#!/usr/bin/env python # $Id$ # Writes version specific files for different MARC releases import os,sys,string,damask_tools architectures = { 'marc': { 'parent': 'DAMASK_marc.f90', 'versions' : ['%%MARCVERSION%%','2007r1','2008r1','2010'], }, } bin_link = { \ '' : [ 'DAMASK_spectral.exe', ], } basedir = damask_variables.relPath('code/') for arch in architectures: me = architectures[arch] try: parentFile = open(basedir+os.sep+me['parent']) parentContent = parentFile.readlines() parentFile.close() except IOError: print 'unable to open',me['parent'] continue for version in me['versions'][1:]: childFile = open(basedir+os.sep+version.join(os.path.splitext(me['parent'])),'w') for line in parentContent: childFile.write(line.replace(me['versions'][0],version)) childFile.close() # changing dirs in make file damask_variables = damask_tools.DAMASK_TOOLS() makefile = open(os.path.join(basedir,'makefile')) content = makefile.readlines() makefile.close() makefile = open(os.path.join(basedir,'makefile'),'w') for line in content: if line.startswith('FFTWPATH'): line='FFTWPATH =%s\n'%(damask_variables.pathInfo['fftw']) print line if line.startswith('ACMLROOT'): line='ACMLROOT =%s\n'%(damask_variables.pathInfo['acml']) print line makefile.writelines(line) makefile.close() # compiling spectral code if raw_input("Do you want to compile the spectral code now? (y/n) ") is 'y' or 'Y': compiler_switches = raw_input("Please give compiling switches (Enter to use default) ") os.system('make --directory %s clean'%(basedir)) os.system('make --directory %s %s'%(basedir,compiler_switches)) if '--clean' in [s.lower() for s in sys.argv]: os.system('make --directory %s clean'%basedir) for dir in bin_link: for file in bin_link[dir]: src = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(baseDir,dir,file)) if (file == ''): sym_link = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(damask_variables.binDir(),dir)) else: sym_link = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(damask_variables.binDir(),os.path.splitext(file)[0])) print sym_link,'-->',src if os.path.lexists(sym_link): os.remove(sym_link) os.symlink(src,sym_link)