!* $Id$ !******************************************************************** ! Material subroutine for BVP solution using spectral method ! ! written by P. Eisenlohr, ! F. Roters, ! L. Hantcherli, ! W.A. Counts ! D.D. Tjahjanto ! C. Kords ! M. Diehl ! R. Lebensohn ! ! MPI fuer Eisenforschung, Duesseldorf ! !******************************************************************** ! Usage: ! - start program with mpie_spectral PathToMeshFile/NameOfMesh.mesh ! PathToLoadFile/NameOfLoadFile.load ! - PathToLoadFile will be the working directory ! - make sure the file "material.config" exists in the working ! directory !******************************************************************** ! include "prec.f90" ! uses nothing else MODULE mpie_interface use prec, only: pInt, pReal character(len=64), parameter :: FEsolver = 'Spectral' character(len=5), parameter :: InputFileExtension = '.mesh' CONTAINS !******************************************************************** ! initialize interface module ! !******************************************************************** subroutine mpie_interface_init() write(6,*) write(6,*) '<<<+- mpie_spectral init -+>>>' write(6,*) '$Id$' write(6,*) return endsubroutine !******************************************************************** ! extract working directory from loadcase file ! possibly based on current working dir !******************************************************************** function getSolverWorkingDirectoryName() implicit none character(len=1024) cwd,outname,getSolverWorkingDirectoryName character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! forward and backward slash call getarg(2,outname) ! path to loadFile if (scan(outname,pathSep) == 1) then ! absolute path given as command line argument getSolverWorkingDirectoryName = outname(1:scan(outname,pathSep,back=.true.)) else call getcwd(cwd) getSolverWorkingDirectoryName = trim(cwd)//'/'//outname(1:scan(outname,pathSep,back=.true.)) endif getSolverWorkingDirectoryName = rectifyPath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName) return endfunction !******************************************************************** ! basename of meshfile from command line arguments ! !******************************************************************** function getSolverJobName() use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(1024) getSolverJobName, outName, cwd character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! forward and backward slash integer(pInt) posExt,posSep getSolverJobName = '' call getarg(1,outName) posExt = scan(outName,'.',back=.true.) posSep = scan(outName,pathSep,back=.true.) if (posExt <= posSep) posExt = len_trim(outName)+1 ! no extension present getSolverJobName = outName(1:posExt-1) ! path to mesh file (excl. extension) if (scan(getSolverJobName,pathSep) /= 1) then ! relative path given as command line argument call getcwd(cwd) getSolverJobName = rectifyPath(trim(cwd)//'/'//getSolverJobName) else getSolverJobName = rectifyPath(getSolverJobName) endif getSolverJobName = makeRelativePath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName(),& getSolverJobName) return endfunction !******************************************************************** ! relative path of loadcase from command line arguments ! !