! common block definition file taken from respective MSC.Marc release and reformated to free format
!        File: concom.cmn
!        MSC.Marc include file
integer(pInt) &
 iacous,     iasmbl,    iautth,     ibear,   icompl,     iconj,       icreep,    ideva,      idyn,    idynt,&
 ielas,      ielcma,    ielect,     iform,   ifour,      iharm,       ihcps,     iheat,      iheatt,  ihresp,&
 ijoule,     ilem,      ilnmom,     iloren,  inc,        incext,      incsub,    ipass,      iplres,  ipois,&
 ipoist,     irpflo,    ismall,     ismalt,  isoil,      ispect,      ispnow,    istore,     iswep,   ithcrp,&
 itherm,     iupblg,    iupdat,     jacflg,  jel,        jparks,      largst,    lfond,      loadup,  loaduq,&
 lodcor,     lovl,      lsub,       magnet,  ncycle,     newtnt,      newton,    noshr,      linear,  ivscpl,&
 icrpim,     iradrt,    ipshft,     itshr,   iangin,     iupmdr,      iconjf,    jincfl,     jpermg,  jhour,&
 isolvr,     jritz,     jtable,     jshell,  jdoubl,     jform,       jcentr,    imini,      kautth,  iautof,&
 ibukty,     iassum,    icnstd,     icnstt,  kmakmas,    imethvp,     iradrte,   iradrtp,    iupdate, iupdatp,&
 ncycnt,     marmen ,   idynme,     ihavca,  ispf,       kmini,       imixex,    largtt,     kdoela,  iautofg,&
 ipshftp,    idntrc,    ipore,      jtablm,  jtablc,     isnecma,     itrnspo,   imsdif,     jtrnspo, mcnear,&
 imech,      imecht,    ielcmat,    ielectt, magnett,    imsdift,     noplas,    jtabls,     jactch,  jtablth,&
 kgmsto ,    jpzo,      ifricsh,    iremkin, iremfor,    ishearp,     jspf,      machining,  jlshell, icompsol,&
 iupblgfo,   jcondir,   nstcrp,     nactive, ipassref,   nstspnt,     ibeart,    icheckmpc,  noline,  icuring,&
 ishrink,    ioffsflg,  isetoff,    ioffsetm,iharmt,     inc_incdat,  iautspc,   ibrake,     icbush,  istream_input,&
 iprsinp,    ivlsinp,   ifirst_time,ipin_m,  jgnstr_glb, imarc_return,iqvcinp,   nqvceid,    istpnx,  imicro1,&
 iaxisymm,   jbreakglue,iglstif,    jfastasm,iwear,      iwearcf,     imixmeth,  ielcmadyn,  idinout, igena_meth,&
 magf_meth,  non_assumed, iredoboudry, ioffsz0,icomplt,  mesh_dual,   iactrp,    mgnewton,   iusedens,igsigd0,&
 iaem,       icosim,    inodels,    nlharm,  iampini,    iphasetr,    inonlcl,   inonlct,    iforminp,ispecerror
dimension :: ideva(60)
integer(pInt) num_concom
 iacous,      iasmbl,    iautth,     ibear,   icompl,     iconj,       icreep,    ideva,      idyn,    idynt,&
 ielas,       ielcma,    ielect,     iform,   ifour,      iharm,       ihcps,     iheat,      iheatt,  ihresp,&
 ijoule,      ilem,      ilnmom,     iloren,  inc,        incext,      incsub,    ipass,      iplres,  ipois,&
 ipoist,      irpflo,    ismall,     ismalt,  isoil,      ispect,      ispnow,    istore,     iswep,   ithcrp,&
 itherm,      iupblg,    iupdat,     jacflg,  jel,        jparks,      largst,    lfond,      loadup,  loaduq,&
 lodcor,      lovl,      lsub,       magnet,  ncycle,     newtnt,      newton,    noshr,      linear,  ivscpl,&
 icrpim,      iradrt,    ipshft,     itshr,   iangin,     iupmdr,      iconjf,    jincfl,     jpermg,  jhour,&
 isolvr,      jritz,     jtable,     jshell,  jdoubl,     jform,       jcentr,    imini,      kautth,  iautof,&
 ibukty,      iassum,    icnstd,     icnstt,  kmakmas,    imethvp,     iradrte,   iradrtp,    iupdate, iupdatp,&
 ncycnt,      marmen,    idynme,     ihavca,  ispf,       kmini,       imixex,    largtt,     kdoela,  iautofg,&
 ipshftp,     idntrc,    ipore,      jtablm,  jtablc,     isnecma,     itrnspo,   imsdif,     jtrnspo, mcnear,&
 imech,       imecht,    ielcmat,    ielectt, magnett,    imsdift,     noplas,    jtabls,     jactch,  jtablth,&
 kgmsto ,     jpzo,      ifricsh,    iremkin, iremfor,    ishearp,     jspf,      machining,  jlshell, icompsol,&
 iupblgfo,    jcondir,   nstcrp,     nactive, ipassref,   nstspnt,     ibeart,    icheckmpc,  noline,  icuring,&
 ishrink,     ioffsflg,  isetoff,    ioffsetm,iharmt,     inc_incdat,  iautspc,   ibrake,     icbush,  istream_input,&
