of string values of for a given key from a linked list !> @details for cumulative keys, "()", values from all occurrences are return. Otherwise only all !! values from the last occurrence. If key is not found exits with error unless default is given. !! If raw is true, the the complete string is returned, otherwise the individual chunks are returned !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getStrings(this,key,defaultVal,raw) character(len=pStringLen),dimension(:), allocatable :: getStrings class(tPartitionedStringList),target, intent(in) :: this character(len=*), intent(in) :: key character(len=*), dimension(:), intent(in), optional :: defaultVal logical, intent(in), optional :: raw type(tPartitionedStringList), pointer :: item character(len=pStringLen) :: str integer :: i logical :: found, & whole, & cumulative cumulative = (key(1:1) == '(' .and. key(len_trim(key):len_trim(key)) == ')') if (present(raw)) then whole = raw else whole = .false. endif found = .false. item => this do while (associated(item%next)) if (trim(IO_stringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,1)) == trim(key)) then found = .true. if (allocated(getStrings) .and. .not. cumulative) deallocate(getStrings) if (item%string%pos(1) < 2) call IO_error(143,ext_msg=key) notAllocated: if (.not. allocated(getStrings)) then if (whole) then str = item%string%val(item%string%pos(4):) getStrings = [str] else str = IO_StringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,2) allocate(getStrings(1),source=str) do i=3,item%string%pos(1) str = IO_StringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,i) getStrings = [getStrings,str] enddo endif else notAllocated if (whole) then str = item%string%val(item%string%pos(4):) getStrings = [getStrings,str] else do i=2,item%string%pos(1) str = IO_StringValue(item%string%val,item%string%pos,i) getStrings = [getStrings,str] enddo endif endif notAllocated endif item => item%next enddo if (.not. found) then if (present(defaultVal)) then if (len(defaultVal) > len(getStrings)) call IO_error(0,ext_msg='getStrings') getStrings = defaultVal else call IO_error(140,ext_msg=key) endif endif end function getStrings end module list