################################################################################################### # PGI Compiler ################################################################################################### if (OPENMP) set (OPENMP_FLAGS "-mp") else () set (OPENMP_FLAGS "-nomp") endif () if (OPTIMIZATION STREQUAL "OFF") set (OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS "-O0" ) elseif (OPTIMIZATION STREQUAL "DEFENSIVE") set (OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS "-O2 -fast") elseif (OPTIMIZATION STREQUAL "AGGRESSIVE") set (OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS "-O4 -fast -Mvect=sse") endif () set (STANDARD_CHECK "-Mallocatable=03 -Mstandard") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Fine tuning compilation options set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS} -Mpreprocess") # preprocessor set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS} -Minfo=all") # instructs the compiler to produce information on standard error set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS} -Minform=warn") # instructs the compiler to display error messages at the specified and higher levels set (COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS} -Mdclchk") # instructs the compiler to require that all program variables be declared #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------O # Runtime debugging set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -g") # Includes debugging information in the object module; sets the optimization level to zero unless a -O option is present on the command line set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -C") # Generates code to check array bounds set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -Mchkptr") # Check for NULL pointers (pgf95, pgfortran only) set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -Mchkstk") # Check the stack for available space upon entry to and before the start of a parallel region. Useful when many private variables are declared set (DEBUG_FLAGS "${DEBUG_FLAGS} -Mbounds") # Specifies whether array bounds checking is enabled or disabled #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # precision settings set (PRECISION_FLAGS "${PRECISION_FLAGS} -r8") # Determines whether the compiler promotes REAL variables and constants to DOUBLE PRECISION