#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 no BOM -*- import sys,os,pwd,math,re,string,numpy, damask from optparse import OptionParser scriptID = string.replace('$Id$','\n','\\n') scriptName = scriptID.split()[1][:-3] sys.path.append(damask.solver.Marc().libraryPath('../../')) try: from py_mentat import * except: print('error: no valid Mentat release found') sys.exit(-1) def outMentat(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) py_send(cmd) else: py_send(cmd) return def outStdout(cmd,locals): if cmd[0:3] == '(!)': exec(cmd[3:]) elif cmd[0:3] == '(?)': cmd = eval(cmd[3:]) print cmd else: print cmd return def output(cmds,locals,dest): for cmd in cmds: if isinstance(cmd,list): output(cmd,locals,dest) else: {\ 'Mentat': outMentat,\ 'Stdout': outStdout,\ }[dest](cmd,locals) return def servoLink(): cmds = [] base = ['x','y','z'] box = {'min': numpy.zeros(3,dtype='d'), 'max': numpy.zeros(3,dtype='d'), 'delta': numpy.zeros(3,dtype='d'), } Nnodes = py_get_int("nnodes()") NodeCoords = numpy.zeros((Nnodes,3),dtype='d') for node in xrange(Nnodes): NodeCoords[node,0] = py_get_float("node_x(%i)"%(node+1)) NodeCoords[node,1] = py_get_float("node_y(%i)"%(node+1)) NodeCoords[node,2] = py_get_float("node_z(%i)"%(node+1)) box['min'] = NodeCoords.min(axis=0) # find the bounding box box['max'] = NodeCoords.max(axis=0) box['delta'] = box['max']-box['min'] for coord in xrange(3): # calc the dimension of the bounding box if box['delta'][coord] != 0.0: for extremum in ['min','max']: rounded = round(box[extremum][coord]*1e+15/box['delta'][coord]) * \ 1e-15*box['delta'][coord] # rounding to 1e-15 of dimension box[extremum][coord] = {False: rounded, True: 0.0}[rounded == 0.0] # get rid of -0.0 (negative zeros) baseNode = {} linkNodes = [] for node in xrange(Nnodes): # loop over all nodes pos = {} key = {} maxFlag = [False, False, False] Nmax = 0 Nmin = 0 for coord in xrange(3): # for each direction if box['delta'][coord] != 0.0: rounded = round(NodeCoords[node,coord]*1e+15/box['delta'][coord]) * \ 1e-15*box['delta'][coord] # rounding to 1e-15 of dimension NodeCoords[node,coord] = {False: rounded, True: 0.0}[rounded == 0.0] # get rid of -0.0 (negative zeros) key[base[coord]] = "%.8e"%NodeCoords[node,coord] # translate position to string if (key[base[coord]] == "%.8e"%box['min'][coord]): # compare to min of bounding box (i.e. is on outer face?) Nmin += 1 # count outer (back) face membership elif (key[base[coord]] == "%.8e"%box['max'][coord]): # compare to max of bounding box (i.e. is on outer face?) Nmax += 1 # count outer (front) face membership maxFlag[coord] = True # remember face membership (for linked nodes) if Nmin > 0 and Nmin > Nmax: # node is on more back than front faces # prepare for any non-existing entries in the data structure if key['x'] not in baseNode.keys(): baseNode[key['x']] = {} if key['y'] not in baseNode[key['x']].keys(): baseNode[key['x']][key['y']] = {} if key['z'] not in baseNode[key['x']][key['y']].keys(): baseNode[key['x']][key['y']][key['z']] = 0 baseNode[key['x']][key['y']][key['z']] = node+1 # remember the base node id elif Nmax > 0 and Nmax >= Nmin: # node is on at least as many front than back faces linkNodes.append({'id': node+1,'coord': NodeCoords[node], 'onFaces': Nmax,'faceMember': maxFlag}) baseCorner = baseNode["%.8e"%box['min'][0]]["%.8e"%box['min'][1]]["%.8e"%box['min'][2]] # detect ultimate base node for node in linkNodes: # loop over all linked nodes linkCoord = [node['coord']] # start list of control node coords with my coords for dir in xrange(3): # check for each direction if node['faceMember'][dir]: # me on this front face linkCoord[0][dir] = box['min'][dir] # project me onto rear face along dir linkCoord.append(numpy.array(box['min'])) # append base corner linkCoord[-1][dir] = box['max'][dir] # stretch it to corresponding control leg of "dir" nLinks = len(linkCoord) for dof in [1,2,3]: cmds.append([ "*new_link *link_class servo", "*link_class servo *tied_node %i"%node['id'], "*link_class servo *tied_dof %i"%dof, "*servo_nterms %i"%(1+nLinks), ]) for i in range(nLinks): cmds.append([ "*link_class servo *servo_ret_node %i %i"%(i+1,baseNode["%.8e"%linkCoord[i][0]]["%.8e"%linkCoord[i][1]]["%.8e"%linkCoord[i][2]]), "*link_class servo *servo_ret_dof %i %i"%(i+1,dof), "*link_class servo *servo_ret_coef %i 1"%(i+1), ]) cmds.append([ "*link_class servo *servo_ret_node %i %i"%(1+nLinks,baseCorner), "*link_class servo *servo_ret_dof %i %i"%(1+nLinks,dof), "*link_class servo *servo_ret_coef %i -%i"%(1+nLinks,nLinks-1), ]) cmds.append([ "*select_nodes", ["%i"%node['id'] for node in linkNodes], "#", ]) return cmds #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MAIN #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]', description = """ Set up servo linking to achieve periodic boundary conditions for a regular hexahedral mesh presently opened in MSC.Mentat """ + string.replace(scriptID,'\n','\\n') ) parser.add_option("-p", "--port", type="int",\ dest="port",\ help="Mentat connection port [%default]") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",\ dest="verbose",\ help="write Mentat command stream also to stdout [%default]") parser.set_defaults(port = 40007) parser.set_defaults(verbose = False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() outputLocals = {} print '\033[1m'+scriptName+'\033[0m\n' print 'waiting to connect...' py_connect('',options.port) print 'connected...' output([\ '*draw_manual', # prevent redrawing in "new" Mentat, should be much faster '*remove_all_servos', '*sweep_all', '*renumber_nodes', '*set_links off', ],outputLocals,'Mentat') # script depends on consecutive numbering of nodes cmds = servoLink() output(cmds,outputLocals,'Mentat') output([\ '*set_links on', '*draw', ],outputLocals,'Mentat') # script depends on consecutive numbering of nodes py_disconnect() if options.verbose: output(cmds,outputLocals,'Stdout')