SHELL = /bin/sh ######################################################################################## # Makefile to compile the Material subroutine for BVP solution using spectral method ######################################################################################## # Be sure to remove all files compiled with different options by using "make clean" # # Uses OpenMP to parallelize the material subroutines (set number of threads with "export DAMASK_NUM_THREADS=n" to n) # # Install fftw3 (v3.3 is tested): # + run # ./configure --enable-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-shared [-enable-float] # make # make install # + specify in the "pathinfo:FFTW" where FFTW was installed. # We essentially look for two library files "lib/libfftw3_threads" and "lib/libfftw3", so you can copy those, for instance, # into DAMASK_ROOT/lib/fftw/lib/ and specify "./fftw/" as pathinfo:FFTW # Use --enable-float in above configure for single precision... # Uses linux threads to parallelize fftw3 # # Instead of the AMD Core Math Library a standard "liblapack.a/dylib/etc." can be used by leaving pathinfo:ACML and pathinfo:IKML blank ######################################################################################## # OPTIONS = standard (alternative): meaning #------------------------------------------------------------- # F90 = ifort (gfortran): compiler, choose Intel or GNU # COMPILERNAME = overwrite name of Compiler, e.g. using mpich-g90 instead of ifort # PORTABLE = TRUE (FALSE): decision, if executable is optimized for the machine on which it was built. # OPTIMIZATION = DEFENSIVE (OFF,AGGRESSIVE,ULTRA): Optimization mode: O2, O0, O3 + further options for most files, O3 + further options for all files # OPENMP = TRUE (FALSE): OpenMP multiprocessor support # FFTWROOT = pathinfo:FFTW (will be adjusted by - required in pathinfo) # IKMLROOT = pathinfo:IKML (will be adjusted by if present in pathinfo) # ACMLROOT = pathinfo:ACML (will be adjusted by if present in pathinfo) # LAPACKROOT = pathinfo:LAPACK (will be adjusted by if present in pathinfo) # PREFIX = arbitrary prefix # SUFFIX = arbitrary suffix # STANDARD_CHECK = checking for Fortran 2008, compiler dependend ######################################################################################## #auto values will be set by FFTWROOT :=$(DAMASK_ROOT)/lib/fftw #IKMLROOT :=/opt/intel/composerxe/mkl #ACMLROOT :=/opt/acml4.4.0 LAPACKROOT :=/usr F90 ?=ifort COMPILERNAME ?= $(F90) INCLUDE_DIRS +=-I$(DAMASK_ROOT)/lib ifdef PETSC_DIR INCLUDE_DIRS +=-I$(PETSC_DIR)/include INCLUDE_DIRS +=-I$(PETSC_DIR)/$(PETSC_ARCH)/include INCLUDE_DIRS +=-DPETSC # just for the moment, as long as PETSC is non standard endif ifeq "$(FASTBUILD)" "YES" OPENMP :=OFF OPTIMIZATION :=OFF else OPENMP ?= ON OPTIMIZATION ?= DEFENSIVE endif ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "OFF" OPTI := OFF MAXOPTI := OFF endif ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "DEFENSIVE" OPTI := DEFENSIVE MAXOPTI := DEFENSIVE endif ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "AGGRESSIVE" OPTI := AGGRESSIVE MAXOPTI := DEFENSIVE endif ifeq "$(OPTIMIZATION)" "ULTRA" OPTI := AGGRESSIVE MAXOPTI := AGGRESSIVE endif ifndef OPTI OPTI := DEFENSIVE MAXOPTI := DEFENSIVE endif ifeq "$(PORTABLE)" "FALSE" PORTABLE_SWITCH =-msse3 endif # settings for multicore support ifeq "$(OPENMP)" "ON" OPENMP_FLAG_ifort =-openmp -openmp-report0 -parallel OPENMP_FLAG_gfortran =-fopenmp ACML_ARCH =_mp LIBRARIES +=-lfftw3_threads -lpthread endif LIBRARIES +=-lfftw3 LIB_DIRS +=-L$(FFTWROOT)/lib ifdef IKMLROOT LIBRARIES +=-mkl LIBRARIES +=-L$(IKMLROOT)/lib/intel64 else ifdef ACMLROOT LIB_DIRS +=-L$(ACMLROOT)/$(F90)64$(ACML_ARCH)/lib LIBRARIES +=-lacml$(ACML_ARCH) else ifdef LAPACKROOT LIB_DIRS +=-L$(LAPACKROOT)/lib64 -L$(LAPACKROOT)/lib LIBRARIES +=-llapack endif endif endif ifdef STANDARD_CHECK STANDARD_CHECK_ifort =$(STANDARD_CHECK) STANDARD_CHECK_gfortran =$(STANDARD_CHECK) endif ifneq "$(FASTBUILD)" "YES" STANDARD_CHECK_ifort ?