!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> @author Martin Diehl, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH !> @brief quit subroutine !> @details exits the program and reports current time and duration. Exit code 0 signals !> everything is fine. Exit code 1 signals an error, message according to IO_error. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine quit(stop_id) use, intrinsic :: ISO_fortran_env, only: ERROR_UNIT #include use PETScSys #if (PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR==3 && PETSC_VERSION_MINOR>14) && !defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPI_F90MODULE_VISIBILITY) use MPI_f08 #endif use HDF5 #if (PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR==3 && PETSC_VERSION_MINOR>14) && !defined(PETSC_HAVE_MPI_F90MODULE_VISIBILITY) implicit none(type,external) #else implicit none #endif integer, intent(in) :: stop_id integer, dimension(8) :: dateAndTime integer :: err_HDF5 integer(MPI_INTEGER_KIND) :: err_MPI, worldsize PetscErrorCode :: err_PETSc call H5Open_f(err_HDF5) ! prevents error if not opened yet if (err_HDF5 < 0) write(ERROR_UNIT,'(a,i5)') ' Error in H5Open_f ',err_HDF5 call H5Close_f(err_HDF5) if (err_HDF5 < 0) write(ERROR_UNIT,'(a,i5)') ' Error in H5Close_f ',err_HDF5 call PetscFinalize(err_PETSc) call date_and_time(values = dateAndTime) write(6,'(/,a)') ' DAMASK terminated on:' write(6,'(a,2(i2.2,a),i4.4)') ' Date: ',dateAndTime(3),'/',& dateAndTime(2),'/',& dateAndTime(1) write(6,'(a,2(i2.2,a),i2.2)') ' Time: ',dateAndTime(5),':',& dateAndTime(6),':',& dateAndTime(7) if (stop_id == 0 .and. err_HDF5 == 0 .and. err_PETSC == 0) then call MPI_Finalize(err_MPI) if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI_Finalize error' stop 0 ! normal termination else call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,worldsize,err_MPI) if (err_MPI /= 0_MPI_INTEGER_KIND) error stop 'MPI_Comm error' if (stop_id /= 0 .and. worldsize > 1) call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1,err_MPI) stop 1 ! error (message from IO_error) endif end subroutine quit