\section{Internal access to the version-controlled sources} % This section is copied from the msuwiki: http://msusrv4/msuwiki/Theory%20and%20Simulation/SVN A prerequisite for you being able to access the version-controlled software is to \begin{enumerate} \item valid login \item membership in the \verb|svn| group on server \verb|musvn1| \end{enumerate} Please ask either Berthold Becksch\"afer (-922) or Achim Kuhl (-923) to set up your permissions accordingly. \subsection{Windows} \subsubsection{Putty} Get yourself \verb|PuTTY| and \verb|PuTTYgen| from \url{http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html}. Generate a RSA (SSH2) 2048 bit strong key pair with \verb|PuTTYgen|. Save the private part of the key to a secure location (\verb|My Documents| or such). Copy the public part from the \verb|PuTTYgen| window, paste it into a text-editor and save. Append the contents of that file to \verb|~/.ssh/authorized_keys| on any workstation you can log on to. Create a profile in \verb|PuTTY| called "\verb|musvn1|" with host \verb|musvn1.mpie.de|, your standard "\verb|MPIE\\myName|" username and specify the above location of your private key file as means of authentication. You should then be able to connect with this profile to \verb|musvn1| WITHOUT password authentication! \subsubsection{Tortoise} Install the subversion-client Tortoise from \url{http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads}. Create a directory to hold the Material Point Model subroutine on your PC. Right-click in this folder and select "SVN checkout" from the context menu. Specify \url{svn+ssh://musvn1/home/svn/repos/cpfem} as the URL of the desired repository. This will use the profile named "\verb|musvn1|" from \verb|PuTTY| and should hence not ask for any authentication from your end. \subsection{Linux workstations} \subsubsection{Key authentication} If not already done, generate a 2048 bit RSA key pair using \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 \end{lstlisting} and go for the standard options offered. This will create "\verb|id_rsa|" (private key) and "\verb|id_rsa.pub|" (public key) within your \verb|~/.ssh| folder. Append the public key to the list of known keys \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys \end{lstlisting} and try logging into another workstation with \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] ssh msuwsX \end{lstlisting} (exchange X with $1\dots 13$). It should \emph{not} require password authentication. \subsubsection{Checkout} Create a directory to hold the subversion-controlled Material Point Model routine and change into this. Issue the command \begin{lstlisting}[language=bash] svn co svn+ssh://MPIE\\yourName@musvn1/home/svn/repos/cpfem \end{lstlisting} to copy the repository content to the current working directory.