=-stand f08 -standard-semantics -warn stderrors STANDARD_CHECK_gfortran ?=-std=f2008 -fall-intrinsics endif #-fall-intrinsics: all intrinsic procedures (including the GNU-specific extensions) are accepted. This can be useful with -std=f95 to force standard-compliance # but get access to the full range of intrinsics available with gfortran. As a consequence, -Wintrinsics-std will be ignored and no user-defined # procedure with the same name as any intrinsic will be called except when it is explicitly declared external #-Wintrinsics-std: warnings because of "flush" is not longer in the standard, but still an intrinsic fuction of the compilers OPTIMIZATION_OFF_ifort :=-O0 -no-ip OPTIMIZATION_OFF_gfortran :=-O0 OPTIMIZATION_DEFENSIVE_ifort :=-O2 OPTIMIZATION_DEFENSIVE_gfortran :=-O2 OPTIMIZATION_AGGRESSIVE_ifort :=-O3 $(PORTABLE_SWITCH) -no-prec-div -fp-model fast=2 -ipo #-static causes trouble at the moment OPTIMIZATION_AGGRESSIVE_gfortran :=-O3 $(PORTABLE_SWITCH) -ffast-math -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize COMPILE_OPTIONS_ifort :=-fpp\ -assume byterecl ifneq "$(FASTBUILD)" "YES" COMPILE_OPTIONS_ifort :=$(COMPILE_OPTIONS_ifort)\ -implicitnone\ -diag-enable sc3\ -diag-disable 5268\ -warn declarations\ -warn general\ -warn usage\ -warn interfaces\ -warn ignore_loc\ -warn alignments\ -warn unused\ -warn errors endif #-fpp: preprocessor #-fimplicit-none: assume "implicit-none" even if not present in source #-diag-disable: disables warnings, where # warning ID 5268: the text exceeds right hand column allowed on the line (we have only comments there) #-warn: enables warnings, where # declarations: any undeclared names # general: warning messages and informational messages are issued by the compiler # usage: questionable programming practices # interfaces: checks the interfaces of all SUBROUTINEs called and FUNCTIONs invoked in your compilation against an external set of interface blocks # ignore_loc: %LOC is stripped from an actual argument # alignments: data that is not naturally aligned # unused: declared variables that are never used # errors: warnings are changed to errors # stderrors: warnings about Fortran standard violations are changed to errors (STANDARD_CHECK) # ################################################################################################### #MORE OPTIONS FOR DEBUGGING DURING COMPILING #-warn: enables warnings, where # truncated_source: Determines whether warnings occur when source exceeds the maximum column width in fixed-format files. (too many warnings because we have comments beyond character 132) # uncalled: Determines whether warnings occur when a statement function is never called # all: # #OPTIONS FOR DEGUBBING DURING RUNTIME # information on #-g: Generate symbolic debugging information in the object file #-traceback: Generate extra information in the object file to provide source file traceback information when a severe error occurs at run time. #-gen-interfaces: Generate an interface block for each routine. #-fp-stack-check: Generate extra code after every function call to ensure that the floating-point (FP) stack is in the expected state. #-check: checks at runtime, where # bounds: check if an array index is too small (<1) or too large! # arg_temp_created: will cause a lot of warnings because we create a bunch of temporary arrays # format: Checking for the data type of an item being formatted