 iprsinp,     ivlsinp,   ifirst_time,ipin_m,  jgnstr_glb, imarc_return,iqvcinp,   nqvceid,    istpnx,  imicro1,&
 iaxisymm,    jbreakglue,iglstif,    jfastasm,iwear,      iwearcf,     imixmeth,  ielcmadyn,  idinout, igena_meth,&
 magf_meth,   non_assumed, iredoboudry, ioffsz0,icomplt,  mesh_dual,   iactrp,    mgnewton,   iusedens,igsigd0,&
 iaem,        icosim,    inodels,    nlharm,  iampini,    iphasetr,    inonlcl,   inonlct,    iforminp,ispecerror
! comments of variables:
! iacous        Control flag for acoustic analysis. Input data.
!               iacous=1 modal acoustic analysis.
!               iacous=2 harmonic acoustic-structural analysis.
! iasmbl        Control flag to indicate that operator matrix should be
!               recalculated. 
! iautth        Control flag for AUTO THERM option.
! ibear         Control flag for bearing analysis. Input data.
! icompl        Control variable to indicate that a complex analysis is
!               being performed. Either a Harmonic analysis with damping,
!               or a harmonic electro-magnetic analysis. Input data.
! iconj         Flag for EBE conjugate gradient solver (=solver 1, retired)
!               Also used for VKI iterative solver.
! icreep        Control flag for creep analysis. Input data.
! ideva(60) -   debug print out flag
!       1       print element stiffness matrices, mass matrix
!       2       output matrices used in tying
!       3       force the solution of a nonpositive definite matrix
!       4       print info of connections to each node
!       5       info of gap convergence, internal heat generated, contact
!               touching and separation 
!       6       nodal value array during rezoning
!       7       tying info in CONRAD GAP option, fluid element numbers in
!               CHANNEL option
!       8       output incremental displacements in local coord. system
!       9       latent heat output
!       10      stress-strain in local coord. system
!       11      additional info on  interlaminar stress 
!       12      output right hand side and solution vector
!       13      info of CPU resources used and memory available on NT
!       14      info of mesh adaption process, 2D outline information
!               info of penetration checking for remeshing
!               save .fem files after afmesh3d meshing
!       15      surface energy balance flag  
!       16      print info regarding pyrolysis   
!       17      print info of "streamline topology"  
!       18      print mesh data changes after remeshing
!       19      print material flow stress data read in from *.mat file
!               if unit flag is on, print out flow stress after conversion
!       20      print information on table input
!       21      print out information regarding kinematic boundary conditions
!       22      print out information regarding dist loads, point loads, film 
!               and foundations
!       23      print out information about automatic domain decomposition
!       24      print out iteration information in SuperForm status report file
!       25      print out information for ablation
!       26      print out information for films - Table input
!       27      print out the tying forces
!       28      print out for CASI solver, convection, 
!       29      DDM single file debug printout
!       30      print out cavity debug info
!       31      print out welding related info
!       32      prints categorized DDM memory usage
!       33      print out the cutting info regarding machining feature
!       34      print out the list of quantities which can be defined via a table
!               and for each quantity the supported independent variables
!       35      print out detailed coupling region info
!       36      print out solver debug info level 1 (Least  Detailed)
!       37      print out solver debug info level 1 (Medium Detailed)
!       38      print out solver debug info level 1 (Very   Detailed)
!       39      print detailed memory allocation info
!       40      print out marc-adams debug info