******************************************************************** function getLoadcaseName() use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(len=1024) getLoadcaseName, outName, cwd character(len=*), parameter :: pathSep = achar(47)//achar(92) ! forward and backward slash integer(pInt) posExt,posSep posExt = 0 ! not sure if required call getarg(2,getLoadcaseName) posExt = scan(getLoadcaseName,'.',back=.true.) posSep = scan(getLoadcaseName,pathSep,back=.true.) if (posExt <= posSep) getLoadcaseName = trim(getLoadcaseName)//('.load') ! no extension present if (scan(getLoadcaseName,pathSep) /= 1) then ! relative path given as command line argument call getcwd(cwd) getLoadcaseName = rectifyPath(trim(cwd)//'/'//getLoadcaseName) else getLoadcaseName = rectifyPath(getLoadcaseName) endif getLoadcaseName = makeRelativePath(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName(),& getLoadcaseName) return endfunction !******************************************************************** ! remove ../ and ./ from path ! !******************************************************************** function rectifyPath(path) use prec, only: pInt implicit none character(len=*) path character(len=len_trim(path)) rectifyPath integer(pInt) i,j,k,l !remove ./ from path l = len_trim(path) rectifyPath = path do i = l,2,-1 if ( rectifyPath(i-1:i) == './' .and. rectifyPath(i-2:i-2) /= '.' ) & rectifyPath(i-1:l) = rectifyPath(i+1:l)//' ' enddo !remove ../ and corresponding directory from rectifyPath l = len_trim(rectifyPath) i = index(rectifyPath(i:l),'../') j = 0_pInt do while (i > j) j = scan(rectifyPath(:i-2),'/',back=.true.) rectifyPath(j+1:l) = rectifyPath(i+3:l)//repeat(' ',2+i-j) i = j+index(rectifyPath(j+1:l),'../') enddo if(len_trim(rectifyPath) == 0) rectifyPath = '/' return endfunction rectifyPath !******************************************************************** ! relative path from absolute a to absolute b ! !******************************************************************** function makeRelativePath(a,b) use prec, only: pInt implicit none character (len=*) :: a,b character (len=1024) :: makeRelativePath integer(pInt) i,posLastCommonSlash,remainingSlashes posLastCommonSlash = 0 remainingSlashes = 0 do i = 1,min(1024,len_trim(a),len_trim(b)) if (a(i:i) /= b(i:i)) exit if (a(i:i) == '/') posLastCommonSlash = i enddo do i = posLastCommonSlash+1,len_trim(a) if (a(i:i) == '/') remainingSlashes = remainingSlashes + 1 enddo makeRelativePath = repeat('../',remainingSlashes)//b(posLastCommonSlash+1:len_trim(b)) return endfunction makeRelativePath END MODULE include "IO.f90" ! uses prec include "numerics.f90" ! uses prec, IO include "math.f90" ! uses prec, numerics include "debug.f90" ! uses prec, numerics include "FEsolving.f90" ! uses prec, IO include "mesh.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, FEsolving include "material.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, mesh include "lattice.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, material include "constitutive_phenopowerlaw.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug include "constitutive_j2.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug include "constitutive_dislotwin.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug include "constitutive_nonlocal.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, lattice, material, debug include "constitutive.f90" ! uses prec, IO, math, lattice, mesh, debug include "crystallite.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics include "homogenization_isostrain.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, include "homogenization_RGC.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics, mesh: added <<>> include "homogenization.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics include "CPFEM.f90" ! uses prec, math, IO, numerics, debug, FEsolving, mesh, lattice, constitutive, crystallite !******************************************************************** program mpie_spectral !