for output. # output_conversion: Checking for the fit of data items within a designated format descriptor field. # pointers: Checking for certain disassociated or uninitialized pointers or unallocated allocatable objects. # uninit: Checking for uninitialized variables. #-heap-arrays: should not be done for OpenMP, but set "ulimit -s unlimited" on shell. Probably it helps also to unlimit other limits # #OPTIONS FOR TYPE DEBUGGING #-real-size 32: set precision to one of those 32/64/128 (= 4/8/16 bytes) for standard real (=8 for pReal) #-integer-size 16: set precision to one of those 16/32/64 (= 2/4/8 bytes) for standard integer (=4 for pInt) ################################################################################################### COMPILE_OPTIONS_gfortran :=-xf95-cpp-input ifneq "$(FASTBUILD)" "YES" COMPILE_OPTIONS_gfortran :=$(COMPILE_OPTIONS_gfortran)\ -ffree-line-length-132\ -fimplicit-none\ -pedantic\ -Warray-bounds\ -Wampersand\ -Wno-tabs\ -Wcharacter-truncation\ -Wintrinsic-shadow\ -Waliasing\ -Wconversion\ -Wsurprising\ -Wunderflow\ -Wswitch\ -Wstrict-overflow\ -Wattributes\ -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations\ -Wunused\ -Wall\ -Wextra endif #-xf95-cpp-input: preprocessor #-ffree-line-length-132: restrict line length to the standard 132 characters #-fno-range-check: disables checking if result can be represented by variable. Needs to be set to enable DAMASK_NaN #-fimplicit-none: assume "implicit-none" even if not present in source #-pedantic: more strict on standard, enables some of the warnings below #-Warray-bounds: checks if array reference is out of bounds at compile time. use -fcheck-bounds to also check during runtime #-Wampersand: checks if a character expression is continued proberly by an ampersand at the end of the line and at the beginning of the new line #-Wno-tabs: do not allow tabs in source #-Wcharacter-truncation: warn if character expressions (strings) are truncated #-Wintrinsic-shadow: warn if a user-defined procedure or module procedure has the same name as an intrinsic #-Waliasing: warn about possible aliasing of dummy arguments. Specifically, it warns if the same actual argument is associated with a dummy argument with "INTENT(IN)" and a dummy argument with "INTENT(OUT)" in a call with an explicit interface. #-Wconversion: warn about implicit conversions between different type #-Wsurprising: warn when "suspicious" code constructs are encountered. While technically legal these usually indicate that an error has been made. #-Wunderflow: produce a warning when numerical constant expressions are encountered, which yield an UNDERFLOW during compilation #-Wswitch: warn whenever a "switch" statement has an index of enumerated type and lacks a "case" for one or more of the named codes of that enumeration. (The presence of a "default" label prevents this warning.) "case" labels outside the enumeration range also provokewarnings when this option is used (even if there is a "default" label) #-Wstrict-overflow: #-Wattributes: warn about inappropriate attribute usage #-Wunsafe-loop-optimizations: warn if the loop cannot be optimized due to nontrivial assumptions. #-Wunused: # -value: # -parameter: find usused variables with "parameter" attribute #-Wextra: ################################################################################################### #OPTIONS FOR GFORTRAN 4.6 #-Wsuggest-attribute=const: #-Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn: #-Wsuggest-attribute=pure: #-Wreal-q-constant: Warn about real-literal-constants with 'q' exponent-letter # #MORE OPTIONS FOR DEBUGGING DURING COMPILING #-Wline-truncation: too many warnings because we have comments beyond character 