!       41      output rezone mapping post file for debugging
!       42      output post file after calling oprofos() for debugging
!       43      debug printout for vcct
!       44      debug printout for progressive failure
!       45      print out automatically generated midside node coordinates (arecrd)
!       46      print out message about routine and location, where the ibort is raised (ibort_inc)
!       47      print out summary message of element variables on a 
!               group-basis after all the automatic changes have been 
!               made (em_ellibp)
!       48      Automatically generate check results based on max and min vals.
!                These vals are stored in the checkr file, which is inserted 
!                into the *dat file by the generate_check_results script from /marc/tools
!       49      Automatically generate check results based on the real calculated values 
!                at the sppecified check result locations.
!                These vals are stored in the checkr file, which is inserted 
!                into the *dat file by the update_check_results script from /marc/tools
!       50      generate a file containing the resistance or capacity matrix;
!               this file can be used to compare results with a reference file
!       51      print out detailed information for segment-to-segment contact
!       52      print out detailed relative displacement information 
!               for uniaxial sliding contact
!       53      print out detailed sliding direction information for 
!               uniaxial sliding contact
!       54      print out detailed information for edges attached to a curve
!       55      print information related to viscoelasticity calculations
!       56      print out detailed information for element coloring for multithreading
!       57      print out extra overheads due to multi-threading.
!               These overhead includes (i) time and (ii) memory.
!               The memory report will be summed over all the children.
!       58      debug output for ELSTO usage
! idyn          Control flag for dynamics. Input data.
!               1 = eigenvalue extraction and / or modal superposition
!               2 = Newmark Beta and Single Step Houbolt (ssh with idynme=1)
!               3 = Houbolt
!               4 = Central difference
!               5 = Newer central difference
! idynt         Copy of idyn at begining of increment
! ielas         Control flag for ELASTIC analysis. Input data.
!               Set by user or automatically turned on by Fourier option.
!               Implies that each load case is treated separately.
!               In Adaptive meshing analysis , forces re-analysis until
!               convergence obtained.
!               Also seriously misused to indicate no convergence.
!               = 1  elastic option with fourier analysis
!               = 2  elastic option without fourier analysis
!               =-1  no convergence in recycles or max # increments reached
!               Set to 1 if ELASTIC or SUBSTRUC parameter cards are used,
!               or if fourier option is used.
!               Then set to 2 if not fourier analysis.
! ielcma        Control flag for electromagnetic analysis. Input data.
!               ielcma = 1 Harmonic formulation
!               ielcma = 2 Transient formulation
! ielect        Control flag for electrostatic option. Input data.
! iform         Control flag indicating that contact will be performed.
! ifour         Control flag for Fourier analysis.
!               0 = Odd and even terms.
!               1 = symmetric (cosine) terms
!               2 = antisymmetric (sine) terms.
! iharm         Control flag to indicate that a harmonic analysis will
!               be performed. May change between passes.
! ihcps         Control flag for coupled thermal - stress analysis.
! iheat         Control flag for heat transfer analysis. Input data.
! iheatt        Permanent control flag for heat transfer analysis.