******************************************************************** use mpie_interface use prec, only: pInt, pReal use IO use math use CPFEM, only: CPFEM_general use FEsolving, only: FEsolving_execElem, FEsolving_execIP use debug implicit none real(pReal), dimension (:,:,:), allocatable :: bc_velocityGrad, & bc_stress ! velocity gradient and stress BC real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: bc_timeIncrement ! length of increment integer(pInt), dimension(:), allocatable :: bc_steps ! number of steps logical, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: bc_mask ! mask real(pReal) temperature ! not used, but needed real(pReal), dimension(6) :: stress ! real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: dsde character(len=1024) path,line logical, dimension(9) :: bc_maskvector logical gotResolution,gotDimension,gotHomogenization integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunksInput = 24 ! 4 identifiers, 18 values for the matrices and 2 scalars integer(pInt), dimension (1+maxNchunksInput*2) :: posInput integer(pInt), parameter :: maxNchunksMesh = 7 ! 4 identifiers, 3 values integer(pInt), dimension (1+2*maxNchunksMesh) :: posMesh real(pReal), dimension(9) :: valuevector ! stores information temporarily from loadcase file integer(pInt) unit, N_l, N_s, N_t, N_n, N, i, j, k, l ! numbers of identifiers, loop variables integer(pInt) e, homog real(pReal) x, y, z integer(pInt), dimension(3) :: resolution real(pReal), dimension (3,3) :: pstress ! Piola-Kirchhoff stress in Matrix notation real(pReal), dimension (3,3,3,3) :: dPdF ! real(pReal), dimension(3,3,3,3) :: c0,s0,g1 real(pReal), dimension(6,6) :: c066,s066 real(pReal), dimension(:), allocatable :: datafft real(pReal), dimension(:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: workfft,workfftim,sg,disgrad,defgradold integer(pInt), dimension (3,3) :: iudot,iscau real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: disgradmacro, disgradmacroactual real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: ddisgradmacro, ddisgradmacroacum, ddisgrad, ddisgradim real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: defgrad0, defgrad real(pReal), dimension(3,3) :: udot, scauchy, scauav, aux33, xkdyad, xknormdyad !integer(pInt), dimension(2) :: nn2 m.diehl real(pReal), dimension(3) :: delt,xk real(pReal), dimension(6) :: aux6 integer(pInt) prodnn,itmax, jload, ielem, ii, jj, k1, kxx, kyy, kzz, kx, ky, kz, idum, iter, imicro, m1, n1, p, q, ione real(pReal) wgt,error,timestep,erre,errs,evm,svm,det,xknorm, erraux, scaunorm logical errmatinv if (IargC() < 2) call IO_error(102) ! check for correct Nr. of arguments given ! Now reading the loadcase file and assigne the variables path = getLoadcaseName() bc_maskvector = '' unit = 234_pInt N_l = 0_pInt N_s = 0_pInt N_t = 0_pInt N_n = 0_pInt print*,'Loadcase: ',trim(path) print*,'Workingdir: ',trim(getSolverWorkingDirectoryName()) if (.not. IO_open_file(unit,path)) call IO_error(45,ext_msg = path) rewind(unit) do read(unit,'(a1024)',END = 101) line if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines posInput = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunksInput) do i = 1,maxNchunksInput,1 select case (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,posInput,i))) case('l','velocitygrad') N_l = N_l+1 case('s','stress') N_s = N_s+1 case('t','time','delta') N_t = N_t+1 case('n','incs','increments','steps') N_n = N_n+1 end select enddo ! count all identifiers to allocate memory and do sanity check if ((N_l /= N_s).or.(N_s /= N_t).or.