132 #-Warray-temporarieswarnings: because we have many temporary arrays (performance issue?): #-Wimplicit-interface: #-pedantic-errors: #-fmodule-private: # #OPTIONS FOR DEGUBBING DURING RUNTIME #-fcheck-bounds: check if an array index is too small (<1) or too large! # #OPTIONS FOR TYPE DEBUGGING #-fdefault-real-8: set precision to 8 bytes for standard real (=8 for pReal). Will set size of double to 16 bytes as long as -fdefault-double-8 is not set #-fdefault-integer-8: set precision to 8 bytes for standard integer (=4 for pInt) ################################################################################################## COMPILE =$(OPENMP_FLAG_$(F90)) $(COMPILE_OPTIONS_$(F90)) $(STANDARD_CHECK_$(F90)) $(OPTIMIZATION_$(OPTI)_$(F90)) $(INCLUDE_DIRS) -DSpectral COMPILE_MAXOPTI =$(OPENMP_FLAG_$(F90)) $(COMPILE_OPTIONS_$(F90)) $(STANDARD_CHECK_$(F90)) $(OPTIMIZATION_$(MAXOPTI)_$(F90)) $(INCLUDE_DIRS) -DSpectral ################################################################################################### COMPILED_FILES = prec.o DAMASK_spectral_interface.o IO.o numerics.o debug.o math.o \ FEsolving.o mesh.o material.o lattice.o \ constitutive_dislotwin.o constitutive_j2.o constitutive_phenopowerlaw.o \ constitutive_titanmod.o constitutive_nonlocal.o constitutive.o \ homogenization_RGC.o homogenization_isostrain.o homogenization.o CPFEM.o crystallite.o ifneq "$(SOLVER)" "AL" DAMASK_spectral.exe: DAMASK_spectral.o $(PREFIX) $(COMPILERNAME) $(OPENMP_FLAG_$(F90)) $(OPTIMIZATION_$(MAXOPTI)_$(F90)) $(STANDARD_CHECK_$(F90)) \ -o DAMASK_spectral.exe DAMASK_spectral.o \ $(COMPILED_FILES) $(LIB_DIRS) $(LIBRARIES) $(SUFFIX) DAMASK_spectral.o: DAMASK_spectral.f90 CPFEM.o $(PREFIX) $(COMPILERNAME) $(COMPILE_MAXOPTI) -c DAMASK_spectral.f90 $(SUFFIX) else DAMASK_spectral_AL.exe: DAMASK_spectral_AL.o $(PREFIX) $(COMPILERNAME) $(OPENMP_FLAG_$(F90)) $(OPTIMIZATION_$(MAXOPTI)_$(F90)) $(STANDARD_CHECK_$(F90)) \ -o DAMASK_spectral_AL.exe DAMASK_spectral_AL.o \ $(COMPILED_FILES) $(LIB_DIRS) $(LIBRARIES) $(SUFFIX) DAMASK_spectral_AL.o: DAMASK_spectral_AL.f90 CPFEM.o $(PREFIX) $(COMPILERNAME) $(COMPILE_MAXOPTI) -c DAMASK_spectral_AL.f90 $(SUFFIX) endif CPFEM.o: CPFEM.f90\ homogenization.o homogenization.o: homogenization.f90\ homogenization_RGC.o \ homogenization_isostrain.o homogenization_RGC.o: homogenization_RGC.f90 \ crystallite.o homogenization_isostrain.o: homogenization_isostrain.f90 \ crystallite.o crystallite.o: crystallite.f90 \ constitutive.o constitutive.o: constitutive.f90 \ constitutive_nonlocal.o \ constitutive_titanmod.o \ constitutive_dislotwin.o \ constitutive_phenopowerlaw.o \ constitutive_j2.o constitutive_nonlocal.o: constitutive_nonlocal.f90 \ lattice.o constitutive_titanmod.o: constitutive_titanmod.f90 \ lattice.o constitutive_dislotwin.o: constitutive_dislotwin.f90 \ lattice.o constitutive_phenopowerlaw.o: constitutive_phenopowerlaw.f90 \ lattice.o constitutive_j2.o: constitutive_j2.f90 \ lattice.o lattice.o: lattice.f90 \ material.o material.o: material.f90 \ mesh.o mesh.o: mesh.f90 \ FEsolving.o \ math.o FEsolving.o: FEsolving.f90 \ debug.o math.o: math.f90 \ debug.o debug.o: debug.f90 \ numerics.o numerics.o: numerics.f90 \ IO.o IO.o: IO.f90 \ DAMASK_spectral_interface.o DAMASK_spectral_interface.o: DAMASK_spectral_interface.f90 \ prec.o ifeq "$(COMPILERNAME)" "gfortran" # fno-range-check because NaN is defined in prec prec.o: prec.f90 $(PREFIX) $(COMPILERNAME) $(COMPILE) -c -fno-range-check prec.f90 $(SUFFIX) else prec.o: prec.f90 $(PREFIX) $(COMPILERNAME) $(COMPILE) -c prec.f90 $(SUFFIX) endif %.o : %.f90 $(PREFIX) $(COMPILERNAME) $(COMPILE) -c $< $(SUFFIX) tidy: @rm -rf *.o @rm -rf *.mod clean: @rm -rf *.o @rm -rf *.mod @rm -rf *.exe