!               Note in coupled analysis iheatt will remain as one,
!               but iheat will be zero in stress pass.
! ihresp        Control flag to indicate to perform a harmonic subincrement. 
! ijoule        Control flag for Joule heating.
! ilem          Control flag to determin which vector is to be transformed.
!               Control flag to see where one is:
!               ilem = 1 - elem.f
!               ilem = 2 - initst.f
!               ilem = 3 - pressr.f
!               ilem = 3 - fstif.f
!               ilem = 4 - jflux.f
!               ilem = 4 - strass.f
!               ilem = 5 - mass.f
!               ilem = 5 - osolty.f
! ilnmom        Control flag for soil - pore pressure calculation. Input data.
!               ilnmom = 0 - perform only pore pressure calculation.
!                      = 1 - couples pore pressure - displacement analysis
! iloren        Control flag for DeLorenzi J-Integral evaluation. Input data.
! inc           Increment number. 
! incext        Control flag indicating that currently working on a
!               subincrement. 
!               Could be due to harmonics , damping component (bearing),
!               stiffness component (bearing), auto therm creep or
!               old viscoplaticity
! incsub        Sub-increment number. 
! ipass         Control flag for which part of coupled analysis.
!               ipass = -1  - reset to base values
!               ipass =  0  - do nothing
!               ipass =  1  - stress part
!               ipass =  2  - heat transfer part
! iplres        Flag indicating that either second matrix is stored.
!               dynamic analysis  - mass matrix
!               heat transfer     - specific heat matrix
!               buckle            - initial stress stiffness
! ipois         Control flag indicating Poisson type analysis
!               ipois = 1 for heat transfer
!                     = 1 for heat transfer part of coupled
!                     = 1 for bearing
!                     = 1 for electrostatic
!                     = 1 for magnetostatic
! ipoist        Permanent copy of ipois. In coupled analysis , ipois = 0
!               in stress portion, yet ipoist will still =1.
! irpflo        global flag for rigid plastic flow analysis
!               = 1 eularian formulation
!               = 2 regular formulation; rigid material present in the analysis

! ismall        control flag to indicate small displacement analysis. input data.
!               ismall = 0 - large disp included.
!               ismall = 1 - small displacement.
!               the flag is changing between passes.
! ismalt        permanent copy of ismall . in heat transfer portion of
!               coupled analysis ismall =0 , but ismalt remains the same.
! isoil         control flag indicating that soil / pore pressure
!               calculation . input data. 
! ispect        control flag for response spectrum calculation. input data. 
! ispnow        control flag to indicate to perform a spectrum response
!               calculation now. 
! istore        store stresses flag. 
!               istore = 0 in elem.f and if first pass of creep
!                          convergence checking in ogetst.f
!                          or harmonic analysis or thruc.f if not
!                          converged.
! iswep         control flag for eigenvalue analysis.
!               iswep=1 - go do extraction process
! ithcrp        control flag for auto therm creep option. input data.
! itherm        control flag for either temperature dependent material
!               properties and/or thermal loads.
! iupblg        control flag for follower force option. input data.
! iupdat        control flag for update lagrange option for current element. 
! jacflg        control flag for lanczos iteration method. input data.
! jel           control flag indicating that total load applied in 
!               increment, ignore previous solution.
!               jel = 1 in increment 0 
!                   = 1 if elastic or fourier
!                   = 1 in subincrements with elastic and adaptive
! jparks        control flag for j integral by parks method. input data.
! largst        control flag for finite strain plasticity. input data.
! lfond         control variable that indicates if doing elastic 
!               foundation or film calculation. influences whether
!               this is volumetric or surface integration.
! loadup        control flag that indicates that nonlinearity occurred
!               during previous increment. 
! loaduq        control flag that indicates that nonlinearity occurred.
! lodcor        control flag for switching on the residual load correction.
!               notice in input stage lodcor=0 means no loadcor, 
!               after omarc lodcor=1 means no loadcor
! lovl          control flag for determining which "overlay" is to 
!               be called from ellib.