(N_t /= N_n)) & ! sanity check call IO_error(46,ext_msg = path) ! error message for incomplete input file enddo ! allocate memory depending on lines in input file 101 N = N_l allocate (bc_velocityGrad(3,3,N)); bc_velocityGrad = 0.0_pReal allocate (bc_stress(3,3,N)); bc_stress = 0.0_pReal allocate (bc_mask(3,3,2,N)); bc_mask = .false. allocate (bc_timeIncrement(N)); bc_timeIncrement = 0.0_pReal allocate (bc_steps(N)); bc_steps = 0_pInt rewind(unit) j = 0_pInt do read(unit,'(a1024)',END = 200) line if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines j = j+1 posInput = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunksInput) do i = 1,maxNchunksInput,2 select case (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,posInput,i))) case('l','velocitygrad') valuevector = 0.0_pReal forall (k = 1:9) bc_maskvector(k) = IO_stringValue(line,posInput,i+k) /= '#' do k = 1,9 if (bc_maskvector(k)) valuevector(k) = IO_floatValue(line,posInput,i+k) ! assign values for the velocity gradient matrix enddo bc_mask(:,:,1,j) = reshape(bc_maskvector,(/3,3/)) bc_velocityGrad(:,:,j) = reshape(valuevector,(/3,3/)) case('s','stress') valuevector = 0.0_pReal forall (k = 1:9) bc_maskvector(k) = IO_stringValue(line,posInput,i+k) /= '#' do k = 1,9 if (bc_maskvector(k)) valuevector(k) = IO_floatValue(line,posInput,i+k) ! assign values for the bc_stress matrix enddo bc_mask(:,:,2,j) = reshape(bc_maskvector,(/3,3/)) bc_stress(:,:,j) = reshape(valuevector,(/3,3/)) case('t','time','delta') ! increment time bc_timeIncrement(j) = IO_floatValue(line,posInput,i+1) case('n','incs','increments','steps') ! bc_steps bc_steps(j) = IO_intValue(line,posInput,i+1) end select enddo enddo 200 close(unit) ! consistency checks do j = 1,N ! if (any(bc_mask(:,:,1,j) == bc_mask(:,:,2,j))) & ! don't enforce consistency to allow values as initial guess ! call IO_error(47,j) ! bc_mask consistency if (any(math_transpose3x3(bc_stress(:,:,j)) + bc_stress(:,:,j) /= 2.0_pReal * bc_stress(:,:,j))) & call IO_error(48,j) ! bc_stress symmetry print '(a,/,3(3(f12.6,x)/))','L',bc_velocityGrad(:,:,j) print '(a,/,3(3(f12.6,x)/))','bc_stress',bc_stress(:,:,j) print '(a,/,3(3(l,x)/))','bc_mask for velocitygrad',bc_mask(:,:,1,j) print '(a,/,3(3(l,x)/))','bc_mask for stress',bc_mask(:,:,2,j) print *,'time',bc_timeIncrement(j) print *,'incs',bc_steps(j) print *, '' enddo !read header of mesh file to get the information needed before the complete mesh file is intepretated by mesh.f90 resolution = 1_pInt x = 1_pReal y = 1_pReal z = 1_pReal gotResolution = .false. gotDimension = .false. gotHomogenization = .false. path = getSolverJobName() print*,'JobName: ',trim(path) if (.not. IO_open_file(unit,trim(path)//InputFileExtension)) call IO_error(101,ext_msg = path) rewind(unit) do read(unit,'(a1024)',END = 100) line if (IO_isBlank(line)) cycle ! skip empty lines posMesh = IO_stringPos(line,maxNchunksMesh) select case ( IO_lc(IO_StringValue(line,posMesh,1)) ) case ('dimension') gotDimension = .true. do i = 2,6,2 select case (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,posMesh,i))) case('x') x = IO_floatValue(line,posMesh,i+1) case('y') y = IO_floatValue(line,posMesh,i+1) case('z') z = IO_floatValue(line,posMesh,i+1) end select enddo case ('homogenization') gotHomogenization = .true. homog = IO_intValue(line,posMesh,2) case ('resolution') gotResolution = .true. do i = 2,6,2 select case (IO_lc(IO_stringValue(line,posMesh,i))) case('a') resolution(1) = 2**IO_intValue(line,posMesh,i+1) case('b') resolution(2) = 2**IO_intValue(line,posMesh,i+1) case('c') resolution(3) = 2**IO_intValue(line,posMesh,i+1) end select enddo end select if (gotDimension .and. gotHomogenization .and. gotResolution) exit enddo 100 close(unit) print '(a,/,i3,i3,i3)','resolution a b c', resolution print '(a,/,f6.2,f6.2,f6.2)','dimension x y z',x, y, z print *,'homogenization',homog print *, '' temperature = 300.0_pReal allocate (datafft(2*resolution(1)*resolution(2)*resolution(3))) !allocate (datafft(resolution(1)*resolution(2)*resolution(3))) !for real fft m.diehl allocate (workfft(resolution(1),resolution(2),resolution(3),3,3)) allocate (workfftim(resolution(1),resolution(2),resolution(3),3,3)) ! probably not needed for real fft m.diehl allocate (sg(resolution(1),resolution(2),resolution(3),3,3)) allocate (disgrad(3,3,resolution(1),resolution(2),resolution(3))) allocate (defgradold(3,3,resolution(1),resolution(2),resolution(3))) open(56,file='str_str.out',status='unknown') write(56,'(t2,a,t14,a,t26,a,t38,a,t50,a,t62,a,t74,a,t86,a,t98,a,& t110,a,t122,a,t134,a,t146,a,t158,a,t170,a)')& 'U1,1','U2,2','U3,3', 'U2,3','U3,1','U1,2','U3,2','U1,3','U2,1',& 'S11','S22','S33','S23','S31','S12' ione=1 error = 0.00001 itmax = 50 delt(1) = 1. delt(2) = 1. delt(3) = 1. !nn2(1) = resolution(1) m.diehl !nn2(2) = resolution(2) m.diehl prodnn = resolution(1)*resolution(2)*resolution(3) wgt = 1./prodnn c0 = .0_pReal !stiffness of reference material c066 = .0_pReal !other way of notating c0 stress = .0_pReal !initialization dsde = .0_pReal do ielem = 1, prodnn !call each element with identity (math_i3) to initialize with high stress !# call CPFEM_general(2,math_I3,math_I3,temperature,0.0_pReal,ielem,1_pInt,stress,dsde, pstress, dPdF) c066 = c066+dsde c0 = c0+math_Mandel66to3333(dsde) enddo c066 = c066*wgt c0 = c0*wgt call math_invert(6,c066,s066,idum,errmatinv) if(errmatinv) then write(*,*) 'ERROR IN C0 INVERSION' stop endif s0 = math_Mandel66to3333(s066) ! INITIALIZATION BEFORE STARTING WITH LOADINGS disgrad = 0.0_pReal disgradmacro = 0.0_pReal do jload = 1,N !Loop over loadcases defined in the loadcase file udot(:,:) = bc_velocityGrad(:,:,jload) ! udot(1,1)=-.35 ! temporary, to solve problem with bc mask ! udot(2,2)=-.35 not needed any more scauchy(:,:) = bc_stress(:,:,jload) iudot = 0 iscau = 0 do i = 1, 3 !convert information about rb's from bc_mask in corresponding arrays do j = 1, 3 ! if(bc_mask(i,j,1,jload)) iudot(i,j) = 1 ! if(bc_mask(i,j,2,jload)) iscau(i,j) = 1! if(bc_mask(i,j,2,jload)) then iscau(i,j) = 1 iudot(i,j) = 0 else iscau(i,j) = 0 iudot(i,j) = 1 endif enddo; enddo timestep = bc_timeIncrement(jload)/bc_steps(jload) do imicro = 1, bc_steps(jload) ! loop oper steps defined in input file for current loadcase write(*,*) '***************************************************' write(*,*) 'STEP = ',imicro ! INITIALIZATION BEFORE NEW TIME STEP disgradmacro = disgradmacro+udot*timestep !update macroscopic displacementgradient ddisgradmacro = 0._pReal ielem = 0_pInt do k = 1, resolution(3) !loop over FPs do j = 1, resolution(2) do i = 1, resolution(1) ielem = ielem+1 defgradold(:,:,i,j,k) = math_I3(:,:) + disgrad(:,:,i,j,k) ! wind forward disgrad(:,:,i,j,k) = disgradmacro(:,:) ! no fluctuations as guess call CPFEM_general(3,defgradold(:,:,i,j,k),math_I3(:,:)+disgrad(:,:,i,j,k),& temperature,timestep,ielem,1_pInt,& stress,dsde, pstress, dPdF) enddo; enddo; enddo ielem = 0 call debug_reset() do k = 1, resolution(3) !loop over FPs do j = 1, resolution(2) do i = 1, resolution(1) ielem = ielem+1 call CPFEM_general(min(2,ielem),& ! first element gets calcMode 1, others 2 (saves winding forward effort) defgradold(:,:,i,j,k),math_i3(:,:)+disgrad(:,:,i,j,k),& temperature,timestep,ielem,1_pInt,& stress,dsde, pstress, dPdF) sg(i,j,k,:,:) = math_Mandel6to33(stress) enddo; enddo; enddo call debug_info() ddisgradmacroacum = 0.0_pReal iter = 0_pInt !