!               lovl =  1 omarc
!                    =  2 oaread
!                    =  3 opress
!                    =  4 oasemb
!                    =  5 osolty
!                    =  6 ogetst
!                    =  7 oscinc
!                    =  8 odynam
!                    =  9 opmesh
!                    = 10 omesh2
!                    = 11 osetz
!                    = 12 oass
!                    = 13 oincdt
!                    = 14 oasmas
!                    = 15 ofluas
!                    = 16 ofluso
!                    = 17 oshtra
!                    = 18 ocass
!                    = 19 osoltc
!                    = 20 orezon
!                    = 21 otest
!                    = 22 oeigen
! lsub          control variable to determine which part of element
!               assembly function is being done. 
!               lsub = 1 - no longer used
!                    = 2 - beta*
!                    = 3 - cons*
!                    = 4 - ldef*
!                    = 5 - posw*
!                    = 6 - theta*
!                    = 7 - tmarx*
!                    = 8 - geom* 
! magnet        control flag for magnetostatic analysis. input data.
! ncycle        cycle number. accumulated in osolty.f
!               note first time through oasemb.f , ncycle = 0.
! newtnt        control flag for permanent copy of newton.
! newton        iteration type. input data.
!               newton : = 1 full newton raphson
!                          2 modified newton raphson
!                          3 newton raphson with strain correct.
!                          4 direct substitution
!                          5 direct substitution followed by n.r.
!                          6 direct substitution with line search
!                          7 full newton raphson with secant initial stress
!                          8 secant method
!                          9 full newton raphson with line search
! noshr         control flag for calculation interlaminar shears for
!               elements 22,45, and 75. input data.
! jactch        = 1 or 2 if elements are activated or deactivated
!               = 3 if elements are adaptively remeshed or rezoned
!               = 0 normally / reset to 0 when assembly is done
! ifricsh       = 0 call to fricsh in otest not needed
!               = 1 call to fricsh (nodal friction) in otest needed
! iremkin       = 0  remove deactivated kinematic boundary conditions 
!                    immediately - only in new input format (this is default)
!               = 1  remove deactivated kinematic boundary conditions 
!                    gradually - only in new input format 
! iremfor       = 0  remove force boundary conditions immediately - 
!                    only in new input format (this is default)
!               = 1  remove force boundary conditions gradually - 
!                    only in new input format (this is default)
! ishearp       set to 1 if shear panel elements are present in the model
! jspf          = 0  not in spf loadcase
!               > 0 in spf loadcase (jspf=1 during first increment)
! machining     = 1  if the metal cutting feature is used, for memory allocation purpose
!               = 0  (default) if no metal cutting feature required
! jlshell       = 1 if there is a shell element in the mesh
! icompsol      = 1 if there is a composite solid element in the mesh
! iupblgfo      = 1 if follower force for point loads 
! jcondir       = 1 if contact priority option is used
! nstcrp        = 0 (default) steady state creep flag (undocumented feature. 
!                    if not 0, turns off special ncycle = 0 code in radial.f)
! nactive       = number of active passes, if =1 then it's not a coupled analysis
! ipassref      = reference ipass, if not in a multiphysics pass ipass=ipassref
! icheckmpc     = value of mpc-check parameter option
! noline        = set to 1 in osolty if no line seacrh should be done in ogetst
! icuring       = set to 1 if the curing is included for the heat transfer analysis.
! ishrink       = set to 1 if shrinkage strain is included for mechancial analysis.