# erre = 2.*error errs = 2.*error !# do while(iter <= itmax.and.(errs > error .or. erre > error)) do while(iter < itmax .and. errs > error) iter = iter+1 write(*,*) 'ITER = ',iter write(*,*) 'DIRECT FFT OF STRESS FIELD' do ii = 1,3 do jj = 1,3 datafft = 0._pReal datafft(1:2*prodnn:2) = reshape(sg(:,:,:,ii,jj),(/prodnn/)) if(resolution(3) > 1) then call fourn(datafft,resolution,3,1) else call fourn(datafft,resolution(1:2),2,1) endif workfft(:,:,:,ii,jj) = reshape(datafft(1:2*prodnn:2),resolution) workfftim(:,:,:,ii,jj) = reshape(datafft(2:2*prodnn:2),resolution) enddo; enddo write(*,*) 'CALCULATING G^pq,ij : SG^ij ...' do kzz = 1, resolution(3) kz = kzz-1 if(kzz > resolution(3)/2) kz = kz-resolution(3) if(resolution(3) > 1) then xk(3) = kz/(delt(3)*resolution(3)) else xk(3) = 0. endif do kyy = 1, resolution(2) ky = kyy-1 if(kyy > resolution(2)/2) ky = ky-resolution(2) xk(2) = ky/(delt(2)*resolution(2)) do kxx = 1, resolution(1) kx = kxx-1 if(kxx > resolution(1)/2) kx = kx-resolution(1) xk(1) = kx/(delt(1)*resolution(1)) forall (i=1:3,j=1:3) xkdyad(i,j) = xk(i)*xk(j) ! the dyad is always used and could speed up things by using element-wise multiplication plus summation of array if (any(xk /= 0.0_pReal)) then xknormdyad = xkdyad * 1.0_pReal/(xk(1)**2+xk(2)**2+xk(3)**2) else xknormdyad = xkdyad endif forall(i=1:3,k=1:3) aux33(i,k) = sum(c0(i,:,k,:)*xknormdyad(:,:)) aux33 = math_inv3x3(aux33) forall (p=1:3,q=1:3,i=1:3,j=1:3) g1(p,q,i,j) = -aux33(p,i)*xkdyad(q,j) ddisgrad = 0._pReal ddisgradim = 0._pReal do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 if(kx /= 0 .or. ky /= 0 .or. kz /= 0) then ddisgrad(i,j) = ddisgrad(i,j) + sum(g1(i,j,:,:)*workfft(kxx,kyy,kzz,:,:)) ddisgradim(i,j) = ddisgradim(i,j) + sum(g1(i,j,:,:)*workfftim(kxx,kyy,kzz,:,:)) endif enddo; enddo workfft(kxx,kyy,kzz,:,:) = ddisgrad(:,:) workfftim(kxx,kyy,kzz,:,:) = ddisgradim(:,:) enddo; enddo; enddo write(*,*) 'INVERSE FFT TO GET DISPLACEMENT GRADIENT FIELD' do ii = 1,3 do jj = 1,3 datafft(1:2*prodnn:2) = reshape(workfft(:,:,:,ii,jj),(/prodnn/)) datafft(2:2*prodnn:2) = reshape(workfftim(:,:,:,ii,jj),(/prodnn/)) if(resolution(3) > 1) then ! distinguish 2D and 3D case call fourn(datafft,resolution,3,-1) else call fourn(datafft,resolution(1:2),2,-1) endif disgrad(ii,jj,:,:,:) = disgrad(ii,jj,:,:,:) + ddisgradmacro(ii,jj) disgrad(ii,jj,:,:,:) = disgrad(ii,jj,:,:,:) + reshape(datafft(1:2*prodnn:2)*wgt,resolution) enddo; enddo write(*,*) 'UPDATE STRESS FIELD' ielem = 0_pInt do k = 1, resolution(3) do j = 1, resolution(2) do i = 1, resolution(1) ielem = ielem+1 call CPFEM_general(3,defgradold(:,:,i,j,k),math_i3(:,:)+disgrad(:,:,i,j,k),& temperature,timestep,ielem,1_pInt,& stress,dsde, pstress, dPdF) enddo; enddo; enddo ielem = 0_pInt scauav = 0._pReal errs = 0._pReal call debug_reset() do k = 1, resolution(3) do j = 1, resolution(2) do i = 1, resolution(1) ielem = ielem+1 call CPFEM_general(2,defgradold(:,:,i,j,k),math_i3(:,:)+disgrad(:,:,i,j,k),& temperature,timestep,ielem,1_pInt,& stress,dsde, pstress, dPdF) aux33 = math_Mandel6to33(stress) errs = errs + sqrt(sum((sg(i,j,k,:,:)-aux33(:,:))**2)) sg(i,j,k,:,:) = aux33 scauav = scauav + aux33 ! average stress enddo; enddo; enddo call debug_info() errs = errs/sqrt(sum(scauav(:,:)**2)) scauav = scauav*wgt ! final weighting ! MIXED BC ddisgradmacro = 0._pReal do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 if(iudot(i,j) == 0) & ddisgradmacro(i,j) = sum(s0(i,j,:,:)*iscau(:,:)*(scauchy(:,:)-scauav(:,:))) enddo; enddo ddisgradmacroacum = ddisgradmacroacum+ddisgradmacro write(*,*) 'STRESS FIELD ERROR = ',errs write(*,*) 'STRAIN