! ioffsflg      =  1 for small displacement beam/shell offsets
!               =  2 for large displacement beam/shell offsets
! isetoff       =  0 - do not apply beam/shell offsets
!               =  1 -  apply beam/shell offsets
! ioffsetm      = min. value of offset flag
! iharmt        = 1 global flag if a coupled analysis contains an harmonic pass
! inc_incdat    = flag to record increment number of a new loadcase in incdat.f
! iautspc       = flag for AutoSPC option
! ibrake        = brake squeal in this increment
! icbush        = set to 1 if cbush elements present in model
! istream_input = set to 1 for streaming input calling Marc as library
! iprsinp       = set to 1 if pressure input, introduced so other variables 
!                 such as h could be a function of pressure
! ivlsinp       = set to 1 if velocity input, introduced so other variables 
!                 such as h could be a function of velocity
! ipin_m        = # of beam element with PIN flag
! jgnstr_glb    = global control over pre or fast integrated composite shells
! imarc_return  = Marc return flag for streaming input control
! iqvcimp       = if non-zero, then the number of QVECT boundary conditions
! nqvceid       = number of QVECT boundary conditions, where emisivity/absorbtion id entered
! istpnx        = 1 if to stop at end of increment
! imicro1       = 1 if micro1 interface is used
! iaxisymm      = set to 1 if axisymmetric analysis
! jbreakglue    = set to 1 if breaking glued option is used
! iglstif       = 1 if ddm and global stiffness matrix formed (sgi solver 6 or solver9)
! jfastasm      = 1 do fast assembly using SuperForm code
! iwear         = set to 1 if wear model, set to 2 if wear model and coordinates updated
! iwearcf       = set to 1 to store nodal coefficient of friction for wear calculation
! imixmeth      = set=1 then use nonlinear mixture material - allocate memory
! ielcmadyn     = flag for magnetodynamics
!                 0 - electromagnetics using newmark beta
!                 1 - transient magnetics using backward euler
! idinout       = flag to control if inside out elements should be deactivated
! igena_meth    = 0  - generalized alpha parameters depend on whether or not contact
!                      is flagged (dynamic,7) 
!                 10 - generalized alpha parameters are optimized for a contact
!                      analysis (dynamic,8)
!                 11 - generalized alpha parameters are optimized for an analysis
!                      without contact (dynamic,8)
! magf_meth     =    - Method to compute force in magnetostatic - structural
!               = 1  - Virtual work method based on finite difference for the force computation
!               = 2  - Maxwell stress tensor
!               = 3  - Virtual work method based on local derivative for the force computation
! non_assumed   = 1  no assumed strain formulation (forced)
! iredoboudry   set to 1 if contact boundary needs to be recalculated
! ioffsz0       = 1 if composite are used with reference position.ne.0
! icomplt       = 1 global flag if a coupled analysis contains an complex pass
! mesh_dual     = 1 two independent meshes are used in magnetodynamic/thermal/structural
!                   one for magnetodynamic and the other for the remaining passes
! iactrp        = 1 in an analysis with global remeshing, include inactive
!                   rigid bodies on post file
! mgnewton      = 1 Use full Newton Raphson iteration for magnetostatic pass
! iusedens      > 0 if mass density is used in the analysis (dynamics, mass dependent loading)
! igsigd0       = 1 set varselem(igsigd) to zero in next oasemb
! iaem          = 1 if marc is called from aem (0 - off - default)
! icosim        = 1 if marc is used in co-simulation software (ADAMS-MARC)
! inodels       = 1 nodal integration elements 239/240/241 present
! nlharm        = 0 harmonic subincrements are    linear
!               = 1 harmonic subincrements are nonlinear
! iampini       = 0 amplitude of previous harmonic subinc is initial estimate (default)
!               = 1 zero amplitude is initial estimate
! iphasetr      = 1 phase transformation material model is used
! iforminp      flag indicating that contact is switched on via the CONTACT
!               option in the input file (as opposed to the case that contact
!               is switched on internally due to cyclic symmetry or model
!               section creation) 
! ispecerror    = a+10*b  (only for spectrum response analysis with missing mass option)
!                 a=0 or a=1 (modal shape with non-zero shift)
!                 b=0 or b=1 (recover with new assembly of stiffness matrix)
!$omp threadprivate(/marc_concom/)