FIELD ERROR = ',erre ! write(21,101) iter,erre,errs,svm !101 format(i3,4(1x,e10.4),10(1x,F7.4)) enddo ! convergence iteration disgradmacroactual = disgradmacro+ddisgradmacroacum write(*,*) 'U1,1,U2,2,U3,3' write(*,*) disgradmacroactual(1,1),disgradmacroactual(2,2),disgradmacroactual(3,3) write(*,*) 'U1,1/U3,3' write(*,*) disgradmacroactual(1,1)/disgradmacroactual(3,3) write(*,*) 'S11,S22,S33' write(*,*) scauav(1,1),scauav(2,2),scauav(3,3) write(56,'(15(e11.4,1x))') disgradmacroactual(1,1),disgradmacroactual(2,2),disgradmacroactual(3,3), & disgradmacroactual(2,3),disgradmacroactual(3,1),disgradmacroactual(1,2), & disgradmacroactual(3,2),disgradmacroactual(1,3),disgradmacroactual(2,1), & scauav(1,1),scauav(2,2),scauav(3,3), & scauav(2,3),scauav(3,1),scauav(1,2) IF(IMICRO.EQ.1.OR.IMICRO.EQ.40) THEN IF(IMICRO.EQ.1) THEN open(91,file='fields1.out',status='unknown') ELSE IF(IMICRO.EQ.40) THEN open(91,file='fields40.out',status='unknown') ENDIF write(91,*) delt write(91,*) ' x y z ngr ph Ui,j ... Sij ...' do k=1,resolution(3) do j=1,resolution(2) do i=1,resolution(1) !! write(91,'(5i5,18(e11.3,1x))') i,j,k,jgrain(i,j,k),jphase(i,j,k), write(91,'(5i5,18(e11.3,1x))') i,j,k,ione,ione, & disgrad(1,1,i,j,k),disgrad(2,2,i,j,k),disgrad(3,3,i,j,k), & disgrad(2,3,i,j,k),disgrad(3,1,i,j,k),disgrad(1,2,i,j,k), & disgrad(3,2,i,j,k),disgrad(1,3,i,j,k),disgrad(2,1,i,j,k), & sg(i,j,k,1,1),sg(i,j,k,2,2),sg(i,j,k,3,3), & sg(i,j,k,2,3),sg(i,j,k,3,1),sg(i,j,k,1,2) enddo enddo enddo close(91) ENDIF enddo ! time stepping through increment enddo ! loadcases end program mpie_spectral !******************************************************************** ! quit subroutine to satisfy IO_error ! !******************************************************************** subroutine quit(id) use prec implicit none integer(pInt) id stop end subroutine !******************************************************************** ! fourn subroutine (fourier transform) ! FROM NUMERICAL RECIPES IN F77 (FIXED FORMAT), ! CONVERTED INTO FREE FORMAT (RL @ MPIE, JUNE 2010) !******************************************************************** subroutine fourn(data,nn,ndim,isign) use prec, only: pInt,pReal use math, only: pi implicit none integer(pInt) isign,ndim,nn(ndim) real(pReal) data(*) integer(pInt) i1,i2,i2rev,i3,i3rev,ibit,idim,ifp1,ifp2,ip1,ip2,ip3,k1,k2,n,nprev,nrem,ntot real(pReal) tempi,tempr,theta,wi,wpi,wpr,wr,wtemp ntot = 1 do idim = 1,ndim ntot = ntot*nn(idim) enddo nprev = 1 do idim = 1,ndim n = nn(idim) nrem = ntot/(n*nprev) ip1 = 2*nprev ip2 = ip1*n ip3 = ip2*nrem i2rev = 1 do i2 = 1,ip2,ip1 if(i2.lt.i2rev) then do i1 = i2,i2+ip1-2,2 do i3 = i1,ip3,ip2 i3rev = i2rev+i3-i2 tempr = data(i3) tempi = data(i3+1) data(i3) = data(i3rev) data(i3+1) = data(i3rev+1) data(i3rev) = tempr data(i3rev+1) = tempi enddo enddo endif ibit = ip2/2 do while ((ibit.ge.ip1).and.(i2rev.gt.ibit)) i2rev = i2rev-ibit ibit = ibit/2 enddo i2rev = i2rev+ibit enddo ifp1 = ip1 do while (ifp1.lt.ip2) ifp2 = 2*ifp1 theta = isign*2_pReal*pi/(ifp2/ip1) wpr = -2_pReal*sin(0.5_pReal*theta)**2 wpi = sin(theta) wr = 1_pReal wi = 0_pReal do i3 = 1,ifp1,ip1 ! 17 do i1 = i3,i3+ip1-2,2 ! 16 do i2 = i1,ip3,ifp2 ! 15 k1 = i2 k2 = k1+ifp1 tempr = wr*data(k2)-wi*data(k2+1) tempi = wr*data(k2+1)+wi*data(k2) data(k2) = data(k1)-tempr data(k2+1) = data(k1+1)-tempi data(k1) = data(k1)+tempr data(k1+1) = data(k1+1)+tempi enddo ! 15 enddo ! 16 wtemp = wr wr = wr*wpr-wi*wpi+wr wi = wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi+wi !17 continue enddo ! 17 ifp1 = ifp2 ! goto 2 ! endif enddo ! do while (if 2) nprev = n*nprev !18 continue enddo ! 18 return END subroutine